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        A New Trend of In-situ Electron Microscopy with Ion and Electron Beam Nano-Fabrication

        Furuya, Kazuo,Tanaka, Miyoko Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 2006 Applied microscopy Vol.36 No.2

        Nanofabrication with finely focused ion and electron beams is reviewed, and position and size controlled fabrication of nano-metals and -semiconductors is demonstrated. A focused ion beam (FIB) interface attached to a column of 200keV transmission electron microscope (TEM) was developed. Parallel lines and dots arrays were patterned on GaAs, Si and $SiO_2$ substrates with a 25keV $Ga^+-FIB$ of 200nm beam diameter at room temperature. FIB nanofabrication to semiconductor specimens caused amorphization and Ga injection. For the electron beam induced chemical vapor deposition (EBI-CVD), we have discovered that nano-metal dots are formed depending upon the beam diameter and the exposure time when decomposable gases such as $W(CO)_6$ were introduced at the beam irradiated areas. The diameter of the dots was reduced to less than 2.0nm with the UHV-FE-TEM, while those were limited to about 15nm in diameter with the FE-SEM. Self-standing 3D nanostructures were also successfully fabricated.

      • KCI등재

        쾌삭성 회주철의 개발

        Furuya, Satoshi,Ozoe, Nobuaki 한국주조공학회 2022 한국주조공학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        This study aims to improve the machinability of gray cast irons in high speed cutting by using nonmetallic inclusions. In this research, small quantities of AL and Mg were added to conventional gray cast irons without influencing their mechanical characteristics and castability to investigate the effects of these nonmetallic inclusions in the gray cast irons on tool wear in high speed cutting. During the high speed turning of gray cast iron containing Al and Mg using a cermet tool, protective layers consisting of Al, Mg, Si, Mn, S and O were detected on the flank face and rake face of the tool, and flank and crater wear were significantly reduced compared to the turning of conventional gray cast iron and gray cast iron added with Al. The effect of inclusions on tool wear increased with increasing cutting speed, and flank and crater wear was the smallest at the cutting speed of 700m/min. Moreover, in face milling, the addition of Al and Mg drastically decreased the wear rate, and wear hardly progressed even in prolonged cutting length after initial wear. The amount of adhesion on tool faces increased as the cutting speed increased. This increase in cutting speed resulted in the formation of a thick protective layer and the reduction of tool wear. Furthermore, the addition of small amounts of Al and Mg prevented thermal cracks in the face milling of gray cast irons.

      • KCI등재

        Domestic Implementation of the Rome Statute in Japan

        Shuichi Furuya 서울국제법연구원 2015 서울국제법연구 Vol.22 No.2

        When Japan acceded to the Rome Statute on July 17, 2007, it enacted the “Act on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court”. However, the present Act aims at ensuring procedural cooperation with the ICC, and does not set out new substantive provisions nor change existing Penal Code in order for Japan to try and punish the perpetrators who commit the crimes referred to in Article 5 of the Rome Statute. From the consideration that there was “no need to think about unthinkable things” and enacting a comprehensive law to criminalize every act and omission would delay the accession to the Rome Statute, Japan adopted a “minimalist” approach according to which a State Party does not change substantive criminal law and domestically punish the crimes within the Rome Statute as far as its existing laws are applicable. In fact, most of the conducts constituting the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes constitute ordinary crimes under the Penal Code of Japan if they are committed in the territory of Japan. However, the crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC, save war crimes as grave breaches, cannot be tried by a Japanese court if they are committed by foreigners against foreigners outside the territory of Japan. In terms of those crimes, Japan would have to entrust the prosecution and punishment of perpetrators to the ICC pursuant to the principle of complementarity. In contrast, the Cooperation Act, with taking into account a vertical relation between the ICC and a State Party, prescribes in detail the ways of cooperation with the ICC such as the procedures of surrender, production of evidence and enforcement.

      • KCI등재

        A reconsideration of the (non-)uniform syntax of Korean right-dislocation

        Kaori Furuya 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2018 언어연구 Vol.35 No.2

        This paper investigates the clausal natureof Korean Right-Dislocation Constructions (RDCs) and reconsiders recent extant (non-)uniform analyses of RDCs. Since Korean is a pro-drop language, most of the literature on Korean RDCs assumes the preverbal empty category as pro or a trace out of movement in the constructions. However, recent literature has shown that null arguments can also be derived via argument ellipsis (e.g. Sakamoto 2016). The paper identifies the categorial statuses of preverbal empty categories and demonstrates similarities and differences between gapped and gapless RDCs that Ko (2016) and Ahn and Cho (2016, 2017) do not observe. It argues that a non-uniform analysis is most compatible to account for the distribution of empty categories of RDCs. The proposed analysis receives support form novel evidence based on (non-)parallelisms between RDCs and fragment answers.

