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      • Buying Fashion Impulsively

        Jaeha Lee,Kim K. P. Johnson 한국마케팅과학회 2010 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.1 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to develop an explanatory model of impulse buying that addressed antecedents of impulse buying. For this research, impulse buying was defined as an unplanned, hedonic purchase that follows a sudden urge. Impulse buying reflects a rapid decision in response to a stimulus reflecting little cognitive consideration and disregard for consequences. Donovan and Roissiter (1982) suggested that a pleasant store environment (S) causes shoppers’ positive emotional states (O) and this in turn, yields shoppers’ approach behaviors (R), that is, a desire to remain in a store and explore its offerings. Applying this idea to impulse buying suggests that there are environmental stimuli in a store that could impact shoppers’ impulse buying tendencies and that individual shopper characteristics could moderate the influence of these environmental influences. Therefore, environmental influences on impulse buying and personal characteristics of impulse buyers were examined in a modified stimulusorganism- response (S-O-R) framework. Environmental stimuli (i.e., ambient factor, aesthetic factor, layout factor, excitement factor, promotion factor, sales associate factor) were predicted to influence shoppers’ mood and subsequently, contribute to impulse purchases. In addition, specific shoppers’ characteristics (i.e., lack of control, extroversion, innovativeness, hedonic consumption tendency, impulse buying tendency) were predicted to moderate the relationship between environmental stimuli and shopper’s impulse purchases. Data was collected from a convenience sample of 299 undergraduates at two Midwestern universities in the United States. Participants were asked to complete the questionnaire immediately after they had gone shopping for apparel, shoes, or accessories. Participants answered questions on their purchase, perceptions of the store environment, mood, and personal characteristics. Most of the participants were females (93.3%), aged between 18 and 23 (92.6%). They were never married (95.8%) and Euro American(83.5%). Participants’ impulse buying reflected pure impulse buying (28.3%), suggestion impulse buying (20.3%), reminder impulse buying (34.1%), and non-impulse buying (17.4%). Approximately 40 percent of the participants classified their purchase as either very impulsive or impulsive. The prices of the items that participants purchased ranged from $1 to $319 (m=$ 45). Participants purchased an item of apparel (65%), shoes (21%) or accessories (14%). Hypothesis 1 predicted that specific store environmental stimuli are associated with the perceived impulsiveness of a purchase. Only the relationship between store layout and impulsiveness of purchase was significant (t=3.30, p<.01) with a path coefficient of .20. Hypothesis 2 posited that shopper’s mood will be attributed to specific store environmental stimuli. The ambience, excitement, and sales associate variables had significant relationships with participants’ mood. The path coefficient was .27 (t=4.77, p<.01) for the relationship between store ambience and mood, .29 (t=4.83, p<.01) for the relationship between store excitement and mood, and .18 (t=3.11, p<.01) for the relationship between sales associate and mood. Hypothesis 3 proposed that the perceived impulsiveness of a purchase is associated with shopper’s mood. There was a significant relationship (t=4.01, p<.01, path coefficient of .24). The more positive the reported mood of participants, the more they perceived their purchases as impulsive. Hypothesis 4 predicted that specific participant' characteristics (i.e., lack of control, extroversion, innovativeness, hedonic consumption tendency, and impulse buying tendency) would moderate relationships between store environmental cues and the perceived impulsiveness of their purchases.

      • KCI등재

        個人的奢侈品價値與時尙品牌消費的關系: 美國人口特征差異的探索性分析

        ( Hye Young Kim ),( Jeong Ju Yoo ),( Doo Young Choi ),( Ji Eun Kim ),( K. P. Johnson ) 한국마케팅과학회 2011 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.2 No.3

