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      • KCI등재후보

        1910년대 '朝鮮貴族'의 實態―『每日申報』 기사를 중심으로―

        심재욱(Shim Jae-Wook) 한국사학회 2004 史學硏究 Vol.- No.76

        Directly after occupying the Chosun by force, Japanese Imperialism had to stabilized the Colonial Chosun Society to construct their colonial ruling system quickly and stably. As a means to perform this purpose, they commenced to make the people of the cream of Chosun society the pro-Japanese group who adapted their colonial system and set a model to Colonial Chosun society, And it led to establish the 76 Chosun Nobilities by holding the investiture on October 7th in 1910.<br/> Japanese Imperialism wanted the Chosun Nobility to be loyal to Japanese colonial government and to be models to the people of Colonial Chosun, Also they forced the Chosun Nobility to do this by emphasizing that the power and wealth which Chosun Nobility had was given by them. This intention is revealed in editorials of Meilsinbo(每日申報). Most of the Chosun Nobilities except a few who refused to receive the peerage such as Han Kyu-sul(韓奎卨), conformed to their request faithfully.<br/> Their activities for being loyal to Jpapanese colonial government are as follows. First they sent the various delegates to the important events of Japanese royal family an government. The Sightseeing group of Chosun Nobilities sent to express appreciation for the peerage in 1911 is a good example. After this event, the Chosun Nobilities are made into d1e society of Chosun Nobilities and these activities are performed by them, Second the Chosun Nobility participated in the various colonial ruling organizations and joined the incidents of Japanese Imperialism. Finally, the Chosun Nobilities educated their children in the language of Japanese. By doing this they did. their best for the unification of Japanese-Chosun( 內鮮一體).<br/> And their activities for being models to the people of Colonial Chosun are as follows. First they devoted themselves to educational activities by donating educational institution and hey helped poor people in several ways. The establishing Kyungsugn Kindergarten(京城幼稚園) is a good example for their educational activities. Second they did various economic activities. Especially, most of the Chosun Nobilities families devoted themselves to the silk-raising industry. And in this field, Song Byung-jun's activities are outstanding. On the other hand the Society of Chostun Nobilities carried out the reforestation project such as Bosikwon(普植園).<br/> These social, educational and eocnomic activities of the Chosun Nobilities must be attentive carefully. In some respect, their activities seemed to contribute to the colonial Chosun society. However their activities are just response for the request of the Japanese Imperialism to be models to the people of Colonial Chosun.<br/> But the intention of Japanese Imperialism had limitations such as hatred of people, and faults of the Chosun Nobilities-gambling and lavishness.

      • KCI등재

        『육군운수부군속명부』를 통해 본 태평양전쟁기 일본육군운수부의 조선인 군속 동원

        심재욱 ( Shim Jae-wook ) 한일민족문제학회 2017 한일민족문제연구 Vol.33 No.-

        This study analyzes the “The Register of the Civilian in Military Employment in Military Seas Transportation Head Office” which confirmed that 1,159 Korean civilians were coerced to labour in the MSTHO(Military Vessel Headquarters: MVH) during the Pacific War. Based on the Register, this paper is aimed at revealing some of the extensive forced labour of Korean civilians by the Imperial Japanese Military. 1,159 civilians were confirmed to be among victims of the forced labour in MSTHO(MVH), which was called “Navy in the Army.” A massive number of Korean civilians were pressed into specific corps of a specific region over a specific period of time. These are representative examples of the forced labour: 548 Korean civilians were pressed into the Palau Branch of the 4<sup>th</sup> Ship Transport Headquarters on May 20, 1943 and January 20, 1944; 230 were pressed into the 6<sup>th</sup> Sea Transport Battalion on October 20, 1943; 111 were pressed into the 3<sup>rd</sup> Ship Transport Headquarters on November 20, 1944. Most of them worked as factory workers like transportation workers or stevedores. The 6<sup>th</sup> Sea Transport Battalion was deployed at Northen Kuril Island and Hokkaido. The 3<sup>rd</sup> Ship Transport Headquarters was alloted to Indochina. And the 47<sup>th</sup> Anchorage Headquarters was deployed at Western New Guinea and Indonesia. Under the bombing of the Allied Forces, beating by Japanese soldiers and hunger, the Korean civilians were forced to labor for its military vessels as well as other chores. This study is made based on the limited data of “The Register of the Civilian in Military Employment in Military Seas Transportation Head Office”. But the outcome of this study is expected to provide basic data to understand the forced labour of Korean civilians along with analysis of related register and materials.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 淸津의 팽창과 정어리 어업

