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        Whither West Asia? Exploring North–South perspectives on Eurasia

        Magnus Marsden1,Till Mostowlansky 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2019 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.10 No.1

        The introduction to the Special Issue explores the relevance of the concept of West Asia for understanding connections between East Asia, Eurasia, and the Middle East. It seeks to go beyond the tendency in much scholarly work concerning regional connectivity in Asia to fixate on various permutations of the “Silk Road” or East–West ties more generally. We bring attention, rather, to the simultaneous significance of dense North–South connections that enable the interpenetration of varying parts of Asia and argue that West Asia is analytically helpful in bringing definition to such ties.

      • KCI등재

        Muslim circulations and networks in West Asia: Ethnographic perspectives on transregional connectivity

        Magnus Marsden1,David Henig 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2019 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.10 No.1

        This article explores the concept of West Asia in relationship to recent work in the global history of Islam that points toward the existence of transregional arenas of historic significance that incorporate many of Asia’s Muslim societies. Recent anthropological work has also brought attention to the dynamic nature of the relations and cultural connections between peoples living in regions that once formed part of expansive arenas of interaction yet were divided by imperial and national boundaries, as well as the ideological conflicts of the Cold War. Against this political and historical context, we deploy West Asia as a geographical scale that brings to light interconnected forms of life that have been silenced by traditional area studies scholarship. We compare our field work experiences with two different networks made-up of Muslims that span different axis of Muslim Asia. We argue that “West Asia” brings attention to influential connections, communities, and circulations that both bear the imprint of deeper pasts as well as the influence of emergent and shifting transregional dynamics in the present. Furthermore, by emphasizing connective dynamics that move beyond the rather conventional focus on east–west relationships, the category West Asia also encourages scholarship to highlight multiple yet hitherto little explored inter-Asian north–south connections.

      • KCI등재

        Actually existing silk roads

        Magnus Marsden 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2017 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.8 No.1

        This article explores the relevance of the concept of Silk Road for understanding the patterns of trade and exchange between China, Eurasia and the Middle East. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork in the city of Yiwu, in China's Zhejiang Province. Yiwu is a node in the global distribution of Chinese ‘small commodities’ and home to merchants and traders from across Asia and beyond. The article explores the role played by traders from Afghanistan in connecting the city of Yiwu to markets and trading posts in the world beyond. It seeks to bring attention to the diverse types of networks involved in such forms of trade, as well as their emergence and development over the past thirty years.

      • KCI등재

        Net Neutrality Regulation in the UK

        Chris Marsden 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2014 경제규제와 법 Vol.7 No.1

        초록입력 UK network neutrality policy is influenced both by its regulator, Ofcom, and and its particular and unique network topology. In Section Ⅰ. I first explain the network topology, universal service, then introduce the regulator and explain why it has not taken on any disputes over net neutrality despite substantial user disquiet about throttling and blocking of content. The UK broadband market has relatively low competitive intensity with only one wholesale network for the majority of the population, and has experienced slower rollout to lower speeds than the United States, Korea or Netherlands. As a result, government and regulator concern has been to encourage investment in faster services by the former monopoly British Telecom (BT). Direct state aid for the former monopoly will amount to almost £1.5billion in 2013-2015. Problems of congestion have plagued the network since at least 2005, brought to the direct attention of Ofcom in person in 2006 by both ISP TalkTalk which admitted to consumer anger at its throttling of peer to peer content, and the state broadcaster British Broadcasting Corporation, whose peer to peer video streaming was throttled by BT. The regulator and government response has been to insist that self-regulation could produce greater transparency to end-users, and regulation should be limited to the theoretical possibility to switch should blocking and throttling occur. Ofcom has so far responded with a combination of denial that there was a problem until 2006, an acceptance and willingness to have emerged, regulation of customer switching problems between ISPs since 2006, and a light touch attempt to persuade ISPs to offer greater transparency to users. I examine these in turn in Section Ⅱ. 1. In Section Ⅱ.2. I explain the slow progress towards a Code of Practice for greater transparency under the auspices of the government-industury partnership, Broadband Stakeholder Group(BSG). ISPs had been persuaded by Ofcom to sign a code of conduct in 2008, though this was inadequate and then replaced by the BSG Code from 2011-13. Continued government and Ofcom light-touch review of this self-regulation was critiqued by amongst others Sir Tim Berners Lee. More recent concerns over standards relate to Quality of Service (QoS) and specialized services, which may also be shared in Korea. I explain the implications of definitions for QoS and bandwidth caps in Sections Ⅲ-Ⅳ. UK ‘transparency and switching’ policy has been maintained for almost a decade, supported by the European Commission’s wait-and-see approach up until 2008, and then again in 2010-12. It is now supplanted by the European Commission newly found and Parliament’s traditional insistence that net neutrality regulation be implemented. The Connected Continent proposal of 11 September 2013 would impose strict regulatory requirements on the UK, and makes the July 2013 UK government ‘consultation paper’ instantly obsolete. The UK can be expected to fiercely resist the Commission’s plans from within the Council of Ministers in 2014.

