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        Critical Remarks on the State of Religions and Religious Studies in Hungary

        ( Abraham Kovacs ) 서울대학교 종교문제연구소 2014 종교와 문화 Vol.0 No.26

        This paper deals with two major themes. First, it offers a survey of the religious landscape of Hungary with a focus on politics, religion and multiculturalism. In this part the legal status of religions in Hungary will be explained then, Christian religious education and the issue of ‘education about religion’ will be critically discussed. The study sheds lights on how religious tolerance was valued as a treasured Hungarian cultural heritage. Out of this unique in European tradition religious tolerance flourished in Hungary. Some critical remarks are made about how nationalism created a myth of a Christian Hungary for patriotic politicians. It is argued that Hungary is a secular country with a strong presence of Christian culture. However, it is also pointed out that devout religious practices are at low ebb which politicians often dismiss. Through some selected examples it is shown why ‘education about religion’ is vital for the country. This leads us to the second part of the paper where the state of Religious Studies in Hungary is discussed and some suggestions are made about its possible contribution to the development of ‘education about religion’. Here the study presents an overview of three major circles influencing the landscape of the Study of Religions. The current situation of Religious Studies at Hungarian universities is also concisely described to demonstrate that Hungarian scholarship has a good potential to train future teachers to teach the public about religions. It is argued that ‘education about religion’, which is not to be confused with ‘religious education’ (hittan, vallasoktatas), is vital to promote religious tolerance for building up a post-modern society.

      • KCI등재

        A Remedy for the World: an Eschatological Dimension of a Quasi-religion, Communism and its Application in a Central European Country, Hungary

        Abraham Kovacs 한국종교학회 2014 宗敎硏究 Vol.74 No.3

        First, (1) a definition of religion is offered in order to articulate what constitutes a quasi-religion, then the study moves on to (2) identifying one of the dimensions of proper religion in Commmunism, and underline the crucial role of doctrine. By appling these two theories, it is possible to make some valuable comparisons between Christian religion and communism. It is also argued that (3) eschatology is one of the most essential aspects of the doctrinal dimension not only of a religion proper, Christianity but that of a quasi-religion, Marxism and its inculturated form communism. My intention is to shed light on how remarkably similar (4) characteristics exist between an atheist ideology, dialectical materialism of communism and theist religion, Christianity. These can be discerned when the researcher scrutinizes their fundamental ‘doctrinal’ teachings about the (4.1) conditions of life and human beings in the world and (4.2.) the kind of solutions both, a religion proper and a quasi-religion offered to save the world from evil in the last days, the eschaton of Time. Some selected texts and songs of international and Hungarian communism will be used to show how they understood (a) crucial issues of life, (b) the role of believers (proletariat or church), and (c) the kind of the solutions they offered as a remedy to the issues they identified as problems. All of these will be placed under the framework of “end of times” notion which may be comparable to Christian eschatological expectation of the end of times.

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