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        Armando Duarte M.,Martha C. Jaramillo C. Institute of Iberoamerican Studies Pusan Universit 2012 International Journal of Latin American Studies Vol.2 No.2

        Resumen. Nuestro planteamiento parte de la consideración de que el comportamiento político es “una forma específica de comportamiento social, que está referido a las acciones de los individuos orientadas a incidir en el campo de la política” (Duarte y Jaramillo, 2009, p. 147). Esta conceptualización del comportamiento político como una acción social asume la formulación ya hecha por Max Weber que establece que ésta ocurre cuando los individuos le atribuyen a la misma un significado subjetivo. En consecuencia, el interés del investigador en el objeto de estudio así definido, tiene que ver no solo con lo que hacen los individuos, en este caso en el campo de la política, sino sobre todo con el por qué lo hacen. En estas condiciones, el enfoque positivista-cuantitativo que ha dominado los estudios del comportamiento político desde mediados del siglo pasado y la utilización de las técnicas de investigación cuantitativa resultan claramente insuficientes. Se hace necesario pues recurrir a un paradigma alternativo cuyos principios epistemológicos y la metodología que de él derivan permita aprehender la subjetividad que subyace al comportamiento político para lograr un conocimiento más profundo. Este es el paradigma pospositivista que rescata para la investigación social la tradición interpretativa del historicismo y la filosofía alemanas de los siglos XVIII y XIX y que tiene en Max Weber a uno de sus más destacados exponentes. Abstract. Our approach begins with the consideration that political behavior refers to “a specific form of social behavior, and of those actions made by individuals aimed to influence in a political sphere” (Duarte and Jaramillo, 2009, p.147). This concept of political behavior, as social action, takes into considerations the notions formulated by Max Weber that indicates that this occurs when individuals ascribe a subjective significance to it. Therefore, our defined interest deals with not only what actions individuals take, but also with the reasons for doing it, within a political scheme. Under these circumstances, it is evident that the quantitative positivist approach that has dominated political behavior studies, since the last half of the 20th century, as well as the use of quantitative investigation techniques is clearly insufficient. It becomes necessary then to resort to an alternative paradigm with epistemological principles and the methodology necessary that allows us to grasp the subjectivity that lies behind political behavior in order to obtain an in depth knowledge. This post-positivist paradigm rescues the historicism traditional interpretation of social investigation and German philosophy form the 18th and 19th centuries, highlighted by the theories of Max Weber. Palabras clave: Política, comportamiento social, comportamiento político, paradigma pospositivista, subjetividad. Key words: Politics, social behavior, political behavior, post-positivist paradigm, subjectivity.

      • A Nonpiecewise Model for Long-Channel Junctionless Cylindrical Nanowire FETs

        Duarte, J. P.,Sung-Jin Choi,Dong-Il Moon,Yang-Kyu Choi IEEE 2012 IEEE electron device letters Vol.33 No.2

        <P>A nonpiecewise drain current model is formulated for long-channel junctionless (JL) cylindrical nanowire (CN) FETs. It is obtained by using the Pao-Sah integral and a continuous charge model, which is derived by extending the parabolic potential approximation in all regions of the device operation. The proposed nonpiecewise model analytically describes the bulk and surface current mechanisms in JL CN FETs from the subthreshold region through the linear region to the saturation region without any fitting parameters. In addition, for each of these operation regions, the model reduces to simple expressions that explain the working principle of JL CN FETs. The model is compared with numerical simulations and shows good agreement.</P>

      • Toward a characterization of Ecuadorian ceviche: much more than shrimp

        Duarte-Casar Rodrigo,Robalino-Vallejo Jessica,Buzetta-Ricaurte María Fernanda,Rojas-Le-Fort Marlene 한국식품연구원 2022 Journal of Ethnic Foods Vol.9 No.-

        Ceviche is present in all the Pacific coast of Latin America. Its origin and history are still debated. The consensus is that it arises from creolization between local and Eurasian ingredients and techniques. Ecuadorian ceviche is both traditional and iconic, present in one form or another in its twenty-four provinces, adapting to the availability of products and becoming part of the identity of regions, parishes, and cities. The objective of this work is to confirm ceviche as a traditional Ecuadorian dish, to assess the most popular types of Ecuadorian ceviche, condiments and sides, and also to glimpse the wide variety of preparations that appear through adaptation to ingredient availability and food customs. We performed a review of both scientific and gray literature, a relative search volume analysis and a survey among culinary professionals (n = 403). The most popular in Ecuador is shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) ceviche with 54% of the responses, followed by fish, regardless of species (29%), and both lupin ( Lupinus mutabilis ) and black clam ( Anadara tuberculosa ) with 5%. The most utilized condiments are onion, lemon juice and cilantro a “holy trinity” with more than 90% usage. These results are in good agreement with those provided by Web search volumes. The variety of main ingredients, condiments and sides is ample, though, and suggests further research. Sustainability concerns related to ceviche are the sustainability of shrimp farming and fish capture, and the preservation of mollusks and their ecosystems.

