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Measurement Methods of Latent Heat for PCM with Low Melting Temperature in Closed Tube
Hong Hiki,Kang Chaedong,Peck Jong Hyeon The Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating 2004 International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refr Vol.12 No.4
Cycle test for developed phase change material (PCM) is necessary in order to assess the variation of latent heat, which decreases with time by deterioration. T-history method and measurement using heat-flux meter are appropriate for the cycle test in a tube filled with PCM because they do not need an extraction of sample in measuring heat of fusion. In the present study, these methods were applied to a PCM having a melting point below a room temperature, different to the past studies for PCMs melting above a room temperature. As a result of experiment using pure water as specimen, we can obtained rea-sonable values for heat of fusion.
홍희기(Hiki Hong),김시환(Sihwan Kim) 대한설비공학회 2010 설비공학 논문집 Vol.22 No.7
In housing units constructed recently in Korea, the length of ondol coil is different in each room, so the flow rate of hot water is adjusted by setting valve opening. If the flow rate is not appropriate for heating load, the room temperature seriously deviates from the set temperature range for comfort. In particular, too small valve opening can induce a noise by cavitation. In order to adjust the valve opening, two methods by zone area and a new method by return temperature rise were modelled and simulated using TRNSYS and EES. As a result, heating energy consumption during one week was the same on three methods, but the room temperature of the new method minimally deviated from the range of set temperature with a low possibility of noise.
홍희기(Hiki Hong),김선국(Sunkuk Kim),유호선(Hoseon Yoo) 대한설비공학회 2009 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.-
This study was performed to determine the heating energy savings and CO₂ reduction resulting from turning off ondol heating in housing units in Korea. Lowering the room temperature and intermittent heating of a room are effective methods for reducing heating energy consumption. These techniques were proven by modeling simulations in our previous studies. To confirm the simulations, schedule controllers which automatically turned off the ondol heating in the living room and kitchen from 10 pm to 6 am were in stalled at the hot water distributor in five households. The heating gas used in each of the housing units was measured over a period of five years, with and without the schedule controllers. We found that approximately 30% of gas consumption, mainly used for heating, can be saved compared to turning on the appliance during the night.