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      • Religion and Modernization in Korea

        權圭植 경북대학교 사회과학대학 1984 社會科學 Vol.3 No.-

        宗敎 특히 基督敎와 近代化에 관하여 고찰한다고 할 때, 우리들은 세 가지 측면에 대해서 생각할 수 있을 것이다. 첫째는 宗敎가 近代化에 대해서 미치는 영향이 되겠고, 둘째는 外來宗敎인 기독교가 한국의 전통문화와 조우했을 때 생기는 變容이 되겠고, 셋째는 한국의 근대화가 종교에 미치는 영향에 대해서도 우리들이 생각할 수 있을 것이다. 초창기 기독교는 王朝의 쇠락과 함께 시작된 開化의 물결 속에서 民族主體意識의 고양, 西歐式 新敎育의 導入, 女性의 解放과 人力啓發, 出版文化의 창달과 같은 근대적 인간의 형성과 근대화의 촉진 등 많은 창조적이고 개혁적인 역할을 담당했다. 그러나 1945년을 기점으로 해서 기독교는 차츰 旣得權的 集團으로 변용하여 傳統的 價値觀과 同化되어 권위주의적이며 비개방적이고 당파적인 集團으로 되어갔다. 한국의 기독교는 60년대와 70년대를 걸쳐서 몰아닥친 經濟發展과 近代化의 물결 속에서 물질적 풍요를 향한 手段的 價値만을 존중하는 풍조에 많은 영향을 받은 듯하다. 이렇게 볼 때 한국의 기독교는 예언자적 역할보다는 제사적 역할을 담당하고 있고 또 그렇게 될 전망이 보인다.