        Researchers have focused on the explanation that consumers buy luxury brands ``to impress others`` (Tsai, 2005; O``Cass & Frost, 2002; Wiedmann, Hennigs, & Siebels, 2009). Marketers have designed branding strategies that reflect the idea that consumer purchasing is affected by an internal drive to create a favorable social image (Tsai, 2005). However, researchers exploring customer perceptions of and motives for purchasing luxury brands have suggested that socially-oriented motives are insufficient explanations for luxury brand consumption (Wiedmann et al., 2009). These researchers stress that personally- oriented motives have been overlooked in the marketing management of luxury brands. Additionally, empirical research focusing on personal motives is comparatively scarce (Tsai, 2005; Wiedmann et al., 2009). Our study attempted to address this research void by identifying personal luxury values U.S. consumers` associated with their fashion brand consumption. Specific research questions examined were: RQ1: What demographic characteristics are related to personal luxury values? RQ2: What personal luxury values are related to consumers` intentions to purchase luxury fashion brands? A range of motivators can underlie luxury brand consumption. First, some consumers may seek self-directed pleasure from consuming luxury brands and thus their purchase objective has little to do with pleasing peers or social groups (Tsai, 2005). These consumers often buy luxury brands to experience bliss or contentment. Second, self-gift giving could be an important motive that underlies luxury brand consumption. O`Cass and Frost (2002) found that some consumers purchase luxury products as gifts for themselves. Third, a consumer`s self-concept could affect luxury brand consumption. Recently, Wiedmann et al. (2009) confirmed that consumers` perceived congruity of a luxury brand with their self-image or intended self-image is an important variable for segmenting luxury consumers. Building on this fact, consumers may use luxury brands to integrate symbolic meaning into their own identities or they may use the brands to support and develop those identities (e.g., self-completion). Finally, Wiedmann et al. (2009) found that some consumers engaged in luxury brand consumption as a form of self-actualization or life-enrichment. Data were collected using a web survey tool with the help of a marketing research company. Participants were US consumers (n=316) who had purchased a luxury fashion brand in the past three years. Factor analysis with varimax rotation was conducted on 14 personal luxury value items. Items with factor loadings greater than .60 were retained. Two cross-loaded items were dropped resulting in four factors that accounted for 71.1% of the total variance. Item loadings ranged from .64 to .90. Each of the factors had an eigenvalue greater than one. Factor 1 was labeled life enrichment (α=.81) and included four items (e.g., Self-actualization is an important motivator for my luxury fashion brand consumption.). Factor 2 was labeled self-gifting (α=.80) and included three items (e.g., Reward for hard work or that I feel I have earned or am entitled to is an important motivator for my luxury fashion brand consumption.). Factor 3 was labeled self-identity (α=.73) and included three items (e.g., I never buy a luxury fashion brand inconsistent with the characteristics with which I describe myself.). Factor 4 was labeled self-directed pleasure (α=.74) and included two items (e.g., I can enjoy luxury fashion brands entirely on my own terms no matter what others may feel about them.). To answer RQ1, multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was employed using income as a covariate. Age (Multivariate F=7.75, p<.001) had the most significant relationship to self-gift giving and life enrichment luxury values. Education (Multivariate F=3.07, p<.05) had a significant relationship with self-identity. Further univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) on age indicated that younger respondents (18-30 years old) showed higher levels of self-gifting (F=25.08, p<.001) and life enrichment (F=18.40, p<.001) values than older consumers (51 or older). ANCOVA analysis on education also revealed that those with a four-year college degree or higher had a higher level of the self-identity value than who did not have a four-year college degree (F=4.69, pp<.05). No main effects were found for gender. However, an interaction effect between gender and education (F=2.76, p<.05) was found for the self-identity value (F=4.29, p<.05). Male respondents with a four-year college degree had a higher level of the self-identity value than females and males who did not have a four-year college degree and females who had at least a four year college degree. No other significant interaction effects were found. Regarding RQ2, the results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that the following three personal luxury values were significantly related to respondents` intention to purchase luxury fashion brands: self-directed pleasure (β=.25, p<.001), self-gifting (β=.20, p<.001), and self-identity (β=.11, p<.05). By understanding what personal luxury values are sought by American consumers, global luxury fashion marketers could be in a better position: (a) to formulate and implement effective advertising, publicity, special events and personal selling strategies as well as mechanisms of consumer relationship management, and (b) execute marketing programs and activities to build brand images that appeal to and motivate American consumers to purchase.

