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      • Comprehensive Analysis Reveals Dynamic and Evolutionary Plasticity of Rab GTPases and Membrane Traffic in <i>Tetrahymena thermophila</i>

        Bright, Lydia J.,Kambesis, Nichole,Nelson, Scott Brent,Jeong, Byeongmoon,Turkewitz, Aaron P. Public Library of Science 2010 PLoS genetics Vol.6 No.10

        <▼1><P>Cellular sophistication is not exclusive to multicellular organisms, and unicellular eukaryotes can resemble differentiated animal cells in their complex network of membrane-bound structures. These comparisons can be illuminated by genome-wide surveys of key gene families. We report a systematic analysis of Rabs in a complex unicellular Ciliate, including gene prediction and phylogenetic clustering, expression profiling based on public data, and Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) tagging. Rabs are monomeric GTPases that regulate membrane traffic. Because Rabs act as compartment-specific determinants, the number of Rabs in an organism reflects intracellular complexity. The <I>Tetrahymena</I> Rab family is similar in size to that in humans and includes both expansions in conserved Rab clades as well as many divergent Rabs. Importantly, more than 90% of Rabs are expressed concurrently in growing cells, while only a small subset appears specialized for other conditions. By localizing most Rabs in living cells, we could assign the majority to specific compartments. These results validated most phylogenetic assignments, but also indicated that some sequence-conserved Rabs were co-opted for novel functions. Our survey uncovered a rare example of a nuclear Rab and substantiated the existence of a previously unrecognized core Rab clade in eukaryotes. Strikingly, several functionally conserved pathways or structures were found to be associated entirely with divergent Rabs. These pathways may have permitted rapid evolution of the associated Rabs or may have arisen independently in diverse lineages and then converged. Thus, characterizing entire gene families can provide insight into the evolutionary flexibility of fundamental cellular pathways.</P></▼1><▼2><P><B>Author Summary</B></P><P>Single-celled organisms appear simple compared to multicellular organisms, but this may not be true at the level of the individual cell. In fact, microscopic observations suggest that protists can possess networks of organelles just as elaborate as those in animal cells. Consistent with this idea, recent analysis has identified large families of genes in protists that are predicted to act as determinants for complex membrane networks. To test these predictions and to probe relationships between cellular structures across a wide swath of evolution, we focused on one gene family in the single-celled organism <I>Tetrahymena</I>. These genes control the traffic between organelles, with each gene controlling a single step in this traffic. We asked three questions about each of 56 genes in the family. First, what is the gene related to in humans? Second, under what conditions is the gene being used in <I>Tetrahymena</I>? Third, what is the role of each gene? The results provide insights into both the dynamics and evolution of membrane traffic, including the finding that some pathways appearing both structurally and functionally similar in protists and animals are likely to have arisen independently in the two lineages.</P></▼2>

      • KCI등재

        Farmers’ Perceptions and Preferences for Improved Varietal Traits in the Wenchi and Offinso North Municipalities of Ghana

        Bright Owusu Asante,Jonas Osei-Adu,Kwasi Offei Bonsu,Michael Kwabena Osei,Richard Adabah,Stephen John Ayeh,John Okyere,Cho Gyoungrae,Jeon Hakyung,Hong Soonsung 한국국제농업개발학회 2020 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        This paper examined farmers’ perceptions and preferences for improved varietal traits in the Wenchi and Offinso North Municipalities of Ghana. Data from 306 randomly selected tomato farmers were analyzed using perception indices, Kendall’s Coefficient of concordance and the Poisson regression model. The results show that tomato farmers are willing to adopt an improved variety with long shelf life, good fruit quality and large fruit size. The study further indicates that tomato farmers lack requisite skills in pest and disease management. The number of varietal attributes preferred by farmers was positively influenced by sex of farmer, education, experience in tomato cultivation, household size, access to credit, FBO membership, extension contacts farm size and off-farm income. These factors and attributes need to be carefully considered by breeders and policy makers in the development of an improved tomato variety to enhance its uptake. The major constraints identified in tomato production include limited access to capital followed by low commodity prices coupled with low demand with the least constraint being access to tractors for land preparation. The potential of adoption of improved tomato varieties in Ghana will be augmented through paragenetic measures towards addressing these constraints.

      • 표에 의한 기하문제 해법

        Bright, George W. 춘천교육대학교 과학교육연구소 1978 과학교육연구 Vol.5 No.-

        자료를 표로 정리하는 것이 기하학에서 갯수를 세어나가는 문제를 해결하는데에 좋은 방법이 될수 있다. 여기에서는 그러한 방법을 사용한 다섯문제의 풀이를 보기로 들려고 한다. 자료 정리 방법을 보이기 위해서 먼저 정리해야할 자료를 찾아야만 한다.

