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      • KCI등재

        Desconocimiento del origen de Samsung y LG en el mercado mexicano

        Carlos Alfonso Macias Valadez Elias 한국스페인어문학회 2012 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.62

        Es irrefutable que en este mundo globalizado, que nos sumerge en un mar de productos y servicios provenientes de prácticamente todos los rincones del planeta, el origen de las marcas es de gran relevancia para los consumidores. Muchos de ellos son influenciados, en cierta medida, por la procedencia de lo que está disponible en su mercado. El origen de las marcas puede predisponer, en poca o mucha medida, la percepción que se tenga de un cierto producto. Lo anterior aplica tanto para artículos de consumo convencional, como lo pueden ser prendas de vestir, hasta para aquellos que requieran un proceso de manufactura más sofisticado, como lo son cosméticos o electrónicos. Para profundizar en este tema se tomará el caso de las compañías surcoreanas Samsung y LG, que han logrado tener una exitosa incursión y gran desempeño en México en un lapso relativamente corto, logrando establecerse en el mencionado país al consolidar su presencia gracias al enaltecimiento progresivo de su prestigio, lo cual es fruto de la alta calidad de sus productos. A pesar de esto, se puede percibir un gran desconocimiento, en el mercado mexicano, acerca del origen de las señaladas marcas, puesto que no son concebidas como de origen surcoreano. Dichas compañías son, al día de hoy, percibidas erróneamente por los consumidores mexicanos, al considerarlas de naturaleza japonesa. A través de la presente investigación se corrobora de manera objetiva el falseamiento enunciado y se analiza en detalle su trasfondo. Esto último con el fin de descifrar y esclarecer las causas que lo han ocasionado.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Potencial de dreamers mexicanos en progreso nacional

        Carlos Alfonso Macias Valadez 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2018 중남미연구 Vol.37 No.4

        In modern times, the United States has become an immigration destination for many people seeking the so-called “American dream”, which allows them to progress in an environment of equality and freedom. However, the reality is different since most of them become de facto illegal immigrants. A part of them are the infants that were taken to the United States at a young age, who have lived there more years than in their countries of origin. These young people are known as “dreamers”. With the xenophobic policy of the Trump’s administration, this group has become the most vulnerable for a possible deportation since the State has all their personal data. As a result, recently, there have been cases of deportations to Mexico of some of these dreamers, who on the one hand suffer from an identity crisis, identifying themselves as Americans, while on the other try to adjust themselves to their original homeland. In this line, it is necessary to design strategies to take advantage of their potential in a pragmatic way, so they can be integrated into Mexican society in order to progress both individually and nationally. This aim leads the development of this study.

      • KCI등재

        “La Guerra del Atún entre México y EEUU” - ¿A la defensa de los delfines o de las firmas estadounidenses? -

        Carlos Alfonso Macias Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2009 중남미연구 Vol.27 No.2

        For more than 2 decades, the American government has banned the entrance of the yellowfin tuna (thunnus albacares) and related products from several countries, particularly based on the dolphin protection argument. However, the tuna embargo imposed by the American authorities has been considered by some experts as a “protectionist measure” which was established not only to protect the above mentioned mammals, but also to protect their own tuna companies. Indeed, the most affected country by this measure has been Mexico, which has experienced a significant decline in its tuna industry and also sustained substantial economic losses due to this embargo. Nevertheless, the Mexican authorities and tuna companies from this country have tried to enter into the American market in spite of the barriers imposed by American authorities. This issue caused the so called “US-Mexico Tuna War” which has been the longest commercial conflict between these two countries. Through this article the following points will be analyzed: the origins and the development of the US-Mexico Tuna War, the impacts of the tuna embargo in the Mexican economy and the interests behind the tuna embargo.

      • KCI등재

        Connotación “homofóbica” errónea de FIFA a grito de afición futbolera mexicana

        Carlos Alfonso Macias Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2017 중남미연구 Vol.36 No.4

        Soccer is not only the national sport in Mexico, but also a social phenomenon due to its strong impact in Mexican society. Unquestionably, football has become part of the Mexican daily nature dividing the nation in its professional teams, but also unifying it in support of its national soccer representative. In this regard, Mexican fans have stood out for its enthusiasm and loyalty towards its national team. In recent times, during Mexican national soccer representative matches, a particular fans’ battle cry has emerged just at the rival’s goal kicks. This has been condemned by FIFA, which qualified it as “homophobic”. Within this context, it is thought that this international governing body of football has attributed an erroneous “homophobic” connotation to above-mentioned Mexican soccer fans’ battle cry. Throughout this research, this hypothesis shall be analyzed in depth based on statistical evidence obtained through an ad hoc survey.

      • KCI등재

        Connotación “homofóbica” errónea de FIFA a grito de afición futbolera mexicana

        Carlos Alfonso Macias Valadez 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2017 중남미연구 Vol.36 No.4

        Soccer is not only the national sport in Mexico, but also a social phenomenon due to its strong impact in Mexican society. Unquestionably, football has become part of the Mexican daily nature dividing the nation in its professional teams, but also unifying it in support of its national soccer representative. In this regard, Mexican fans have stood out for its enthusiasm and loyalty towards its national team. In recent times, during Mexican national soccer representative matches, a particular fans’ battle cry has emerged just at the rival’s goal kicks. This has been condemned by FIFA, which qualified it as “homophobic”. Within this context, it is thought that this international governing body of football has attributed an erroneous “homophobic” connotation to above-mentioned Mexican soccer fans’ battle cry. Throughout this research, this hypothesis shall be analyzed in depth based on statistical evidence obtained through an ad hoc survey.

      • KCI등재

        Las Causas Detrás de la Crisis Agrícola Mexicana

        Carlos Alfonso Macias Valadez Elias 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2010 중남미연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The current crisis in the Mexican agricultural sector is the result of inappropriate and inefficient government policies implemented for the development of the sector. These policies were improperly designed by the Mexican authorities because of their lack of strategic vision, irresponsibility and lack of awareness of the Mexican agriculture. This conclusion has been drawn from the fact that these unsuitable policies appear essentially as a common denominator in the eight main factors that have caused the above-mentioned crisis: inappropriate policies for rural development; marginalization of small agricultural producers; lack of investment in R&D foragriculture; decapitalization in the agricultural sector; backwardness in the Mexican agricultural sector; lack of professional consultancy; unguided governmental financial assistance; and commercial companies profitingat the expense of small producers. Likewise, it has been concluded categorically that NAFTA cannot be considered as one of the factors that caused the Mexican agricultural crisis simply because this crisis began before NAFTA became effective. This trilateral FTA has merely contributed to "uncovering" the deficiencies of the Mexican agricultural sector, which have been hidden by government overprotection and interventionism for a long time. In this regard the Mexican agricultural sector was inefficient, unproductive and noncompetitive before NAFTA. What this trilateral FTA did was to precisely and clearly expose these problems. Likewise, NAFTA does not represent a threat for Mexican farmers; on the contrary, it could become a viable means of developing the sector as well as making it more productive and profitable.

      • KCI등재

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