        심재욱(Shim, Jae-Wook),이혜은(Rii, Hae-Un),민원기(Min, Won-Gi) 역사실학회 2017 역사와실학 Vol.63 No.-

        일제강점기 東海는 ‘일본의 內海’로써 대륙 진출을 위한 통로로, 그리고 魚族자원 수탈의 장으로 활용되었다. 이 과정에서 동해안 지역에 다수의 항구 도시들이 출현하였고 팽창하였다. 이중 러일전쟁 당시 일본군의 군사 목적으로 개발된 이후 무역항으로, 어항으로, 그리고 공업도시로써 확장을 계속한 ‘식민도시’ 淸津의 모습은 매우 주목된다. 淸津의 확장에 있어 주목되는 점은 바로 정어리 어업과 도시 팽창과의 연관성이다. ‘정어리의 淸津’이라 불릴 만큼 정어리 어업은 淸津의 팽창에 커다란 역할을 하였다. 1920년대 중반부터 급증한 정어리의 대량 回遊와 선진 漁法의 유입을 통한 정어리의 대량 어획, 그리고 1910년대 중반 이후 정어리 기름을 가공한 硬化油를 원료로 하는 일본 유지화학공업의 급격한 발전과 같은, 수요와 공급의 측면에서 상호 상승작용을 일으켜, 대규모의 정어리 어획과 가공을 이끌어 냈다. 그 중심에 淸津이 있었다. 淸津의 도시 팽창과 확장은 1920년대 중반부터 1930년대 진행된 淸津港 築港과 輸城川 改修 등과 같은 도시개발 사업을 통해 본격적으로 이루어졌다. 여기에는 당시 팽창 일로에 있던 정어리 어업이 상당한 영향을 끼쳤음은 물론이다. 한편 도시 개발과 정어리 어업의 발달은, 값싸고 안정적인 원료 공급을 원하는 일본 자본의 침투도 유도하였다. 1933년 본점과 공장을 淸津에 설립한 朝鮮油脂株式會社가 그 대표적인 사례이다. 이후 다수의 정어리 어업 관련 공장 및 중공업 관련 공장들이 속속 설립되면서, 淸津은 무역항·漁港, 그리고 공업도시로써 보다 팽창하게 되었다. 1930년대부터 조선총독부가 진행한 북한지역 중공업화 정책 및 1931년 ‘만주사변’으로 가속화되는 일본의 대륙침략도 일정한 영향을 끼쳤다. 비록 1942년 이후 정어리 어획의 급감으로 淸津의 정어리 관련 공업은 커다란 쇠퇴를 맞이하였으나, 정어리 어업과 관련 공업은 淸津의 도시 팽창과 공업도시화에 일정한 영향을 끼쳤다. In the Japanese colonial era, Korea’s East Sea (which was considered ‘an inland sea of Japan’ by the Japanese colonial empire) was utilized as one of Japan’s entry points into the continent of Asia and a site for the exploitation of Korea’s fish resources. In the process, the coast of the East Sea saw the formation and expansion of multiple port cities. ‘The colonial city’ of Cheongjin is especially noticeable in that the port area was first developed for a military purpose by Japan during the Russo-Japanese War and then expanded itself into a trade port, a fishing port, and an industrial city. Notably, the enlargement of Cheongjin implies the relevance between the pilchard fishery and the urban expansion in the area. The pilchard fishery played a pivotal role in the expansion of Cheongjin as shown in its nickname, ‘Cheongjin with pilchard’. Starting from the mid-1920s, it became possible to catch large volumes of pilchard due to the soaring number of the fish breed migrating to the area for spawning and the introduction of advanced fishing techniques. Particularly, Japan’s chemical industry based on oils and fats, seeing a rapid growth after the mid-1910s, began using hydrogenated oils from pilchard as raw materials, which enhanced reciprocal synergies between supply and demand. At the core of all the said events existed Cheongjin. Cheongjin experienced a full-fledged expansion through a series of urban development projects from the mid-1920s to the 1930s, including the construction of the Port of Cheongjin and the improvement of the Suseongcheon Stream. Obviously, the pilchard fishery, which was on an ever-exploding trend, had a considerable influence on the circumstances. Meanwhile, the development of the city and the advancement of its pilchard fishery also induced the Japanese capital inflow backed up by Japan’s high hopes for sustainable supply of cheap raw materials. A representative case can be found in Chosun Oil and Fat Co., Ltd., which established its headquarters and plant in the Cheongjin area in 1933. With the subsequent opening of a number of other pilchard-related plants and heavy industrial plants, Cheongjin saw a continued expansion, turning itself into a trade port, into a fishing port, and eventually into an industrial city. The expansion of the city was also partially influenced by the promotion of heavy industries in the current North Korean region that began in the 1930s by the Japanese Government-General of Korea, as well as the Japanese invasion of the continent of Asia spurred by the 1937 Manchurian Incident. Although the sharp decline in the pilchard catch in 1942 led to a dramatic fall of pilchard-related industries in Cheongjin, it remains clear that industries based on the pilchard fishery played a huge role in the expansion of the city of Cheongjin.

