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      • Towards a Comparative Study of Sinographic Writing Strategies in Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese*

        Zev Handel 훈민정음학회 2009 Scripta Vol.0 No.1

        This comparative study of the adaptation of Chinese characters for writing the languages of Japan, Korea, and Vietnam concludes that language-typological VLPLODULWLHV DQG GLϱHUHQFHV ZHUH D SULPDU\ PRWLYDWRU DQG FRQVWUDLQW 7KH &KLQHVH ZULWLQJ V\VWHP DW WKH WLPH LW ZDV ILUVW ERUURZHG ZDV SULPDULO\ ORJRJUDSKLF ,Q Japan and Korea, where the indigenous languages were typologically distinct from the isolating, monosyllabic Chinese language but similar to each other, the processes of adaptation were remarkably parallel (although also marked by VPDOO EXW VLJQLILFDQW GLIIHUHQFHV ,Q 9LHWQDP, where the indigenous language was typologically similar to Chinese, the development of writing took a notably GLϱHUHQW SDWK Through a systematic analysis of the methods by which logographs in one writing system can be repurposed as logographs or phonographs in a second writing system, it is argued that typological factors played a crucial role in shaping what may be called the major sinographic writing systems of Asia: Japanese PDQ·\ڟJDQD Korean hyangchal, and Vietnamese FKࡢ Q{P 7\SRORJLFDO IDFWRUV also shaped subsequent script developments, explaining why kana syllabaries developed in Japan but not in Korea and accounting for the complexity of Vietnamese Q{P JUDSKV 7KHVH FRQFOXVLRQV KDYH EURDGHU LPSOLFDWLRQV IRU RXU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH JHQHUDO PHFKDQLVPV RI VFULSW FKDQJH

      • Can a Logographic Script be Simplified?

        Zev Handel 훈민정음학회 2013 Scripta Vol.0 No.5

        In the 1950s and 1960s, the government of the People’s Republic of China undertook, in two stages, a carefully planned “simplification” of the logographic Chinese script. Drawing on a variety of historical precedents, over 2,000 individual graphs were modified in an attempt to make the script easier to learn and use. This was the first significant change in the official form of the Chinese script in nearly two millennia, and resulted in the script variety that is widely used today in mainland China, commonly termed “simplified Chinese characters.” Drawing on recent psycholinguistic experiments that attempt to characterize the cognitive functions involved in Chinese script processing, this study revisits long-standing questions about the efficacy of character simplification and provides some additional theoretical insights into the nature of logographic writing. The central conclusion of this study is that meaningful simplification of a logographic script is possible, but that today’s simplified character script cannot be characterized as an effective reform by any reasonable metric—it is only “simpler” in the crudest of senses. After evaluating the results of recent studies on the cognitive processing of Chinese characters, I introduce the concept of semantic orthographic depth and argue that a true simplification of a logographic script should be based on regularization of semantic and phonetic components, rather than on reduction of the number of graphs or the reduction of the number of strokes per graph. Furthermore, there is reason to believe that a well functioning logographic script has cognitive advantages over purely phonographic scripts. As a thought experiment, I apply these conclusions to sketch out a scheme for what genuinely effective logographic reform of the Chinese script might have looked like.

      • Logography and the classification of writing systems: a response to Unger

        Zev Handel 훈민정음학회 2015 Scripta Vol.7 No.1

        In response to Unger (2014), I argue that Chinese does not merely lie along one end of an undifferentiated continuum of writing systems plotted according to the degree of phonological representation found in its graphs. Rather, two features of Chinese writing make it categorically distinct from even orthographically “deep” alphabetic writing systems like English: (1) the high prevalence of graphs that represent distinct meaningful linguistic units (i.e. morphemes) and (2) the use of graphic components (variously termed significs, determinatives, taxograms, classifiers, radicals) to represent the general semantic domains of those represented morphemes. These features have implications for how Chinese writing is processed in the brain, how it changes over time, and how it has been adapted for the written representation of other languages. For these reasons we should recognize that Chinese writing is distinct from phonographic systems of writing. Any dispute over which term is most appropriate for characterizing Chinese and the other writing systems of its type—logographic, morphographic, morphosyllabic, etc.—is secondary in importance to the recognition of the validity of this categorical distinction.

