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        Kyong Ryul Koo,Kyung Hoon Kim,Nam Hee Jin 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performanceand relationship performance. 2. Conceptual framework 2.1 Entrepreneurial Value Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial-oriented firms with risk-taking, proactivness, and innovativeness focus on finding new market opportunities and reshaping current operating areas (Hult and Ketchen 2001). Entrepreneurial orientation provides firms with first-mover advantages and has a positive effect on performance. Entrepreneurs create value through innovation with exploiting new opportunity and creating new product-market areas. Market Orientation Market-oriented firms create superior value through the understanding of customers’ needs and the capabilities to fulfill those identified needs (Jaworski & Kohli, 1993). The value creation of market-oriented firms is based on strong commitment to developing product innovation capabilities (Atuahen-Gima, 1996). Market orientation provides firms with market-linking capabilities that help create and deliver value to customers (O’Cass and Ngo, 2012). Relationship Orientation Interaction orientation An interaction orientation is regarded as a sustainable competitive advantage and a value rare and as a value creation driver. Interaction oriented firms with specific and actionable nature are characterized by analyzing individual customer, not a market, performing marketing activities with customers, not for customers, by emphasizing the importance of the relationship to firms (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). The relational performance of interaction orientation is measured by customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). Long-term orientation Long-term orientation also creates a sustainable competitive advantage through information on best-selling product, best allowable price, cooperative advertizing, etc (Ganesan 1994). Firms with short-term orientation focus on market exchange for profit in a transaction, but firms with long-term orientation focus on relational exchange for profit from joint synergies over a series of transactions, not the length of the relationships (Ganesan 1994). Relational elements like long-term orientation increases mutual commitment to enhance mutual profitability in buyer-seller relationships (Noordewier et al 1990). 2.2 Value co-creation The customers co-create value based on their roles as participants or co-creators in various value-creating processes (Vargo and Lusch 2008a). Joint value is created among customer, suppliers, competitors, and other stakeholders involved in the relationship (Gummesson 1999). The various approaches to value co-creation have discussed. A unified value co-creation concept is explained by three types of processes such as customer value-creating processes, supplier value-creating process, and encounter processes (Payne et al., 2008). Value co-creation behaviors consist of customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. Customer participation behavior that they conceptualizedand relationship performance. 2. Conceptual framework 2.1 Entrepreneurial Value Orientation Entrepreneurial Orientation Entrepreneurial-oriented firms with risk-taking, proactivness, and innovativeness focus on finding new market opportunities and reshaping current operating areas (Hult and Ketchen 2001). Entrepreneurial orientation provides firms with first-mover advantages and has a positive effect on performance. Entrepreneurs create value through innovation with exploiting new opportunity and creating new product-market areas. Market Orientation Market-oriented firms create superior value through the understanding of customers’ needs and the capabilities to fulfill those identified needs (Jaworski & Kohli, 1993). The value creation of market-oriented firms is based on strong commitment to developing product innovation capabilities (Atuahen-Gima, 1996). Market orientation provides firms with market-linking capabilities that help create and deliver value to customers (O’Cass and Ngo, 2012). Relationship Orientation Interaction orientation An interaction orientation is regarded as a sustainable competitive advantage and a value rare and as a value creation driver. Interaction oriented firms with specific and actionable nature are characterized by analyzing individual customer, not a market, performing marketing activities with customers, not for customers, by emphasizing the importance of the relationship to firms (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). The relational performance of interaction orientation is measured by customer satisfaction, customer ownership, and positive word of mouth (Ramini and Kumar, 2008). Long-term orientation Long-term orientation also creates a sustainable competitive advantage through information on best-selling product, best allowable price, cooperative advertizing, etc (Ganesan 1994). Firms with short-term orientation focus on market exchange for profit in a transaction, but firms with long-term orientation focus on relational exchange for profit from joint synergies over a series of transactions, not the length of the relationships (Ganesan 1994). Relational elements like long-term orientation increases mutual commitment to enhance mutual profitability in buyer-seller relationships (Noordewier et al 1990). 2.2 Value co-creation The customers co-create value based on their roles as participants or co-creators in various value-creating processes (Vargo and Lusch 2008a). Joint value is created among customer, suppliers, competitors, and other stakeholders involved in the relationship (Gummesson 1999). The various approaches to value co-creation have discussed. A unified value co-creation concept is explained by three types of processes such as customer value-creating processes, supplier value-creating process, and encounter processes (Payne et al., 2008). Value co-creation behaviors consist of customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. Customer participation behavior that they conceptualizedcomprises four dimensions including information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction. Customer citizenship behaviors include feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi, and Gong 2013). 