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        차학경의 『딕테』에 나타난 정체성에 대하여 : 미주 이민문학과 관련하여 Relation to Korean-American Literature

        홍경표 한국어문학회 2004 語文學 Vol.0 No.86

        This paper is a study on the Korean-American Immigrant writer, Theresa Hak-Kyung Cha's 『Dictee』(1982). This Korean-American text is no full narrative structure, no linear story. So this text is called as mixed or multiple genre rather than novel, poetry, or prose. This text, 『Dictee』 is very different writing from other Korean Immigrant writers, especially 1 or 1.5 immigrant generation, on the point of 'Identity'. Identity on the text 『Dictee』, there will be arranged as follows: 1. 『Dictee』 is a writing of the author, Korean-American Immigrant writer Hak Kyung Cha's self-identity. 2. Her self-identity on the text is divided two sub-identity, family self-identity and racial or national identity. 3. This two identity is formulated in relation to others, her mother and father, mother-tongue, Yu Guan Soon, St. Theresa Martin, Japanese colonialist and Korean modem 4. On the text, 『Dictee』, her identical conscious is split between the social and true-self. In conclusion, 『Dictee』 is a book that bring us vivid new ways of thinking about Asia-Americans, culture, and identity.

      • 象徵의 詩的 基能에 관한 一考察 : 素月, 未堂, 金春洙의 詩를 中心으로 Both as Interpretation of Kim So Wol, Suh Jeong Joo and Kim Chun Soo's Poetic Works

        洪慶杓 慶北大學校 東洋文化硏究所 1979 東洋文化硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        In the poetry, we can see that symbol is to extend functionally not only the representational meaning but also the meaning area of poetic diction. And also symbol is a method of lingual simplification in the poetic process. Therefore, the interpretation of poetry, we could say that it is to abstraction of many-sided meaning from the poetry with the method of semantic analysis, and it is also an explanation of relation between linguistic structures and symbolic elements. Especially, most contemporary poetry have many ambiguous meanings or inclusive symbolism because they depend too much upon analogism and different personal imagination in the poetic process. And poetic symbols are representional forms of invisible world or unseen reality. In this point of view, I examined the symbolic meanings in this thesis with two ways. One is the psychological function of self-projection. The other is repetition or rebirth of archetype or myth with, so called, symbolic forms. On the psychological function of symbols, both poets and readers, they may project their self-conscious in their poetic works with symbolic forms, and objectify them. On that account, they would be accomplish their psychological desire so we called, self-realization or compensation. Next in the archetypal function, the poetic symbols have function of repetition or representation of archetypes, so we called inherited forms, universal images or Jungian term, the 'collective unconscious'. In this paragraph, I examined thus various functions of symbols from the analysis of three representative poets of Korean contemporary poetry- Kim So Wol, Suh Jeong Ju and Kim Chun Soo. In the last, I've examined the poetic ambiguities as a symbolic function. The ambiguity in the poetry is caused by the imaginative gaps of collisions with addressers between adressees, and also by symbolic function or obscurity of perceptional capability. The poetic ambiguity was examined with three ways as follows: ① Ambiguity is caused by using of private symbols. ② Ambiguity caused by using of analogic meaning. ③ A fallacy of interpretation or communication caused by using conventional force of habif or intense attachment

      • 小說에 나타난 人物類型과 諷刺的 機能 : 韓國 近代 諷刺的 小說을 中心으로

        洪慶杓 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1984 연구논문집 Vol.28 No.1

        This thesis was investigated to the character types and the satirical functions on the Korean Modern Novels. The two character types of the novels are the character of the lower class, and the intellectuals. The character of the lower class criticized to the social contradiction or in moral consciousness of the higher class on the colonial period. Accordingly, their satiric modes are ironical or allegorical. In realistic novels, 1920s~1930s, the character types of intellectuals are the three types, the lunatic character, the disguised and the self-conscious. The lunatic character,「A Hila in the Specimen Room」of Yeom Sang-Seop and「The Director of the Private Hospital」of Hyun Zin-Geon, satirized the dark and the desperate state of the colonial reality. The disguised charater,「A Life in Ready Made」,「An Idiotic Uncle」of Chai Man-Sik, and「Lecturer Kim and Professor T」of Yu Zin-O, satirized the imbecility of the intellectuals under the Japanese Colonialism. The character of self-conscious of Lee Sang and Park Tae-Won's novels satirized only the defeatuous consciousnses of the intellectuals under the colonial reality.

