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      • KCI등재

        Handmade virtual messages to promote foreign fashion brands in Instagram

        Macías-Mañas María Dolores,Vila-López Natalia,Küster-Boluda Inés 한국마케팅과학회 2024 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to assess whether a handmade message communicated on the social media network can enhance brand love to a handmade fashion brand and how brand love can lead to different consumer responses including enhanced perceived country of origin image of the brand, higher social media engagement and increased purchase intention towards the brand. An experimental online design was used to measure the effect of handmade product descriptor cues in an Instagram post, which generated 287 valid responses. The data was analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS). The results mainly support the model by confirming that positive attitudes to handmade fashion products enhances brand love. The study’s findings also suggest positive associations between brand love and macro- country image, social media engagement and purchase intention. Social media engagement and micro-country image were also found as antecedents of purchase intention. This research adds further insights in the study of brand love towards international fashion brands considering the role that social media and the use of handmade product descriptor cues play in the international promotion of Spanish Fashion Small Medium Enterprises.

      • KCI등재

        Proposal and Evaluation of a Telerehabilitation Platform Designed for Patients With Partial Rotator Cuff Tears: A Preliminary Study

        Salvador Israel Macías-Hernández,Diana Sureima Vásquez-Sotelo,Marco Vinicio Ferruzca-Navarro,Susana Hazel Badillo Sánchez,Josefina Gutiérrez-Martínez,Marco Antonio Núñez-Gaona,Heriberto Aguirre-Menese 대한재활의학회 2016 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.40 No.4

        Objective To propose and evaluate the effectiveness of a telerehabilitation platform designed for patients with rotator cuff (RC) tears. Methods During the first study phase, a virtual service platform that included information on RC tear pathology, joint care, and a series of instructions regarding therapeutic exercise was designed and created. Subsequently, in the clinical phase, a quasi-experimental study was performed. The platform was tested on patients and evaluated at baseline and at 1, 2, 3, and 6 months with respect to their pain levels and functionality on the Constant-Murley (CM) scale. Results Eleven patients were included, 5 women and 6 men, with a median age of 55 years (range, 42–68 years). Pain diminished from a baseline value of 64 mm (range, 40–80 mm) to 16 mm (range, 0–30 mm) at 6 months (p<0.001). Points on the CM scale rose from a baseline value of 54 points (range, 51–66 points) to 85 points (range, 70–100 points) at 6 months (p=0.001). Functionality in daily living and work activities, movement, and strength exhibited significant changes at 6 months (p<0.05). Conclusion Significant changes were observed in pain and functionality in this group of participants who used a telerehabilitation platform. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that included a specific program for RC tears.

      • KCI등재

        Time-dependent analysis of slender, tapered reinforced concrete columns

        Alexandre de Macêdo Wahrhaftig 국제구조공학회 2020 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.36 No.2

        This study analyzed stresses in concrete and its reinforcement, computing the additional loading transferred by concrete creep. The loading varied from zero, structure exclusively under its self-weight, up to the critical buckling load. The studied structure was a real, tapered, reinforced concrete pole. As concrete is a composite material, homogenizing techniques were used in the calculations. Due to the static indetermination for determining the normal forces acting on concrete and reinforcement, equations that considered the balance of forces and compatibility of displacement on cross-sections were employed. In the mathematical solution used to define the critical buckling load, all the elements of the structural dynamics present in the system were considered, including the column self-weight. The structural imperfections were linearized using the geometric stiffness, the proprieties of the concrete were considered according to the guidelines of the American Concrete Institute (ACI 209R), and the ground was modeled as a set of distributed springs along the foundation length. Critical buckling loads were computed at different time intervals after the structure was loaded. Finite element method results were also obtained for comparison. For an interval of 5000 days, the modulus of elasticity and critical buckling load reduced by 36% and 27%, respectively, compared to an interval of zero days. During this time interval, stress on the reinforcement steel reached within 5% of the steel yield strength. The computed strains in that interval stayed below the normative limit.

      • KCI등재

        Menoscabo de la confianza social en el sistema penal y judicial mexicano tras caso Chapo Guzmán

        Carlos Alfonso Macías Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2016 중남미연구 Vol.35 No.4

        Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, better known as El Chapo Guzmán, became the most wanted criminal in the world after Osama bin Laden’s death. El Chapo was head of Cártel de Sinaloa, one of the most violent and prosperous criminal organizations globally, and under his leadership this organization expanded its operations in America. This capo was arrested three times up to 2015; however, he escaped in all of them, which evinced the high corruption and inefficacy of the Mexican penal and judicial system. Particularly, the last jailbreak on 2015 provoked social indignation in Mexico. Afterwards, El Chapo was recaptured at the beginning of 2016. Nevertheless, it is thought that the Mexican society has a low level of trustworthiness on its penal and judicial system and that El Chapo case has revealed the ineffectiveness of the Mexican authorities. Throughout this research, the abovementioned hypothesis shall be corroborated based on statistical evidence obtained through an ad hoc survey.