      • The influence of disc wear on the behavior of the temporomandibular joint: a finite element analysis in a specific case

        Duarte, Ricardo J.,Ramos, Antonio,Mesnard, Michel Techno-Press 2014 Advances in biomechanics & applications Vol.1 No.3

        The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of disc thickness on the normal behavior of the temporomandibular joint. Based on a specific patient case, CT scan images showing accentuated wear in the right disc were reconstructed and the geometrical and finite element model of the temporomandibular joint structures (cranium, mandible, articular cartilages and articular discs) was developed. The loads applied in this study were referent to the five most relevant muscular forces acting on the temporomandibular joint during daily tasks such as talking or eating. We observed that the left side structures of the temporomandibular joint (cranium, mandible and articular disc) were the most affected as a consequence of the wear on the opposite articular disc (right side). From these results, it was possible to evaluate the differences in the two sides of the joint and understand how a damaged articular disc influences the behavior of this joint and the possible consequences that can arise without treatment.

      • A Full-Range Drain Current Model for Double-Gate Junctionless Transistors

        Duarte, J. P.,Sung-Jin Choi,Yang-Kyu Choi IEEE 2011 IEEE transactions on electron devices Vol.58 No.12

        <P>A drain current model available for full-range operation is derived for long-channel double-gate junctionless transistors. Including dopant and mobile carrier charges, a continuous 1-D charge model is derived by extending the concept of parabolic potential approximation for the subthreshold and the linear regions. Based on the continuous charge model, the Pao-Sah integral is analytically carried out to obtain a continuous drain current model. The proposed model is appropriate for compact modeling, because it continuously captures the phenomenon of the bulk conduction mechanism in all regions of device operation, including the subthreshold, linear, and saturation regions. It is shown that the model is in complete agreement with the numerical simulations for crucial device parameters and all operational voltage ranges.</P>

      • Simple Analytical Bulk Current Model for Long-Channel Double-Gate Junctionless Transistors

        Duarte, J P,Sung-Jin Choi,Dong-Il Moon,Yang-Kyu Choi IEEE 2011 IEEE electron device letters Vol.32 No.6

        <P>A bulk current model is formulated for long-channel double-gate junctionless (DGJL) transistors. Using a depletion approximation, an analytical expression is derived from the Poisson equation to find channel potential, which expresses the dependence of depletion width under an applied gate voltage. The depletion width equation is further simplified by the unique characteristic of junctionless transistors, i.e., a high channel doping concentration. From the depletion width formula, the bulk current model is constructed using Ohm's law. In addition, an analytical expression for subthreshold current is derived. The proposed model is compared with simulation data, revealing good agreement. The simplicity of the model gives a fast and easy way to understand, analyze, and design DGJL transistors comprehensively.</P>

      • A Universal Core Model for Multiple-Gate Field-Effect Transistors. Part II: Drain Current Model

        Duarte, J. P.,Sung-Jin Choi,Dong-Il Moon,Jae-Hyuk Ahn,Jee-Yeon Kim,Sungho Kim,Yang-Kyu Choi IEEE 2013 IEEE transactions on electron devices Vol.60 No.2

        <P>A universal drain current model for multiple-gate field-effect transistors (FETs) (Mug-FETs) is proposed. In Part I, a universal charge model was derived using the arbitrary potential method. Using this charge model, Pao-Sah's integral is analytically carried out by approximating its integrand. The model describes both the subthreshold inversion for undoped FETs and the effects of finite doping density in the channel. With an explicit and continuous expression, the proposed drain current model covers all regions of device operation: subthreshold, linear, and saturation. The accuracy from the proposed model is comparable with that from well-known previous models for double-gate (DG) and cylindrical gate-all-around (Cy-GAA) FETs with an undoped channel. In addition, the model shows good agreement with 2-D and 3-D numerical simulations for doped-channel multiple-gate structures such as single-gate, DG, triple-gate, rectangular gate-all-around, and Cy-GAA FETs. The proposed model is well suited to be a core model for Mug-FETs due to its good computational efficiency and high accuracy; hence, it is useful for compact modeling.</P>