      • Evaluation of an Educational Program on Cervical Cancer for Rural Women in Mangalore, Southern India

        Mary, Bright,D'Sa, Juliana Linnette Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.16

        Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer in women worldwide. One way by which the incidence of this malignant disease can be minimized is by imparting knowledge through health education. This study aimed at developing an educational package on cervical cancer (EPCC) and determining its effectiveness in terms of significant increase in knowledge of rural women regarding cervical cancer. A one group pre-test, post-test design was adopted. Thirty rural women were selected using a convenient sampling method. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire and a structured knowledge questionnaire developed by the researchers. The EPCC was designed for a duration of one hour and 10 minutes. The structured knowledge questionnaire was first administered as the pre-test, following which knowledge on cervical cancer was imparted using the EPCC. On the 8th day, the post-test was administered. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean post-test knowledge score of the women regarding cervical cancer was significantly higher than that of their mean pre-test score, indicating that the EPCC was effective in improving the knowledge of rural women on cervical cancer. The association between pre-test knowledge scores and selected demo-graphic variables were computed using chi-square test showed that pre-test knowledge score of the women regarding cervical cancer was independent of all the socio-demographic variables. It was concluded that the EPCC is effective in improving the knowledge of women, regarding cervical cancer. Since the prevalence of cervical cancer is high, there is an immediate need to educate women on prevention of cervical cancer.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 초 스페인 독감과 2020년 코로나19가 아프리카 지역에 끼친 영향에 대한 비교분석과 생태선교적 제언

        이명석(Bright Myeong Seok Lee) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2020 선교와 신학 Vol.52 No.-

        1918년 1월부터 1920년 12월 사이에 전 세계적으로 유행한 ‘스페인 독감(Spanish Flu)’으로 인해 당시 세계인구의 삼 분의 일인 5억 명이 감염되었고, 감염자의 십 분의 일인 5천만 명가량이 목숨을 잃었다. 그로부터 100년이 지난 2020년 1월 2일 중국 후베이성 우한시 진위탄 병원의 차올린 후앙(Chaolin Huang) 박사가 이끄는 의료팀이 의료전문지인 란셋(The Lancet)에 우한시에서 41명의 환자가 신종 코로나바이러스에 의한 폐렴증상을 나타내고 있다고 최초로 보고했다. 그 후 1월 30일 세계보건기구(WHO)는 ‘국제 공중보건 비상사태’를 선포했다. 그리고 3월 11일 세계보건기구는 코로나19에 대해 범지구적 감염병, ‘펜데믹(Pandemic)’을 선언했다. 1세기 전 세계를 강타했던 치명적인 대규모 바이러스 감염병인 스페인 독감 대유행 이후에 새로운 가치관과 질서가 자리를 잡아 우리가 아는 20세기의 시대가 되었다. 이와 유사하게 코로나19 펜데믹 이후에 모든 영역에서 진정한 21세기로의 변화를 재촉할 것으로 보고 있다. 필자는 본고에서 100년 전 스페인 독감과 2020년의 코로나19가 아프리카 사람들의 삶과 사회에 가져다준 변화를 역사적 관점에서 살피고 아프리카 교회가 제기한 신학적 질문과 교회적 응답에 대한 현상들의 비교분석을 통하여 코로나19 이후 아프리카 선교 방향을 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 스페인 독감의 발병원인과 아프리카 지역의 전파경위 그리고 아프리카인들에게 끼친 영향과 삶의 변화를 살펴본다. 또한 2020년 초에 발생한 코로나19 펜데믹 상황에서 아프리카 사회와 교회가 취하고 있는 정책과 발생한 현상들과의 비교 분석을 통해 국가적인 재난 상황에서 아프리카 사회가 제기한 실존적인 질문에 대한 반응와 교회의 응답을 통해 그 신학적인 의미를 알아보고 앞으로의 선교적인 방향을 생태선교적인 관점에서 제시하고자 한다. The Spanish Influenza, which spread globally between January 1918 and December 1920, devastated the then known world. Over 500 million people, representing one third of the world population at the time, were infected. One tens of the total person infected, that was 50 million people, lost their lives. 100 years after the outbreak of the Spanish Influenza, The Lancet reported an outbreak of another pneumonia-like disease, in Wuhan (Hubei Province, China) in January 2020. Following that reportage, the whole world witnessed the rapid spread of the novel Corona virus, which was responsible for the COVID-19. The general director of World Health Organization(WHO) declared a ‘Public Health Emergency of International Concern’ on 30th January 20209. On 11 March 2020, the WHO again declared COVID-19 as a ‘Pandemic.’ For many years, epidemic specialists kept warning the world of a possible reappearance of grave virus epidemic similar to the Spanish Influenza. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 was partly the result of ignoring those warnings. The Spanish Influenza pandemic brought a new value system and introduced a new order of the world that shaped the 20th century. Similarly, the COVID-19 is also likely to shape the world, in number of ways, in the 21th century. In the light of the above global health concerns, this paper explores the spread and the impact the Spanish Influenza brought on African societies particularly in the religious life of the African people and the changes that occurred in the other spheres of their existence. In the same vein, the paper examines the spread and the impact of the COVID-19 on the African church and societies; specific African responses, including the African church’s theological responses to the pandemic. From the ecotheological perspective, the paper concludes with some suggestions for the Church’s mission in an era of global health crises.

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