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      • KCI등재

        Potential of Using Ginger Essential Oils-Based Nanotechnology to Control Tropical Plant Diseases

        Adamu Abdullahi,Khairulmazmi Ahmad,Intan Safinar Ismail,Norhayu Asib,Osumanu Haruna Ahmed,Abubakar Ismaila Abubakar,Yasmeen Siddiqui,Mohd Razi Ismail 한국식물병리학회 2020 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.36 No.6

        Essential oils (EOs) have gained a renewed interest in many disciplines such as plant disease control and medicine. This review discusses the components of ginger EOs, their mode of action, and their potential nanotechnology applications in controlling tropical plant diseases. Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS), high-performance liquid chromatography, and headspace procedures are commonly used to detect and profile their chemical compositions EOs in ginger. The ginger EOs are composed of monoterpenes (transcaryophyllene, camphene, geranial, eucalyptol, and neral) and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (α-zingiberene, ar-curcumene, β-bisabolene, and β-sesquiphellandrene). GC-MS analysis of the EOs revealed many compounds but few compounds were revealed using the headspace approach. The EOs have a wide range of activities against many phytopathogens. EOs mode of action affects both the pathogen cell’s external envelope and internal structures. The problems associated with solubility and stability of EOs had prompted the use nanotechnology such as nanoemulsions. The use of nanoemulsion to increase efficiency and supply of EOs to control plant diseases control was discussed in this present paper. The findings of this review paper may accelerate the effective use of ginger EOs in controlling tropical plant diseases.

      • KCI등재

        Establishment of effective plantlets regeneration protocol via isolated microspore culture in Malaysian indica rice MR219

        Rahman Zuraida Abd,Seman Zulkifli Ahmad,Othman Ayu Nazreena,Ghaffar Mohamad Bahagia Ab,Razak Shahril Ab,Yusof Muhammad Fairuz Mohd,Nasir Khairun Hisam,Ahmad Khairulmazmi,Chow Yeow Lit,How Teo Chee,Saa 한국식물생명공학회 2022 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.16 No.3

        The current study recognised the issues encountered in regenerating Malaysia MR219 rice plantlet via microspore culture and attempted to develop an efficient protocol in overcoming the restraints. In the present study, a high proportion of uninu- cleate microspores (49.17%) was isolated from Stage 2-Segment II panicle (59–61 days), which also exhibited the highest callus initiation rate of 8.50%. Maintenance of the panicles under a cool temperature of 4 °C for 7 days before isolating the microspores, resulted in the highest microspore viability of 58.33% and callus initiation rate of 9.33%. The microspore isola- tion protocol was also optimised in the present study. The filtration sieve engagement with a pore size of 80 µm and further suspension centrifugation at 800 rpm for 5 min produced the highest microspore viability percentage and callus initiation rate. The incorporation of 3.0 mg/L kinetin in conjunction with 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D greatly enhanced the callus initiation rate, with 11.33%. The callus proliferation capacity, with the formation of 481.67 mg callus, was significantly promoted by the addition of 1.0 mg/L kinetin and 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D into the growth medium. Moreover, a higher green plantlet regeneration frequency of 2.83% was induced by the supplementation of 8% sucrose, which produced an average of 3.50 green plantlets.

      • KCI등재

        Integrated Eff ect of Plant Growth-Promoting Compost and NPK Fertilizer on Nutrient Uptake, Phenolic Content, and Antioxidant Properties of Orthosiphon stamineus and Cosmos caudatus

        Yasmeen Siddiqui,Umaiyal Munusamy,Yuvarani Naidu,Khairulmazmi Ahmad 한국원예학회 2020 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.61 No.6