      • KCI등재

        顧客-수貨員的關系和奢侈時裝商店的銷수效力: 自我監督的作用

        ( Ji Eun Kim ),( Jae Eun Kim ),( Kim K. P. Johnson ) 한국마케팅과학회 2010 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.1 No.4

        Among the diverse strategies that businesses use to maximize sales, the customer-salesperson relationship as an aspect of relationship marketing has been reported as one of the most critical (O`Malley and Tynan, 1998). Although relationship marketing has been emphasized across various business settings, this strategy works particularly well in luxury markets for a number of reasons. For example, brands offering high involvement products (i.e., luxury brand products) focus on relationship marketing rather than those offering low involvement products (Martin, 1998). Previous researchers have recognized the role of various customers attributes in sales interactions (Walker et al., 1977; Weitz, 1981). One customer attribute that may play a role in moderating the association between the strength of customer- salesperson relationship and sales effectiveness is a customer`s tendency to self-monitor (Snyder, 1974). This is due to the fact that an individuals` self monitoring tendency has been recognized as an influential personal disposition that accounts for differences in customer behavior especially in social contexts (Weitz, 1981). Self-monitoring refers to the tendency to monitor (i.e., observe and control) self-presentations and expressive behaviors (Snyder, 1974). High self-monitors are individuals who are highly sensitive to social cues in an interaction situation; thus, they modify their behavior because they desire to look proper or preferable to others in that situation. Low self-monitors are individuals who regard their personal value system and private realities as important; thus, they tend to keep their self-presentation consistent across situations. We investigated to what extent does the strength of type of customer-salesperson relationship (i.e., social, functional) influence sales effectiveness and whether individuals` self-monitoring moderated this relationship. This study contributes to theory concerning sales performance as it furthers understanding of how relationship type influences sales performance. It also provides practical information to luxury store sales managers by documenting the effectiveness of social versus functional relationship types. Furthermore, given that degree of self-monitoring has been reported to be easily recognized from observations of people (Snyder, 1974), the research identifies the role of a visible customer attribute in a selling situation thus providing concrete ideas for salespersons concerning how to best serve their customers. Twenty two stores located in eight of the largest department stores in Seoul, Korea were identified. Sales managers in the luxury brand stores were asked to be data collectors for the sample, each sales manager were asked to secure 10 respondents. They received a $5 gift card per completed questionnaire for compensation. Once a customer was informed of the nature of the research and agreed to participate, they were given a questionnaire that included information on consent in a booklet. Participants were given a $5 gift card for compensation. A total of 220 questionnaires were distributed and 187 were returned. Questionnaires with excessive incomplete responses were eliminated resulting in a final sample of 167. The questionnaire consisted of existing measures of sales effectiveness (Gilly et al. (1998), satisfaction with purchase decisions Fitzsomons (2000), sales associate-customer relationship type (Coulter and Ligas, 2000), and self-monitoring (Snyder, 1986). Participants were female (95.2%). A large percentage were from 50 to 59 years of age (38.9%) followed by the category of older than 60 years of age (24%). The majority had more formal education than a college degree (89.8%). Participants shared that they had known their salesperson for an average of 3.4 years. Preliminary data analyses revealed Cronbach`s alpha coefficient was .92 for perceived salesperson effect on purchase decision, .89 for satisfaction with purchase decision, and .72 for self-monitoring. Next we verified the assumptions of the regression model testing normality of residuals, independence of residuals (Durbin-Watson statistic), linearity, and constant variance of the residuals (homoscedasticity). All assumptions were satisfied. Some of the correlations of the measures indicated possible problems of multicollinearity. In order to minimize correlations between the independent variables and interaction terms, the independent variables were mean-centered prior to the computation of the interaction terms (Aiken and West, 1991). We checked variance inflation factor for each regression coefficient and results showed all factors were less than the threshold of 10. Multiple regression revealed that the strength of social relationship was positively related to perceived salesperson effect on purchase decision (β =.27, p<.001) and satisfaction with purchase decision (β=.28, p<.001). A functional relationship with a salesperson had no significant effect on purchase decision and satisfaction with purchase decision. Self-monitoring moderated the influence of a social relationship such that customers who were low self-monitors were more likely to indicate they were influenced by the salesperson for their purchase intentions if they perceived they had a strong social relationship with salesperson than a weak social relationship. However, when customers were high self-monitors, the perceived effect of a social relationship was reduced. Participants credited their salesperson with influencing their purchase decision as well as tended to be satisfied with their purchase decision when they thought they had a strong social relationship with a salesperson. These findings are consistent with those of Reynolds and Beatty (1999) and Wagner et al. (2003). The strength of functional relationships had no significant effect on either of our measures of salesperson effectiveness. The insignificant results could be due to the fact that customers with strong functional relationships with salespersons have no emotional connections or personal closeness with the salesperson. We extend prior work (Wagner et al., 2003; Walker et al., 1977) on investigating situational factors (i.e., customer attributes) influencing sales effectiveness. Our findings provide important implications for luxury retailers. Building a strong social relationship with customers is recognized as an important strategy in personnel selling. In order to maximize a relationship marketing strategy within limited resources, luxury retailers may want to inform their salespersons that it is more effective to try to build a strong social relationship with low self-monitors rather than high self-monitors since low self-monitors are predicted to have more tendency to be loyal to the salesperson due to their tendency to try to have shared attitudes and values with a personally close people (Snyder, Gangestad, and Simpson, 1983) as well as to be receptive to the salesperson`s influence on their purchase decision when they have a strong social relationship with the salesperson. In contrast, because high self-monitors tend to have lower levels of interpersonal commitment and less stable social bonds than low self-monitors (Gangestad and Snyder, 2000), it seems hard to obtain long-term loyalty from high self-monitors even though they may view themselves as having a strong social relationship with the salesperson.