      • 농촌 생활의 과학화에 관한 연구 : 열관리를 중심으로 On the improved utilization of heat energy

        경북대학교부설 한국농촌사회연구소 慶北大學校附設 韓國農村社會硏究所 1972 農村硏究 Vol.- No.5

        Ⅰ. 연구 제목 농촌생활의 과학화에 관한 연구 -열관리를 중심으로- Ⅱ. 연구의 목적 및 중요성 당면한 국가적 중요과제의 하나는 농촌생활의 과학화이다. 경제적으로 충족하지 못한 농촌사회에서 오히려 열관리면이 매우 불경제적이란 실태를 직시할 때 이를 중점적으로 조사 연구함으로써 농민들로 하여금 과학적인 생활태도를 획립할 수 있도록 계몽하고, 열의 효율적인 관리방안의 모색과 열기구의 개선을 병행하여 농촌생활의 과학화와 아울러 국민경제 향상에 기여한다. Ⅲ. 연구의 내용 및 범위 농촌생활의 열관리 현황을 조사 분석하고, 열시설, 열기구 및 태양열이용에 따른 연구와 생활의 열관리면을 고찰하였다. 연구의 내용 및 범위는 다음과 같다. 가. 열관리 실태와 문제점 (1) 연료 (2) 부엌 및 아궁이 (3) 굴뚝 (4) 지붕 및 천장 (5) 벽 과 문 (6) 열기구 나. 농촌의 열관리의 과학화 (1) 열시설 (가) 부엌의 조명 (나) 부엌의 환기 및 조명 (다) 부엌구조의 개선 (라) 굴뚝과 통풍 (2) 열기구 (3) 생활의 열관리 (가) 취사 (나) 난방의 문제 (다) 의생활 (4) 예·여열의 이용 (가) 태양열의 이용 (나) 일조량의 계절에 따른 변화 (다) 반사경과 흡수체의 효과 (라) 일조량과 상대습도의 영향 (마) 결과 검토와 일반적 고찰 Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 건의 가. 연구결과 (1) 주 연구 대상지인 경북 상주군 대조동의 열관리 실태를 요약하면 다음과 같았다. (가) 산에서 끌어오는 낙엽이 주 연료였고, 농산부산물인 짚, 왕겨 등이 보조연료가 되어 있었으나, 극히 제한된 범위로 연탄 및 석유가 보급되어 있었다. (나) 5∼8m^2정도의 부엌에 2개 정도의 아궁이가 있었고, 부뚜막이 일반적으로 낮아서 주부의 활동이 비능률적이었으며, 구석에 보관되고 있는 연료는 아궁이 가까이 까지 흐트려져서 화재의 위험성이 수반되고 있었다. 또 부엌은 대체적으로 어두웠고, 목초연료 사용 탓으로 청결성이 결여되어 있었다. (다) 연소효율이 낮고, 열관리면의 배려가 거의 없는 소위 재래식 아궁이가 60%이상을 차지하였다. (라) 굴뚝에 대한 농민들의 인식은 너무 부족하여 굴뚝시설은 거의 없었다. (마) 기와나 슬레이트로 된 지붕이 60%정도로 지붕의 개량사업은 잘 진행되어 가고 있는 반면에 반자지를 바른 방의 수는 겨우 50%정도밖에 되지 않았다. (바) 벽은 전부 흙벽이었고 단열재료를 사용하여 가공한 것은 없었고, 두께는 졸대벽인 경우는 6∼7㎝, 흙벽돌벽인 경우에는 15㎝정도로서 관류열손실(貫流熱損失)이 컸다. (사) 창은 이중으로 된 것은 없었고, 재래식문에 한겹의 창호지를 바른것 들이 대부분이었다. (아) 대부분의 문은 작고 낮으며, 방부피에 대한 창문의 면적은 근대식 가옥에 비하여 충분치 못하다. (자) 열기구의 이용은 지나치게 낙후되어 있었다. 마을 전체에는 12개의 송풍기, 5개의 석유풍로, 2개의 간단한 보온병 등이 있었을 뿐이었다. (2) 열시설 면에서 농촌생활의 과학화를 위한 제언과 결론을 열거하면 다음과 같다. (가) 부엌에 광창(光窓)과 환기공을 만들어 부엌의 평균조도를 높이고 환기를 잘 되게한다. (나) 계량기(計量器)를 사용하는 습성을 길러 부엌생활을 계량화 한다. (다) 굴뚝은 용마루 위까지 높혀서 연소효율을 높혀야 한다. (라) 벽이나 천장에 단열재료를 사용하여 이들을 통한 관류열손실을 적극 막아야한다. (마) 아궁이에는 불 받침쇠 및 뚜껑을 달아서 연소효율을 높이고, 연소 후에 온돌이 쉬식지 않도록 해야 한다. (3) 시판되고 있는 일반형의 솥, 밥그릇, 국그릇 및 보온그릇들에 대한 열적효과를 조사하고 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. (가) 밥그릇의 경우에는 주로 알루미늄 그릇과 스테인레스 그릇을 사용하고 있는데, 이들의 냉각특성이 거의 차이가 없으므로 약간 비싸기는 하지만 수명이 길고 청결하게 보이는 스테인레스 그릇이 결과적으로 더욱 경제적이다. (나) 바람이 없는 곳에서 밥을 지을 경우에는 두꺼운 알루미늄솥 보다는 얇은 알루미늄 남비가 열효율면에서 좋다. (다) 솥이나 남비 밑바닥의 검정칠은 복사성분이 많은 열원에서는 그 효과가 있으나 석유풍로등과 같은 복사성분이 적은 열원에서는 그 효과가 거의 없고, 오히려 검정칠이 두꺼워지면 열량흡수가 작아진다. (라) 남비로 국 또는 물을 끓일 때는 남비 밑면의 검정칠의 영향보다는 뚜껑의 방풍효과가 절대적이다. (마) 보온목적으로 제작되고 있는 뚜껑이 없는 단순한 이중그릇은 실용면에서는 별다른 보온효과가 없다. (바) 일반 그릇에 비하여, 스타이로폼으로 둘러싸인 보온그릇은 3∼5배, 은도금된 진공보온 그릇은 10수배의 보온성을 갖는다. (4) 태양 에너지는, 다음의 조사결과를 고려 할 때, 우리나라 농촌에서 유용하게 이용할 수 있을 것이다. (가) 우리나라의 기후는 추운 계절동안에 일조량이 많고, 일조율이 높다. (나) 태양열의 이용면에 있어서 당일의 일조상태가 계절적인 영향보다 더욱 크게 작용한다. (다) 간단한 장치로 물의 온도를 40∼50℃로 올릴 수 있으며, 이의 포화상승온도는 대기중의 습기량이 많을수록 낮아진다. 그리고 추운 계절동안의 습도는 대체로 낮다. (라) 이러한 결과는 태양열 취사기나 태양솥을 농촌에 도입하기 위한 이상적인 조건에 가깝다. 나. 건의 사항 (1) 벼짚은 연료이외의 용도로 이용하도록 하고, 농가의 연료로는 연탄이나 석유 등과 같은 다른 연료를 사용함으로서의 잇점과 그것의 효과적인 사용방법에 대하여 계몽이 필요하다. (2) 농촌에서 얻을 수 있는 제한된 연료의 과학적인 사용법과, 약간의 비용으로도 열손실을 최소한으로 막을 수 있는 방법에 대하여 계몽이 필요하다. 즉, 겨울철에 있어서 천장, 벽, 문 등을 통하여 손실되는 많은 열을 과학적인 지시과 적은 비용으로 해소할 수 있으며, 적절한 연료와 열기구를 사용함으로써 시간과 노동량을 줄일 수 있는 것이다. (3) 저울이나 계량(計量)컵 들과 같은 간단한 측정기구를 사용하도록 하여 과학적인 생활을 할 수 있는 동기를 마련하여 주어야 한다. (4) 열효율을 높이기 위해서는 적어도 굴뚝은 높게하고, 아궁이에는 불받침쇠를 설치하도록 해야 한다. (5) 농가를 전화(電化)하는 것은 그 생활을 과학화하는 첩경이 된다. (6) 가을과 겨울철에 일조량이 많은 것을 고려할때, 농촌에서의 광범위한 태양열 이용이 강력히 요구된다. Ⅰ. SUBJECT OF STUDY “Modernization of Rural Life-On the improved utilization of heat energy-” Ⅱ. PURPOSE OF STUDY AND ITS IMPORTANCE One of the most important problems which our nation is facing is the modernization of the rural life. In view of the fact