2.3 Relationship performance Ulaga(2003) proposed to identify the linkage between relationship value and relationship variables including commitment, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors consider trust, commitment, and loyalty as measurement items of relationship performance. Trust is measured as a dependent variable in channel relationships. Commitment is a good indicator of long-term relationships (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) and has been used as the dependent variable in several relationship marketing models including buyer-seller relationship (kumar et al., 1995). Consumer loyalty is related to a motivation to maintain a relationship with a firm, including more resources, positive word of mouth (WOM), and repeat purchasing (Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman 1996). Value drives loyalty and trust affects loyalty through its influence in creating value (Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol 2002) 3. Plan for Data Collection and analysis The instrument used to test the hypotheses a mail survey. A draft questionnaire based on existing measurement scales for the research model will be drafted. This draft questionnaire will be pretested with academics and practitioners to check its content validity and terminology and modified accordingly. The modified questionnaire will be pilot tested to check its suitability and appropriateness for the target population before mailing. The sample population for this study will be business-to-business manufacturing firms in South Korea. The authors will undertake both confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test our hypotheses using the SPSS 20 and AMOS 20. 4. Expected outcomes and contribution 4.1 Expected outcomes The analysis will identify whether or not the positive influence of entrepreneurial value orientation has on value co-creation including customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. The relationship between the value co-creation and relationship performances will be identified. The more actively customers engage in the value co-creation process, the greater trust, commitment, and loyalty could be positively influenced. Value co-creation plays an important role in increasing relationship performance and could be regarded as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. 4.2 Contribution This study will be the first effort to identify between the relationship between value co-creation and relationship performance. This research will be the first empirical study to apply the concept of value co-creation to business-to-business firms. In terms of marketing academics, this study will contribute to broaden marketing research areas. Managers of business-to-business firms from the results of this study will recognize valuable information on how the extent of an individual’s orientations such as entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and relationship orientation affects value co-creation.comprises four dimensions including information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction. Customer citizenship behaviors include feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi, and Gong 2013). 2.3 Relationship performance Ulaga(2003) proposed to identify the linkage between relationship value and relationship variables including commitment, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. The authors consider trust, commitment, and loyalty as measurement items of relationship performance. Trust is measured as a dependent variable in channel relationships. Commitment is a good indicator of long-term relationships (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) and has been used as the dependent variable in several relationship marketing models including buyer-seller relationship (kumar et al., 1995). Consumer loyalty is related to a motivation to maintain a relationship with a firm, including more resources, positive word of mouth (WOM), and repeat purchasing (Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman 1996). Value drives loyalty and trust affects loyalty through its influence in creating value (Sirdeshmukh, Singh and Sabol 2002) 3. Plan for Data Collection and analysis The instrument used to test the hypotheses a mail survey. A draft questionnaire based on existing measurement scales for the research model will be drafted. This draft questionnaire will be pretested with academics and practitioners to check its content validity and terminology and modified accordingly. The modified questionnaire will be pilot tested to check its suitability and appropriateness for the target population before mailing. The sample population for this study will be business-to-business manufacturing firms in South Korea. The authors will undertake both confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to test our hypotheses using the SPSS 20 and AMOS 20. 4. Expected outcomes and contribution 4.1 Expected outcomes The analysis will identify whether or not the positive influence of entrepreneurial value orientation has on value co-creation including customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior. The relationship between the value co-creation and relationship performances will be identified. The more actively customers engage in the value co-creation process, the greater trust, commitment, and loyalty could be positively influenced. Value co-creation plays an important role in increasing relationship performance and could be regarded as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. 4.2 Contribution This study will be the first effort to identify between the relationship between value co-creation and relationship performance. This research will be the first empirical study to apply the concept of value co-creation to business-to-business firms. In terms of marketing academics, this study will contribute to broaden marketing research areas. Managers of business-to-business firms from the results of this study will recognize valuable information on how the extent of an individual’s orientations such as entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, and relationship orientation affects value co-creation.43 5. Research Model Value Co-Creation Customer ParticipationㆍInformation seeking ㆍInformation sharing ㆍResponsible behavior ㆍPersonal interactionCustomer Citizenship ㆍFeedbackㆍAdvocacyㆍHelpingㆍToleranceRelationship PerformanceㆍTrust ㆍCommitment ㆍLoyaltyEntrepreneurial Value OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation(EO)Relationship Orientation(RO)MarketOrientation(MO)H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8 Hypotheses H1: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H2: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H3: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer participation behavior in value co-creation process H4: Entrepreneurial Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H5: Market Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H6: Relationship Orientation will have a positive influence on customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process H7: Customer participation behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance H8: Customer citizenship behavior in value co-creation process will have a positive influence on relationship performance


