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( Tatyana Kunts ),( Ksenia Karpukhina ),( Dmitry Morozov ),( Maria Pustovetova ) 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.1
Background: Several immunohistochemical markers are known to predict the biological behavior of breast cancer and assess tumor aggressiveness. In particular, ER and PR receptors concern the occurrence of autocrine and paracrine processes that respond to estrogen and progesterone. Ki67 is a nuclear protein, marker proliferative activity of the tumor, high Ki67 usually correlates with a poor prognosis in breast cancer. There has been interest to observe the expression of immunohistochemical markers in comparison to histopathological features of infi ltrative ductal breast carcinoma. Methods: The study was carried out on the samples from 34 patients with infi ltrative ductal carcinoma. Scheme was elaborated to describe histopathological picture including following points: presence of tumor cells within blood vessels, cell infi ltration (lymphocytes, macrophages and granulocytes), the number of mitoses, the ratio of cell elements at various differentiation stage, vascularization, histological type of tumor, the number of affected lymph nodes. Steroid receptors and Ki67 expression were analyzed by immunohistochemical means. Statistical analysis was performed using Spearman`s nonparametric rank correlation coeffi cient test. Results: Proliferation marker Ki67 was directly connected with the presence of tumor cells within blood vessels (r=0.343, p=0.05), granulocytic cell infi ltration of the tumor (r=0,363, p=0.03), aberrant mitoses (r=0,423, p=0.01), relative immature cells content in the tumor (r=0.543, p=0.001). An inverse correlation between Ki67 and relative content of highly differentiated cells in the tumor (r= -0.388, p=0.02) was revealed. ER and PR indexes demonstrated direct correlation with the number of lymph nodes affected by metastases (r=0.468, p=0.005 and r=0.521, p=0.002, respectively). Conclusions: findings suggest expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and Ki67 are related to histopathological pattern of infi ltrative ductal breast carcinoma. Consequently, results of immunohistochemical analysis conducted on samples obtained by core biopsy should be used to evaluate tumor severity before the surgery.
Krafft, Kunt N.,Martin, Manfred The Korean Ceramic Society 1998 The Korean journal of ceramics Vol.4 No.2
We have measured changes of the non-stoichiometry, $\Delta\delta$, in Fe-doped nicked oxide .$(Ni_{1-x}Fe_x)_{1-\delta}O$, by thermogravimetry for four iron fractions, x=0.01, 0.031, 0.057 and 0.10, and three temperatures, T=1273, 1373 and 1473 K. The obtained data can be modelled by a defect structure in which substitutional trivalent iron ions, FeNi, are compensated by cation vacancies, $V_{Ni}$", and (4:1)-clusters. These clusters consist of tetravalent interstitial iron, $Fe_i\;^4$</TEX., surrounded tetrahedrally by four cation vacancies and are four times negatively charged.rged.
Iscan, Imdat,Kunt, Mehmet Department of Mathematics 2016 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.56 No.3
In this paper, some Hermite-Hadamard-$Fej{\acute{e}}r$ type integral inequalities for harmonically quasi-convex functions in fractional integral forms have been obtained.
Vazrick Nazari,Kunte Krushnamegh,Bálint Zsolt 한국응용곤충학회 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.26 No.4
In light of new evidence from DNA and morphology of male genitalia, we review and clarify the status of nominal lycaenid taxa Hesperia parrhasius Fabricius 1793, Lycaena pandava Horsfield [1829], L. contracta Butler 1880 and Catochrysops ella Butler 1881. We designate a neotype for H. parrhasius and a lectotype for C. bengalia de Nicéville, 1885. The following new combinations, status and synonymies are established: Lachides galba (Lederer, 1855) = Lycaena phiala Grum-Grshimailo, 1890, syn. nov.; Lachides parrhasius contracta (Butler, 1880), stat. nov. = Catochrysops ella Butler 1881, syn. nov.; Lachides parrhasius nila (Evans, 1925), comb. nov.; Luthrodes pandava (Horsfiled, [1828]) = Cathochrysops bengalia de Nicéville, 1885, syn. nov. and Luthrodes pandava (Horsfield, [1829]) = Lycaenesthes orissica Moore, 1884, syn. nov. A checklist with all taxonomic changes to the discussed taxa is provided.