that the utilization of heat energy in rural communities is rather ineffective in spite of their low income, it will be of great importance to investigate the present situations of heat management in the rural life. This will be a basis for the education of rural people for the establishment of a scientific way of life. The improvement of the kitchen facilities and utensils and their effective usage will greatly contribute to the betterment of rural life. Ⅲ. CONTENTS OF THE STUDY AND ITS SCOPE The present status of heat management, of heat facilities and appliances in the rural community have been investigated. Also a feasibility study on the utilization of solar energy in our rural communities has been made. The contents of the study and its scope are as follows. (1) Present status of heat utilization and its problems (a) fuel (b) kitchen and fuel hole (c) chimney (d) roof and ceiling (e) wall and door (f) heat appliances (2) Modernization of heat management in the rural community (a) heat facilities 1. kitchen illumination 2. air ventilation of the kitchen 3. improvement of kitchen 4. chimney and gas ventilation (b) heat appliances (c) heat management in everyday life 1. cooking 2. heating 3. clothing (d) pre-and post-heating 1. utilization of solar energy 2. seasonal variation of the sunshine 3. effects of the reflector and absorber 4. effects of sunshine and relative humidity on the attainable temperature rise. 5. results and discussions Ⅳ. RESULTS AND PROPOSALS A. RESULTS The present situations of heat management at the sample village Daejo-Dong, Sangjoo County, Kyungpook Province are summarized as follows. (1) Main fuel is fallen leaves from the neighboring mountains, and some agricultural byproducts such as straw and husks of grain are also used. The use of coal blocks and petroleum is very limited. (2) The kitchen area ranged from 5 to 8m^2 with mostly two fuel holes, and the height of kitchen range is generally too low. The fuel occupies much space and is often too close to the fire. Usually the kitchen is underilluminated and also dusty because of grass-and-wood fuel. (3) More than 60% of the fuel holes are old-fashionde and of low burning efficiency. (4) Chimney is the most neglected part which requires radical improvement. (5) Above 60% of the farm houses are tile-and slate-roofed, however only about 50% the rooms have ceilings. (6) Walls of the farm houses are of clay and adobe with no particular consideration for heat insulation. The thickness of clay wall and that of adobe wall are 6 to 7㎝ and 15㎝, respectively, which are not thick enough for proper heat insulation. (7) No room has a double-window, and most of the doors and windows are pasted with a single layer of sliding-screen paper. (8) Most of the doors are too small and low, and the ratio of door-and-window area to room volume is rather small compared to that of modern houses. (9) The prevalance of heat appliances is very low; there are twelve blowers, five petroleum burners and two thermos bottles in the whole village besides the conventional primitive kitchen facilities. Some measures for the improvement of rural life in heat management are suggested in the following: (1) The kitchen should be equipped with windows and ventilating ports. (2) The introduction of simple measuring instruments into the kitchen is desired; this will bring about scientific attitude in everyday life. (3) The chimney mus tbe raised above roof. (4) Proper insulating materials should be used for ceiling and wall. (5) Fuel holes must be equipped with doors and fire grate, the former