        Kyong Ryul Koo,Kyung Hoon Kim,Seong-jae Moon 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.1

        This study examined how fit between marketing capabilities and exporting marketing strategies affects high growth exporting manufacturing firms’ performance. The result indicates that the marketing infrastructure of high growth exporting firms affects marketing capabilities, the selection of exporting marketing strategies, and high performance. High growth exporting firms in this research belong to machinery, steel, vehicles, electronics & electricity industries. High growth firms by the OECD-Eurostat Manual on Business Demography Statistics (2007) achieve annual average sales or employment growth over twenty percent each year, during a three-year period, and to employ ten or more workers from the first observation year. High growth firms can be considered to have more appropriate marketing capabilities fit with efficient exporting marketing strategies. Barbero et al. (2011) indicated that high growth is based on market expansion and innovation, which is highly related to marketing capabilities. Vorhies & Morgan(2003) addressed that marketing organization fit with strategies affects positively marketing performance. Thus the purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between marketing infrastructure and marketing capabilities, to identify the influence of marketing infrastructure on marketing capabilities and the choice of marketing strategies, and to analyze the effect of fit between marketing capabilities and exporting marketing strategies on superior performance. The performance of high growth exporting firms can be obtained in various ways. Marketing capabilities can explain most the selection of strategy for performance (Barbero, Casillas, and Feldman 2011). Morgan, Katsikeas, and Vorhies(2012) addresses that architectural marketing capabilities influence directly export venture financial performance and that specialized marketing capabilities affect directly export venture market performance. The important role of marketing capabilities is positively associated with a more appropriate fit between identifying customers’ needs and implementing marketing strategies to achieve high performance (Barbero, Casillas, and Feldman 2011). Katsikeas et al.(2006) indicate that fit between marketing strategies and marketing infrastructure is a core factor on the performance of exporting firms. Vorhies and Morgan (2003) indicate that marketing capabilities fit with strategy is a vital engine of marketing performance. Although marketing strategy alone is not related to marketing performance (Barbero et al,2011), marketing organization fit with marketing strategy is positively related to marketing performance (Vorhies and Morgan, 2003). Katsikeas, Leonidou, Morgan(2000) analyzed export performance measures based on various primary data and indicated that the interrelation of export performance measures are considered. Vorhies and Morgan (2003) used the concept of ideal marketing organization profile and measured the relationship between fit of marketing capabilities and marketing strategies. Especially Shoham (1998) indicated that sales-related measures can be more reasonable for exporting firms at early stage, while profit-related measures can be more for export-experienced firms. These findings posit that to achieve high performance, high growth exporting firms understand the importance of fit between marketing capabilities and marketing strategies.