Flow structure for Power-Law fluids in lid-driven arc-shape cavities
Hatice Mercan,Kunt Atalik 한국유변학회 2011 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.23 No.2
In this paper the lid-driven flow of a Power-Law fluid in arc-shape cavities is studied. Two different arc cavity cross sections are considered with arc angle ratios r=1/2 and r=1/3. The unsteady streamfunction-vorticity formulation is adopted together with a Power-Law constitutive relation. Body-fitted coordinate transformation is applied to generate orthogonal computational grids. The equations are discretized in space using a second order finite difference numerical method. Time integration is performed using fourth order Runge-Kutta explicit scheme. The combined effects of inertia, shear thinning/shear thickening and curved geometry on the vortical structure and velocity profiles are shown. The results are compared to Newtonian fluid case. It is found that under inertia, shear thinning effects lead to the early formation and growth of secondary vortices in the curved cavity, however shear thickening has an opposite effect.
Isothermal and non-isothermal viscoelastic flow of PTT fluid in lid-driven polar cavity
Hatice Mercan,Kunt Atal k 한국유변학회 2012 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.24 No.4
The isothermal and non-isothermal viscoelastic flow of Phan-Thien-Tanner (PTT) fluids is considered in liddriven polar cavity geometry, using a numerical solution method with parameter continuation technique. Thermoelastic effects, in terms of elastic/elongational effects and viscous dissipation, are demonstrated by the changes in vortical structure, temperature/stress distributions and heat transfer characteristics in the curved cavity. Central vortex/maximum temperature location shifts are observed under elastic and elongational (strain hardening and strain softening/shear thinning) effects for isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. The growth in size and strength of a secondary vortex is denoted in the downstream stationary corner of the cavity for the viscoelastic fluid under strain hardening, which also introduces an increase in stress gradients. Viscous heating is observed with elongational effects near the central vortex in the cavity. Stress components and their gradients decrease under viscous dissipation. The changes in temperature field and heat transfer properties in the cavity are revealed.
Ruitong Wu,Kunting Yu,Yongming Li,Wei Liu 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2021 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.19 No.12
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy event-triggered control scheme is investigated for a class of nonlinear switched systems with dead zone nonlinearity. Fuzzy logic systems are employed in identifying unknown nonlinear functions. Then, the dynamic surface control (DSC) method is exploited to overcome the problem of “explosion of complexity” in traditional adaptive backstepping recursive design process. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory and the backstepping technique with the event-triggered mechanism, the proposed control method proves that all the closed-loop system signals are bounded, and the tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of the origin under the arbitrary switching. Simultaneously, this control method proves that Zeno behavior can be eliminated. The simulation results also illustrate the validity of the developed control method and theorem.
Isothermal and non-isothermal viscoelastic flow of PTT fluid in lid-driven polar cavity
Mercan, Hatice,Atalik, Kunt 한국유변학회 2012 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.24 No.4
The isothermal and non-isothermal viscoelastic flow of Phan-Thien-Tanner (PTT) fluids is considered in lid-driven polar cavity geometry, using a numerical solution method with parameter continuation technique. Thermoelastic effects, in terms of elastic/elongational effects and viscous dissipation, are demonstrated by the changes in vortical structure, temperature/stress distributions and heat transfer characteristics in the curved cavity. Central vortex/maximum temperature location shifts are observed under elastic and elongational (strain hardening and strain softening/shear thinning) effects for isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. The growth in size and strength of a secondary vortex is denoted in the downstream stationary corner of the cavity for the viscoelastic fluid under strain hardening, which also introduces an increase in stress gradients. Viscous heating is observed with elongational effects near the central vortex in the cavity. Stress components and their gradients decrease under viscous dissipation. The changes in temperature field and heat transfer properties in the cavity are revealed.