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        Groping for Cooperative Space Activities in the Northeast Asia

        이상,Rhee, Sang-Myon Korea Society of Air Space Law and Policy 2007 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.2007 No.special

        본 논문은 동북아시아에서의 우주협력에 장애가 되는 것을 극복하고자 정치적 상황을 검토함과 아울러 규범적인 체계의 수립에 대해서 검토하고자 한다. 그러한 협력의 장애가 되는 것중의 하나는 MTCR을 중심으로 하여 미국의 영향력 이라고 할 수 있다. 한국과 중국의 발사계약이 성사되지 않은 것도 그로 인한 것이었다. 중국이 MTCR 체제와 융합하는 것이 동북아시아에서의 우주협력을 활성화하기 위한 초석이 될 수도 있다. Helsinki 사례가 인권, 평화 및 환경 문제를 다루는 포괄적인 규범 체계를 제공하였듯이, 한반도의 안정과 평화를 둘러싸고 수립될 수 있는 동북아시아에서의 평화 체제가 우주부문에서의 협력과 같은 광범위한 문제를 다룰 수도 있을 것이다. 한국이 동북아시아지역에서 제3의 우주개발국가로서 성장하면 중국과 다른 열강과의 관계에 있어서 균형자로서의 역할을 할 수도 있을 것이다. 한국은 우주개발을 통해서 획득한 자료등을 아무런 정치적 이해 관계없이 주변국들과 공유하면서 우주협력을 이끌어낼 수도 있다. 일본이 주도하는 APRSAT가 재난방지위성시스템으로서 Sentinel을 제공하면서 주변 국가들의 협력을 이끌어 낸 것이 하나의 예가 될 수도 있다. The purpose of this paper is to suggest to tackle the problem of poor cooperation in space activities, by re-examining the nature of the competitive political environment, and by building up a normative overarching framework, One of the most acute problems that hampers regional cooperation is the U.S. influence as represented in the MTCR, a supplier's cartel, as was evidenced in the ill-fate of the 2001 launch contract between China and Korea the next year. Notably China, the third space power in the world, has not been allowed to join the MTCR despite her application in June 2004. A possible reconciliation between China and the MTCR over her application for a partnership would set a cornerstone in building up a cooperative environment in the Northeast Asia. Just as the Helsinki process was an overarching norm building framework, comprising human rights, security and environmental issues, it would be desirable that a future peace framework in Northeast Asia dealing with the pending issues of Korean peninsula should also comprise of such broad issues as one relating to cooperation in space activities in the region. South Korea could tap expertise from her neighbor China. When South Korea become an independent space power either with her own technology or otherwise, she would be in a better position to play a role as a balancer in coordinating between the two neighboring space giants. It is remarkable that the Japanese led APRSAT has contributed much in establishing Sentinel Asia as a part of the Disaster Management Scheme, in that each participant, whether it be a state agency, or a private entity like a university or a research institute, can tap the common data to contribute to the common good of safety.

      • KCI등재

        법, 관습, 전통 ; 개항기 조선 주권론 충돌

        이상 ( Sang Myon Rhee ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2006 서울대학교 法學 Vol.47 No.2