        Kyong Ryul Koo,Jeong Hye Choi,Kyung Hoon Kim,Nam Hee Jin 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        The advanced information technology leads to network age, making existing competitive advantages such as differentiation and cost leadership powerless in B2B context. The competitiveness of individual firm plays a significant role in enhancing the competitive advantage of a business network that a firm belongs to. The competitiveness of a business network depends on value co-creation, the interaction among firms in a network. Value co-creation has desirable and risky aspects. The increases in profits, brand reputation, and time and cost efficiency, client and supplier learning, etc. are positive aspects. But role conflicts, role ambiguity, and tension, etc. are negative outcomes. How can the industrial firm succeed in value co-creation with its partners in B2B context? The study focuses on the firm’s strategic marketing orientations as an antecedent of value co-creation. Strategic marketing orientations as the values and beliefs of the firm affect the collaboration with other firms during value co-creation. Previous literature assumes that a firm pursues one single strategic orientation. However, the study assumes that an industrial firm has entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation, long-term orientation, and relationship orientation. The study mostly focused on the relationships among those strategic marketing orientations. Based on these inter-relationships, the study proposed a set of value co-creation activity criteria such as information seeking, information sharing, personal interaction, responsible behavior, feedback, helping, advocacy, tolerance. Value co-creation has been evaluated by relationship performance such as trust and commitment. The study examined the relationships between strategic marketing orientations and value co-creation. Data was collected from 159 Korean manufacturers in B2B context and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The study provides evidence that entrepreneurial orientation affects market orientation positively and market orientation has positive effects on long-term orientation and relationship orientation, and long-term orientation and relationship orientation influence value co-creation directly. Value co-creation has a positive effect on relationship performance. The results of the study provide valuable implications to the mangers of industrial firms in B2B context. To succeed the value co-creation, the firm first has to look at the difference between strategic marketing orientations that the value co-creation partners pursue. In terms of selecting value co-creation partner, industrial firm with long-term orientation and relationship orientation will be more effective. Six activities of interactions during value co-creation play an important role in enhancing trust and commitment. The study contributes to the value co-creation literature by identifying strategic marketing orientations as independent variable influencing the value co-creation in B2B context. The study has several limitations that call for future research.

      • KCI등재

        The effects of internal marketing capability on export marketing strategy, B2B marketing mix and export performance

        Kyong Ryul Koo,김상진,Kyung Hoon Kim 한국마케팅과학회 2016 마케팅과학연구 Vol.26 No.1

        The authors examine how the internal marketing capabilities of export firms in B2B contexts aff ect export marketing strategies, B2B marketing mix and export performance. The study uses marketing organization capability, marketing human resources capability, marketing financial capability and marketing infrastructure as the internal marketing capabilities of B2B export firms. Drawing on dynamic capabilities theory, the authors develop a model that links internal marketing capabilities with export marketing strategies and B2B marketing mix and export performance. The study identifies that marketing infrastructure has positive effects on both export marketing strategies and B2B marketing mix. Furthermore, the findings reveal that export managers of B2B export firms should enhance marketing infrastructure to improve export performance. This study contributes to the export marketing field by linking the internal marketing capabilities and B2B marketing mix view with export performance . The findings on marketing infrastructure and its relationships with export marketing strategy and B2B marketing mix could be useful not only to academics, but also to export marketing managers of B2B export firms. The authors discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of their findings.


