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      • KCI등재

        Revisiting 'It'-Extraposition in English: An Extended Optimality-Theoretic Analysis

        Khym, Han-gyoo The International Promotion Agency of Culture Tech 2019 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.2

        In this paper I discuss a more complicated case of 'It'-Extraposition in English in the Optimality Theory [1] by further modifying and extending the analysis done in Khym (2018) [2] in which only the 'relatively' simple cases of 'It'-Extraposition such as 'CP-Predicate' was dealt with. I show in this paper that the constraints and the constraint hierarchy developed to explain the 'relatively' simple cases of 'It'-Extraposition are no longer valid for the more complicated cases of 'It'-Extraposition in configuration of 'CP-V-CP'. In doing so, I also discuss two important theoretic possibilities and suggest a new view to look at the 'It'-Extraposition: first, the long-bothering question of which syntactic approach between P&P (Chomsky 1985) [3] and MP (Chomsky 1992) [4] should be based on in projecting the full surface forms of candidates may boil down to just a simple issue of an intrinsic property of the Gen(erator). Second, the so-called 'It'- Extraposition phenomenon may not actually be a derived construction by the optional application of Extraposition operation. Rather, it could be just a representational construction produced by the simple application of 'It'-insertion after the structure projection with 'that-clause' at the post-verbal position. This observation may lead to elimination of one of the promising candidates of '$It_i{\ldots}[_{CP}that{\sim}]_i$' out of the computation table in Khym [2], and eventually to excluding the long-named 'It'-Extraposition case from Extrsposition phenomena itself. The final constraints and the constraint hierarchy that are explored are as follows: ${\bullet}$ Constraints: $^*SSF$, AHSubj, Subj., Min-D ${\bullet}$ Constraint Hierarchy: SSF<<>>Subj.>> AHSubj.

      • KCI등재

        Revisiting ‘It’-Extraposition in English : An Extended Optimality-Theoretic Analysis

        Han-gyoo Khym 국제문화기술진흥원 2019 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.2

        In this paper I discuss a more complicated case of ‘It’-Extraposition in English in the Optimality Theory [1] by further modifying and extending the analysis done in Khym (2018) [2] in which only the ‘relatively’ simple cases of ‘It’-Extraposition such as ‘CP-Predicate’ was dealt with. I show in this paper that the constraints and the constraint hierarchy developed to explain the ‘relatively’ simple cases of ‘It’- Extraposition are no longer valid for the more complicated cases of ‘It’-Extraposition in configuration of ‘CP-V-CP’. In doing so, I also discuss two important theoretic possibilities and suggest a new view to look at the ‘It’-Extraposition: first, the long-bothering question of which syntactic approach between P&P (Chomsky 1985) [3] and MP (Chomsky 1992) [4] should be based on in projecting the full surface forms of candidates may boil down to just a simple issue of an intrinsic property of the Gen(erator). Second, the so-called ‘It’- Extraposition phenomenon may not actually be a derived construction by the optional application of Extraposition operation. Rather, it could be just a representational construction produced by the simple application of ‘It’-insertion after the structure projection with ‘that-clause’ at the postverbal position. This observation may lead to elimination of one of the promising candidates of ‘Iti…[CP that~]i’ out of the computation table in Khym [2], and eventually to excluding the long-named ‘It’- Extraposition case from Extrsposition phenomena itself. The final constraints and the constraint hierarchy that are explored are as follows: • Constraints: *SSF, AHSubj, Subj., Min-D • Constraint Hierarchy: SSF<<>>Subj.>> AHSubj.


