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      • 시퀀스 투 시퀀스(Sequence to Sequence)와 어텐션(Bahdanau Attention)을 이용한 문맥 기반 오타 교정

        강인철(Inchul Kang),이도길(Do-Gil Lee) 한국정보기술학회 2020 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2020 No.10

        자연어 텍스트의 전처리 과정에서 철자 오류 처리는 생각보다 까다롭다. 특히 단어 기준으로는 오류가 아닌 문맥상 오류의 경우 문맥 전체 정보를 봐야 하기에 이를 해결하기 위해선 규칙 혹은 통계 기반 방법을 사용해야 한다. 하지만 이 두 방법 모두 언어 전문가의 도움을 받지 않고서는 해결이 쉽지 않고 높은 성능 또한 기대하기 어렵다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 어려움과 단점을 보완할 수 있는 인공 신경망 모델인 시퀀스 투 시퀀스(Sequence to Sequence)와 어텐션(Bahdanau Attention)을 통해 문맥 기반 철자 오류 교정 시도하였다. 그 결과 현장 적용에 있어 신용 할 수 있는 성능의 모델을 구축할 수 있었다. In the process of preprocessing natural language text, correcting the spelling errors is trickier than expected. especially errors in contexts, not in terms of words, must be viewed throughout the context. Therefore, rules or statistics-based methods should be used to solve them. However, these two methods are not easy without the help of a language expert. Thus, high performance is also hard to be expected. In this paper, we attempted context-based spelling error correction through Sequence to Sequence and Bahdanau Attention, artificial neural network models that can compensate for these difficulties and shortcomings. As a result, we were able to build a model with reliable performance for field applications.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        종중재산을 둘러싼 법적 분쟁에 관한 연구

        강인철(Kang Inchul) 한국법학원 2010 저스티스 Vol.- No.119

        종중재산을 둘러싼 분쟁들은 크게 종중과 종중원 사이에서 발생하는 분쟁과 종중재산의 처분과 관련하여 종중과 제3자 사이에서 발생하는 분쟁으로 나뉠 수 있다. 필자는 이러한 분쟁들을 처리함에 있어서 유의할 쟁점들을 각 분쟁의 유형별로 살펴보았다. 먼저 종중이 원고인 소송에서 유의하여야 할 점들을 논의하였다. 특히, 종중과 종중유사단체의 구별을 중심으로 실무상 많이 혼동되는 점을 살펴보고 위 두 단체를 구별할 수 있는 기준을 제시하였다. 이어서, 종중과 종중원 사이에서 벌어지는 내부적인 문제 중 명의신탁을 둘러싼 법적 분쟁에 관하여 판례가 제시하고 있는 10가지 간접자료들에 대한 평가방법을 분석적으로 검토하고 실제 사건을 처리함에 있어서 유용한 판단기법을 제시하였다. 다음으로, 종중에 의한 종중재산의 처분과 관련된 법리를 살펴보았고, 거래의 안전을 도모하기 위하여 종중재산 처분결의에 관한 무효기준을 통상 종중과 종중원들 사이에서만 문제되는 결의무효 기준보다는 보다 엄격하게 적용하여야 한다는 견해를 펼쳤다. 그리고 종중재산의 분배결의와 관련된 분쟁에 대하여 다루면서, 종중재산의 분배 가능론의 입장을 지지하였고, 학설상 별다른 언급이 없었던 분배결의의 공정성 판단에 관한 자료를 분석하고 분배결의 사건과 관련하여 유의하여야 할 점에 대한 견해를 표명하였다. The legal disputes concerning the properties of Jongjung(families of same clan) are classified into two groups. One is a dispute occurring between Jongjung and its members, the other is a dispute occurring between Jongjung and a third party in the course of the disposition of Jongjung's properties. I study the several aspects of these disputes and address several legal issues that must to be kept in mind when handling cases concerning Jongjung's properties. First, I introduce the legal issue originated from the differences between Jongjung and Quasi-Jongjung, which is a popular issue in numerous Jongjung's cases, and deliver my opinion about the way how to tell the differences between them. Second, I analyze the ten-parts test that is used to determine whether Jongjung and its members had made a title trust agreement, and present the way how to weigh the each factor in such a case. Next, I examine the principle of law about the disposition of Jongjung's properties. And I deliver my own opinion that in a case where the safety of trade about Jongjung's properties is questioned, court should be more careful in invalidating the resolution which was made in a general meeting of Jongjung. Finally, I agree to the opinion that Jongjung's properties can be distributed among its members, and present the standards that can be used in determining the fairness of distribution of Jongjung's properties, and show my opinion about some issues that will be helpful in dealing with a distribution case.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 조수 유입구의 변형에 대한 현장관측과 수치모형의 적용 : field evidence and numerical simulation in the INDIA Project