      • Identification and characterization of fluid escape structures (pockmarks) in the Estremadura Spur, West Iberian Margin

        Duarte, D.,Magalhã,es, V.H.,Terrinha, P.,Ribeiro, C.,Madureira, P.,Pinheiro, L.M.,Benazzouz, O.,Kim, J.-H.,Duarte, H. Elsevier 2017 Marine and petroleum geology Vol.82 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Located on the West Iberian margin, between Cabo Carvoeiro and Cabo da Roca, the Estremadura Spur is a trapezoidal promontory elongated in an east-west direction, extending until the Tore seamount. Recently a field with more than 70 pockmarks was discovered in the NW region of the Estremadura Spur outer shelf (Lourinhã Monocline). Pockmarks are the seabed culminations of fluid migration through the sedimentary column and their characteristic seabed morphologies correspond to cone-shaped circular or elliptical depressions. The characterization of these features and the understanding of the associated fluid escape process are the main objectives of this work. Here we characterize these structures to understand their structural and stratigraphic control based on: 1) Seismic processing and interpretation of the high resolution 2D single-channel sparker seismic dataset, 2) Bathymetric and Backscatter interpretation and 3) ROV direct observation of the seafloor.</P> <P>The analysis of the seismic profiles allowed the identification of six seismic units, disturbed by the migration and accumulation of fluids. The Estremadura Spur outer shelf has been affected by several episodes of fluid migration and fluid escape during the Pliocene-Quaternary that are expressed by a vast number of seabed and buried pockmarks. At present, the pockmarks are mainly inactive, as the seabed pockmarks are covered by recent sediments. It is concluded that the migration of fluids to the seabed occurred over the Pliocene-Quaternary, as indicated by the buried pockmarks at different depths below the seabed. The vertical stacking of various pockmarks suggests a cyclical fluid flow activity that can possibly be the result of the eustatic sea level variations and the subsequent changes of the hydrostatic pressure.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The Estremadura Spur pockmark field is the first fluid seepage system identified in the West Iberian Margin. </LI> <LI> The Estremadura Spur outer shelf has been affected by several episodes of fluid migration and fluid escape, during the Pliocene-Quaternary. </LI> <LI> At present-day the pockmarks are mainly inactive, as the seabed pockmarks are recovered by recent sediments. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • A Compact Model of Quantum Electron Density at the Subthreshold Region for Double-Gate Junctionless Transistors

        Duarte, J. P.,Moon-Seok Kim,Sung-Jin Choi,Yang-Kyu Choi IEEE 2012 IEEE transactions on electron devices Vol.59 No.4

        <P>A compact model of quantum electron density at the subthreshold region is derived for junctionless (JL) double-gate (DG) FETs. The proposed quantum model is obtained under two different quantum confinement conditions. One is for a case of a thick channel and a heavily doped channel, where quantum confinement effects (QCEs) are modeled by a 1-D quantum harmonic oscillator. The other is for a case of a thin channel, where QCEs are modeled by the use of a 1-D quantum well surrounded by high potential barriers and an energy correction term coming from the depletion charge. It is shown that, regardless of the channel thickness, the quantum confinement is higher in JL than in inversion-mode (IM) DG FETs. However, for a thin channel, the quantum threshold voltage shift is less severe in JL than in IM DG FETs. The proposed model gives an analytical expression for the threshold voltage shift due to QCEs, which can be used as a quantum correction term for compact modeling.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Questões sobre agricultura no âmbito da Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC)

        ( Rogério Duarte Fernandes Dos Passos ) 한국포르투갈-브라질학회 2007 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.4 No.2

        This text, objective, in a first time, describe the institutional environment existing in international society after World War II desired the creation of the International Organization of Trade. Do not implementing this, describes itself as the emergence of the GATT Agreement for the international relations of trade, culminating, with the Marrakesh Agreement of 1995, the creation of the World Trade Organization as a specialized agency of the United Nations system. Then, the text describes the rounds of negotiations held under the World Trade Organization, considering the latter - the Doha Round ― which started in 2001 and active until the present day, the formation of blocs emerging-country negotiators - as in the G-20 ― and proposed agreements involving the most diverse agricultural sector, as what became known as the “Triangle of Mandelson”, in allusion to that by Peter Mandelson, European Commissioner trade. Finally, reflecting the ambitions Brazilian - and opposition to them - leading to a possible project overall production of biofuels to replace the matrix from fossil and considering the last WTO panel that judged in favor of Brazil the subsidies North Americans for its production of cotton as incompatible with the policy of world trade, is an overview of the challenges that are imposed on Brazilian agribusiness.

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