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      • KCI등재후보

        豌豆의 主要 量的形質에 대한 遺傳分析

        Hae Jin Chung(丁海鎭),Kwon Yawl Chang(張權烈) 한국육종학회 1992 한국육종학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        In order to obtain basic genetical information in pea(Pisum sativum L.), a series of field experiments were carried out with seven typical pea cultivars and F₁ hybrid lines for three years. Based on the information collected from a set of diallel crosses, the behaviours of inheritance of seed yield and othe then major agronomical characters were observed by the distribution of genes and degree of dominance. Based on the Vr-Wr graphical analysis, the characters, days to flowering, stem length, stem diameter, pod length, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight, were found to inherit incomplete dominance, and the characters of number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant and seed weight per plant were assumed to inherit overdominance. Based on the estimation of gene frequency, the cultivars having such characters as late flowering, heavy seed weight, and long stem length were found to have a number of useful genes in the characters of days to flowering, stem length, pod length, number of seeds per plant, 100-seed weight and seed yield.

      • KCI등재후보

        木花 二面交雜에 의한 量的形質의 遺傳分析

        Won Bok Chung(鄭元福),Dae Soo Chung(鄭大守),Hae Jin Chung(丁海鎭),Kwon Yawl Chang(張權烈) 한국육종학회 1992 한국육종학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        The experiment was conducted to get basic information for cotton breeding program through seven-variety diallel cross population. Significant variance analysis was observed in days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, length of stem internode, bolls per plant, boll weight, seeds per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed, width of seed and lint percentage. Based on the Vr-Wr graphical analysis, the characters, days to flowering, bolls per plant, seeds per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed and width of seed were found to inherit incomplete dominance, and the characters of days to maturity, plant height, length of stem internode, boll weight and lint percentage were assumed to inherit over dominance. The component of genetic variance analysis for days to flowering, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed, width of seed and lint percentage showed that additive effects were higher than dominant effects. The narrow-sense heritability(h²ns) for days to flowering, bolls per plant, boll weight, seeds per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length and length of seed showed high values as more than 0.41. The estimate of broad-sense heritability(h²bs) value was higher than that of h²ns because of the low importance of dominance effects.

      • 豌豆의 主要形質들의 經路分析

        丁海鎭 東亞大學校 1995 東亞論叢 Vol.32 No.-

        This study was conducted to obtain the basic informations about various genetic parameters of some useful quantitative characters for pea breeding. High heritability was genetically shown in all the characters. Particularly, the heritability values in the characters of 100-seed weight, days to flowering, number of seeds per pod and pod length were higher than of the other ones. The values of the three characters of stem length, number of branches per plant and stem diameter in F₁hybrid population were higher than those of the two variety populations sown in the spring and fall. In the path-Coefficient analysis, the direct effect of number of seeds per plant, seed weight per plant and stem length on seed yield was relatively high, while the indirect effect of number of seeds per plant on seed yield was relatively high.

      • 참깨 種實의 發芽중 脂肪酸 組成의 變化에 관한 硏究

        鄭大守,金度勳,丁海鎭,金賢勍 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1995 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        참깨 種子를 25℃의 incubator에서 10日 동안 發芽시키면서, 發芽後 1日, 3日, 5日, 10日로 區分하여 試料를 採取하여 油脂含量과 脂肪酸組成의 變化를 比較 分析한 結果는 참깨 種子 發芽中 油脂含量의 變化는 發芽前 안산깨가 53.8%, 단백깨가 52.5% 發芽後 5日에 18.8%와 13.6%, 10日째에 9.3%와 7.3%로 減少하였다. 그리고 總脂質中의 脂肪酸 組成은 幼植物이 成長함에 따라 palmitic acid, stearic acid 및 linolenic acid는 增加하였으나, linoleic acid는 減少하는 傾向을 나타내었고, 發芽後 5日과 10日의 子葉部와 胚軸部의 脂肪酸 組成은 linolenic acid는 急激히 增加하였으나, palmitic acid, stearic acid 및 oleic acid 減少하는 傾向을 나타내었다. Sesame(Sesamum indicum L.) seeds were germinated at 25℃ for 10 days in order to investigate changes in the oil contents and fatty acid composition of total lipid. The sample for analysis was distinguished with 1st day, 3rd day, 5th day and 10th day after germination. In Ansan and Danbak varieties during the germination period, the oil contents were decreased continuously from 53.8%, 52.5% pre-germination 18.8%, 13.6% on the 5th day, and 9.3%, 7.3% on the 10th day after germination. In fatty acid composition of total lipids, palmitic acid, stearic and linolenic acid were increased, but linoleic acid showed the opposite tendency, according to the growth of seedling. In fatty acid composition of cotyledon and seedling axis, linolenic acid was increased rapidly, but palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid decreasing trends showed during the germination periods.

