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        High participation in the Posyandu nutrition program improved children nutritional status

        Anwar, Faisal,Khomsan, Ali,Sukandar, Dadang,Riyadi, Hadi,Mudjajanto, Eddy S. The Korean Nutrition Society 2010 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.3 No.2

        The objective of this research was to analyze nutritional status and food consumption of children participating in the Posyandu nutrition program. A total sample of 300 children under five years had been drawn. Sample was divided into two categories namely high participation and low participation in the Posyandu nutrition program. The sample was selected from two sub districts of Cianjur District, West Java. The districts were areas with a high proportion of poor people and many of them take the benefits of Posyandu nutrition program conducted by the government. The participation of children (under five years old) in visiting Posyandus was relatively good, namely, 92.4% (for the high participation group). However, for the low participation group, the number of participating children was relatively low (28.3%). The average consumption of energy for children under five years old was still below the recommended dietary allowance < 80% of RDA, whereas the protein consumption was already above the RDA. The prevalence of underweight, stunting, and wasting among children were respectively 30.0%, 43.7%, and 12.3%. The activities at Posyandus had a positive impact on the nutritional status of children under five years olds, measured in terms of weight for age (W/A) and weight for height (W/H). The more frequent the visit to Posyandus, the better the nutritional statuses would be.

      • KCI등재

        High participation in the Posyandu nutrition program improved children nutritional status

        Faisal Anwar,Ali Khomsan,Dadang Sukandar,Hadi Riyadi,Eddy S. Mudjajanto 한국영양학회 2010 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.4 No.3

        The objective of this research was to analyze nutritional status and food consumption of children participating in the Posyandu nutrition program. A total sample of 300 children under five years had been drawn. Sample was divided into two categories namely high participation and low participation in the Posyandu nutrition program. The sample was selected from two sub districts of Cianjur District, West Java. The districts were areas with a high proportion of poor people and many of them take the benefits of Posyandu nutrition program conducted by the government. The participation of children (under five years old) in visiting Posyandus was relatively good, namely, 92.4% (for the high participation group). However, for the low participation group, the number of participating children was relatively low (28.3%). The average consumption of energy for children under five years old was still below the recommended dietary allowance < 80% of RDA, whereas the protein consumption was already above the RDA. The prevalence of underweight, stunting, and wasting among children were respectively 30.0%, 43.7%, and 12.3%. The activities at Posyandus had a positive impact on the nutritional status of children under five years olds, measured in terms of weight for age (W/A) and weight for height (W/H). The more frequent the visit to Posyandus, the better the nutritional statuses would be.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of nutrition education and traditional game-based physical activity interventions, on lipid profile improvement in overweight and obese children in West Java Indonesia

        Cica Yulia,Ali Khomsan,Dadang Sukandar,Hadi Riyadi 한국영양학회 2021 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.15 No.4

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: One ongoing effort to curtail dyslipidemia in school children is through lifestyle intervention. This study analyzes outcomes of the intervention of nutrition education and Javanese traditional game-based physical activity, on lipid profiles of overweight and obese children. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The experimental study consisted of three steps: data collection (October to December 2016), intervention processes (January to March 2017), and final report preparation (April to May 2017). This was a split-plot block study, enrolling a total of 72 subjects. Traditional game intervention (12 meetings) and nutrition education (9 meetings) was carried out within 3 months with material related to obesity. RESULTS: Our results showed no decrease in the levels of total cholesterol in the group receiving nutrition education (rise by 1.56 mg/dL), but when compared to subjects without intervention, total cholesterol levels experienced was increased. The group which did not receive physical activity showed increase in the total cholesterol, whereas the traditional game intervention group showed a decrease of 0.05 mg/dL total cholesterol at the end of the intervention. Nutrition education and physical activity interventions did not influence any reduction in the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, but rather showed a tendency to increase at the end of the intervention. However, the increase in LDL-c levels in the traditional game group was lower than in other intervention groups. Duncan"s test indicated that the effect of nutrition education and physical activity interventions did not differ from the cut-off values of LDL-C and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS: Total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the traditional game group tended to decrease at the end of the intervention, but the results did not differ much from other intervention groups. We deduce that nutrition education and traditional game-based physical activity interventions are not capable of improving blood lipid profiles in overweight and obese children within 3 months. It is necessary to increase the time of physical activity intervention to maintain the lipid profile in another study.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship between nutritional status, psychosocial stimulation, and cognitive development in preschool children in Indonesia

        Oktarina Warsito,Ali Khomsan,Neti Hernawati,Faisal Anwar 한국영양학회 2012 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.6 No.5

        The purposes of the study were to analyze nutritional status, psychosocial stimulation, and factors affecting the cognitive development of preschoolage children. This study was conducted in the Village of Babakan, Sub-District of Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java. This cross-sectionally designed study was conducted with mothers who had preschool children aged 3-5 years as respondents. Fifty-eight children were included. The distribution of mother’s educational level was quite diverse, and the largest percentage (44.8%) had senior high school education. Approximately 78% of the family income per capita was classified into the non-poor category and 22.4% into the poor category. The average mother’s nutritional knowledge score was 76.7 ± 2.5 (moderate category). Most of the preschool children (84.4%) had psychosocial stimulation scores in the moderate category (30-45). The nutritional status of children showed that 15.5% were underweight, 5.2% were wasted, 3.4% were severely wasted, and 19% of the children were in the short and very short categories (stunted). The stepwise regression results showed that psychosocial stimulation (P < 0.001), participation in early childhood education (P = 0.002) and nutritional status based on the height index for age (P = 0.028) had a positive and significant effect on cognitive development of the preschool children (adjusted R², 0.434; P = 0.028).