      • KCI등재

        雪山 張德秀의 文化運動과 社會認識, 1912~1923

        沈在昱 ( Shim Jae Wook ) 한국민족운동사학회 2001 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.28 No.-

        It is very important that various Korean National Movement during the period of the Japanese Colonial Ruling. Because, Korean nationalists were divided into the Right & Left Wing in the course of the subjugation, their eruption and complications were thus continued and got worse to the period of the Liberation(1945~1948) as the opposition and dissension, which made a internal factor of Korean War in 1950. So, to research the both sides equally has an important meaning for the systematic study of the Korean National Movement. Therefore, this thesis study about Sui-san Chang Duk-Soo, especially, his cutural movement and social cognition which showed during 1912~1923. Because he was the principal member of the ‘Dong-A Daily Group’(東亞日報 그룹), so called, which was represent the parties of the Internal Right Wings in the period of the Japanese colonial ruling and the Liberation, stand for their principles and doctrines as a spearhead. And, also, he symbolized the intelligentsia who were studied in Japan in 1910s and became a leading class on the national movement in 1920s. He studied in Japan from 1912 to 1917, in this times, he groped for the national movement which he would carry out, made a relationship with the people who were become the background of his act, for example, Ihn-chon(仁村) Kim Sung-Soo(金性洙), Go-ha(古下) Song Jin-Woo(宋鎭禹), and Ji-woon(遲耘) Kim Chul-Soo(金綴洙), etc, and he formed the Social Darwinism as his cognition was formed under the influence of the Japanese realm of the thought in its days, which so-called Daisho-Democracy(大正데모크라시). In the early of 1920s,he unfolded the ‘Cultural Movement’ as an editor of ‘Dong-A Daily’(東亞日報) with Ihn-chon, Go-ha, and at the same time he also charged the principal role in the socialist parties, such as ‘Social Revolution Party'(社會革命黨) and 'Korean Communist Party(Snag-hai faction)’(高麗共産黨 上海派), so in that time he represented the both sides. But, in spite of his actions in those socialist parties, he didn't pursue the radical reformation of society but criticized it and emphasize the gradual improvement of society, through his editorial articles and essays. And it means that he would accept the Socialism as one of the ‘Theory of Reconstruction’(改造論) which was widespread in that time. However, his behavior like this, was criticized by the parties of the other radical socialists who were represented by Kim Sa-Guk(金思國), violently, for exmample ‘Oppositional movement of a Public funeral of Kim Yun-Sik’(金允植社會葬反對運動) and ‘Imposture communist party scandal’(詐欺共産黨 事件). Finally, he went to the America to get away from those attack in the name of studying aboard.