      • Consumer’s Attitudes toward Fashion Counterfeits and Counterfeit Purchase Intentions - A Comparison between U.S. and Korean Consumers

        Lee Mi Young,Kim K,P,Johnson 한국마케팅과학회 2006 한국마케팅과학회 학술대회 발표 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine and compare the effects of consumer" attitudes toward fashion counterfeits and counterfeit purchase intentions in the U.S. and Korea. The data were collected via survey. Convenience sample of undergraduate students enrolled at large universities in a metropolitan area in the U.S. and Korea were recruited for this research. A total of 193 responses from the U.S. sample and 230 responses from the Korean sample were used for data analysis. Factor analysis revealed five factors of consumers attitudes toward fashion counterfeits and these were labeled psychological uncertainty, economic uncertainty, and return-related uncertainty, and pro-counterfeit attitude. Compared to the non-purchasers, respondents" who had purchased fashion counterfeit goods have more positive attitudes toward fashion counterfeit and tend to have higher intention to make future purchase of fashion counterfeits. Compared to the US respondents, Korean respondents tended to have positive attitudes toward fashion counterfeits and have higher intention to purchase fashion counterfeits for oneself as well as for others. For the U.S. respondents, return-related uncertainty was negatively (p<.01) and pro- counterfeit opinion is positively related to the future intentions to purchase fashion counterfeit products (p<.001). For the Korean respondents, psychological uncertainty is negatively (p<.001) and pro-counterfeit opinion is positively related to the future intentions to purchase fashion counterfeit products (p<.001).

      • KCI등재


        ( Cara Damminga ),( Juan Juan Wu ),( Kim K. P. Johnson ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.3