      • Influence of eating concept on eating behavior and stunting in Indonesian Madurese ethnic group

        Diana Rian,Rachmayanti Riris Diana,Khomsan Ali,Riyadi Hadi 한국식품연구원 2022 Journal of Ethnic Foods Vol.9 No.-

        Stunting is a serious public health problem in Indonesia. Madura Island, which is inhabited by the Madurese ethnicity, had a very high stunting prevalence. The cultural factors of stunting mainly focus on food, food taboos, and early complementary feeding or prelacteal feeding practices. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the eating concept and its association with child feeding practices and stunting among the Madurese ethnic group in Indonesia.This qualitative study was conducted in Sampang District, Madura Island, East Java, Indonesia. A total of 61 informants participated in this study (25 informants of in-depth interviews, 26 informants of FGDs, and 10 families in observations). Data collection consists of culture, values, and beliefs in child feeding practices that influence children’s nutritional status. The analysis used was content analysis by emphasizing the meanings, themes, and concepts of eating and stunting.Stunting was considered a normal condition rather than a nutritional problem. The concept of eating is “eating rice.” Eating without other dishes is acceptable as long as there is rice on the plate. This concept affects inappropriate complementary food feeding practices and malnutrition among children under five. Overall, the study contributed to the improvement of the stunting reduction program by addressing how Madurese thought about eating and stunting.

      • KCI등재

        Food taboos and suggestions among Madurese pregnant women: a qualitative study

        Rian Diana,Riris D. Rachmayanti,Faisal Anwar,Ali Khomsan,Dyan F. Christianti,Rendra Kusuma 한국식품연구원 2018 Journal of Ethnic Foods Vol.5 No.4

        Background: Cultural factors influence food consumption, particularly among pregnant women. Beliefs in certain food-associated myths and taboos still exist in Madura Island. Therefore, this study aims to explore the food taboos and food suggestions among Madurese pregnant women. Methods: This qualitative study was carried out in Sumenep Regency, Madura Island, Indonesia. Data were collected from pregnant women, traditional birth attendants, and community leaders through indepth interviews and focus group discussion. Results: Foods that were mostly considered taboos for pregnant women were squid, shrimp, pineapple, kedondong, cabbage, cold water, and instant noodles. Food suggestions for pregnant women were rice, corn rice, skipjack tuna, tilapia fish, milkfish, egg, moringa leaves, apples, and coconut water. Conclusion: Many food taboos and food suggestions were applied for the pregnant women in Madura. Indigenous knowledge about the food suggestions can be good information in supporting nutrition education for the Madurese pregnant women.


        Overview of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Indonesia: What Distinguishes It from Countries with High Gastric Cancer Incidence?

        ( Muhammad Miftahussurur ),( Langgeng Agung Waskito ),( Kartika Afrida Fauzia ),( Isna Mahmudah ),( Dalla Doohan ),( I Ketut Adnyana ),( Ali Khomsan ),( Neneng Ratnasari ),( Yudith Annisa Ayu Rezkitha 대한소화기학회 2021 Gut and Liver Vol.15 No.5

        Helicobacter pylori infects more than half the human population. However, the prevalence in Indonesia is low, as is the prevalence of gastric cancer. Hence, it could be instructive to compare these prevalence rates and their determining factors with those of countries that have high gastric cancer incidence. Ethnicity and genetic characteristics of H. pylori are important determinants of the H. pylori infection rate in Indonesia. The infection rate is higher in Bataknese, Papuans and Buginese than in Javanese, the predominant ethnic group. Ethnicity is also an important determinant of the genetic characteristics of H. pylori. Analysis of CagA in the EPIYA segment showed that the predominant genotypes in Papuans, Bataknese and Buginese are ABB-, ABDand ABC-type CagA, respectively. Meanwhile, in the countries with high gastric cancer incidence, almost all strains had East Asian type CagA. An antibiotic susceptibility evaluation showed that the standard triple therapy can still be used with caution in several cities. There is a very high rate of resistance to second-line regimens such as levofloxacin and metronidazole. Recent studies have shown that furazolidone, rifabutin and sitafloxacin are potential alternative treatments for antibiotic-resistant H. pylori infection in Indonesia. Rather than focusing on early detection and eradication as in countries with high gastric cancer prevalence, countries with low gastric cancer prevalence should focus on screening the several groups that have a high risk of gastric cancer. (Gut Liver 2021;15:653-665)

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