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      • KCI등재

        한일 양언어에서의 고빈도외래어 어원에 대한 대조연구 -10년간(2013년부터 2022년까지)의 신문사설의 조사를 바탕으로-

        KISHIMOTO MARIKO 한국일본어교육학회 2023 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.103

        본고는 한일 양언어에 있어서의 신문사설을 조사대상으로 하고, 10년간(2013년부터 2022년까지)의 사설로부터 수작업에 의한 외래어의 추출조사를 시도했다. 우선, 고빈도 외래어인 상위 100어의 집계 결과는, 연어어수 「(일) 26,177어:(한) 18,245어」이며, 상위 100어로 중복어는, 48어였다. 단어의 특징으로는 10년간의 사회정세가 잘 반영되어 시사에 관한 단어가 많이 보였다. 다음으로, 상위 100어에 있어서의 원어의 분석 결과, 일본어는 4개의 외국어에 의해, 차용이 되어 있었다. 연어수 순서로 「영어, 독일어, 네덜란드어, 프랑스어」이다. 그 중에서도 영어가 가장 많이 전체의 90%를 차지하고 있었다. 한편 한국어는 두 개의 외국어에서 차용으로 '영어, 독일어'였지만 영어가 99.7%로 압도적으로 차지했다. 양쪽의 분석 데이터를 이용해 양 언어의 원어의 양적 비교를 실시한 결과, 양 언어에 공통되는 특징으로서 영어가 가장 많고, 9할 이상을 차지하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또, 중복어 48어 중, 44어가 영어를 원어로 하고 있었지만, 4어에 대해서는, 원어가 다르다.다른 단어의 내역은 한국어는 모두 '영어'인 반면 일본어는 '독일어(2어), 네덜란드어(1어), 프랑스어(1어)'였다.

      • KCI등재

        新聞社説における外来語の使用実態に関する研究 - 2018年から2021年までの抽出調査を中心に -

        岸本まりこ(Kishimoto, Mariko),孫東周(Son, Dong ju) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.69

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the “actual use of loan words” in newspaper editorials in recent years (after 2018). Based on the results obtained from the extraction survey by newspaper editorials, we will examine the recent increase and decrease of foreign words. In previous studies on loanwords, quantitative studies using newspapers were not so many compared to lexical studies, but it was concluded that the increasing trend of loanwords before 2010 was "remaining at a low level". ing. The subject of the survey is an editorial of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (electronic version), and the survey period is about 4 years (January 1, 2018 to October 31, 2021). The survey unit is W unit, and the original form and abbreviations such as "convenience store" and "convenience store" are treated as different words for the discrimination of homonyms. Proprietary nouns are not included in this paper. The appearance rate of loanwords in editorials increased 1.2 times each year in the first three years, and 1.1 times in the past year, albeit moderately. In particular,from 2020 to 2021, the social situation of “Covid-19” and “Tokyo Olympics” is considered to be related. Furthermore, when viewed by word type, it can be said that there is no big difference in the ratio of foreign words and hybrid words to the whole. Since 2019, the increase in loanwords due to social conditions has been seen in the total number of words, but in the 5th edition of Sanseido"s Katakana Dictionary, which was revised in 2020 for the first time in 10 years, "COVID-19" Newly added words (eg, overshoot, social distanceting, pandemic, lockdown, etc.) that are related to the above have appeared, but the appearance rate has been found to be low.

      • 新聞社説における⾼頻度外来語の出現率に関する⽇韓対照研究 - 9年間(2013年から2021年まで)の抽出調査を基に -

        岸本まりこ(Kishimoto Mariko),孫東周(Son Dong Ju) 동북아시아문화학회 2022 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2022 No.7

        In this article, newspaper editorials in both Japanese and Korean languages were targeted for analysis, and an analysis was conducted from a sympathetic aspect by a sampling survey for the 9 years after 2013. The results obtained from the sample with the number of editorials (Japanese) 5,912 : (Korean) 8,056 and the total number of characters (Japanese) 5,379,282 : (Korean) 8,744,398 are described by chapter. First, as a result of quantitative analysis, the appearance rate of loanwords (overall word types) is (Japanese) 67.3%: (Korean) 27.7%, and the appearance rates of both languages are overwhelmingly different. It was seen. Furthermore, the appearance rate of word types is a major feature of the rapid increase in hybrid words in 2020. It was found that the word related to COVID-19 was frequently used as an increase factor. Next, The characteristic of high-frequency loanwords is that there are 45 duplicate words in the top 100 words of both languages. As a result of considering the increasing / decreasing trend pattern for 9 years, social and current affairs problems were prominent in both languages.