        時尙産品展示是視覺營銷的一個元素(Kerfoot, Davies, and Ward, 2003)。視覺營銷與零수業的興起息息相關。零수業主們通過타向銷수者傳遞視覺信息幷收集消費者對這些信息的看法(Kerfoot et al., 2003)。當信息反饋意向是正面的證明消費者有積極的回應, 最終會促使消費者購買(Kerfoot et al., 2003)。産品展示是零銷商激發消費者計劃外購買的一種方式(Abratt and Goodey, 1990; Chevalier, 1975; Curhan, 1974; Stern, 1962; Wilkinson, Mason, and Paksoy, 1982; Wood, 1998)。有效的商場産品展示可以吸引消費者對某種特定産品的注意力(Stern, 1962), 通過有吸引力的視覺刺激觸動消費者(Kalla and Arora, 2011; Miao, 2010), 或者使消費者忽略對購買決策的理性分析(Kalla and Arora, 2011)。消費者的計劃外購買是零수商利潤的重要組成部分, 因此商場會通過有效的産品展示促進消費(Wood, 1998)。本硏究運用Fiore (2000, p.29)對于産品展示的定義(“在特定地点精心設計對特定産品的展示能구更加突出産品特性, 幷且爲積極影響消費者的趨向反應而調動消費者情緖幷傳遞産品信息。Blackwell and Talarzyk 對生活方式零수的定義(“制定特定目標市場劃分的生活方式零수的方針”), 提出兩種新産品展示類型: (1) 生活方式産品展示, (2) 可購買産品展示。生活方式産品展示是交叉産品化支柱特定商品的展示, 目的是打造出令消費者彷佛置身其中的, 帶有藝術色彩的、賞心悅目的、全面的幷有主題性的展示。本硏究同時運用Burke and Payton 對購買能力的定義(“購物環境的承受力能구改變消費者的需求和購買欲望”), 可購買産品展示是展示本身就可以對特定商品貨存的産品展示。硏究目的文旨在硏究消費者通過生活方式和可購買時尙産品展示表現出的情感狀態(愉悅, 激勵, 認知愉悅), 進而對消費者趨向行爲與回避行爲進行分析。同時, 本文討論了消費者便利導向與享樂主義購物价値觀對産品展示與情感狀態, 産品展示與趨向行爲和回避行爲兩者之間聯系的調節效果。硏究假設如下: H1: 産品展示類型對消費者的(a) 愉悅, (b) 激勵, (c) 認知愉悅與(d) 趨向行爲與回避行爲影響顯著。H2: 消費者的(a) 愉悅, (b) 激勵, (c) 認知愉悅對産品展示類型及其趨向行爲與回避行爲起調節作用。H3: 消費者的(i) 便利導向或者(ii) 享樂主義購物价値觀對産品展示類型與(a) 愉悅, (b) 激勵, (c) 認知愉悅與(d) 趨向行爲與回避行爲之間的關系起到調節作用。本文通過對兩種時尙産品展示的兩種方法分析了視覺營銷理論(生活方式産品展示與可購買産品展示)。同時, 本文爲産品展示與零수業情況對消費者行爲的影響提供了廣闊思路。硏究思路本文采用了在學科試驗中生活方式産品展示與可購買産品展示隨机排列的方法。在視覺環境中對此兩種變量進行分析。硏究選取了三種服飾産品進行模特實體展示: 친衫, 運動衫與女裝。可購買産品展示中, 女裝同時也在相隣的T型台上展示, 上衣則折疊放在臨近的展示탁上(如圖3與圖5)。生活方式展示中同時利用到了便于生活方式交流的工具(如圖4與圖5)。展示中包括了廚具與家居(攪拌机, 盤子與窓렴)與一個野餐場景(餐籃, 熱狗, 담子與一甁酒)。整個展示過程中始終貫穿着固定架、地板、壁紙、정光、尺寸以及商場中的商品這些元素。調査問卷中添加了産品展示的屛幕快照。調査問卷中指出購買物品中只包含服飾。在此一條件限制下, 問卷參與者在愉悅程度、激勵、認知愉悅、趨向行爲與回避行爲等方面做出反饋。結論參與者(n=157)年齡在18至30歲之間。一個MANOVA 運用于産品展示激勵操作檢査測評。Pillai曲線顯示産品展示類型對操作檢査物品影響顯著(V=.273, F (6, 306)=8.053, p<.001)。參與者强調了産品展示激勵中的生活方式(F (3, 153)=10.648, p 4<.001)與可購買性(F (3, 153)=2.853, p<.05)。Levene 的試驗證明方差齊性的假設成立(p>.05), 4個2×2 ANOVA 運用于生活方式與可購買産品展示對愉悅、激勵、認知愉悅、趨向行爲與回避行爲的獨立和綜合影響。生活方式産品展示對認知愉悅的影響顯著(F (1, 153)=5.543, p<.01), 可購買産品展示對愉悅影響顯著(F (1, 153)=5.344, p<.05), 激勵(F (1, 153) =6.754, p<.05), 認知愉悅(F (1, 153)=8.287, p<.01)。認爲生活方式-可購買産品展示對提高消費激勵, 愉悅以及認知愉悅程度흔重要的參與者比相反觀点的參與者數量多。但是, 幷未得到調節作用的相關理論。硏究局限本硏究運用産品展示視覺刺激來論述, 但可能幷不能准確反映出消費者對于實際零수業的看法。結果也只是針對廣泛産品分類中的服飾類或者부限于通過産品展示來觀察消費者情緖變化的零수商。 This research conducted in the US investigated the effect of lifestyle and shoppable fashion product displays on consumers` emotional states (pleasure, arousal, cognitive pleasure) and further on approach and avoidance behaviors. It also tested the moderating effect of consumers` convenience orientation and hedonic shopping value on the relationship between product displays and consumers` emotional states, as well as between product displays and their approach and avoidance behavior. A 2 (lifestyle vs. non-lifestyle) by 2 (shoppable vs. non-shoppable) experimental research revealed that participants who viewed the lifestyle-shoppable product display experienced significantly more arousal, pleasure, and cognitive pleasure than those who viewed the non-lifestyle-non-shoppable product display.