        강인철,윤석준 국민대학교 2002 北岳論叢 Vol.19 No.-

        Tidal inlets are amongst the most dynamic geomorphological features along the worlds coastlines. Coastal erosion in and around tidal inlets due to natural migration, tidal flooding and storm events is commonly observed and frequently threatens adjacent communities and industry. Furthermore, inlets frequently connect the sea to sites of International ecological stature and/or areas of importance to tourism and therefore require careful management to maintain environmental quality. In total Europe spends around £150 million annually to offset the coastal erosion problems around inlets and in some European countries, as much as 50 % of the total annual budget for sea defences may be allocated to nourishment schemes at inlets(The Netherlands). In the USA over $100 million is spent annually simply to dredge some 75 million of 3 m sediment from inlet channels. In recognition of the environmentally sensitive nature of inlets and of an urgent requirement to improve present knowledge of inlet function, an international research project(INDIA) has examined the dynamics of a small natural tidal inlet in the Ri´a Formosa, Algarve, Portugal. Bringing together oceanographers, engineers, physicists, geologists and geographers from 20 Institutes worldwide, the project has used state-of-the-art field equipment to measure present day processes and a range of numerical models to extend the spatial and temporal range of the measurements. The paper outlines the project philosophy and structure and presents principal findings from field workers and numerical modelers. Underpinned by knowledge of inlet evolution over several years, and by knowledge of other inlet systems, a conceptual model describing the medium to long-term evolution of the present inlet is presented. Key elements of the model are then examined with reference to field observations and to numerical simulations of tides, waves, sediments and morphology. Supported by historical evidence of inlet evolution in the Ri´a Formosa, the picture that emerges of inlet dynamics from the present study is essentially one of relative simplicity and predictability in the short to medium-term. This emerging understanding of inlet function is then set against the known dynamics of other inlet systems in order to identify common processes and to identify key elements requiring further work.

      • KCI등재후보

        Measurement of MDA of Soil Samples Using Unsuppression System and Compton Suppression of Environmental Radioactivity in Processing Technology

        강수만(Suman Kang),임인철(Inchul Im),이재승(Jaeseung Lee),장은성(Eunsung Jang),이미현(Mihyeon Lee),권경태(Kyungtae Kwon),김창태(Changtae Kim) 한국방사선학회 2014 한국방사선학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.6