      • KCI등재

        La Crisis del Sector Agrícola Mexicano - Una Realidad Señalada, Ignorada y Ocultada

        Carlos Alfonso Macías Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2009 중남미연구 Vol.28 No.1

        Nowadays, unquestionably, the Mexican agricultural sector is going through an unprecedented crisis. The factors that define the abovementioned crisis are: a decrease in the agricultural production per capita; a gradual increase in the alimentary dependency; poverty in the agricultural sector; farmers’ emigration; abandonment of agricultural lands; and low productivity. In this regard, some experts in the field have argued that this crisis has reached alarming levels in the country. Likewise, Mexican farmers are going through difficult times due to the fact that they have difficulties making a decent living out of the cultivation of their lands. Concurrently, the Mexican authorities do not recognize the seriousness of the problem, which impedes their action in taking the necessary measures to overcome the situation. In this sense, while the mentioned crisis becomes an ignored reality for some, it is pointed out by others and even hidden by a few. In the meantime the crisis is expanding gradually and the infertile and abandoned Mexican agricultural sector demands a structural reform to survive. However, above all the first step to overcome this crisis will be to recognize it.

      • KCI등재

        “Sin maíz, no hay país” - Una falacia del campo mexicano

        Carlos Alfonso Macías Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2011 중남미연구 Vol.30 No.2

        Undoubtedly, throughout the ages, the corn has been present in the development of the Mexican society. In this regard, the cultivation of this product has had a special importance due to the fact that it is the base of the alimentary diet of this nation since its origins, just as in these modern times. Due to the previously stated argument, the farming of this cereal has been determining for the development of the Mexican agricultural sector. Unfortunately, during the last decade, the farmers of this country began to realize that they were immersed in a deep crisis. The poverty, the low productivity and the poor profitability of the sector, gradually and inevitably, started to be disclosed. The farmers’ situation was worsening progressively. They did not expect that the future could be worse until they found out that one of their biggest fears was about to come: the free entrance of the American corn. In this regard, they know that it is impossible to compete against the American corn producers due to their huge production systems, high quality and low costs. According to what was originally stipulated in the NAFTA, on 1st January 2008, the agricultural tariffs of basic products, such as corn, bean, cane sugar and milk, would be removed, allowing the free trade of them among Canada, Mexico and the United States. The Mexican farmers firmly opposed to this measure arguing that without corn production in the country, the national agricultural sector would be seriously affected. Due to this reason, on that date, thousands of Mexican agriculturists throughout the whole country demonstrated against the abovementioned implementation of NAFTA under the slogan “without corn, there is no country.” Throughout this research the aforementioned statement shall be deeply examined in order to determine objectively its veracity.

      • KCI등재

        Implicaciones del Reconocimiento del Origen de Samsung y LG en México

        Carlos Alfonso Macías Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2012 중남미연구 Vol.31 No.3

        At this point of the current globalized era, the human being has been encircled from all sides by products and services coming from every corner of our planet. This fact has appeared as a result of globalization dynamics, which progressively have been interconnecting people all around the world opening frontiers, narrowing understanding among nations and strengthening human ties. Likewise, this globalized period has been fed by the contemporary fierce competition of multinational companies that look for opportunities in the global market to expand their business which, in turn, will allow them not only to develop and grow, but also to survive in this capitalist global economy engendered by liberalism. Nowadays, the global consumers’ decision‐making process has become more complex than before, taking into account the new variables added by this globalized times such as country of origin, brand, country image, etc. Every single detail matters for the delicate and exigent modern consumers; likewise a single detail could be either the key of success or the key of failure for every multinational enterprise. In this sense, marketing specialists have analyzed exhaustively in last decades the country of origin effect and the impact of brand perception on global consumers. Nevertheless, there is still too much to say about the influence in the global market of brand origin, which is closely related to the concept of country image. Thus, in order to deepen in this topic, the case of Samsung and LG in the Mexican market will be analyzed in this investigation. These Korean companies, related as it is well known to the production and trade of electronic devices, have successfully expanded their business in Mexico in recent decades. However, people of this country ignore the real origin of the abovementioned brands. Presumably, the Mexican consumers’ perception about Samsung and LG products and Korean electronics would change, in case this market realizes the genuine origin of these multinationals. Throughout this research these implications shall be deeply examined.