      • KCI등재

        Control effects and sublethal effects of four pesticides on Atheloca bondari (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) caterpillars

        da Cruz Handel Kramel,de Almeida Paz-Neto Antônio,Monteiro Vaneska Barbosa,Gondim-Júnior Manoel Guedes Correa 한국응용곤충학회 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.26 No.1

        Atheloca bondari Heinrich is an opportunistic lepidopteran that uses necrosis caused by the mite Aceria guerreronis Keifer, the most important pest of the coconut palm, to access the meristematic region of coconuts. Because of this moth-mite positive association, pesticides used to control A. guerreronis (abamectin, azadirachtin, fenpyr oximate, and pyridaben) may impact A. bondari caterpillar behavior and/or survival. Thus, we used three methodologies (toothpick, triangle, and mesocarp fragment) to evaluate mortality caused by abamectin, the most commonly used pesticide to control A. guerreronis. The toothpick method proved to be suitable for toxicity tests of A. bondari caterpillars. Subsequently, the mortality caused by these four pesticides was evaluated, and abamectin caused 100% mortality in A. bondari caterpillars. Abamectin showed higher toxicity than the other pesticides to A. bondari caterpillars, with LC 50 and LC 95 values of 1.35 and 3.64 mg/L, respectively. The preference test showed that A. bondari caterpillars infested pesticide-treated fruits in the same proportion as untreated fruits. In the behavioral test, A. bondari caterpillars showed lower locomotor speed when exposed to surfaces with aba mectin, azadirachtin, and fenpyroximate residues. Our study presented that pesticides used to control A. guerreronis affect the behavior and survival of A. bondari caterpillars. We discuss how spraying these pesticides can indirectly control the population of A. bondari, reducing the impact of this moth on coconut production, and modifying the importance of this species as a pest of coconut palm.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Experimental Techniques for Evaluating the Success of Restoration Projects

        Robinson, George R.,Handel, Steven-N.l,Mattei, Jennifer The Ecological Society of Korea 2002 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.25 No.1

        The ecological background of a restoration project is complex and difficult to betermine without experimentation. A useful context for experiments is the well-studied process of natural succession, because the factors that drive or inhibit succession are also at work during reclamation (a form of primary succession) and restoration (which often resembles secondary succession). Using experimental studies on urban wasteland reclamation, we have tested for factors that stimulate or inhibit succession during early phases of woodland development in the Northeastern United states. The emphasis has been on mutualisms (seed dispersal, pollination, and mycorrhizae) and microsite limitations in the recruitment, growth, and reproduction of woody plants. Using plantings of seeds, seedlings, and clusters of reproductively mature plants on abandoned landfills, we have observed that (1) soil microsite deficiencies lead to very poor germination (<0.1$\%$) and seedling survival (<0.01$\%$) of most native species; (2) seed dispersal by birds is a significant and reliable source of woody plant recruitment; however (3) proximity effects are strong, with most (up to 95$\%$) of seed rain falling in the vicinity of planted clusters that are closest to putative seed sources; and (4) remnant natural woodlands are critical components of the recruitment process. To emphasize the last point, in one case, we found that the destruction of approximately 50$\%$ of nearby natural woodland vegetation led to a commensurate decline in seed rain. In another case, we found that the species richness of recruits was strictly limited by the species composition of nearby source plant communities, with no evidence of community enrichment by long distance dispersal over 5 years. We conclude from these results that the size and proximity of remnant natural populations are critical considerations when planning reclamation and restoration programs that rely on natural successional processes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Numerical analysis of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings for high-temperature applications

        St. Doltsinis, Ioannis,Haller, Kai-Uwe,Handel, Rainer Techno-Press 1996 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.4 No.6

        The finite element method is employed in conjunction with micromechanical modelling in order to assess the performance of ceramic thermal barrier coatings applied to structural components. The study comprises the conditions of the deposition of the coating by plasma spraying as well as the thermal cycling of the coated component, and it addresses particularly turbine blades. They are exposed to high temperature changes strongly influencing the behaviour of the core material and inducing damage in the ceramic material by intense straining. A concept of failure analysis is discussed starting from distributed microcracking in the ceramic material, progressing to the formation of macroscopic crack patterns and examining their potential for propagation across the coating. The theory is in good agreement with experimental observations, and may therefore be utilized in proposing improvements for a delayed initiation of failure, thus increasing the lifetime of components with ceramic thermal barrier coatings.

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