will shut off unnecessary air flow after the heating and the latter will bring about effective burning of grass-and-wood fuel. The thermal problems for commercially available kitchen utensils such as kittles, rice bowls, soup pots and thermos bottles are investigated and the results are summarized below: (1) Most of the rice bowls are made of aluminium and stainless steel. The cooling curves of the above mentioned bowls containing hot water are almost the same, there-fore in the long run the stainless steel bowl taking its long life and clean appearance into account is more economical than the aluminum bowl. (2) When wind is not blowing the heat efficiency of thin-walled aluminium pot is better than that of thick-walled aluminium kittle. (3) The sooted kettle and pan have some advantage over unsooted ones when the heat source has high radiation component, but almost no advantage when the heat source such as petroleum burner has little radiation component. (4) When water or soup is heated in a pot, the cooling effect of wind without lid was predominant, thus placing lid on a soup pot is always recommended. (5) The cooling effect of hot water contained in various kind of vessels is predominated by evaporation and convection loss. Thus for the same shape and size of vessels the cooling is almost independent of the materials and thickness. (6) Double-walled neng-myon (cold noole) bowl has no practical heat insulating effect. (7) The heat-keeping property of styrofoam insulated bowl and that of thermos type bowl are about three to five times and about ten times, respectively, that of ordinary bowls. Taking the following results into account the utilization of solar energy in our rural communities will be practical. (1) The climate of our country is characterized by its long total hours of sunshine and high sunshine factor especially during cold seasons. (2) Shinyness of the day has predominant influence upon the utilization of solar energy over the seasonal temperature variation. (3) With simple apparatus utilizing solar energy the temperature of water can be easily raised up to 40 to 50℃, and the attainable temperature rise is high when the relative humidity is low. During the cold seasons the relative humidity of our country is rather low. (4) These conditions are almost ideal for the introduction of solar cooker and solar oven to our rural communities. B. PROPOSALS (1) Stronger emphasis should be placed upon the utilization of grasses and wood besides as fuel. An educational program is recommended for the advantages and effective usage of other fuels such as anthracite and petroleum. (2) Scientific ways in the utilization of limited heat energy and inexpensive ways in the minimization of heat loss in rural life should be demonstrated. The heat loss during winter time through ceiling, walls and doors can be greatly reduced with some scientific knowledge and little economic burden, and also time and labor can be saved with the proper usage of fuel and kitchen utensils. (3) The introduction of simple measuring instruments such as balance and measuring cups will motivate the scientific way of life. (4) Heat efficiency will be much improved if chimneys are heightened and the structure of the fuel hole is modified to employ fire grate. (5) Prompt realization of the electrification of rural communities is urged to facilitate the modernization of rural life. (6) Considering the rather long total hours of sunshine during fall and winter times. widespread utilization in the rural community of solar energy is strongly recommended.