      • KCI등재

        ꡔ육군운수부군속명부ꡕ를 통해 본태평양전쟁기 일본육군운수부의 조선인 군속 동원

        심재욱(Shim, Jae-Wook) 한일민족문제학회 2017 한일민족문제연구 Vol.33 No.-

        本稿は、太平洋戦争期に日本陸軍の海上輸送を担当した陸軍輸送部(船 舶司令部)に強制動員された朝鮮人1,159人の資料であるꡔ陸軍運輸部軍属名 簿ꡕを分析し、日帝強制占領期間広範囲で行われた朝鮮人強制動員の実態 の一部を明らかにしようと試みたものである。本稿を通じて、「陸軍内の海軍」と 呼ばれた運輸部(船舶司令部)への動員が確認された1,159人が、特定の時期 に、特定地域で、集団的に動員され、特定の部隊に投入されたという実態が 明らかになった。その代表的な例が、1943年5月20日と1944年1月20日の二つ に時期に548人が投入された第4船舶輸送司令部パラオ支部、1943年10月20 日に230人が投入された海上輸送第6大隊、1944年11月20日に111人が投入 された第3船舶輸送司令部などである。彼らは多くの場合、運搬工または運輸 工のような工員の身分で、海上輸送第6大隊の場合は北千島と北海道のような 日本の北方地域に、第3船舶輸送司令部の場合はインドシナ半島一帯に、第 47碇泊場司令部の場合は西部ニューギニアおよびインドネシア地域に投入され た。連合軍の爆撃と空腹、日本軍による殴打などの劣悪な条件の下で、彼ら は船舶関連業務をはじめとした各種労役に投入された。 以上の内容はꡔ陸軍運輸部軍属名簿ꡕという限定的な資料の分析を通じて 明らかになった限られた事例に過ぎない。しかしここで把握された実態は、今後行われる強制動員関連名簿資料の分析で得られるデータと共に、全体強制 動員の実態を把握する上での基礎データとして、貴重な役割を果たすことが期 待できる。 This study analyzes the “The Register of the Civilian in Military Employment in Military Seas Transportation Head Office” which confirmed that 1,159 Korean civilians were coerced to labour in the MSTHO(Military Vessel Headquarters: MVH) during the Pacific War. Based on the Register, this paper is aimed at revealing some of the extensive forced labour of Korean civilians by the Imperial Japanese Military. 1,159 civilians were confirmed to be among victims of the forced labour in MSTHO(MVH), which was called “Navy in the Army.” A massive number of Korean civilians were pressed into specific corps of a specific region over a specific period of time. These are representative examples of the forced labour: 548 Korean civilians were pressed into the Palau Branch of the 4 th Ship Transport Headquarters on May 20, 1943 and January 20, 1944; 230 were pressed into the 6 th Sea Transport Battalion on October 20, 1943; 111 were pressed into the 3 rd Ship Transport Headquarters on November 20, 1944. Most of them worked as factory workers like transportation workers or stevedores. The 6 th Sea Transport Battalion was deployed at Northen Kuril Island and Hokkaido. The 3 rd Ship Transport Headquarters was alloted to Indochina. And the 47 th Anchorage Headquarters was deployed at Western New Guinea and Indonesia. Under the bombing of the Allied Forces, beating by Japanese soldiers and hunger, the Korean civilians were forced to labor for its military vessels as well as other chores. This study is made based on the limited data of “The Register of the Civilian in Military Employment in Military Seas Transportation Head Office”. But the outcome of this study is expected to provide basic data to understand the forced labour of Korean civilians along with analysis of related register and materials.