        Compton suppression 장치는 Compton 산란 반응을 이용하여, 스펙트럼의 Compton continuum 부분을 억제함으로써 Compton continuum 영역 내에서의 감마선 피크들의 분석을 보다 명확하게 할 수 있게 해주는 장치이다. 표층토양시료에서 검출된 인공 방사능인 ¹³⁷Cs과 자연 방사능인 40K핵종의 방사능 농도 값들에 대한 방사능 계수치가 백그라운드를 상회하는 측정값이 발생되거나, 불필요한 방해피크나 비해석 대상 피크에 대하여 검출된 표준선원의 방사능 농도값들의 실측치에 대한 background를 비억제 스펙트럼(Compton Unsuppression)과 억제 스펙트럼(Compton suppression)을 적용시켜 측정 에너지에 대한 교정을 알고자 점선원인 ¹³⁷Cs을 거리별에 따라 측정하여, 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션과 비교 분석함으로서 효율적인 검출 능력을 얻고자 함이며, Compton 억제 인자를 보면 거리가 멀어짐에 따라 CSF 값이 클수록 더 많은 Compton suppression가 이루어졌음을 알 수 있고, ¹³⁷Cs을 이용한 컴프턴 비억제 모드와 억제모드로 측정된 스펙트럼에서 컴프턴 연속에 의한 백그라운드가 감소함을 알 수 있었다. Compton suppression device is a device by using the Compton scattering reaction and suppress the Compton continuum portion of the spectrum, so can be made more clear analysis of gamma ray peak in the Compton continuum region. Measurements above background occurs or, radioactivity counts of radioactivity concentration value of 40K nuclides ¹³⁷Cs and natural radioactivity artificial radioactivity detected from the surface soil sample, unwanted non-target analysis and interference peak who dotted line you know the calibration of the measurement energy is allowed to apply the (Compton suppression) non-suppressed spectrum inhibition spectrum and (Compton Unsuppression) the background to the measured value of the activity concentration value of the standard-ray source is detected relative to the peak of By measuring according to the different distances cause ¹³⁷Cs, and comparative analysis of the Monte Carlo simulation, in order to obtain a detection capability for efficient, looking at the Compton inhibitor, as the CSF value increases with increase in the distance, more It was found that the background due to Compton continuum of the measured spectrum suppression mode Compton unrestrained mode can know that the Compton suppression many were made, using a ¹³⁷Cs is reduced.

      • Introduction of Conventional Stress Analysis Method based on Kowalski's Formula at Internal Thread Undercut

        Yoon, Jaehuy,Kang, Youngsu,Lee, Inchul,Park, Sangjoon The Society for Aerospace System Engineering 2015 International Journal of Aerospace System Engineer Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to provide the method of conventional stress analysis for a pressurized hydraulic cylinder with internal thread undercut. In the case of hydraulic cylinder with thread undercut, several loads and stresses occur during operating. So, the thread undercut can be most critical section has to be considered in detail for strength check. In this paper, the conventional stress analysis method at internal thread undercut of hydraulic cylinder based on Kowalski's formula is introduced. The method is verified by comparing to FEM analysis results using ANSYS.

      • 2차 가진 제어 변조분사 특성 및 액체제트의 분무특성

        강영수(Youngsu Kang),이인철(Inchul Lee),구자예(Jaye Koo) 한국추진공학회 2010 한국추진공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.11

        본 연구에서는 저주파영역의 가진분무에 대하여 추가적인 내부가진을 수행함으로써 변조분사되는 분무특성에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 회전식 가진장치를 사용하여 1차 가진을 생성한 후 2차 가진원인 마그네틱 밸브를 사용하여 변조하였다. 변조분무의 FFT결과와 분무패턴의 가시화를 통하여 관찰한 결과, 2차 가진 제어가 있는 변조분사의 경우 1차 가진만 있는 분사보다 분무의 상하 운동 진폭이 작으며 분무 하단류의 침투깊이가 증가하는 경향성이 발견되었다. Spray characteristics for the modulation with a pulsed spray in low-frequency region were investigted by performing with additional internal pulsed injection. The 1st perturbative flow was generated by rotating-type pulsed device and the 2nd pulse source generated by the magnetic valve was used to modulate the 1st flow. A pattern of the modulated spray was observed through FFT result and visualization. In case of modulated spray with the 2nd pulse control, the width of up and down motion of the modulated spray is smaller than that of the spray without the 2nd pulse. Also, the depth of penetration of the down stream is higher than that of spray without the 2nd pulse.

      • KCI등재후보

        방사선치료 선량 측정에 사용되는 열형광체에 따른 최대 형광 강도 특성

        강수만(Suman Kang),임인철(Inchul Im),박철우(Cheolwoo Park),이미현(Mihyeon Lee),이재승(Jaeseung Lee) 한국방사선학회 2014 한국방사선학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.4