      • KCI등재

        Causas e implicaciones del fin a la multipropiedad en el fútbol mexicano

        Carlos Alfonso Macías Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2015 중남미연구 Vol.34 No.2

        The soccer multi-ownership exists when the same person or company owns two or more football clubs at the same time in a professional league. This practice has been considered by FIFA, and conditioned according to its statutes, to protect the integrity of this sport, due to the fact that if two soccer teams are playing in the same competition and both of them are owned by the same individual, this could have an adverse effect on the truthfulness of the competition. Under this consideration, or even in spite of that, the soccer multi-ownership has existed in Mexico since 1982. Surprisingly, in May 2013, the Mexican Football Federation, after 31 years, announced the gradual abolition of this practice. The causes of this measure were not completely clarified, and presumably are not related to a FIFA’s direct command or pressure, but to an internal struggle of interests among the Mexican soccer team owners. Particularly, it is believed that Grupo Televisa and Grupo Salinas, which are the conglomerates that apparently are in control of the professional soccer in Mexico, are behind that decision taken by the Mexican Football Federation. Throughout this analysis, based on a professional academic methodology aimed to find objective causalities among the facts occurred around the issue, the causes of the ban of the soccer multi-ownership in Mexico shall be examined.

      • KCI등재

        Potencial de dreamers mexicanos en progreso nacional Potential of Mexican Dreamers in National Progress

        Carlos Alfonso Macías Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2018 중남미연구 Vol.37 No.4

        In modern times, the United States has become an immigration destination for many people seeking the so-called “American dream”, which allows them to progress in an environment of equality and freedom. However, the reality is different since most of them become de facto illegal immigrants. A part of them are the infants that were taken to the United States at a young age, who have lived there more years than in their countries of origin. These young people are known as “dreamers”. With the xenophobic policy of the Trump’s administration, this group has become the most vulnerable for a possible deportation since the State has all their personal data. As a result, recently, there have been cases of deportations to Mexico of some of these dreamers, who on the one hand suffer from an identity crisis, identifying themselves as Americans, while on the other try to adjust themselves to their original homeland. In this line, it is necessary to design strategies to take advantage of their potential in a pragmatic way, so they can be integrated into Mexican society in order to progress both individually and nationally. This aim leads the development of this study.

      • KCI등재

        Desarrollo comunitario de sitio ecoturístico en cascada de Tamul

        Carlos Alfonso Macías Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2023 중남미연구 Vol.42 No.4

        Ciertamente, el modelo de desarrollo capitalista produjo un rápido crecimiento económico del que solo unos pocos se beneficiaron. Sin embargo, por otro lado, también causó muchos problemas sociales y devastación ambiental. A fin de contrarrestar estos impactos negativos, en las últimas décadas se ha producido una transición de este modelo al desarrollo sostenible. El surgimiento de este nuevo paradigma ha fomentado el ecoturismo, el cual también promueve el equilibrio entre la economía, la sociedad y el medio ambiente. Dado lo anterior, los proyectos ecoturísticos están ganando relevancia mundial en la actualidad. Al respecto, uno de ellos ha sido identificado en un pequeño poblado rural mexicano donde la comunidad está tratando de desarrollar un atractivo ecoturístico en un salto de agua conocido como cascada de Tamul. Empero, debido a la evolución relativamente reciente de este proyecto y su falta de orientación profesional, no se ha desarrollado completamente. En esta línea, es necesario diseñar estrategias adecuadas para aprovechar su potencial de manera pragmática, de modo que se pueda garantizar su sustentabilidad en miras de lograr el progreso y el bienestar integral de la localidad. Este objetivo es el que marca el devenir del presente estudio. Certainly, the capitalist development model produced rapid economic growth from which only a few benefited. However, on the other hand, it also caused many social problems and environmental devastation. In order to counteract these negative impacts, in recent decades there has been a transition from this model to sustainable development. The rise of this new paradigm has fostered ecotourism, which also promotes a balance among the economy, the society and the environment. Due to the above, ecotourist projects are currently gaining global relevance. In this regard, one of them has been identified in a small Mexican rural town where the community is trying to develop an ecotourist attraction in a cascade known as Tamul waterfall. Nevertheless, due to relatively recent evolution of this project and its lack of professional direction, it has not been fully developed. In this line, it is necessary to design appropriate strategies to take advantage of its potential in a pragmatic way, so its sustainability can be guaranteed in order to achieve progress and comprehensive well-being in the locality. This aim leads the development of this study.

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