      • 들깨의 量的形質에 관한 遺傳分析

        鄭大守,丁海鎭 東亞大學校 1987 東亞論叢 Vol.24 No.1

        多收性 및 葉菜用 들깨 品種育成을 위하여 國內 在來種들깨 40種을 蒐集供試하여 10個 形質에 대한 遺傳力 및 遺傳相關, 經路係數를 推定함으로서 效率的인 選拔을 위한 基礎資料를 얻고져 本 試驗을 實施하엿던 바 몇가지 結果를 얻었기에 이를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 들깨의 10個 形質에서 有傳力은 成熟日數, 葉面積이 높았고 子房數, 節數 및 株當種實重等은 낮게 評價되었다. 2. 分枝數와 稈長 및 節數와 稈長은 正의 相關이 認定되었고, 1,000粒重과 花房數는 負의 遺傳相關이 認定되었다, 3. 遺傳力과 遺傳相關을 동시에 고려할때, 葉菜用들깨는 少節大粒種 系統의 選拔이 有望할 것이며 多收性으로는 花房數가 많고 長稈大粒種 系統을 選拔하는 것이 效率的이라 생각된다. 4. 各 形質이 收量에 미치는 直接效果는 化房數, 1,000粒重, 稈長의 順이였고 稈長은 直接效果보다 花房數, 1,000粒重 增加에 의한 間接的으로 收量에 影響을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. This study was conducted to obtain effective breeding information on high grain yield and high leaf yield of 40 native perilla varieties with genetic parameters; heritability, genotypic correlation and path coefficient. The results obtained were summarized as follow; 1. Heritabilities of characters involved in maturation period and leaf area among ten characters used were relatively higher than those of the other ones. On the other, the heritabilities of characters involved in number of ovary, number of branches and grain yield per plant were relatively lower that those of the other ones. 2. There were positive genotypic correlations between number of branches and culm height., and between number of nodes and culm height. On the contrary, a negative correlation betwen two characters of 1000 grain weight and number of flower clusters was shown. 3. As results of heritability and genotypic correlation analyses, it was recommended that for high grain yield of perilla plant type with characters of relatively less nodes and larger seeds should be selected. Also it was thought that for vegetable perilla, the plant type with relatively more flower clusters, longer culm height and larger seeds should be selscted. 4. According to analysis of path coefficent, direct effect values of characters involved in flower cluster number, 1000 grain weight and culm height on the grain yield per plant lowered in the other mentioned above, showing that the effect of the culm height had indirect influence on the yield by increases of flower cluster number and 1000 grain weight.

      • 牧草의 混播가 分蘗數 및 葡蔔枝數에 미치는 影響

        丁海鎭,정규관,朴永道 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        牧草의 混播가 植生變化에 미치는 影響을 究明하고자 禾本科牧草를 5個 草種 6品種과 荳科牧草 2個 草種 4品種을 供試하여 5㎝×5㎝ 栽植거리로서 人爲的으로 混播集團을 形成, 栽培하여 分蘗數 및 葡萄枝數를 調査한 結果 다음과 같다. 1. 各 草種別 分蘗數는 perennial ryegrass(CV. Antrim, Rathlin)가 가장 많았고, hybrid ryegrass(CV. Augusta), meadow fescue(CV. S. 215), tall fescue(CV. Dovey), cocksfoot(CV. Cambria) 順으로 減少되었으며, 荳科牧草는 white clover(CV. S. 184, Donna)가 red clover(CV. Astra, Deben)보다 높게 나타났다. 2. 荳科牧草는 半直立型이며 잎이 좁거나 짧고 分蘗力이 中間程度인 cocksfoot, meadow fescue와 같은 禾本科牧草와의 混播에서 生育과 收量이 良好하였다. 3. 荳科의 越冬率이 높았던 混播組合에서는 葡萄枝數가 增大되고 荳科比率이 높아져서 總收量이 增大되었다. With a purpose to investigate the effects of grass-clover mixtures on herbage yield and sward composition, a set of sward canopy of grass-clover mixtures with d density of 5㎝×5㎝ was established with six cultivars of grasses and two cultivars of legumes. The number of tillers of stolons per plant and sward composition of mixtures was compared with that of single stand. The number of tillers per plant was highest in perennial ryegrass(CV. Antrim, Rathlin), followed by hybrid ryegrass(CV. Augusta), meadow fescue(CV. S. 215), tall fescue(CV. Dovey), and cocksfoot(CV. Cambria). When the legumes were combined with the grasses which have semierect plant type bearing narrow and short leaves with a medium tillering capacity, the dry matter yield of the mixtures increased significantly. Higher wintering rate in grass-clover mixtures resulted in an increase of stolones, higher compositions of legumes in the mixture, and consequently higher herbage yield.