        Kyong Ryul Koo,Kyung Hoon Kim,Sang Jin Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        The global diffusions of free trade agreements have encouraged an increasing number of companies to participate in foreign markets. However, export firms fall behind big data-based customers in international export markets. The gap between the needs of export markets and the capabilities of export companies is broadening. Marketing capabilities are export firms’ ability to understand what target customers want and develop tactical marketing actions and allocate available resources, and achieve export performance (Day 1994; Vorhies and Morgan, 2003). Export firms have to enhance marketing capabilities to narrow the gap (Day, 2011). This study investigates marketing capabilities, export marketing strategies, and their relationships with export performance of the export companies in an industrial complex in South Korea. This study tries to find how marketing variables impact the performance of export firms through the relationships among them. Marketing literature examined that the suitability between marketing capabilities and export marketing strategy is important because of its impact on export performance. Export marketing literature reviewed that export firms’ characteristics such as international experience, firm size, firm age, and export intensity, firm level of market orientation are considered positively related to export performance. Especially for inexperienced and small and medium-sized firms, which have limited marketing resources to achieve successful export performance, the right choice of export marketing, export marketing strategy, and export performance is indispensable. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating effects of export firms’ characteristics on the interactive linkages within marketing capability, export marketing strategy, and export performance. Our first focus in this study is the relationships between marketing capabilities and export strategies and both export marketing strategy and export performance. We discuss their relationships with each other and with export firms’ performance. We develop testable hypotheses as shown in Fig.1. The final samples we used are 104 manufactured export firms in S. Korea. Next, as a result of testing, based on the relationships of having positive effects, we identify the moderating effects of export firms’ characteristics. Our research model proposes that marketing capabilities affect export marketing strategies and ‘specialized marketing capabilities’. These affect the overall export performance. We therefore hypothesize that H1: Marketing organizational capability is positively related to (a) export marketing strategy and (b) specialized export marketing capability. H2: Marketing human resource capability is positively related to (a) export marketing strategy and (b) specialized export marketing capability. H3: Marketing financial capability is positively related to (a) export marketing strategy and (b) specialized export marketing capability. H4: Marketing infrastructure is positively related to (a) export marketing strategy and (b) specialized export marketing capability. H5: Export marketing strategy is positively related to (a) specialized export marketing capability and (b) export performance. H6: Specialized export marketing capability is positively related to export performance. The results of our PLS-SEM analyses are as follows. Our results support H1b, linking marketing organizational capability and specialized export marketing capability. Marketing infrastructure was found to be positively related to both export marketing strategy and specialized export marketing capability, supporting H4a and H4b, respectively. We also observed that export marketing strategy a positive link with specialized export marketing capability and export performance, supporting H5a and H5b, respectively. However, no support is found for H2, H3, and H6. Moderating Effects of Export firms’ Characteristic Factors We tested how export firms’ characteristics moderate the relationships described in our research model (Hypotheses1-6) We used the moderate factors such as export product (final product vs. parts), customer (domestic vs. overseas, company (manufacturer vs. vendor), employment size (less than 100 person, 100 to300, more than 300), sales(less than $46 million, $46 million to $182 million, more than $182 million), export intensity (less than 50% vs. more than 50%) The moderating effects of export firms’ characteristics on the relationships within our research model are discussed (see Figure 1). Four of 30 moderating hypotheses for export firms’ characteristics were supported. The more number of employees and Greater sales volume strengthened the relationships between marketing infrastructures and export marketing strategies. Higher foreign customer strengthened the relationships between marketing infrastructure and specialized export marketing capability. Greater final products strengthened the relationships between export marketing strategies and export performance. However, the relationships between marketing organizational capability and specialized export marketing capability and between export marketing strategy and specialized export marketing capability were not significantly changed with export firms’ characteristic factors. There are no moderating effects on the types of firm and the types of export intensity. The results of this research suggest that the export companies should consider the choice of export marketing strategies the most important factor to achieve high export performance. This study indicates that policy makers for export companies in S. Korea should develop export assistant programs based on export firms’ characteristic factors such as the number of employee, sales volume, the type of customer, and the type of export product. Following limitations of this research should be noted. First, in addition to the manufacturing industry, more researches should be done in other industries. The findings of this study will ensure more validation. Second, to assess the export performance of export firms, this study uses the subjective opinion of respondent about the degree of export performance because of the difficulties of obtaining financial data. The objective financial data should be used to ensure more objectiveness for this research. Third, this study relies on survey data related to the export companies within an industrial complex area in S. Korea. It should be extended to other regions.


