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        Hamlin, Roger E,Lyons, Thomas S NANAM 1993 DYNAMIC TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIETIES Vol.- No.1

        One of the most important trends in urban planning and development is the increasing collaboration between the public sector and the private sector for mutual benefit. Economic systems are becoming increasingly mixed. Innovative thinkers in both sectors have conjured up mechanisms for using private resources for promoting the accomplishment of public policy and the implementation of plans, while at the same time compensating investors and entrepreneurs for risking their personal and financial capital. This process has brought greater innovation to government and an increased sense of enlightened self-interest to business. This trend is not totally new. The term "public-private partnerships" has been popular for the past twelve years, and describes an innovative set of activities in which the public sector and the private sector work together for mutual benefit. In reality the partnership is more a process than an organizational structure. The process of sharing risks and managing externalities flows to the heart of the economic development challenge and has existed for decades. The process of translating savings into investment and directing investment to where it is most needed has always been a partnership relationship in any society. In market-oriented economies, a guiding principle is that governmental intervention should perfect the markets to increase the efficiency of the allocation process. In urban and regional planning, the development process takes on a spatial dimension as externalities abound. Public-private partnerships often mean governmental involvement to perfect the real estate market by mitigating urban externalities so as to free the natural process of urban renewal and development. To manage this process and maximize benefits, we need to know much more about how market mechanisms work, how governmental interventions affect their functioning, and what is unique about markets related to urban and regional development. In order to insure the success of the new order of relationships between the public sector and the private sector, a new kind of information and analysis system must exist for planning. More accessible information i& needed by both public and private participants about the other. Information must be updated more rapidly to be useful in fast moving market environments, and each local community must know more about the outside world, since market forces move quickly around the world and effect every local community. The ever increasing size of data bases and the need for both public and private access, means better access systems are needed. User friendly software is required which acts as both an expert system and an intelligent front-end system. It should help the user ask the right questions before she/he attempts to access data. It should then provide the capacity for simple analysis and instant visual illustration. Urban planning analysis tools must move away from stiff single dimensional systems to greater use of "what if" scenario building based on simulation techniques. "Fuzzy logic", and interval projection approaches must replace static projections. Analysis systems must be more multi-disciplinary since few urban subsystems operate independently in a"public choice" market driven environment. Planners must work with economists and other social scientists to build theory about how markets work and how to intervene so as to produce desired results. Finally, economic development which utilizes complex relationships between government and companies challenge the moral and ethical fiber of both the legal and cultural system. A greater level of trust is required and new forms of oversight need to be developed. Past experimentation with mixed systems illustrates that while ethical problems do arise, the challenge can also have the effect of strengthening professional ethics. These programs open up each sector to the scrutiny of the other and induce the actors and the public at large to think about related ethical issues.

      • KCI등재후보

        New materials for glass-ceramic X-ray storage phosphors

        A. Edgar,M. Secu,S. Schweizer,J. -M. Spaeth,G. V. M. Williams,J. Hamlin 한국물리학회 2004 Current Applied Physics Vol.4 No.2-4

        The development of transparent glass ceramics as X-ray storage phosphors and their advantages over their crystalline coun-terparts are briey reviewed. Measurements of conversion eciency, stimulation eciency, storage times, and optical transparencyare reported for the particular case of europium-doped uorobromozirconate glass, in which rubidium and lithium replace the usualsodium component fraction. Annealing at 280.C converts the as-prepared glass into a glassceramic which contains Rb2BaBr4 andRbBa2Br5 nano- and micro-crystallites. Only the RbBa2Br5 structure shows signicant photo-stimulated luminescence after X-irradiation, and the maximum storage phosphor eciency is 8% of that for the standard commercial storage phosphor BaFBr:Eu.

      • KCI등재

        Construction of a genetically modified T7Select phage system to express the antimicrobial peptide 1018

        David J. Lemon,Matthew K. Kay,James K. Titus,April A. Ford,Wen Chen,LCDR Nicholas J. Hamlin,Yoon Y. Hwang 한국미생물학회 2019 The journal of microbiology Vol.57 No.6

        Bacteriophage therapy was an ascendant technology for combating bacterial infections before the golden age of antibiotics, but the therapeutic potential of phages was largely ignored after the discovery of penicillin. Recently, with antibioticresistant infections on the rise, these phages are receiving renewed attention to combat problematic bacterial infections. Our approach is to enhance bacteriophages with antimicrobial peptides, short peptides with broad-spectrum antibiotic or antibiofilm effects. We inserted coding sequences for 1018, an antimicrobial peptide previously shown to be an effective broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antibiofilm agent, or the fluorescent marker mCherry, into the T7Select phage genome. Transcription and production of 1018 or mCherry began rapidly after E. coli cultures were infected with genetically modified phages. mCherry fluorescence, which requires a 90 min initial maturation period, was observed in infected cultures after 2 h of infection. Finally, we tested phages expressing 1018 (1018 T7) against bacterial planktonic cultures and biofilms, and found the 1018 T7 phage was more effective than the unmodified T7Select phage at both killing planktonic cells and eradicating established biofilms, validating our phage-driven antimicrobial peptide expression system. The combination of narrow-spectrum phages delivering relatively high local doses of broad-spectrum antimicrobials could be a powerful method to combat resistant infections. The experiments we describe prove this combination is feasible in vitro, but further testing and optimization are required before genetically modified phages are ready for use in vivo.

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