        The design of a body RF coil for low-field open MRI using pseudo electric dipole radiation and simulated annealing

        Khym, G.L.,Yang, H.J.,Oh, C.H. Elsevier 2010 CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS Vol.10 No.6

        The paper presents a new body RF coil design scheme for a low-field open MRI system. The RF coil is composed of four rectangular loops which are made of wide copper strips located near the surfaces of the bottom and top pole faces of the permanent magnet. The body RF coil has been designed by using the pseudo electric dipole radiation (PEDPR) method with the Metropolis algorithm. In the calculation of the RF fields via the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, the computational time increases as the RF frequency becomes lower. Moreover, the computational process using the FDTD method takes a very long time when the RF coil is optimized. The optimization requires varying the configuration of the RF coil system and performing successive calculations of field strength and field homogeneity. When we perform these successive calculations, the computational time can be reduced by using the PEDPR method, where the segmented current elements of the RF coil are treated as pseudo electric dipole radiation sources. Because the RF coil is made of wide strips, the variation of the current density on the strip has been considered in the B<SUB>1</SUB>-field calculation. For each configuration of the RF coil system, the current distribution is calculated via circuit analysis, where each copper strip is considered as a parallel combination of current element lines. The preliminary field calculation study by the FDTD method verifies both the circuit analysis method for the current distribution and the PEDPR method for the radiation field strength. The optimization of the RF coil configuration is performed by the Simulated Annealing (SA) process using the Metropolis algorithm. Simulations have been performed for a 10MHz RF frequency. The optimized RF coil has four rectangular loops of 37cmx100cm with 6.5cm wide strips which are separated vertically 49cm and horizontally center-to-center 63cm. In the 25cm diameter of spherical volume (DSV), the design results show a good field inhomogeneity of the B<SUB>1</SUB>-field below 0.49dB (5.8%).

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Exceptional Cases to the Anti-Superiority Effect in Korean and Japanese: A Morpho-Syntactic Approach

        Khym, Han-Gyoo The International Promotion Agency of Culture Tech 2017 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.5 No.1

        In an English multiple Wh-construction with two wh-words, only a higher-located wh-word in a sentence structure is allowed to pre-pose to the Spec of CP, which has been known as a Superiority Effect(SE). Contrary to English, Korean and Japanese have been known not to respect SE, and this phenomenon has been called an Anti-Superiority Effect(ASE). Recent studies including Takita et al(2007) and Harada(2015) among others, however, have suggested exceptional cases to ASE in Japanese, and attempted to explain them through a feature checking mechanism within the Minimalist Program(MP) by Chomsky(1995, 1998). Such explanations of MP, which are based on the abstract feature checking system, have recently been considered just as a kind of technicalia and should be backed up with further empirical evidence. In this paper, I show that there are also exceptions to ASE in Korean, and the exceptional cases to ASE both in Korean and Japanese can be well explainable based on the empirical evidence of Korean/Japanese morpho-syntax.

      • KCI등재

        An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis of 'It'-Extraposition in English

        Khym, Han-gyoo The International Promotion Agency of Culture Tech 2018 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.6 No.4

        The Extraposition phenomenon in English has been analyzed mainly through two approaches: a derivational approach under the Principles & Parameters framework (P&P) and a representational approach under the early Minimalist framework (MP). The first one tries to understand the phenomenon as a result of the movement of a Big Subject first to the end of a sentence which is then followed by the insertion of an expletive 'it' to the empty Subject position. On the other hand, the second one tries to understand it by way of assuming a Big Subject originally base-generated at the end of a sentence which is followed by the insertion of an expletive 'it' to the empty Subject position. The two approaches, however, are not free from theoretical defects at all: the full derivational approach was under controversy in terms of (1) the failure of the Binding Theory and (2) its inability to suggest anything about the marginal reading issue. On the while, the representational approach has been argued (1) to violate the thematic hierarchy that should be kept in D-structure, and (2) to be also unable to suggest the slightest difference in marginal reading issue as the first one. In this paper I focus mainly on analyzing the 'It'-Extraposition phenomenon in the Optimality Theory. I will show that by way of (i) some newly developed constraints such as Subj., and AHSubj. and (ii) a constraint hierarchy of Subj.>>AHSubj., the controversies of 'It-Extraposition' such as (1) the analysis of construction and (2) the very closely related issue of 'marginal reading issue' can be explained properly.