      • Laboratory Animal Industry in Japan

        Tsuyoshi FURUYA 건국대학교 동물자원연구센터 1993 국제 심포지움 Vol.- No.4

        일본에서는 실험동물의 근대화가 1950년대 초에 시작되어 1980년대에는 미생물학 및 유전학적으로 콘트롤된 동물을 사육회사로부터 쉽게 구입할 수 있게 되었다. 동물실험에 있어서 실험동물의 콘트롤로 인해 정확하고 再現性있는 데이터를 구할 수 있고 미생물학적 콘트롤로써 감염에 의한 방해를 받지 않고 실험을 계속할 수 있다. 동시에 동물데이터에 영향을 미치는 사육 및 동물관리를 위한 설비, 시설건물, 기술 등이 개선되었고 마우스와 랫트에 대한 연구자들의 요구를 충족시킬 조직이 이 30년동안에 구성되었다. 일본에서 쓰이는 동물의 수를 보면, 최대치가 1970년도 1,150만 마리의 마우스가 사용되었으나 1986년 이후 500만 마리로 감소하였다. 한편, 랫트는 1970년 이후 점차 증가하여 1986년에는 250만 마리에 이르렀다. 이러한 랫트사용의 점차적인 증가의 주요인은 일본의 독성시험지침에 암수 양쪽에서의 약리검사와 독성시험이 요구되어 사용기회가 증가한 때문이다. 안전성시험을 요구하는 새로운 화학물질이 증가는 했지만 시험에 사용된 동물의 수는 1990년에는 감소하였다. 그 원인으로서는 동물권리주의자들의 운동과 치밀히 심의된 실험계획의 준비 및 동물품질의 개선을 들 수 있다. 1992년도에 사육회사가 판매한 실험동물의 조사에서 사람에 유사한 질환을 나타내는 변이계 마우스와 랫트의 수가 급격히 증가한 것을 알 수 있었다. 토끼의 수는 감소한 반면 개, 고양이 및 돼지는 증가하였는데, 이는 시험에 여러 품종을 사용하는 경향이 있음을 나타내는 것이다. 사육회사외에도 큐슈대학의대와 같은 몇몇 대학의 동물시설에서 마우스와 랫트의 근교계, 변이계 및 교잡군이 생산되어 연구자들에게 제공되었다. 일본에는 실험동물과 관련된 시설이 2,500에서 3,000개소가 존재한다. 그 중에는 의학과 약학 및 치학과 관련된 공공시설이 208개소, 제약회사의 GLP시설이 75개소, 안전성시험 수탁연구소가 35개소, 그리고 수의과대학 및 축산대학의 부속연구시설이 80개소로 구성되어 있다. 동물실험은 또한 지방연구소와 민간시설(식품, 철강, 건축)에서도 실시하고 있다. 이러한 환경속에서 「동물의 保護 및 管理에 관한 법률(法律 제105호, 1973)」과 「실험동물의 飼養 및 保管 등에 관한 基準(告示 제6호, 1980 總理府)」이 제정되었다. 끝으로, 본인은 실험동물학에 관한 연구분야가 양국의 과학자들간에 우정과 협력을 보다 촉진시킴으로써 더욱 발전하기를 기대한다. In Japan, the modernization of experimental animals began in early 1950s, and 1980s, microbiologically and genetic controlled animals have been easily available from breeding company. In animal experiments, genetical control in experimental animals makes us possible to obtain precise and reproducible data, and micro biological control to continue the experiment without interruption by infection. Simultaneously, facilities, institutions and technology for feed and animal care, these influencing animal data, were improved, and structure to satisfy researchers' demand in mice and rats were organized for these 30 years. On the number of animals used in Japan, 11.5 million mice, a maximum value, were used in 1970, but they reduced to 5 million after 1986. However, the number of rats used were gradually increased after 1970, and reached to 2.5 million in 1986. Main factor of gradual increase in the number of rats was due to increase in opportunity for pharmacological examination and safety study in which both sexes were required Japanese guidelines for toxicity studies. Although new chemical products required safety studies were increased, the number of animals in used in the study was decreased in 1990. The reasons for this include the movement of animal-rights activists, preparation of well-discussed protocol and improvement of animal quality. Survey of laboratory animals sold by breeding company in 1992 indicated that the number of mutant mice and rats with disease resemble to human were rapidly increased. The number of rabbits was decreased whereas those of dogs, cats and pigs were increased, showing that there was tendency to use many species in the study. Outside of the breeder, inbred, mutant and hybrid strains of mice and rats were bred to supply researchers in some animal facilities of University, ie. Kyushu University School of Medicine. There are 2500-3000 facilities related to laboratory animals in Japan. They are public institutes for medicine, pharmacy and dentistry (208), GLP facilities in pharmaceutical company (75), contact laboratories (35), and institutes of veterinary and animal husbandry school (80). Animal experiments were also carried out in prefectural institutes and corporational facilities (food, Steel, construction). Under these circumstances. "Law concerning the protection and control of animals" (Law No. 105, 1973) and "Standards relating to the care and management of experimental animals" (Notification, No.6, 1980 of the Prime Minister's Office) have been established in Japan. Finally, I hope that a field of study concerning laboratory animal science will be advanced by promoting further friendship and cooperation among scientists in both countries.

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