      • 新聞・社説における外来語の数量的推移に関する研究 - 2018年から2021年までの抽出調査を中心に ―

        岸本まり子(Mariko KISHIMOTO) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2021 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the "quantitative transition of loanwords" in newspaper editorials in recent years (after 2018). Based on the results obtained from the extraction survey by newspaper editorials, we will examine the recent increase and decrease of foreign words. In previous studies on loanwords, quantitative studies using newspapers were not so many compared to lexical studies, but it was concluded that the increasing trend of loanwords before 2010 was "remaining at a low level". ing. The subject of the survey is an editorial of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (electronic version), and the survey period is about 4 years (January 1, 2018 to September 30, 2021). The survey method was manual extraction. For counting the number of characters, I used the character counting function of MS Word. The survey unit is M unit, and the original form and abbreviations such as "convenience store" and "convenience store" are treated as different words for the discrimination of homonyms. Proprietary nouns are not included in this paper. The appearance rate of loanwords in editorials increased 1.2 times each year in the first three years, and 1.1 times in the past year, albeit moderately. In particular, from 2020 to 2021, the social situation of "Covid-19" and "Tokyo Olympics" is considered to be related. The overall trend was a 1.6-fold increase between 2018 and 2021. Furthermore, when viewed by word type, it can be said that there is no big difference in the ratio of foreign words and hybrid words to the whole. Overall, the survey results showed a gradual increase. Since 2019, the increase in loanwords due to social conditions has been seen in the total number of words, but in the 5th edition of Sanseido"s Katakana Dictionary, which was revised in 2020 for the first time in 10 years, "COVID-19" Newly added words (eg, overshoot, social distanceting, pandemic, lockdown, etc.) that are related to the above have appeared, but the appearance rate has been found to be low.

      • KCI등재

        日韓両言語における 高頻度外来語の使用実態に関する対照研究: 9年間(2013年から2021年まで)の新聞社説を基に

        岸本まりこ(Kishimoto Mariko ),손동주(Dong-ju Son) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2022 인문사회과학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 논문의 연구는 한일 양 언어의 신문사설을 조사대상으로 하여 수작업으로 9년간(2013-2021) 사설에 있는 외래어를 추출조사를 하였다. 본 조사에서 표본은 사설수‘(일) 5,912개:(한)8,056개’이고 총 문자수는 ‘(일) 5,379,282개: (한) 8,744,398개’이였다. 양 언어에서‘고빈도 외래어’상위 100개 단어에서 양 언어가‘중복하는 단어’는 48개이였다. 고빈도 외래어의 특징으로는 시사나 국제정세와 관련된 단어가 상위 1위에서 20위까지 집중해 있었다. 그리고 '중복되지 않는 단어'는 52개이였다. '중복되지 않는 단어'의 특징은 한 언어에서는 고빈도 외래어이나 다른 언어에서는 중빈도 또는 저빈도 외래어였다. '중복되지 않는 단어'에서 '(언어A)고빈도 외래어: (언어B) 저빈도 외래어' 라고 정의하여 분석을 하였다. 이 정의를 기초로하여 중복되지 않은 요인으로 어종의 차이에 주목하였다. 그 결과로 '분석 대상어'로 일본어 26개, 한국어 16개 단어를 선정하였다. 일본어에 있어서 분석 대상어 26개 중 25개는 고빈도 외래어였지만 1개 ‘ブレーキ(74개):歯止め(190개)’에 대해서는 외래어 이외의 어종(일본고유어)의 출현이 높았고 양쪽 모두‘~がかかる/~をかける’의 형태로 관용표현에 이용되는 공통점도 보였다. 한편 한국어에서는 16개 중 13개는 고빈도 외래어였지만 다음의 3개‘네거티브(40개):부정적(241개),이슈(70개):쟁점(153개),캠프(41개):진영(210개)’는 한자어 출현이 높았다.사설이라는 장르는 시사 국제정세와 관련된 단어가 많이 다루어지며 양 언어 모두 사설에서 외래어를 사용했는지 또는 한자어가 사용되었는지 다시 말해 사용하고 있는 단어의 어종의 차이로 외래어가 정착했는지에 대해 해명하였다. In this study, both Korean and Japanese newspaper editorials were investigated, and foreign words in the editorials were manually extracted and investigated for 9 years (2013-2021). In this survey, the number of samples is '(Japanese) 5,912: (Korea) 8,056' and the total number of characters is '(Japanese) 5,379,282: (Korea) 8,744,398'. Among the top 100 words of 'high frequency foreign words' in the two languages, there were 48 'overlapping words' in the two languages. As for the characteristics of loanwords with high frequency, words related to current affairs or international affairs were concentrated from 1st to 20th. And there were 52 'non-overlapping words'. The characteristics of 'non-overlapping words' were loan words with high frequency in one language and low frequency in another language. '(Language A) loan words with high frequency:((Language B) loan words with low frequency' were defined as 'non-overlapping words' and analyzed. Based on this definition, attention was paid to differences in fish species as a non-overlapping factor. As a result, 26 Japanese words and 16 Korean words were selected as 'words to be analyzed'. Of the 26 words analyzed in Japanese, 25 were foreign words with high frequency. One word, 'Breirki (74):歯止め (190)', had a high occurrence rate of non-loan terms (Japanese native words), and both were '~がかかる'. There was also a commonality used in idiomatic expressions in the form of '/~をかける'. On the other hand, in the Korean language, 13 out of 16 were foreign words with high frequency. It was high. The editorial genre covers a lot of words related to current events and international affairs. It's resolved.

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