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        A Quasi-experimental Research on the Effects of Explicit Grammar Instructions on English Performance of Chinese University Students

        Li Ke 국제인문사회연구학회 2024 Studies on Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSC) Vol.6 No.3

        A Quasi-experimental Research on the Effects of Explicit Grammar Instructions on English Performance ofChinese University Students Li Ke* Abstract: This study aimed at the impact of explicit English grammar instruction on students’ performance in English tests for Chinese non-English major university students. Through an eight-week experimental teaching method, it was found that the experimental class under the explicit grammar instruction showed greater overall improvement in English comprehensive exams compared to the control class without specific grammar instruction. Independent sample t-tests on pre- and post-test scores between the two classes and paired sample t-tests within the experimental class revealed that students in the experimental class showed more significant progress in reading, translation, and writing, without significant impact on listening. The results suggested that in the Chinese university English teaching context, the utilization of explicit grammar instruction may generate a positive impact on students’ performance in English exams. Key Words: English Teaching, Grammar Instruction, Explicit Syntactic Instruction, Second Language Acquisition, Chinese University Students □ Received: May 16, 2024, Revised: June 3, 2024, Accepted: June 20, 2024* Professor, Shandong Technology and Business Univ., Email: likeby@sina.com A Quasi-experimental Research on the Effects of Explicit Grammar Instructions on English Performance ofChinese University Students Li Ke* Abstract: This study aimed at the impact of explicit English grammar instruction on students’ performance in English tests for Chinese non-English major university students. Through an eight-week experimental teaching method, it was found that the experimental class under the explicit grammar instruction showed greater overall improvement in English comprehensive exams compared to the control class without specific grammar instruction. Independent sample t-tests on pre- and post-test scores between the two classes and paired sample t-tests within the experimental class revealed that students in the experimental class showed more significant progress in reading, translation, and writing, without significant impact on listening. The results suggested that in the Chinese university English teaching context, the utilization of explicit grammar instruction may generate a positive impact on students’ performance in English exams. Key Words: English Teaching, Grammar Instruction, Explicit Syntactic Instruction, Second Language Acquisition, Chinese University Students □ Received: May 16, 2024, Revised: June 3, 2024, Accepted: June 20, 2024* Professor, Shandong Technology and Business Univ., Email: likeby@sina.com

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of the China's Power Elites in the 21^(st) Century : Continue or Change?

        Kim, Jung Ke 대한정치학회 2005 大韓政治學會報 Vol.13 No.2

        This study focused on the backgrounds of the current CCP PB members, and what characteristics changed or continued when compared to the previous one. The subject of research was the top 203 PB members since 1949, a cluster of elites that includes the current 24 PB members. The analytical categories of the backgrounds were: 1) biological backgrounds, 2) educational backgrounds, and 3) work backgrounds. In brief, the results of analysis show all of the 16^(th) PB in their age, growth time, the time of graduated college and joined the Party, or work experience are different from the third generation. However, the 16^(th) PB members have advanced their careers by working on China's economic modernization program, they were technically trained and by profession technocrats in administrative capacities, similar to their immediate predecessors. Therefore, the new leadership will not necessarily translate into distinctive policy orientation.

      • GIS와 원격탐사기술을 통한 충주호 환경변화 분석에 관한 연구

        신계종,황의진 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        This study executed a spatial analysis using satellite images and digital topographic maps. we predicted the amount of soil loss on a field slope based on rainfall pattern, soil type, topography, crop system and management practices.

      • GIS를 이용한 수계영향권분석

        신계종,황의진,유송이 忠州大學校 2009 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.44 No.-

        Remote Sensing field uses mainly Landsat TM image that is used to the monitoring of the wide area. In this study, it is analyzed the Water System Effect Area by time series using satellite images and is proposed the vision for a urban balanced development. It execute an analysis for urban change which is a fundamental data of floodgate planning through the integration of the spatial analysis technique of GIS and Remote Sensing using satellite data

      • 河川形態學的 特性因子와 河天從斷과의 相關性

        申桂鍾,閔彰東 忠州大學校 1982 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.15 No.2

        The writer has chosen 9 rivulets of MIHO stream basin and computed the theoretical profile morphology of a rivulets by correlation some morphological characteristic factors which is calculated by Horton's Law to the expression of theoretical profile (Zm=e (c+E) ??-(D+F)u, Xm=e?? ?? e-DU) and to the expression of equilibrium profile (Zm=ne(C+E)). After that the writer compared the theoretical profile morphology with the actual profile morphology of a rivulet. The result was as follows: In the same stream system BAEG-COG rivulet and CHEON-SU rivulet revealed close to 1 of e D+F value, and Mu-shim rivulet and BO-GANG rivulet revealed over 1 of eD+F value, which means the formers are in the state of adolescence and the latters are in the state of Senescence. Here, we could see that the geological developing process in the same stream system differs from each rivulet.

