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      • KCI등재

        Comparative Analysis of Superantigen Genes in Staphylococcus xylosus and Staphylococcus aureus Isolates Collected from a Single Mammary Quarter of Cows with Mastitis

        Karol Fijałkowski,Magdalena Struk,Jolanta Karakulska,Aleksandra Paszkowska,Stefania Giedrys-Kalemba,Helena Masiuk,Danuta Czernomysy-Furowicz,Paweł Nawrotek 한국미생물학회 2014 The journal of microbiology Vol.52 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare genesencoding superantigens (SAgs) in Staphylococcus xylosus andStaphylococcus aureus isolates collected simultaneously frommilk of the same cows with clinical mastitis. Genes encodingstaphylococcal enterotoxins and enterotoxin-like proteins(sea-selu), toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tst-1) and exfoliativetoxins (eta and etd) were investigated. It was found thatamong 30 isolates of S. xylosus, 16 (53.3%) harbored from 1to 10 SAg genes. In total, in 16 SAg positive S. xylosus, 11different enterotoxin genes were detected: sec, sed, seg, seh,sei, selm, seln, selo, selp, ser, selu and one etd gene encodingexfoliative toxin D. The most prevalent genes were ser, selu,and selo. Among all the positive isolates of S. xylosus, a totalof 14 different SAg gene combinations were detected. Onecombination was repeated in 3 isolates, whereas the rest weredetected only once. However, in the case of S. aureus all the30 isolates harbored the same combination of SAg genes:seg, sei, selm, seln, selo and on the basis of PFGE analysis allbelonged to the same clonal type. Also noteworthy was theobservation that SAg genes detected in S. aureus have alsobeen found in S. xylosus. The findings of this study furtherextend previous observations that SAg genes are presentnot only in S. aureus but also in coagulase-negative staphylococci,including S. xylosus. Therefore, taking into accountthat the SAg genes are encoded on mobile genetic elementsit is possible that these genes can be transferred betweendifferent species of coexisting staphylococci.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Rotating Magnetic Field on Enterotoxin Genes Expression in Staphylococcus Aureus Strains

        Karol Fijałkowski,Dorota Peitler,Anna ?ywicka,Rafał Rakoczy 한국자기학회 2016 Journal of Magnetics Vol.21 No.1

        Staphylococcus aureus cultures exposed to rotating magnetic field (RMF) were studied in order to analyse the possible induced changes in staphylococcal enterotoxin genes (se) expression. Liquid cultures of S. aureus strains carrying different se were exposed to the RMF of magnetic frequency 50 ㎐ and magnetic induction 34 mT for 10 h at 37 ℃. Three time points of bacterial growth cycle were considered for RNA extractions. Gene expression analyses were evaluated using real-time quantitative PCR method. The present study confirmed, that the RMF can stimulate the growth rate of S. aureus cultures in comparison to the unexposed controls, while the stimulation is not strain dependent. The studies have also shown, that the RMF, depending on the exposure time but regardless the bacterial strain, can influence on the expression of various se. In general, except for sea, as a result of bacterial exposure to the RMF through subsequent growth phases, the expression of se decreased, reaching the values below results recorded for unexposed controls. In the case of sea expression remained at a lower level as compared to the control, regardless the time of exposition.

      • KCI등재

        Identification and Methicillin Resistance of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Isolated from Nasal Cavity of Healthy Horses

        Jolanta Karakulska,Karol Fijałkowski,Paweł Nawrotek,Anna Pobucewicz,Filip Poszumski,Danuta Czernomysy-Furowicz 한국미생물학회 2012 The journal of microbiology Vol.50 No.3

        The aim of this study was an analysis of the staphylococcal flora of the nasal cavity of 42 healthy horses from 4 farms, along with species identification of CoNS isolates and determination of resistance to 18 antimicrobial agents, particularly phenotypic and genotypic methicillin resistance. From the 81 swabs, 87 staphylococci were isolated. All isolates possessed the gap gene but the coa gene was not detected in any of these isolates. Using PCR-RFLP of the gap gene, 82.8% of CoNS were identified: S. equorum (14.9%), S. warneri (14.9%), S. sciuri (12.6%), S. vitulinus (12.6%), S. xylosus (11.5% ), S. felis (5.7%), S. haemolyticus (3.4%), S. simulans (3.4%), S. capitis (1.1%), S. chromogenes (1.1%), and S. cohnii subsp. urealyticus (1.1%). To our knowledge, this was the first isolation of S. felis from a horse. The species identity of the remaining Staphylococcus spp. isolates (17.2%) could not be determined from the gap gene PCR-RFLP analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing data. Based on 16S-23S intergenic transcribed spacer PCR, 11 different ITS-PCR profiles were identified for the 87 analyzed isolates. Results of API Staph were consistent with molecular identification of 17 (19.5%) isolates. Resistance was detected to only 1 or 2 of the 18 antimicrobial agents tested in the 17.2% CoNS isolates, including 6.9% MRCoNS. The mecA gene was detected in each of the 5 (5.7%) phenotypically cefoxitin-resistant isolates and in 12 (13.8%) isolates susceptible to cefoxitin. In total, from 12 horses (28.6%), 17 (19.5%) MRCoNS were isolated. The highest percentage of MRCoNS was noted among S. sciuri isolates (100%).

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