      • 「黃鳥歌」와 「龜指歌」의 象徵性 : 神話論的 接近 Mythological Approach

        洪慶杓 慶北大學校 東洋文化硏究所 1978 東洋文化硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        The rapid advancement of modern anthropology since the end of nineteenth century has been the most important influence on the growth of myth criticism. As it's name suggests, the object of myth criticism, is to find the key to the mythological structure and meaning of the literary works. As the Wilfred L. Guerin's comments in his "A Handbook of Critical Approach to Literature", the myth critic is concerned to seek out the mysterious artifacts built into certain literary forms which elicit, with almost uncanny force, dramatic and universal human reactions. Consequently, the primary concern of this paper is to explicate some of the significant characteristics of symbols or mythological meanings in 「Hwang jo-ga」 and 「Guji-ga」, ancient Korean ballad songs. Then I analyzed some archetypal symbols of the two songs with tools of mythological approach. These symbols are also archetypal images, and thus pursuit of the images will give a good literary scholarship for the literary interpretation to the primitive mentality of ancient Korean people. And one of the dominant characteristics of 「Hwangjo-ga's」 symbol is a identity of a distance between man and nature through the Eros symboling. And so, thus Eros projection to the natural phenomena, Hwangjo (Korean nightingale, like oriole) is a universal symbol in our Korean literary imagination. In 「Guji-ga」, the turtle is a Father-image which obstructed the solar cycle or appearance of King Suro. Therefore, the turtle is a demonic imagery like dragon or wild animal. In the paragraph, "If you don't, we'll burn and eat you," we can find a ritual prayer against the demonic diety, turtle by the people's intimidation. In conclusion, these 「Hwangjo-ga」 and 「Guji-ga」 are based on the ideas of animism in the primitive age, and those symbols are composed as the symbolic patterns relate to the principles of restoration of identity and counter balance between man and nature. We can see that what we are discovering in the image pattern of those works is repeating in the modern literary works.

      • 20年代<리얼리즘> 小說의 諷刺構造硏究 : 諷刺意識의 時代的 性格을 中心으로 On the Periodic Characteristics of the Satiric Consciousness

        洪慶杓 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1983 연구논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        The Satiric structure in the novels of 1920s are characterized by the aspects of social changings under the colonial reality in the 1920s. Especially, the Korean Independent Movement in 1919 had an effect upon the development of 1920's realistic novels, and the national consciousness was raised by the Independent Movement. Accordingly, the literary works have contained the national consciousness, and It was refracted into the different forms in the novels. Therefore, this refraction was expressed with metaphoric or satiric forms. The satiric consciousness on the novels could examined into the two aspects. One is the opposing satire to the colonial reality, and another is the critical satire to the changings of the social structure. Kim Dong-In and Yeom Sang Sup are the oppositional novelists. They have consciousness of the oppositional satire in their novels, 「Gamja」「A Grief of the Weak」「A Hila in the Specimen Room」and 「Before Manse」etc. Hyun Zin-Gun, La Do-Hyang, Ju Yo-Sup, Bang In-Keun and Choi Hak-Song are the critical satirists. Their novels, 「A poor Wife」「A society Offering Liquor」「Sam Ryong, The Deaf anp Mute」「A Taxi Driver」and 「The Death of Park Dol」are the nivels within the categories of the critical satire about the social conflicts in the 1920s. Their satiric consciousness was characterized on the aspects with the self-contemptuous, sentimental and defeateous under the colonial realities. The modes of satire on the novels are the ironical, symbolical, cynical and revelational. And there are three modes of character types; the fools, the mad-men and the ignorant people of the lower classes. But these three types could be identified with the defeats under the social realities. On the technique of style, I have examined to the relations between the literary language and the social realities.

      • 李箱文學의 比喩法 小考 : <山村餘情>을 중심으로

        洪慶杓 효성여자대학교 국어국문학연구실 1988 國文學硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        이상 언어의 비유법은 <산촌여정>을 통해서 볼 때 직유와 은유가 지배적이다. 그의 직유나 은유의 방법은 대체로 감각적이다. 특히 직유는 원관념이 소박한 언어인데 비해, 오히려 보조관념이 깊은 함축을 보이고 있는 것들이다. 따라서 어떤 관념을 보다 선명하고 쉽게 보이기 위해 비유를 사용하는 수사학적 원칙에서 볼 때 이상의 비유언어는 난해한 언어의 유희처럼 보인다. 그러나 이 점은 하나의 비유의 기법이라 이해되고, 사물이나 대상을 산만한 채로 보이는 것이 아니라, 지성의 여과를 거쳐서 다듬어 보여주는 것이다. 그러므로 이상의 직유방법은 참신할 뿐 아니라 오히려 명료하다. 이상문학의 은유구조는 직유에 비해 명시적 은유로 되어 있다. 특히 감각적 이미지를 환기시켜주는 은유들과 관념적 은유가 지배적이다. 이 역시 비유의 대상을 객관적으로 표현하기보다, 작가자신의 자의식에 이입시킴으로서 감각화되거나 관념화 된 결과라 하겠다. 결론적으로 이상은 직유와 은유를 중심으로 한 비유언어의 사용에 뛰어날 뿐 아니라, 그 비유의 구조들이 단순히 조작적이지 않고 적절하고도 명료한 감각화 내지 날카로운 지성적 의미들로 보이기 때문에 언제나 새로운 느낌을 주게 되는 것이다.

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