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        과학자(科學者)의 정보생산(情報生産) 계속성(繼續性)과 정보유통(情報流通)(2)

        Garvey, W.D. 한국과학기술정보연구원 과학기술정보센터 1973 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.6 No.5

        본고(本稿)시리이즈의 제1보(第一報)에서 우리는 물리(物理), 사회과학(社會科學) 및 공학분야(工學分野)의 12,442명(名)의 과학자(科學者)와 기술자(技術者)에 대한 정보교환활동(情報交換活動)의 78례(例)에 있어서 일반과정(一般過程)과 몇 가지 결과(結果)를 기술(記述)한 바 있다. 4년반(年半) 이상(以上)의 기간(其間)($1966{\sim}1971$)에서 수행(遂行)된 이 연구(硏究)는 현재(現在)의 과학지식(科學知識)의 집성체(集成體)로 과학자(科學者)들이 연구(硏究)를 시작(始作)한 때부터 기록상(記錄上)으로 연구결과(硏究結果)가 취합(聚合)될 때까지 각종(各種) 정형(定形), 비정형(非定形) 매체(媒體)를 통한 유통정보(流通情報)의 전파(傳播)와 동화(同化)에 대한 포괄적(包括的)인 도식(圖式)으로 표시(表示)할 수 있도록 설정(設定)하고 또 시행(施行)되었다. 2보(二報), 3보(三報), 4보(四報)에서는 데이터 뱅크에 수집(蒐集) 및 축적(蓄積)된 데이터의 일반적(一般的)인 기술(記述)을 적시(摘示)하였다. (1) 과학(科學)과 기술(技術)의 정보유통(情報流通)에 있어서 국가적(國家的) 회합(會合)의 역할(役割)(Garvey; 4보(報)) 국가적(國家的) 회합(會合)은 투고(投稿)와 이로 인한 잡지중(雜誌中) 게재간(揭載間)의 상대적(相對的)인 오랜 기간(期間)동안 이러한 연구(硏究)가 공개매체(公開媒體)로 인하여 일시적(一時的)이나마 게재여부(揭載如否)의 불명료성(不明瞭性)을 초래(招來)하기 전(前)에 과학연구(科學硏究)의 초기전파(初期傳播)를 위하여 먼저 행한 주요(主要) 사례(事例)와 마지막의 비정형매체(非定形媒體)의 양자(兩者)를 항상 조직화(組織化)하여 주는 전체적(全體的)인 유통과정(流通過程)에 있어서 명확(明確)하고도 중요(重要)한 기능(機能)을 갖는다는 것을 알 수 있었다. (2) 잡지(雜誌)에 게재(揭載)된 정보(情報)의 생산(生産)과 관련(關聯)되는 정보(情報)의 전파과정(傳播過程)(Garvey; 1보(報)). 이 연구(硏究)를 위해서 우리는 정보유통과정(情報流通過程)을 따라 많은 노력(努力)을 하였는데, 여기서 유통과정(流通過程)의 인상적(印象的)인 면목(面目)은 특별(特別)히 연구(硏究)로부터의 정보(情報)는 잡지(雜誌)에 게재(揭載)되기까지 진정으로는 공개적(公開的)이 못된다는 것과 이러한 사실(事實)은 선진연구(先進硏究)가 자주 시대(時代)에 뒤떨어지게 된다는 것을 발견할 수 있었다. 경험(經驗)이 많은 정보(情報)의 수요자(需要者)는 이러한 폐물화(廢物化)에 매우 민감(敏感)하며 자기(自己) 연구(硏究)에 당면한, 진행중(進行中)이거나 최근(最近) 완성(完成)된 연구(硏究)에 대하여 정보(情報)를 얻기 위한 모든 수단(手段)을 발견(發見)코자 하였다. 예를 들어, 이들은 잡지(雜誌)에 보문(報文)을 발표(發表)하기 전(前)에 발생(發生)하는 정보전파과정(情報傳播過程)을 통하여 유루(遺漏)될지도 모르는 정보(情報)를 얻기 위하여 한 잡지(雜誌)나 2차자료(二次資料) 또는 전형적(典型的)으로 이용(利用)되는 다른 잡지류중(雜誌類中)에서 당해정보(當該情報)가 발견(發見)되기를 기다리지 않는다는 것이다. (3) "정보생산 과학자(情報生産 科學者)"에 의한 정보전파(情報傳播)의 계속성(繼續性)(이 연구(硏究) 시리이즈의 결과(結果)는 본고(本稿)의 주내용(主內容)으로 되어 있다.) 1968/1969년(年)부터 1970/1971년(年)의 이년기간(二年期間)동안 보문(報文)을 낸 과학자(科學者)(1968/1969년(年) 잡지중(雜誌中)에 "질이 높은"