        The eff ects of plant growth-promoting (PGP) compost, conventional fertilizer (NPK), and their combination on fresh anddry herb yield, nutrient uptake, total phenolic content (TPC), total fl avonoids (TF), and antioxidant activity (DPPH andFRAP) of Orthosiphon stamineus and Cosmos caudatus were determined. The highest values for each measured variableof O. stamineus and C. caudatus were obtained when both herbs were cultivated in soils supplemented with PGP compostand NPK at halved rates. Considering the eff ect of treatments on herb nutrient composition, a marginal but signifi cant risewas detected in macro- and micronutrient contents (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mn) in both herbs grown in soils supplementedwith PGP compost and NPK. TPC ranged from 121–172.6 mg GAE g −1 DW, TF from 95.4–125.4 catechin CE g −1DW, FRAP from 42.2–58.3 mmol Fe 2+ equivalent g −1 DW, and DPPH from 185.1–279.4 μmol Trolox equivalent g −1 DWin O. stamineus . TPC, TF, DPPH, and FRAP activities in C. caudatus were 176.1 mg GAE g −1 FW, 152.49 catechin CE g −1FW, 174.86 μmol Trolox equivalent g −1 FW, and 154.68 mmol Fe 2+ equivalent g −1 FW, respectively. It is suggested thatthe usage of PGP compost in combination with NPK at halved rates can reduce the indiscriminate use of mineral fertilizersin greenhouse soil and that a combination treatment had better eff ects in terms of yields and phytochemical composition inboth of the herbs compared with conventional mineral fertilization and unfortifi ed or fortifi ed compost alone.

      • KCI등재

        Control of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm by Supplementation of Calcium, Copper, and Salicylic Acid

        M. Shahul Hamid Rahamah Bivi,Adamu Saidu Paiko,Ahmad Khairulmazmi,M. S. Akhtar,Abu Seman Idris 한국식물병리학회 2016 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.32 No.5

        Continuous supplementation of mineral nutrients andsalicylic acid (SA) as foliar application could improveefficacy in controlling basal stem rot (BSR) disease inoil palm seedling. It is revealed from the results thatthe highest disease severity index (58.3%) was recordedin T8 treatments at 9 months after inoculation. The best disease control was achieved by T7 treatments(calcium/copper/SA [Ca/Cu/SA]) (5.0%) followedby T1 (5.5%), T5 (5.8%), T3 (8.3%), T6 (8.3%),T4 (13.3%), and T2 (15.8%) treatments. Continuoussupplementation of Ca/Cu/SA was found to be themost effective in controlling the disease and the highperformance liquid chromatography results showedthe detection of ergosterol at very low concentration inthe treated samples. Moreover, the transmission electronmicroscopy analysis results clearly indicated thatT7 treatment was also enhancing lignification, whichwas responsible for the thickness of the secondarycell walls and middle lamella compared to untreatedsamples. It was therefore, concluded that continuoussupplementation of minerals nutrients and SA couldeffectively suppress disease severity by reducing ergosterolactivity and also improve the process of lignificationin the treated plants. Furthermore, this treatmentalso managed to delay the onset of BSR symptoms andpromote the growth of the seedlings and eventuallysuppress the BSR disease.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Control of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm by Supplementation of Calcium, Copper, and Salicylic Acid

        Bivi, M. Shahul Hamid Rahamah,Paiko, Adamu Saidu,Khairulmazmi, Ahmad,Akhtar, M.S.,Idris, Abu Seman The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2016 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.32 No.5

        Continuous supplementation of mineral nutrients and salicylic acid (SA) as foliar application could improve efficacy in controlling basal stem rot (BSR) disease in oil palm seedling. It is revealed from the results that the highest disease severity index (58.3%) was recorded in T8 treatments at 9 months after inoculation. The best disease control was achieved by T7 treatments (calcium/copper/SA [Ca/Cu/SA]) (5.0%) followed by T1 (5.5%), T5 (5.8%), T3 (8.3%), T6 (8.3%), T4 (13.3%), and T2 (15.8%) treatments. Continuous supplementation of Ca/Cu/SA was found to be the most effective in controlling the disease and the high performance liquid chromatography results showed the detection of ergosterol at very low concentration in the treated samples. Moreover, the transmission electron microscopy analysis results clearly indicated that T7 treatment was also enhancing lignification, which was responsible for the thickness of the secondary cell walls and middle lamella compared to untreated samples. It was therefore, concluded that continuous supplementation of minerals nutrients and SA could effectively suppress disease severity by reducing ergosterol activity and also improve the process of lignification in the treated plants. Furthermore, this treatment also managed to delay the onset of BSR symptoms and promote the growth of the seedlings and eventually suppress the BSR disease.

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