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        Are Digital Platforms Public Utilities? -Lessons from the Concept’s Historical Foundations in U.S. Law-

        Giovanna Massarotto,Christopher S. Yoo 서울대학교 법학연구소 2022 경제규제와 법 Vol.15 No.1

        Calls to regulate large digital platforms as public utilities invites an examination of the concept’s origins and limits. Our historical analysis reveals that public utility lacks a clear definition. Some oft-cited definitions, such as whether an industry is “affected with a public interest” or connected to transportation and distribution have been rejected by U.S. courts. Other approaches treat the term as interchangeable with natural monopoly. The landmark event was the Wisconsin Public Utility Law of 1910, which both coined the term and was modeled on Richard Ely’s views of natural monopoly. In Ely’s view, natural monopoly was a feature that arose with respect to physically interconnected networks, which does not apply to digital platforms.

      • KCI등재

        Regulation of Algorithmic Tools in the United States

        Christopher S. Yoo,Alicia Lai 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2020 경제규제와 법 Vol.13 No.2

        Policymakers in the United States have just begun to address regulation of artificial intelligence technologies in recent years, gaining momentum through calls for additional research funding, piece-meal guidance, proposals, and legislation at all levels of government. This Article provides an overview of high-level federal initiatives for general artificial intelligence (AI) applications set forth by the U.S. president and responding agencies, early indications from the incoming Biden Administration, targeted federal initiatives for sector-specific AI applications, pending federal legislative proposals, and state and local initiatives. The regulation of the algorithmic ecosystem will continue to evolve as the United States continues to search for the right balance between ensuring public safety and transparency and promoting innovation and competitiveness on the global stage.

      • KCI등재

        Promoting the Buildout of New Networks vs. Compelling Access to the Monopoly Loop

        Christopher S. Yoo 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2011 경제규제와 법 Vol.4 No.1

        Telecommunications policymakers and commentators have long debated whether regulators should mandate access to existing facilities or instead promote incentives to invest in new network capacity by denying such access. After reviewing the history of mandating access to local telephone networks and last-mile broadband networks in the United States, this article reviews how mandating access to existing facilities necessarily embroils regulators with the troublesome problems associated with rate regulation, prevents firms from realizing the efficiencies associated with vertical integration, and impedes the emergence of competition by dampening both incumbents’ and new entrants’incentives to make new investments in alternative network capacity. Empirical scholarship studying this issue also largely supports focusing on stimulating facilities-based competition instead of relying on access regulation to mandate sharing of the monopoly loop.

      • KCI등재

        [번역문] 새로운 망 구축의 촉진과 독점망에 대한 접근의 의무화

        Christopher S. Yoo,윤혜선(번역자) 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2011 경제규제와 법 Vol.4 No.1

        통신정책입안자들과 평론가들은 규제자들이 기존 설비에 대한 접근을 의무화해야 할 것인지 아님 의무적 접근을 거부함으로써 대신 새로운 망 용량에 대한 투자유인을 촉진시켜야 하는지에 대해 오랫동안 논쟁을 거듭해왔다. 이 글을 먼저 미국의 지역전화망과 라스트마일 브로드밴드 망에 대한 접근 의무의 역사를 고찰한 다음, 어떻게 기존 설비에 대한 접근 의무가 필연적으로 규제자들을 까다로운 요금규제 문제에 휘말리게 하는지, 사업자들의 수직적 통합에 의한 효율성 실현을 방해하는 지 그리고 어떻게 기존 사업자와 신규사업자의 대안적인 망 용량에 대한 신규 투자유인을 감소시켜 경쟁의 출현을 저해하는지를 검토할 것이다. 또한 이 쟁점에 관한 학계의 실증적 연구결과의 대부분도 접근 규제에 의존하여 단일 망을 의무적으로 공유하는 것 보다는 설비기반의 경쟁을 촉진시키는 것에 중점을 두어야 하는 견해를 지지한다.

      • KCI등재

        [국문번역문] 미국의 알고리즘 도구 규제

        Christopher S. Yoo,Alicia Lai,권헌영(감수) 서울대학교 공익산업법센터 2020 경제규제와 법 Vol.13 No.2

        미국의 정책결정자들은 최근 몇 년 간 AI를 규제하기 시작했으며, 추가적인 연구 자금지원, 모든 정부 차원에서의 단편적 지침, 제안, 입법을 촉구하여 모멘텀을 얻고 있다. 본 보고서는 미국 대통령과 대응 당국들이 수립한 일반적인 AI 적용에 대한 고도의 연방 이니셔티브, 새로 취임할 바이든 정부의 조기 지시사항, 특정 부문 AI 적용을 목표로 하는 연방 이니셔티브, 계류 중인 연방 입법안, 주와 지방 이니셔티브를 다룬다. 미국이 공공 안전성 및 투명성 확보와 글로벌 경쟁력혁신 촉진 사이에서 바람직한 균형을 추구해 나감에 따라 알고리즘 생태계 규제는 계속적으로 진화해 나갈 것이다.


        Synergistic cooperation and crosstalk between <i>MYD88<sup>L265P</sup></i> and mutations that dysregulate CD79B and surface IgM

        Wang, James Q.,Jeelall, Yogesh S.,Humburg, Peter,Batchelor, Emma L.,Kaya, Sarp M.,Yoo, Hee Min,Goodnow, Christopher C.,Horikawa, Keisuke The Rockefeller University Press 2017 The Journal of experimental medicine Vol.214 No.9

        <P><I>CD79B</I> and <I>MYD88</I> mutations are frequently and simultaneously detected in B cell malignancies. It is not known if these mutations cooperate or how crosstalk occurs. Here we analyze the consequences of <I>CD79B</I> and <I>MYD88<SUP>L265P</SUP></I> mutations individually and combined in normal activated mouse B lymphocytes. <I>CD79B</I> mutations alone increased surface IgM but did not enhance B cell survival, proliferation, or altered NF-κB responsive markers. Conversely, B cells expressing <I>MYD88<SUP>L265P</SUP></I> decreased surface IgM coupled with accumulation of endoglycosidase H–sensitive IgM intracellularly, resembling the trafficking block in anergic B cells repeatedly stimulated by self-antigen. Mutation or overexpression of CD79B counteracted the effect of <I>MYD88<SUP>L265P</SUP></I>. In B cells chronically stimulated by self-antigen, <I>CD79B</I> and <I>MYD88<SUP>L265P</SUP></I> mutations in combination, but not individually, blocked peripheral deletion and triggered differentiation into autoantibody secreting plasmablasts. These results reveal that CD79B and surface IgM constitute a rate-limiting checkpoint against B cell dysregulation by <I>MYD88<SUP>L265P</SUP></I> and provide an explanation for the co-occurrence of <I>MYD88</I> and <I>CD79B</I> mutations in lymphomas.</P>

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