        Kyong Ryul Koo,Kyung Hoon Kim,Seong-jae Moon 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        This study examined how fit between marketing capabilities and exporting marketing strategies affects high growth exporting manufacturing firms’ performance. The result indicates that the marketing infrastructure of high growth exporting firms affects marketing capabilities, the selection of exporting marketing strategies, and high performance. High growth exporting firms in this research belong to machinery, steel, vehicles, electronics & electricity industries. High growth firms by the OECD-Eurostat Manual on Business Demography Statistics (2007) achieve annual average sales or employment growth over twenty percent each year, during a three-year period, and to employ ten or more workers from the first observation year. High growth firms can be considered to have more appropriate marketing capabilities fit with efficient exporting marketing strategies. Barbero et al. (2011) indicated that high growth is based on market expansion and innovation, which is highly related to marketing capabilities. Vorhies & Morgan(2003) addressed that marketing organization fit with strategies affects positively marketing performance. Thus the purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between marketing infrastructure and marketing capabilities, to identify the influence of marketing infrastructure on marketing capabilities and the choice of marketing strategies, and to analyze the effect of fit between marketing capabilities and exporting marketing strategies on superior performance. The performance of high growth exporting firms can be obtained in various ways. Marketing capabilities can explain most the selection of strategy for performance (Barbero, Casillas, and Feldman 2011). Morgan, Katsikeas, and Vorhies(2012) addresses that architectural marketing capabilities influence directly export venture financial performance and that specialized marketing capabilities affect directly export venture market performance. The important role of marketing capabilities is positively associated with a more appropriate fit between identifying customers’ needs and implementing marketing strategies to achieve high performance (Barbero, Casillas, and Feldman 2011). Katsikeas et al.(2006) indicate that fit between marketing strategies and marketing infrastructure is a core factor on the performance of exporting firms. Vorhies and Morgan (2003) indicate that marketing capabilities fit with strategy is a vital engine of marketing performance. Although marketing strategy alone is not related to marketing performance (Barbero et al,2011), marketing organization fit with marketing strategy is positively related to marketing performance (Vorhies and Morgan, 2003). Katsikeas, Leonidou, Morgan(2000) analyzed export performance measures based on various primary data and indicated that the interrelation of export performance measures are considered. Vorhies and Morgan (2003) used the concept of ideal marketing organization profile and measured the relationship between fit of marketing capabilities and marketing strategies. Especially Shoham (1998) indicated that sales-related measures can be more reasonable for exporting firms at early stage, while profit-related measures can be more for export-experienced firms. These findings posit that to achieve high performance, high growth exporting firms understand the importance of fit between marketing capabilities and marketing strategies.


        Sang Jin Kim,Kyong Ryul Koo,Honglei Liu,Kyung Hoon Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        The online game market has grown rapidly in worldwide. The world game market earned 111.7 billion US dollars and online game occupies 18.9% (21.1 billion US dollars) in the world game market in 2012. Online game companies have launched a variety of free online games to online game players such as League of Legends (LOL), World of Tank, and Hearthstone. These online games provide online game with free install with online game players. Online game companies, however, sell some of online game items to the game users. For example, LOL sells Skin that is the cloth which only provides fancy effect to online game hero through the online game shop. In case of ‘Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft’, game user can purchase game card deck by cash. This study was initiated to answer the following research question called “How these online game companies get profit?” because their online games are free to play. The research upon the question mentioned above leads to the second research question called “how online game users purchase the cash game items?”. To understand purchasing behavior and attitude of online game players about cash game item, this study conducts focus group interview of LOL game player to understand purchase behavior of game players for online games items. The results of focus group interview help us to understand the relationship between attitude toward online game items and consumption values. The purposes of this study are 1) to understand online game players’ purchasing behavior for LOL luxury Skin, 2) to find out relationships among online game experience, design innovative Skin, consumption values, and repurchase intention, and 3) to draw academic and practical implications based upon the result of analysis in this study.