      • KCI등재

        Semantic Features as a Cause of Tensification in Korean Sub-compounds

        Khym, Han-gyoo The Institute of Internet 2016 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.8 No.4

        Nominal compounds of 'N1 + N2'in Korean can be classified into the following three major categories: co-compound, sub-compound, and fusion. Among these three major categories, insertion of /t/ in the compounding process and subsequent tensification are found only in sub-compounds. This peculiar phenomenon of /t/-insertion which causes, in turn, tensification in sub-compounds has been long controversial because linguists have not been able to expect in which phonological environment of sub-compounding insertion of /t/ takes place. In this paper, I explore a phonological rule which makes it possible to expect the phonological environments of sub-compounding that allow insertion of /t/ and automatic tensification of the subsequent consonant in the onset of N2. In this process, I show that semantic feature(s) between two combined roots should be considered as one of the important structural descriptions in phonology.

      • KCI등재

        Variation of Cannonical Sentence Structure in Korean & Japanese Dialects & its Implication

        Khym, Han-gyoo The Institute of Internet 2015 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.7 No.2

        The main purpose of this squib is to provide a new principled account for variation of canonical sentence structure in Korean and Japanese based on the linguistic data commonly observed in some dialects of Korean and Japanese. Unlike the English case in which Comp(lementizer) such as 'that' in an embedded clause freely drops as far as the ECP (Lasnik & Saito 1992) is obeyed, some dialects of both Korean and Japanese show interesting linguistic data very different from those of English, thereby leading us to reasonably doubt the traditionally-accepted paradigm of the canonical sentence structure of CP for all languages. In this squib I propose, based on Korean & Japanese dialects and by developing the Minimal Structure Principle (MSP) ($Bo{\check{s}}kovi{\acute{c}}$ 1997, p. 25), that the cannonical structure of a sentence is not fixed, from the beginning at all, to be one single maximal category, CP. Instead, it should be decided to be either CP or IP, based on the feature of [${\pm}$markedness] and MSP, and the marked (or non-cannonical) embedded sentence needs to satisfy ECP for adjacency (or feature-licensing by the matrix verb in the MP terminology).

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on the Intransitive Verb Alternation of English and Korean in the Aspectual Event Syntax

        Khym, Han-Gyoo The Institute of Internet 2017 International journal of advanced smart convergenc Vol.6 No.4

        In this paper I applies Borer (1993)'s way of classifying English intransitive action verbs such as 'run', walk, among many others, to the corresponding Korean intransitive action verbs such as 'tali-ta' and 'keət-ta', and show how they are different from - or similar with - each other in terms of syntactic structures and verb classification. Unlike the English verb 'run' which can be classified into an unaccusative verb as well as an unergative verb in Borer's theory, the corresponding Korean verbs 'tali-ta' or 't'wi-ta' can behave not only as an unergative and unauucsative verb, but also it can behave as a transitive verb. Though Borer's perspective on classification of verb types may be thought of as somewhat radical mostly due to its heavy dependency on aspectual representation of a whole sentence which a verb is just part of, it is clearly suggesting a new and great insight into the controversial topic of classification of verb types. So it is worth adopting this insightful perspective for the analysis of corresponding Korean verbs and seeing if it also works for the Korean ones.

      • KCI등재

        Selection of a Grammatical Subject in English Correlative Conjunction Phrases: An Optimality-Theoretic Approach

        Khym, Han-Gyoo The International Promotion Agency of Culture Tech 2017 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.5 No.4

        The topic of selection of a grammatical subject in a correlative conjunction phrase has long failed to attract the attention of linguists due to some difficulties not only in figuring out the internal structure of NP's conjoined by a correlative conjunction but also in its heavy dependency on the representational aspects each correlative conjunction demonstrates. In this paper, I have explored the seemingly complex patterns in the selection of a grammatical subject in a correlative conjunction phrase in the frame of the Optimality Theory (Prince & Smolensky 1993, 2008). I show that, with the help of three newly developed constraints such as MinDist, Focus, and PARSE which are ranked relatively to each other, an optimal grammatical subject out of two NP candidates conjoined by a correlative conjunction can be correctly selectable.

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