        Jennifer Yurchisin,Kim K. P. Johnson,Haesung Whang,Kittichai Watchravesringkan 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        Retail therapy occurs when consumers shop to improve negative feelings rather than merely acquire a needed product (Kang & Johnson, 2011). Retailers in all channels enable consumers to have positive emotional responses by providing them with positive experiences. Pine and Gilmore (1999) identified four types of experiences sought by consumers: entertainment, education, escapism, and esthetics (i.e., 4Es). It is not known which, if any, of the 4Es motivate offline and online retail therapy shopping trips. Retail therapy shoppers may seek different benefits in open, online stores (where they have a great deal of freedom) versus closed, brick-and-mortar stores (where they are limited by time and space) (Bhate & Hannam, 2014). When retail therapy shoppers have experiences they desire, they should experience positive emotional reactions (i.e., pleasure, arousal) (Donovan & Rossiter, 1982). Furthermore, consumers who experience positive emotional reactions tend to display impulse buying behavior (Chang, Eckman, & Yan, 2011). Engaging in impulse buying while retail therapy shopping may encourage compulsive buying behavior (Kang & Johnson, 2011), the most severe form of which is shopping addiction (Edwards, 1993). Based on this collection of previous research, the following hypotheses were developed: H1: Among retail therapy shoppers, the amount of a) entertainment b) education, c) escapism, and d) esthetics sought will be significantly different between 1) offline stores and 2) online stores. H2: Retail therapy behavior will be positively related to level of a) pleasure and b) arousal experienced while shopping. H3a: Level of pleasure experienced while shopping will be positively related to impulse buying behavior. H3b. Level of arousal experienced while shopping will be positively related to impulse buying behavior. H4: Among retail therapy shoppers, impulse buying behavior will be positively related to shopping addiction behavior.Method Using Amazon’s MTurk, 409 consumers (62.6% female; 72.0% Caucasian; 36.5% 30-39 years old) were recruited for an online survey. Participants were first asked to indicate if they had experience shopping for clothing to improve their mood. Clothing was selected as the focus of the study because it is a gender-neutral product frequently purchased during retail therapy (Atalay & Meloy, 2011). Only participants who had engaged in retail therapy behavior were asked to complete the rest of the questionnaire. The next five sections of the questionnaire contained multi-item, 7-point, Likert-type scales previously used to assess the variables in the study. Demographic information was also collected. Results To test H1, a series of t-tests was conducted to compare the benefits sought by retail therapy shoppers in open and closed settings. The means for each of the 4 Es were significantly greater for the closed setting of the store than the open setting of the website. Therefore, H1 was supported. Two regression models were created to test H2a and b. The coefficients for retail therapy were positively and significantly related to pleasure (β = .87; t = 35.70; p < 0.000) and arousal (β = .85; t = 32.52; p < 0.00). Thus, H2a and b were both supported. To examine H3a and b, another regression model was created. The coefficients for pleasure (β = .25; t = 4.51; p < 0.00) and arousal (β = .64; t = 11.69; p < 0.00) were positive and significant. Thus, H3a and H3b were both supported. Lastly, to test H4, a final regression model was created. The coefficient for impulse buying behavior (β = .93; t = 51.49; p < 0.00) was positive and significant, supporting H4. Discussion The results of the present study shed light on retail therapy shopping behavior. Consumers do seek the 4Es when therapeutically shopping for clothing, and they seek the 4Es to a greater degree in closed, offline environments. Perhaps the need to delay gratification in offline stores raises expectations of experiences that can be received immediately in online stores. Participants experienced pleasure and arousal when engaging in retail therapy behavior, thereby supporting researchers (Kang & Johnson, 2011) who conceptualized retail therapy behavior as mood-alleviative consumption behavior. The positive emotions experienced while clothing shopping were related to retail therapy shoppers’ impulse buying behavior, which was positively related to shopping addiction. The success experienced by individuals who engage in shopping behavior to improve their mood seems to encourage future shopping trips to enhance positive emotions. Thus, a troubling pattern of overconsumption may develop if retail therapy shoppers do not find additional methods for mood-alleviation.