        본 연구는 방사선 치료 영역의 선량 측정을 위하여 상용화된 열형광선량계의 가열 온도에 따른 형광 곡선의 특성을 분석하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 열형광선량계는 LiF:MgㆍTi, LiF:MgㆍCuㆍP, CaF₂:Dy, CaF₂:Mn(Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA)이었다. 선원과 고체 팬텀 표면(RW3 slab, IBA Dosimetry, Germany)간 거리를 100cm로 하여 기준점 깊이에서 6MV, 15MV X선과 6MeV, 12MeV 전자선을 각각 100MU 조사하였다. 방사선 조사 후 열형광 판독기(Hashaw 3500, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA)를 사용하여 50°C에서 260°C까지 15°C/sec의 가온율로 가열하여 형광 곡선을 분석하였다. 트랩 준위에 포획된 전자가 정공과 결합하면서 빛을 방출하는 형광 피크(glow peak)는 2개 또는 3개의 피크가 나타났으며 방사선 조사 후 TLD의 온도를 일정하게 증가시켰을 때 최대 형광 피크를 나타내는 형광 온도의 경우 각각의 에너지에 따라 LiF:Mg·Ti 선량계는 185.5±1.3°C, LiF:Mg·Cu·P 선량계는 135.0±5.1°C, CaF₂:Dy 선량계는 144.0±1.6°C, CaF₂:Mn 선량계는 294.3±3.8°C 근처에서 최대 형광 피크를 각각 나타났다. 방사선 조사 후 포획 전자의 형광 방출 확률은 가열 온도에 의존하게 되므로 방사선 치료 영역의 선량 측정에서 방사선 조사 후 열형광선량계에 일정한 가온율을 적용함으로써 고유한 물리적 특성에 따른 측정 정확도를 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다. The purpose of this study were to analyze the characteristic of the glow curves in order to the glow temperature of the thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) for the absorbed dose measurement of the radiation therapy. In this study, we was used the TLDs of the LiF:MgㆍTi, LiF:MgㆍCuㆍP, CaF₂:Dy, CaF₂:Mn (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA). The source-to-solid dry phantom (RW3 slab, IBA Dosmetry, Germany) surface distance was set at 100 cm, and the exposure dose of 100 MU (monitor unit) was used 6- and 15-MV X-rays, and 6- and 12-MeV electron beams in the reference depth, respectively. After the radiations exposure, we were to analyze the glow curves by using the TL reader (Hashaw 3500, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) at the fixed heating rate of 15°C/sec from 50°C to 260°C. The glow peaks, the trapping level in the captured electrons and holes combined with the emitted light, were discovered the two or three peak. When the definite increasing the temperature of the TLDs, the maximum glow peak representing the glow temperature was follow as; LiF:Mg·Ti: 185.5±1.3°C, LiF:Mg·Cu·P: 135.0±5.1°C, CaF₂:Dy: 144.0±1.6°C, CaF₂:Mn: 294.3±3.8°C, respectively. Because the glow emission probability of the captured electrons depend on the heating temperature after the exposure radiation, TLDs by applying the fixed heating rate, the accuracy of measurement will be able to improve within the absorbed dose measurement of the radiation therapy.

      • Sequence Analysis of Phosphorylation Modification of Chicken Embryo Elongation Factor-2

        KIM, Yeon Woong,KIM, Inchul,KIM, Choong Won,KANG, Kee Ryeon,KANG, Yoon-Se 경상대학교 유전공학연구소 1993 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.12 No.-

        The proposed tyrosine phosphorylation consensus sequence of (R,K)X{2,3}X(D,E)X{2,3}Y*was searched in the amino acid sequence of chicken EF-2 which had been deduced from the nucleotide sequence. MOTIFS somputer program in GCG analysis package was used. We found two tyrosine phophorylation motifs, 366-KYRCELLY*-373 and 739-RLMEPIY*-745 present in the EF-2 molecule. CNBr cleavage of ^32P-radiolabeled EF-2 followed by tricine SDS-PAGE yielded a peptide digest with molecular weight of 5,000, which included one of the two tyrosine phosphorylation motifs, 366-KYRCELLY*-373. To isolate the peptide containing phosphotyrusine resudue, the purified EF-2 was digested with trypsin and the tryptic peprides were loaded on antiphosphotyrusine antibody affinity column. The bound fraction was further purified by thin layer electrophoresis and TLC on a precoated cellulose plate and FPLC.

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