      • KCI등재

        Platform Law in Europe - Combatting Digital Harms Through Co-Regulation -

        Chris Marsden 서울대학교 법학연구소 2022 경제규제와 법 Vol.15 No.1

        Platform law has become the cause celebre of technology regulation: a call to regulate the intermediaries who provide platforms for net- worked digital services. 1) These include the GAFAM giants: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft. 2) It resulted in new laws in France and Germany in 2017-18, 3) and an entire platform law agenda “Path to the Digital Decade” in the European Commission, 4) which is rapidly moving from rhetoric to reality in legislative proposals. 5) Many policy en- trepreneurs peddle solutions as the policy cycle turns, in a classic case of “solutions chasing a problem.” 6) Hard law, in the shape of the proposed European Digital Services Act (DSA) to be agreed in April 2022, will continue in the coming decade to be accompanied by Codes of Conduct (CoCs) and other self- or co-regulatory measures. In 2020-22, the world was plunged into a deep economic and social depression due to the COVID19 pandemic and recovery inflation, with broadband connectivity and Internet platforms ever more vital to enforced home workers. 7) Even as legislatures introduce hard law to combat their particular favourite online harm, continued emphasis will focus on giant GAFAM platforms’ self-regulatory practices. In 2022, reforms to digital platform law were debated in parliaments including the European Parliament, United States Congress and British Parliament. 8) I argue that the approach taken to combatting problematic practices on digital platforms (so-called “Online Harms”) will be through co-regulation of CoCs, 9) though with some direct enforcement notably of ‘app stores’ via competition law. 10) The article is structured as follows. In the Introduction, I explain the legislative reforms pro- posed and outline their scope. In the following Section, I explain the competition law actions al- ready implemented and currently ongoing against platforms, notably app stores. In the third section, I explain how CoCs are used, taking as a case study disinformation regulation. In the final section, I conclude by explaining that it is CoCs utilised in both competition law and co-regulatory actions that are likely to be the enforcement method of choice for digital platform regulation.

      • KCI등재

        영국에서의 망중립성 규제

        Chris Marsden,윤혜선(번역자) 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2014 경제규제와 법 Vol.7 No.1

        영국의 망중립성 정책은 규제기구인 Ofcom과 영국 특유의 망시장구조와 관련이 있다. 이 글의 제1장에서는 먼저 영국의 망시장구조와 보편적 서비스제도를 설명하고, 이어서 방송통신규제기구를 소개한 후, 규제기구가 콘텐츠 throttling과 차단에 대한 이용자들의 불만이 상당함에도 불구하고 망중립성 문제를 해결하기 위해 아무런 조치를 취하지 않은 이유를 설명한다. 영국의 광대역망 시장은 전국을 상대로 하는 도매 망사업자가 단일사업자이기 때문에 상대적으로 경쟁이 적은 편이고, 미국, 한국 또는 네덜란드에 비해 광대역 서비스가 늦게 출시되었고 그 속도도 낮은 편이다. 이러한 이유로 정부와 규제기구의 관심은 독점사업자인 British Telecom(BT)사의 초고속 서비스 투자를 장려하는데 기울어 있었다. 2013년부터 2015년 사이에 정부가 구 독점사업자에 지급한 직접보조금은 약 15억 파운드에 달한다. 망혼잡의 문제는 이미 2005년부터 제기되어왔으며 2006년에는 Ofcom이 문제를 직접 인지하게 되었는데, ISP인 TalkTalk의 CEO가 개인적으로 소비자들이 자사의 P2P 콘텐츠 throttling행위에 대해 분노하고 있다는 사실을 고백하였을 뿐만 아니라 영국의 공영방송사업자인 BBC도 자사의 P2P 동영상 스트리밍서비스가 BT에 의해 throttling되었다고 밝혔기 때문이다. Ofcom과 영국 정부는 자율규제방식을 통해 최종이용자들에게 더욱 투명한 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것이며, 규제는, 이론적으로는, 차단과 throttling이 발생하는 경우에 가입자의 합리적인 사업자 전환을 가능하게 하기 위해서만 사용되어야 한다는 태도를 고수해 왔다. 지금까지 Ofcom은 망중립성에 대하여 다음과 같이 복합적인 반응을 보여왔다. 2006년까지는 망중립성의 문제가 없다고 부인했으며, 만약 망중립성 문제로 인정된 문제가 있다면 그것을 수용하고 다루겠다는 의지를 피력하였으며, ISP들 간의 고객전환문제를 규제하고, 공영방송 사업자인 BBC가 광대역을 통해 제공하는 동영상 서비스를 규제하고, ISP들에게 이용자에 대한 투명성을 제고하도록 설득하기 위한 솜방망이적 시도 등을 해왔다. 제2장 제1항에서는 이들을 차례로 검토한다. 제2장 제2항에서는 민관협력체인 광대역이해관계자집단(BSG)의 후원 하에 투명성 강화를 위한 사업자 행동강령(Code of Practice)이 만들어지기까지의 전개과정을 설명한다. 최근에는 한국에서도 문제되고 있는 서비스 품질(QoS)과 특수서비스에 관련된 기준이 문제가 되고 있다. 제3장과 제4장에서는 QoS와 대역폭 제한의 정의가 함의하는 바를 설명한다. 영국은 ‘투명성 및 가입자의 사업자 전환’ 정책을 거의 10년간 유지하고 있다. 이 정책은 2008년까지 “지켜보자”는 유럽집행위원회의 태도에 의해 지지되었다. 유럽집행위원회는 2010년에서 2012년 사이에 다시 “지켜보자”는 태도를 취하였다. 현재 이러한 태도는 새롭게 구성된 유럽집행위원회와 유럽의회의 망중립성 규제를 실시하여야 한다는 전통적인 주장에 의해 대체되었다. 2013년 9월 11일에 발의된 Connected Continent 안이 통과된다면 영국에 엄격한 규제 의무가 부과될 것이고, 동시에 2013년 7월에 영국정부가 발간한 ‘의견수렴보고서’를 순식간에 무용지물로 만들 것이다. 영국은 2014년 회원국 각료회의 등을 시작으로 유럽집행위원회의 계획에 대해 격렬히 반대할 것으로 예상된다.

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