      • 豌豆의 有用形質에 대한 選拔指數에 관한 硏究

        丁海鎭 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        豌豆의 新品種 育成에 앞서 選拔에 대한 기초 자료를 얻고자, 國內在來種과 導入種을 대상으로, 春播는 50개 品種을 秋播는 40개 品種을 供試하여 11개 주요 形質을 대상으로 실시하였다. 莖長, 萊長, 萊當粒數 및 株當粒數의 4개形質을 대상으로 작성된 選拔指數는 形質의 組合에 따라 選拔指數를 산출한 바, 2個 形質의 組合은 春播에서 萊長+萊當粒數, 春播에서 莖長+萊長+萊當粒數, 秋播에서 萊長+萊當粒數+株當粒數, 單一 形質은 春·秋播 공히 分枝數 및 莖直徑에서 각각 加重値가 높게 評價되었다. The experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of selection index on pea 50 cultivars sown in the spring and 40 cultivars sown in the autumn were used as materials. The selection indexed were based on four characters, i. e., stem length, pod length, number of seed of per pod and number of seeds per plant. Based on the selection index estimated, one major contributable character to seed yield, as selection criteria, was number of branches per plant or stem diameter; two major characters to be considered as selection criteria were pod length and number of seeds per pod in case of the spring sown pea and pod length and number of seeds per plant in case of the autumn sown pea. Three major characters to be highly considered as selection criteria were stem length, pod length and number of seeds per pod, or pod length, number of seeds per pod and number of seeds per plant.

      • 大豆의 初期生育에 미치는 生長調節劑處理에 관한 硏究

        金種喆,金成萬,丁海鎭 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        生長調節劑 處理가 大豆의 初期生育에 미치는 影響을 究明하고자 1994년 6月 15日에 pot에 播種하고 出現後 10日부터 10日 間隔으로 4회에 걸쳐 草長, 莖直徑, 葉面積, 根長, 地下 地下部 生體重 및 乾物重을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 草長은 GA₃, NAA 處理區에서는 無處理에 비해 顯著하게 增加하였으나 生育이 進展됨에 따라 差異는 減少되었으며 Kinetin, PP333, 2,4-D處理區에서는 심한 生長抑制 效果가 나타났고, 2,4-D 50PPm 無處理에서는 出現이 전혀 되지 않았다. 2. 莖直徑은 GA₃, NAA, Kinetin 및 PP333 處理區에서는 生育時期에 關係없이 無處理에 비해 增加하였다. 3. 葉面積은 GA₃와 NAA 處理區에서만 生育時期 및 處理濃度에 關係없이 無處理에 비해 增加하였으나 Kinetin, PP333 및 2,4-D 處理區에서는 減少하는 傾向이었으며 그 傾向은 比較的 高農度에서 높았다. 4. 根長은 GA₃, NAA, Kinetin, PP333 處理區에서 無處理區에 비해 出現後 20∼30日에 急速한 伸長을 보였고 2,4-D處理區에서는 뿌리의 伸長이 전혀 일어나지 않거나 畸形的인 뿌리를 發生시켰다. 5. 地上部 生體重과 乾物重은 GA₃, NAA, Kinetin 處理區가 無處理에 비해 增加하는 傾向이었으나 出現 40日에는 減少하였다. 6. 地下部 生體重과 乾物重은 GA₃, NAA, Kinetin 處理區에서 出現後 20∼30日에 急速한 增加를 보였고 地下部 乾物重의 增加는 GA₃와 NAA의 濃度가 높을 때 더욱 增加하는 傾向이었다. This experiment was carried out to estimate the effect of growth regulators on early seeding growth of Soybean. For the aforementioned studying aim, plant characteristics were estimated four times at intervals of 10days after sowing in a wagner's pot (scale:1/5000) on June 15 in 1994. The results are summarized as follow: 1. The value of plant heights with GA₃ and NAA treatments were significantly higher than that of the control, although the differences of value were gradually decreased as the plants grew. The plant heights were significantly shortened when 10 or 50ppm of Kinetin or PP333 and 10ppm of 2,4-D were respectively applied, and there were no emergence when 50 ppm of 2,4-D was applied. 2. The value of stem diameter with GA₃, NAA, Kinetin and PP333 treatments were higher than that of the control regardless of the growing stage. 3. Regardless of growing state and concentration, the value of leaf area with GA₃ and NAA treatments were higher than that of the control. On the other hand, the corresponding value when the plant were treated with the Kinetin, PP333 and 2,4-D showed a tendency to be lower, especially with high concentration of the treatments. 4. Rapid root growth was observed by the treatments of NAA, GA₃, Kinetin and PP333, especially between the 20th and 30th day after the emergence. However, the root growth was retarded or deformed by the treatment of 2,4-D. 5. The fresh and dry weights of the shoot showed a tendency to be increased by the treatments of GA₃, Kinetin and NAA compared with the control. However, these value were significantly decreased on and after the 40th day after the emergence, especially by the treatments of Kinetin. 6. The fresh and dry weight of root were rapidly increased by the treatments of NAA,, GA₃, PP333 and Kinetin between 20 th and 30 th day after the emergence, respectively. The dry weight of roots showed a tendency to be remarkably increased when the high concentration of the NAA and GA₃ applied.

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