      • KCI등재
      • Glutathione and endosomal pH-responsive hybrid vesicles fabricated by zwitterionic polymer block poly(l-aspartic acid) as a smart anticancer delivery platform

        Johnson, R.P.,Uthaman, S.,Augustine, R.,Zhang, Y.,Jin, H.,Choi, C.I.,Park, I.K.,Kim, I. Elsevier 2017 Reactive & functional polymers Vol.119 No.-

        Zwitterionic hybrid block copolymer based nanocarriers are ideal candidates for drug delivery applications due the higher resistance to nonspecific protein adsorption in complex media compared to nonionic polymers. Especially, zwitterionic poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) p(MPC) based nanocarriers can maintain its stability during circulation in complex media, such as serum. Thus, a series of bioreducible and pH-responsive zwitterionic/amphiphilic block copolymers, poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine)<SUB>50</SUB>-block-poly(l-aspartic acid)<SUB>n</SUB> (p(MPC)<SUB>50</SUB>-b-p(AA)<SUB>n</SUB>) (n=10, 25, 50, 75), bearing a degradable disulfide linker have been synthesized and exploited as dual-stimuli-responsive drug delivery vehicle of the chemotherapeutic drug, doxorubicin (Dox). Dox was successfully loaded into uniform vesicles (~100nm) fabricated from p(MPC)<SUB>50</SUB>-b-p(AA)<SUB>n</SUB> and the release performance was investigated under different pH conditions and with a range of concentrations of the reducing agent, 1,4-dithiothreitol (DTT). At physiological conditions, increasing concentrations of DTT resulted in faster Dox release from vesicles. Dox release at elevated DTT concentrations was more effective at pH5.5 than at pH7.5. Blank vesicles were non-toxic over a wide concentration range when tested in normal cell lines (0.01-100μg/mL). Vesicles efficiently encapsulated Dox and the dual stimuli-responsive disassembly results demonstrated controlled and sustained release of Dox tin 4T1 cancer cells to confer dose-dependent cytotoxicity. Thus, the bioreducible and pH sensitive vesicles appear to be a promising theranostic platform for drug delivery applications.

      • KCI등재

        Socialization and Teen Magazines: What are the Messages?

        Kim K. P. Johnson,Jung Mee Mum,Hae Won Ju,Ju Young M. Kang,Hye Young Kim,Juan Juan Wu 한국복식학회 2011 International journal of costume and fashion Vol.11 No.2

        As fashion magazines are important socialization influences, our purpose was to examine the content of articles in two teen magazines: one with a long publication history (Seventeen) and one relatively new market entry (Teen Vogue). We addressed the following questions: (1) What are the patterns of content of the feature articles? (2) How frequently is this content related to appearance management or fashion consumption? and (3) What. if any. differences exist in contents between the traditional teen magazine and the new market entry? A content analysis of 1.191 articles published during 2008 and 2009 revealed the largest percentage of content in both magazines was fashion. Other than the topic of fashion, Seventeen concentrated on teen We issues whereas Teen Vogue focused on celebrities. Understanding these are fashion publications, we suggest there are opportunities for both magazines to allocate, further attention to other issues in the lives of teens in addition to beauty and consumption.

      • Trends in research addressing fashion and social responsibility

        Kim K. P. Johnson,Miyoung Lee,Dooyoung Choi,Jung Mee Mun,Nayeon Yoo 한국마케팅과학회 2013 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.4 No.3

        The purpose of the research was to identify research trends in the area of fashion andsocial responsibility. Journal articles (n ¼ 67) were content analyzed to identify trends. Even though several areas of fashion (e.g., design, production/supply chain, businessoperations, education, consumption) received research attention, issues related tofashion consumption received the greatest amount of research attention, as evidencedby the number of studies. Potentially problematic issues identified include the lack ofconsistent terminology for investigating SR relative to fashion and lack of shareddefinitions. SR was often discussed as the context for the research, rather than servingas a core variable under investigation.

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