      • KCI등재후보

        種子蛋白質의 SDS-PAGE法에 의한 보리(hordeum vulgare. L)의 品種分類

        Hyeon Jung Kang(姜鉉中),Jae Wook Shim(沈載昱) 한국육종학회 1991 한국육종학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        This study was carried out to identify the barley cultivars by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of seed protein. The 23 Korean barley cultivars, 9 covered, 7 naked and 7 malting barely and four foreign cultivars, Carlsberg Ⅱ, Proctor, Jupiter, Vada were used as materials. There was no variation of hordein band patterns among spring, winter and greenhouse cultivation of Doosan # 8 and Doosan # 29. B hordeins were grouped into 11 and C hordeins into 9 and totally grouped into 14 different types by SDS-PAGE of hordeins from 23 Korean barley cultivars and 4 foreign cultivars. The relationships among 27 barley cultivars based on SDS-PAGE band patterns of hordeins were mostly corresponded with the genealogical diagrams of Korean cultivars.

      • KCI등재후보

        벼 品種 ARC 10239의 흰등멸구抵抗性遺傳子 連關分析

        Kyung Ok Shin(辛庚玉),Jae Wook Shim(沈載昱) 한국육종학회 1994 한국육종학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        In order to elucidate the chromosomal location of Wph-2, ARC 10239 carring Wph-2 gene resistant to the WBPH (whitebacked planthopper) was crossed with Tongil type marker tester lines. The resistant reactions to WBPH were screened by the bulk seedling test at one-leaf-stage in the F₃ progenies and the linkage relationship was analysed between the resistant reaction and marker genes. It was showed that the resistance gene of ARC 10239 to the WBPH to be linked with lg(leguleless) and Ph(phenol staining) on chromosome 4 with 30.8% and 37.8% of recombination value, respectively.

      • KCI등재후보

        콩의 倒伏에 影響하는 生育形質 및 遺傳分析 Ⅰ. 倒伏에 미치는 生育形質의 影響

        Nam Jin Chung(丁南眞),Jae Wook Shim(沈載昱) 한국육종학회 1990 한국육종학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        The growth characters influencing the lodging degrees were examined in 10 cultivars of soybean under dense spacing and heavy dressing. Among major growth characters of soybean which related to lodging, plant height, number of branch and LAI were correlated positively to lodging and stem diameter and root dry weight were correlated negatively to lodging. The dominant factors related to lodging analyzed by path coefficient were number of branch and LAI, which were closely related to the decrease of light penetration into the canopy. Also the light penetration rate showed significant negative correlation with lodging degree, suggesting that the main factor of lodging under dense spacing and heavy dressing whould be the decrease of light penetration into soybean canopy.

      • KCI등재후보

        콩 모자이크 바이러스病의 罹病特性 및 SMV G₅-H에 대한 抵抗性 遺傳

        Kwang Hyun Yoon(尹光賢),Jae Wook Shim(沈載昱) 한국육종학회 1990 한국육종학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        The epidemic characteristics due to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) on soybean cultivars and the inheritance mode of host resistance to G₅-H strain of SMV were examined. The disease symptoms caused by artificial inoculation with the field collected inoculum of SMV were mosaic symptom which exhibit the crinkling chlorosis in most of cultivars tested, but specifically variety “Kwanggyo” showed necrotic symptom which exhibit veinal necrosis, stem dicoloration and bud necrosis. The mosaic symptoms were recoved considerable degree as the growth stages of soybean are advanced even if in the susceptible cultivars, where as the necrotic symptoms developed more severly. The resistance to G₅-H strain of SMV in the F₁’s and F₂’s which derived form the cross combinations between resistant and susceptible cultivars were considered to be controlled by a single recessive gene.

      • KCI등재후보

        麥酒麥 種實에 있어서 proanthocyanidins의 蓄積部位 및 轉移

        Yong Jin Park(朴容陳),Jae Wook Shim(沈載昱) 한국육종학회 1990 한국육종학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Location and translocation of proanthocyanidins in the grains of malting barley were tested with ant13-13, 17-104, 18-102 and the wild type malting barley varieties, using reciprocal crosses and microscopic observation. Reciprocal crosses between proanthocyanidins free mutants and wild types revealed that the phenotypic action of ant gene follows that of testa genes. And the testa of wild type barley was stained as red color with vanillin-HCI dye ascertaining the existance of proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins in the barley grains were translocated to the seed from the early milk-stage conforming that ant genes are expressed in the testa of barley grain.

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