        Nam Hee Jin,Kyong Ryul Koo,Kyung Hoon Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        The advent of smart shopping environments including innovative information technology, advanced delivery systems, and extended smart phone use has rapidly changed the shopping methods and activities of the consumers. They have chosen smart shopping with greater frequency, which minimizes the use of time, money, effort and energy to buy the right products and to gain shopping experiences such as hedonic and utilitarian feelings (Atkins and Kim, 2012). The concept of smart shopping is based on value co-creation which can be explained as the value from the outcome of interaction between firms and consumers (Grönroos, 2011, Vargo and Lusch, 2004). In the value co-creation process, smart shoppers are willing to perform customer participation behaviors such as information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction, and to show customer citizenship behaviors such as feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi and Gong 2013). In smart shopping, a consumer involves in shopping experiences through product purchases and while engaged via the shopping environments such as an elaborate store design, educational events, recreation, and entertainment (Fiore and Kim, 2007). These shopping experiences, which contain both hedonic and utilitarian value (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982), are better explained by consumer processes, responses on the shopping environment, situation, and consumer characteristics (Fiore and Kim, 2007). The attributes of shopping experience are symbolic, hedonic, and aesthetic (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982) and utilitarian and hedonic (Kim, Lee and Park, 2014). Smart shoppers who are involved with value co-creation obtain hedonic benefits with emotional, funny, and enjoyable feelings and along with utilitarian benefits such as rational, functional, task-related experiences (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982). The value co-creation and the shopping experience lead to greater customer equity such as value equity, brand equity, and relationship equity (Lemon, Rust, and Zeithamal 2001). Based on previous literature review, the authors constructed the following hypotheses. First, smart shopping will have positive effects on value co-creation, the shopping experience, and customer equity. Second, the smart shopping will have positive effects on both value co-creation and the shopping experience. Third, value cocreation will have positive effects on the shopping experience. Fourth, value cocreation and the shopping experience will have positive effects on customer equity. The authors collected the data based on questionnaires from mobile smart shoppers. The SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 statistical programs will be used for the data analysis. The analysis found the positive influence that smart shopping has on value co-creation and the shopping experience, and customer equity. This is the first study that shows these relationships from an empirical point-of-view. The findings of the study have useful managerial implications on the effects of value co-creation on both smart shoppers and firms. Value co-creation will provide smart shoppers with better product or service quality and enhance firms with more valuable customer equity. The greater shopping experience is the greater customer equity that will be developed. Value co-creation also will give firms a strong competitive advantage in terms of an organization’s learning, brand perception, reduced risk, improvement of customer relationships, and lowering cost for marketing, and research and development. The study has limitations. First, other potential variables of the value co-creation influencing new service development, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction etc, could be considered. Second, the length of the relationship between smart shoppers and the service provider in value co-creation process should be considered. Third, the study needs to be generalized to cross sectional research beyond smart shopping area. Finally, to examine the effects of value co-creation and the shopping experience on customer equity, future research could investigate how value co-creation and the shopping experience affect the objective financial performance of a firm.


        Nam Hee Jin,Kyong Ryul Koo,Kyung Hoon Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        This study aims to examine how the mobile social network service experience affects value co-creation and customer lifetime value. The mobile social network service experience includes mobile convenience, social compatibility, social risk, and cognitive effort. The research hypotheses with structural equation modeling are tested. In mobile SNS context, value co-creation behaviors essentially determine customer lifetime value of mobile shopping apps. Value co-creation behaviors have received little attention in mobile shopping. The mobile SNS experience strongly influences value co-creation behaviors. This study is based on a sample of mobile SNS users nationwide in Korea. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings has to be tested. Furthermore, the study examines customer lifetime value, which is good sales predictor of mobile shopping apps. Moreover, the research model included the positive and negative determinants on mobile SNS experience. Future researches examine other use intentions of mobile SNS. Value co-creation behaviors substantially affect customer lifetime value. Mobile shopping apps should increase customer lifetime value from mobile SNS experience and value co-creation. This study shows how individual mobile SNS user provides mobile shopping apps with profit through value co-creation. This study is the first to examine how mobile SNS users enhance value co-creation and how value cocreation behaviors affect customer lifetime value of mobile SNS users.


        Nam Hee Jin,Kyong Ryul Koo,Kyung Hoon Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Mobile shopping motivations affects the interaction between mobile shoppers and mobile retailers. This study examines how mobile shopping motivations affect value co-creation, customer equity drivers, and customer lifetime value through a structural equation model. Mobile shopping motivations as mobile shoppers’ needs are time saving, right purchase and money saving. To meet mobile shoppers’ needs, mobile shoppers, mobile retailers, and other customers are willing to collaborate. Value co-creation that Yi and Gong (2013) scaled includes customer participation behaviour such as information seeking, information sharing, responsible behaviour, and personal interaction, and customer citizenship behaviour such as feedback, helping, advocacy, and tolerance. The results indicate that mobile shopping motivations are significant determinants of value co-creation behaviours, implying that mobile shopping motivations are driving factors of value co-creation. Customer participation behaviour has significant effects on value equity and brand equity while customer citizenship behaviour shows positive effects on brand equity and relationship. As for customer lifetime value, relationship equity has significant positive effect, while value and brand equity had no significant influence. This study also shows that mobile shopping motivations affect both value equity and relationship equity of mobile shopping apps by improving information sharing, responsible behaviour, and personal interaction, feedback, helping, and advocacy. Value equity and relationship equity also have significant effects on customer lifetime value. The authors discuss the theoretical and managerial implications for their findings.

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