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        Size effect study on compressive strength of SCLC

        Mohammad Karamloo,Mohammad Amin Roudak,Hamed Hosseinpour 사단법인 한국계산역학회 2019 Computers and Concrete, An International Journal Vol.23 No.6

        In the present study, effect of size and placement of cubic specimens on compressive strength of self-compacting lightweight concrete (SCLC) were considered. To do so, 81 specimens of different sizes (50 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm, and 150 mm) were prepared by using three different mixes of SCLC. Results of the cured specimens were then used in regression analyses to find predictive equations with regard to both the placement direction and the size. Test results showed that the strength ratio in cases in which the direction of loading and placement were parallel, were higher than those specimens, whose configurations were normal between loading and placement. In addition, strength ratios in SCLC mixes were slightly higher than those are for self-compacting normal weight concrete. In order to analyze the effect of size on compressive strength the conventional size effect law as well as the modified size effect law (MSEL) were used. Besides, the convergence criterion of nonlinear regression process of size effect study has been discussed. Analyses of the results showed that the unconstraint nonlinear regression in size effect study of SCLC mixes could lead to erroneous results.

      • An overview of different retrofitting methods for arresting cracks in steel structures

        Karamloo, Mohammad,Mazloom, Moosa,Ghasemi, Ali Techno-Press 2019 Structural monitoring and maintenance Vol.6 No.4

        Fatigue cracks are inevitable in circumstances in which the cyclic loading exists. Therefore, many of mechanical components are in a risk of being in exposure to fatigue cracks. On the other hand, renewing the facilities or infrastructures is not always possible. Therefore, retrofitting the structures by means of the available methods, such as crack arrest methods is logical and in some cases inevitable. In this regard, this paper considers three popular crack arrest methods (e.g., drilling stop-hole, steel welded patch, and carbon fiber reinforced (CFRP) patch), which have been compared by using extended finite element method (XFEM). In addition, effects in terms of the width and thickness of patches and the configuration of drilling stop holes have been evaluated. Test results indicated that among the considered methods, CFRP patches were the most effective means for arresting cracks. Besides, in the case of arresting by means of drilling stop holes, drilling two holes next to the crack-tip was more effective than blunting the crack-tip by drilling one hole. In other words, the results indicated that the use of symmetric welded metal patches could lead to a 21% increase in fatigue life, as compared to symmetric stop holes. Symmetric CFRP patches enhanced the fatigue life of cracked specimen up to 77%, as compared to drilling symmetric stop holes. In addition, in all cases, symmetric configurations were far better than asymmetric ones.

      • Effects of silica fume, superplasticizer dosage and type of superplasticizer on the properties of normal and self-compacting concrete

        Mazloom, Moosa,Soltani, Abolfazl,Karamloo, Mohammad,Hassanloo, Ahmad,Ranjbar, Asadollah Techno-Press 2018 Advances in materials research Vol.7 No.1

        In the present study, a special attention has been paid to the effects regarding the use of different superplasticizers in different dosages. To do so, 36 mixes of normal and self-compacting concrete with two water/binder ratios of 0.35 and 0.45, four different types of superplasticizer including melamine-formaldehyde, naphthalene-formaldehyde, carboxylic-ether and poly-carboxylate, four different superplasticizer/cement ratios of 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2% and 1.6% and two silica fume/cement ratios of 0% and 10% have been cast. Moreover, the initial and final setting time of the pastes have been tested. For self-compacting mixes, flow time, slump flow, V-funnel, J-ring and L-box tests have been carried out as well as testing the compressive strength and rupture modulus. For normal concrete mixes,slump test has been conducted to assess the workability of the mix and then for each mix, the compressive strength and rupture modulus have been determined. The results indicate that in addition to the important role of superplasticizer type and dosage on fresh state properties of concrete, these parameters as well as the use of silica fume could affect the hardened state properties of the mixes. For instance, the mixes whose superplasticizer were poly-carboxylic-ether based showed better compressive and tensile strength than other mixes. Besides, the air contents showed robust dependency to the type of the superplasticizer. However, the use of silica fume decreased the air contents of the mixes.

      • Fracture behavior of monotype and hybrid fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete at different temperatures

        Mazloom, Moosa,Karimpanah, Hemin,Karamloo, Mohammad Techno-Press 2020 Advances in concrete construction Vol.9 No.4

        In the present study, the effect of basalt, glass, and hybrid glass-basalt fibers on mechanical properties and fracture behavior of self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixes have been assessed at room and elevated temperatures. To do so, twelve mix compositions have been prepared such that the proper workability, flowability, and passing ability have been achieved. Besides, to make comparison possible, water to binder ratio and the amount of solid contents were kept constant. Four fiber dosages of 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% (by concrete volume) were considered for monotype fiber reinforced mixes, while the total amount of fiber were kept 1% for hybrid fiber reinforced mixes. Three different portions of glass and basalt fiber were considered for hybridization of fibers to show the best cocktail for hybrid basalt-glass fiber. Test results indicated that the fracture energy of mix is highly dependent on both fiber dosage and temperature. Moreover, the hybrid fiber reinforced mixes showed the highest fracture energies in comparison with monotype fiber reinforced specimens with 1% fiber volume fraction. In general, hybridization has played a leading role in the improvement of mechanical properties and fracture behavior of mixes, while compared to monotype fiber reinforced specimens, hybridization has led to lower amounts of compressive strength.

      • Effect of silica fume and polyepoxide-based polymer on electrical resistivity, mechanical properties, and ultrasonic response of SCLC

        Mazloom, Moosa,Allahabadi, Ali,Karamloo, Mohammad Techno-Press 2017 Advances in concrete construction Vol.5 No.6

        This study focused on the influences regarding the use of polyepoxide-based polymer and silica fume (SF) on the fresh and hardened state properties of self-compacting lightweight concrete (SCLC) along with their impacts on electrical resistance and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). To do so, two series of compositions each of which consists of twelve mixes, with water to binder (W/B) ratios of 0.35 and 0.4 were cast. Three different silica fume/binder ratios of 0, 5%, and 10% were considered along with four different polymer/binder ratios of 0, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Afterwards, the rupture modulus, tensile strength, 14-day, 28-day, and 90-day compressive strength, the UPV and the electrical resistance of the mixes were tested. The results indicated that although the use of polymer could enhance the passing and filling abilities, it could lead to a decrease of segregation resistance. In addition, the interaction of the SF and the polymeric contents enhanced the workability. However, the impacts regarding the use of polymeric contents on fresh state properties of SCLC were more prevalent than those regarding the use of SF. Besides the fresh state properties, the durability and mechanical properties of the mixes were affected due to the use of polymeric and SF contents. In other words, the use of the SF and the polymer enhanced the durability and mechanical properties of SCLC specimens.

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