        Garvey, Jamie,Garvey, Dustin,Seibert, Rebecca,Hines, J. Wesley Korean Nuclear Society 2007 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.39 No.2

        The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) demonstrated a method for monitoring the performance of instrument channels in Topical Report (TR) 104965, 'On-Line Monitoring of Instrument Channel Performance.' This paper presents the results of several models originally developed by EPRI to monitor three nuclear plant sensor sets: Pressurizer Level, Reactor Protection System (RPS) Loop A, and Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Loop A Steam Generator (SG) Level. The sensor sets investigated include one redundant sensor model and two non-redundant sensor models. Each model employs an Auto-Associative Kernel Regression (AAKR) model architecture to predict correct sensor behavior. Performance of each of the developed models is evaluated using four metrics: accuracy, auto-sensitivity, cross-sensitivity, and newly developed Error Uncertainty Limit Monitoring (EULM) detectability. The uncertainty estimate for each model is also calculated through two methods: analytic formulas and Monte Carlo estimation. The uncertainty estimates are verified by calculating confidence interval coverages to assure that 95% of the measured data fall within the confidence intervals. The model performance evaluation identified the Pressurizer Level model as acceptable for on-line monitoring (OLM) implementation. The other two models, RPS Loop A and RCS Loop A SG Level, highlight two common problems that occur in model development and evaluation, namely faulty data and poor signal selection

      • KCI등재

        과학자(科學者)의 정보생산(情報生産) 계속성(繼續性)과 정보유통(情報流通)(1)

        Garvey, W.D. 한국과학기술정보연구원 과학기술정보센터 1973 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.6 No.4

        본고(本稿)는 $4\frac{1}{2}$년간(年間)($1966{\sim}1071$)에 수행(遂行)된 일련(一連)의 연구중(硏究中) 최종회(最終回)로서 보문(報文)이 게재(揭載)되기 전(前) 과학자(科學者)들이 연구(硏究)를 시작(始作)한 때부터 여러 가지 정형(定形) 및 비정형(非定形) 매체(媒體)를 통(通)한 정보(情報)의 유통(流通)으로 과학정보(科學情報)의 전파(傳播)와 동화(同化)를 알기 쉬운 그림으로 설명(說明)한 것이다. 본고(本稿)는 1968/1969년(年) 보문(報文)을 게재(揭載)한 후 2년간(年間)의 "정보생산과학자(情報生産科學者)"들에 의한 과학분야(科學分野)의 연구(硏究)와 정보교환(情報交換)을 탐색분석(探索分析)을 행한 것으로 그 결과(結果)는 약 반수(半數)가 초기보문(初期報文)과는 다른 연구대상영역(硏究對象領域)으로 변경(變更)되었음을 보여주고 있다. 그렇지만 이러한 변화(變化)는 과학자(科學者)들의 정보생산성(情報生産性)을 감소(減少)시키거나 정보수요(情報需要)를 크게 증가(增加)시키지도 않았다.

      • KCI등재


        JAMIE GARVEY 한국원자력학회 2007 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.39 No.2

        The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) demonstrated a method for monitoring the performance of instrument channels in Topical Report (TR) 104965, “On-Line Monitoring of Instrument Channel Performance.” This paper presents the results of several models originally developed by EPRI to monitor three nuclear plant sensor sets: Pressurizer Level, Reactor Protection System (RPS) Loop A, and Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Loop A Steam Generator (SG) Level. The sensor sets investigated include one redundant sensor model and two non-redundant sensor models. Each model employs an Auto- Associative Kernel Regression (AAKR) model architecture to predict correct sensor behavior. Performance of each of the developed models is evaluated using four metrics: accuracy, auto-sensitivity, cross-sensitivity, and newly developed Error Uncertainty Limit Monitoring (EULM) detectability. The uncertainty estimate for each model is also calculated through two methods: analytic formulas and Monte Carlo estimation. The uncertainty estimates are verified by calculating confidence interval coverages to assure that 95% of the measured data fall within the confidence intervals. The model performance evaluation identified the Pressurizer Level model as acceptable for on-line monitoring (OLM) implementation. The other two models, RPS Loop A and RCS Loop A SG Level, highlight two common problems that occur in model development and evaluation, namely faulty data and poor signal selection

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Feasibility of RF Sensor Application for On-line Monitoring of Tomato Paste Processing

        Kim, Seong-Min,Garvey, Casey,Leary, Thomas,McCarthy, Michael Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 2008 바이오시스템공학 Vol.33 No.6

        On-line monitoring of fresh tomato paste processing was done using two radio frequency (RF) sensors resonant at 85 and 110 MHz. Fresh tomato juice with soluble solid content of about $5^{\circ}Brix$ was evaporated up to $23^{\circ}Brix$ and diluted down to about $5^{\circ}Brix$ again with a pilot scale evaporator. The RF sensors were installed in a processing pipe and monitored. The pastes at a specific $^{\circ}Brix$ level were sampled and analyzed for physical properties such as soluble solid content and viscosity. The relationships between sensor outputs and measured physical properties were analyzed. Analysis results showed RF sensor is feasible to apply on-line monitoring of tomato paste processing.