      • 誤謬分析과 對照分析의 方向과 그 適用

        李季順 서울大學校 語學硏究所 1977 應用 言語學 Vol.9 No.1

        Foreign speakers of a target language often produce ungrammatical utterances. We may look of the causes of these deviant structures in different areas, interference from the native language and that from the complexity in the foreign language itself. Moreover, certain errors may be attributable to general learning strategies. Contrastive analysis has proved valuable to predict interlanguage interference. Many errors, however, can not be explained by contrastive analysis, therefore, we have to look elsewhere for explanations. A detailed analysis of errors done by Tran-Thi-Chau revealed that interlingual interference was the greatest cause of errors, and intralingual errors formed the second largest group of errors. The results of this experiment support the belief that unless EA makes use of CA insight it can not explain the causes of a large number of errors. Consequently, the two types of analysis are complementary rather than exclusive. On the basis of this investigation, I attempted to analyze the errors made by Korean examinees who took the English Proficiency Test at the Language Research Institute, Seoul National University. The corpus mostly consists of oral and written production in English. The errors were classified into two categories, interlingual and intralingual (also developmental). For convenience of presentation, the latter was classified into two groups, over-generalization and under-generalization. Grammatical categories with examples are presented in the paper, where a considerable amount of teaching should be devoted.

      • Celluomonas sp. Endoglucanase 유전자의 Cloning 및 E.coli에서의 발현

        이계호,이인형 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1990 서울대농학연구지 Vol.15 No.1

        Cellulomonas sp. ATCC21399로부터 Escherichia coli HB101로 pBR322 plasmid를 이용하여 endo-β-1, 4-glucanase 유전자를 cloning하였다. Celm. sp.로부터 chromosomal DNA를 분리하여 제한효소 BamHI으로 부분절단한 후 low melting temperature agarose gel로부터 4∼15 Kb 정도 크기의 DNA 절단만을 분리하여 NACS PREPAC column에 의해 정제하였다. pBR322 또한 BamHI으로 절단한 후 self ligation을 방지하기 위하여 bacterial alkaline phosphatase을 처리하여 dephosphorylation시켰다. 두 가지의 절단된 DNA를 혼합하여 T₄ DNA ligase로 ligation시켜 E. coli HB101에 형질전환하였다. 2,500여 형질전환체 중 65% 정도가 재조합 plasmid DNA를 가지고 있는 것으로 insertional inactivation으로 확인되었으며, 그중 하나가 congo red를 처리한 plate에서 yellow halo zone을 형성하였으므로 endoglucanase 효소활성이 나타났음을 확인하였다. 이 형질전환체로부터 plasmid DNA를 분리하여 pCS129로 명명하였으며, 13 Kb 정도 크기의 insert를 가지고 있었다. pCS129 DNA를 제한효소로 분석한 결과 BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII site는 insert내에 존재하지 않았으며, PstI, SalI site는 여러 곳에 존재하였다. pCS129를 갖는 E. coli는 Celm. sp.의 1/20정도의 효소역가를 보여주었다. A gene encoding endoglucanase of Cellulomonas sp. ATCC21399 was transferred into Escherichia coli HB101 by molecular cloning using pBR322 as a vector. Chromosomal DNA of Celm. sp. was isolated and partially digested by BamHI. DNA fragments of 4-15 Kb from low melting temperature agarose gel were fractionated and purified by NACS PREPAC column. The pBR322 DNA was also digested by BamHI and dephosphorylated by treating with bacterial alkaline phosphatase. The DNA preparation from Celm. sp. and pBR322 were mixed and ligated with T₄ DNA ligase and transformed into E. coli HB101. Among 2500 transformants, 65% were the recombinant plasmid DNA, and one colony exhibited endoglucanase activity with the yellow halo zone by congo red staining. From the endoglucanase positive colony, the recombinant plasmid DNA was isolated and named as pCS129. Restriction analysis indicated that the insert of pCS129 was 13 Kb and was not cleaved by BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII but was cleaved at several sites by PstI, SalI. The E. coli harboring pCS129 showed one-twentieth of endoglucanase activity of the gene donor Celm. sp.

      • 홉스(Thomas Hobbes)의 政治哲學論考 : 스트라우쓰 (Leo Strauss)의 解說을 中心으로 Through Leo Strauss's Interpretations

        李啓熙 大田大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the basis and development of Hobbess political philosophy through Leo Strauss. According to Strauss, Hobbes's political philosophy is the first peculiarly modern attempt to give a coherent and exhaustive answer to the question of the right oder of society. And it is almost universally admitted that Hobbes marks an epoch in the history of natural law and of the theory of the state. Hobbess intention can be seen as twofold ; (1) to put moral and political philosophy on a modern scienitfic basis ; (2) to conftribute to the establishment of civic peace and amity and to the disposing of mankind toward fulfilling their civic duties. The contents of this study are summarized as followings ; (1) The analysing of the moral basis of Hobbes's political philosophy. (2) The searching into developmental process of Habbes's interests, from philosophy though history to political philosophy. (3) The understanding of Hobbes's themes on politics, such as the state of nature, natural right, natural law, and sovereign power.

      • 北韓의 政治社會化政策과 이데올로기 敎育

        李啓熙 大田大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        The distinctive characteristics of political socialization in North Korea are its purposiveness and total control over the process. Political socialization in North Korea refers to the political indoctrination of the people by power elites. So it is more useful for analysing the process of political socialization in North Korea to introduce “teaching perspective” and “hegemonic”concept, which emphasize how political ideology is transmitted from the dominant to the dominated groups in society. In political socialization policies are included such ideological, educational, socio-cultural, and social science policies as related to the developing individual’s political values and behaviours. Political education in North Korea is started very early from preschool years. North Korean students from primary school to university are expected to take political education through regular courses together with organizational and socio-political activities. Every formal education in North Korea has political content. The Major themes of political socialization and political education in schools are designed to intensify the ideological indoctrination and to reinforce the cult of Kim Il-Sung and his son, Kim Jung Il, who has been designated for his successor.

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