      • 洛東江流域開發의 經濟的 社會的 效果分析

        慶北大學校附設 韓國農村社會硏究所 慶北大學校附設 韓國農村社會硏究所 1972 農村硏究 Vol.- No.5

        This study is designed to analyze the effects of development of the Naktong River Basin on the economic and social development of that region, and also to point out some important policy-making propsals which can promote the development of the Basin more effectively. For this study we adopted four study methods: (1) an examination of the relevant literature, (2) field investigations at some important points within the basin area, (3) statistical and analytical examination of collected data, (4) consultation with the UNDP Naktong River Basin Survey Team. Using these four study methods we tried to arrive at the most dispassionate and scientific conclusions possible. The main content of this study report will be summarized for each of its six chapters. In the first introductory chapter we explained the scope of the study and our approches to the study program as well as the aims and importance of this study. In the second chapter we surveyed the water resources of our country in terms of rainfall, runoff and flow coefficient, and also examined the relation between available water rosources and the present and future trends of the total national water demand. In the third chapter we observed not merely the aspects of rainfall, runoff and geomorphology of the Naktong River Basin, but also the industrial characteristics of the area. From this observation we conclude that the Naktong Basin area is one of the best areas for farming where the double crop system is adopted. In the fourth chapter we attempted to analyze the effect of the development of the Naktong River Basin on the economic development of the basin region, which includes two provinces, Kyongsangbuk-do and kyongsangnam-do. First of all, on the agricultural side, we can expect Naktong Basin development to cause: (1) better flood control and improved irrigation and drainage, which greatly increase crop yields, (2) an extension of drainage and irrigation facilities which will allow the basin area to adopt the double crop system, bringing a remarkable increase in land productivity, (3) the introduction of improved farm technology such as improved seeds and fertilization, which will bring about full benefits from the basin development. But here it should be stressed that to secure all of these results on land the farmers must participate in the great task of basin development freely and enthusiastically, and they must adopt the new scientific knowledge of agricultural technology on the basis of their own progressive spirit. On the other hand we can also expect basin development to have many effects on the industrial development of the basin region:(1) the rich supply of industrial water provided by the basin development will serve the rapid industrialization of many industrial zones around the basin, (2) the construction of multi-purpose dams will serve to promote the industrial development of these zones by supplying electric power, (3) we can expect the indirect effect of industrial development in bringing about an increase in the farmer's income level. At present Kyongsangbuk-do province has a plan to construct three industrial regions: the main industrial belt zone of Pohang-Yongchon-Taegu-Kumi-Kimchon, the northern industrial zone of Andong-Yongju, and the eastern seaside industrial zone of Pohang-Ulchin Kyongsangnam-do province also has similar plans: that province intends to construct industrial regions in the Ulsan-Pusan, Masan-Chinhae and Chinzu-Samchonpo zones. In connection with these plans, the problem of supplying these industrial zones with industrial water is becoming a matter of great urgency. Furthermore the non-industrial demand for water is also rapidly increasing as urbanization proceeds hand in hand with industrialization. Therefore, the development of the Naktong River Basin is now of great necessity. In short as the economic development of the basin region proceeds more rapidly, both the necessity for and benefits from the development of the Naktong basin increase. In the fifth chapter we dealt with the problem of analyzing the impact of basin development on the social development of the Naktong basin society. Recently government policy for the social development has been carried into effect to some extent. Indeed it is true that the government has made some efforts to extend the facilities for social welfare, that is, electrification of rural villages, construction of houses, hospitals and schools, and the establishment of waterworks and sewers. However, these efforts havenot been enough in number to stimulate rapid social development, and among these government efforts no targets are included to improve the qualitative side of social development such as to reform the social structure, to change the traditional attitudes of inhabitants and to relieve the social tensions among the social classes. Unlike these government efforts the participation of inhabitants in the great task of development of the Naktong River Basin can promote the social development of regional society both quantitatively and qualitatively. Here especially the importance of the qualitative side of social development must be emphasized in connection with regional development. For the progressive spirit and the willing, cooperative attitude of inhabitants in their way of thought or daily work must have the leading role in regional development. So it should be emphasized that for the Naktong Basin development to have full effect on the social development of the regional society, the inhabitants of the region have to be induced to participate in the great task of the basin development freely and enthusiastically. How to induce them to move in that direction is the most urgent problem we are now confronted with. One of the effective methods of solving this problem is, we think, to extend the movement of “creating new villages (village modernization)” to the task of the Naktong River Basin development. Finally in the concluding sixth chapter we presented some important proposals which are suggestive for policy-making on the basis of the analysis and observations we have described in detail in the preceding chapters.

      • Relati ve importance of factors affecting text reading time and preference(II): Focusing on non-square form letter

        ( Loonsuk Yi T ),( Youngsun Jin ),( Min Park ),( Long Hyoung Lee ),( Ttaegu University ),( Kyungpook National University ) 한국감성과학회 2000 춘계학술대회 Vol.2000 No.-

        Effectiveness of information conveyance in reading is affected by several factors such as line length, letter size, lines pacing arrangement as well as typeface itself. This study examined relative importance of these factors by asking people to read the texts that was constituted with non-square form letter and rank the preference of texts through conjoint analysis. In the case of reading time, justification was the most important factor, followed by leading, line spacing, letter width, line length, font size, font type in their order of importance. And in the case of preference decision, letter width was the most important factor, followed by font size, justification, line spacing, leading, line length, font type. The result will be useful in understanding how to consider human preference in the Hangul typography.

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