        Jed Looker,Thomas Garvey 한국디자인학회 2015 한국디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        This paper assesses the ergonomics of the air tap, a 3D gesture used to interact with the Hololens™, a head-mounted optical see-through display being developed by Microsoft™. After reviewing ergonomics literature we found the air tap appeared to be outside of known anthroprometric and biomechanical limits and tolerances. Because the Hololens was unavailable for testing at the time of writing, the air tap was evaluated using methods that support general, observational data. The Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), Rapid Upper Body Assessment (RULA) and Novel Ergonomic Postural Assessment (NERPA) methods were used to assess the gesture as observed in four videos. For all methods, higher scores suggested further investigation was required to avoid risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders. Although the neck trunk and leg portion of the REBA score was low, the arm and wrist portions gained more points. This was further reflected in overall high RULA and NERPA scores which focused more on the upper region of the body. Although these findings cannot be used to accurately assess whether the air tap suffers from poor ergonomics or puts the user at risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders, they do suggest the gesture might benefit from a more thorough investigation. This paper concludes by proposing future research into developing and validating an ergonomic framework designers and developers can use to develop 3D gestures.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Is Diabetes a Contraindication to Lower Extremity Flap Reconstruction? An Analysis of Threatened Lower Extremities in the NSQIP Database (2010-2020)

        Amy Chen,Shannon R. Garvey,Nimish Saxena,Valeria P. Bustos,Emmeline Jia,Monica Morgenstern,Asha D. Nanda,Arriyan S. Dowlatshahi,Ryan P. Cauley Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surge 2024 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.51 No.2

        Background The impact of diabetes on complication rates following free flap (FF), pedicled flap (PF), and amputation (AMP) procedures on the lower extremity (LE) is examined. Methods Patients who underwent LE PF, FF, and AMP procedures were identified from the 2010 to 2020 American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP®) database using Current Procedural Terminology and International Classification of Diseases-9/10 codes, excluding cases for non-LE pathologies. The cohort was divided into diabetics and nondiabetics. Univariate and adjusted multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Results Among 38,998 patients undergoing LE procedures, 58% were diabetic. Among diabetics, 95% underwent AMP, 5% underwent PF, and <1% underwent FF. Across all procedure types, noninsulin-dependent (NIDDM) and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) were associated with significantly greater all-cause complication rates compared with absence of diabetes, and IDDM was generally higher risk than NIDDM. Among diabetics, complication rates were not significantly different across procedure types (IDDM: p = 0.5969; NIDDM: p = 0.1902). On adjusted subgroup analysis by diabetic status, flap procedures were not associated with higher odds of complications compared with amputation for IDDM and NIDDM patients. Length of stay > 30 days was statistically associated with IDDM, particularly those undergoing FF (AMP: 5%, PF: 7%, FF: 14%, p = 0.0004). Conclusion Our study highlights the importance of preoperative diabetic optimization prior to LE procedures. For diabetic patients, there were few significant differences in complication rates across procedure type, suggesting that diabetic patients are not at higher risk of complications when attempting limb salvage instead of amputation.


        Ellen Hrinivich,Thomas Garvey 한국디자인학회 2015 한국디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        This paper explores the very real connection between the design of physical space and the emotional impact on mental health. In particular there is great potential in the context of student housing. The two main principals in this paper are that a residence must support 3 layers of social interaction: society, friendship and solitude, the other is that the physical design must take advantage of recent research in embodied cognition -- the body’s position can change thought patterns and stress levels. The goals of the space are to help a person improve their confidence and mental wellbeing, to provide assistance to students at early stages of distress while maintaining a level of social comfort and to provide early intervention for mental health issues before they begin. An original feature is the artistic style in which these ideas are communicated. The design provides a positive spin to a topic associated with sadness and loneliness. Presenting the ideas in a superhero artistic style matches the optimistic themes. The designed space produces tangible outcomes to improve student mental health and increase awareness of mental health issues without the negative stigma and intimidation associated with current on-campus mental health assistance.

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