        Japan had held aloof from China since the end of Tang dynasty while maintaining equal neighborly relationship with Korea in the hierarchical East Asian world order. Japan insisted on inserting a significant sentence in Art. 1 of the Treaty of Friendship Commerce and Navigation with Korea in 1876, stipulating that Korea being an autonomously independent country has equal rights as Japan. The significant wording raised suspicion from China wherein Japan would not recognize her tributary suzerainty over Korea. China had regarded Korea as the most important tributary state since the inauguration of the hierarchical system following confucian wisdoms for a paternal world order. The purpose of the Chinese good offices in helping Korea to conclude FCN treaties with the western powers like the U.S. was to protect Korea against any evil influence from Russia through the northern strip of frontiers by winning possible concerted supports from them. The Chinese tenacious efforts to have Korea and the U.S. stipulate the traditional tributary ties with China in the FCN treaty turned out to be unsuccessful. She was only able to make the U.S. accept a letter from the Korean King stating the tributary ties with her. Not far from the conclusion of the Korean American treaty, China started to intervene in the domestic affairs of Korea in order to curb the then engulfing influence from Japan. China successfully crushed down a pro-Japanese coup in 1884. She even urged the first permanent Korean mission to the U.S. in 1888 to follow certain courteous rules designated by China, such as by presenting credentials to the President guided by the Chinese minister. The Korean minister did not follow such a preposterous request, neither would the U.S. allow to do so. Korea had to respond to the Chinese inquiries over the non-performance. Mr. Yoo Kil-joon, the author of Seoyoo-gyonmoon, the then first monograph over the West, and an assistant to the first temporary Korean mission to the U.S. four years ago, advised the Korean court to make a series of recalcitrant replies to the Chinese inquiries. However, he stated in his book above that he would not mind the tributary system as long as China would not intervene in the domestic and diplomatic affairs of Korea in accordance with the tradition. The Chinese ties were eventually severed by Japan by the latter winning the Sino-Japanese war in 1894. The Peace Treaty of Shimonoseki in May of the following year declared that China should recognize the independent autonomy of Korea, and that she should also cede Taiwan and Penghu islands to Japan. However, a careful perusal of the significant clause would reveal that it does not guarantee Korean independence at all, for it only stated that China should recognize that Korea is to be independently autonomous. Thus Japan misled Korea into the path of her suzerainty by degrading Korea as a de facto protectorate. The Korean King along with the ministers contributed a swear of independence of the kingdom to the ancestors at the royal cemetery in early 1895, and announced fourteen articles for a new administration, the first of which declared that she would sever the ties with China. On October 8, the Japanese forces swarmed into the Korean court and killed the Queen Min. The Japanese aim was to sever the ties with Russia that was being grown by the superb lady for a possible balance of power over the peninsula. The saga of the pathetic rivalry over Korea during the imperialistic period has shown that international law may not be a body of law to depend upon by a relatively small country like Korea surrounded by relatively big powers, but it could only be an instrument for a possible use in achieving independence by building up one`s own strength along with possible concerted supports from friendly countries. This has turned up to a Korean adage: international law is less worthy than a big gun.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁과 휴전의 당사자 문제

        李相冕(Sang-Myon Rhee) 대한국제법학회 2007 國際法學會論叢 Vol.52 No.2

        한반도 평화체제 구축을 위해서는 한국전쟁을 종결하고 휴전체제를 평화체제로 변경하여야 한다. 전쟁 당사자 쌍방에 의한 한국전쟁의 상반된 성격주장은 무력충돌 직후부터 되풀이 되었다. 아측에서는 한국전쟁을 오랜 동안 6.25사변 내지 〈한반도 충돌(Korean Conflicts)〉라고 불렀고, 공산 측에서는 민족해방전쟁이라고 불러왔고 그 성격은 국제적인 내전이라고 했다. 한국전쟁의 당사자 문제에 있어서도 유엔군 측에서 전쟁에 실제적으로 참가한 전당사자가 당연히 전쟁의 당사자라고 한데 반하여, 공산 측에서는 민족해방전쟁에 미국이 간섭하였던 것이었고, 유엔군은 미군 산하에 설치된 것으로 불법적인 것이었다고 주장해왔다. 한국전쟁이 비록 선포된 전쟁은 아니었다고 할지라도 남한과 북한은 그 태동과 성립 초기부터 서로가 상대방이 없어져야할 존재로 여겼으며, 남북을 가르던 북위 38도선에서 수많은 크고 작은 충돌이 있었다. 1950년 6월 25일 북한군이 남한을 침공하면서 제네바 협정 등 전시국제법규의 준수를 주장했고 아측이 이를 수락함으로써 남북간의 충돌은 이미 처음부터 국제법적인 전쟁으로 화하였다. 전쟁의 수행 과정에서도 양측은 상대방의 국제법규 위반사례를 지적하며 전시국제법규의 성실한 준수를 주장했다. 1953년 7월 27일 휴전까지 수많은 위반이 있었지만, 전시법규를 피차간에 준수한 점도 역시 다른 여타의 전쟁과 그다지 다르지 아니하였다는 점은 인정하여야 한다. 주지하는 바와 같이, 휴전협정에서는 유엔군을 대표하여 클라크 장군이 서명했고, 공산측에서는 북한군을 대표한 김일성과 중공군을 대표한 펑더화이가 서명했다. 이점을 들어 북한에서는 한국전쟁이 북한과 미국과의 전쟁였으며, 한국은 휴전협정의 당사자가 아니라고 주장해왔다. 북한은 또한 중국은 의용군이 참전했던 것이므로 한반도 평화체제로의 변경 문제는 기본적으로 북한과 미국 간에 해결해야 할 문제라고 주장해왔다. 그러나, 휴전협정의 규정에 따라 개최된 1954년 제네바 한반도 평화회담에서는, 아측과 공산측이 미리 합의했던 바에 따라, 아측에서는 한국과 미국을 위시한 유엔 참전 16개국이 참가하였고, 공산측에서는 북한과 중국이 참가하였다. 구 소련이 간접 참전국으로 회담에 참석하여, 회담에 참가한 나라는 모두 20개국이었다. 이것은 한국전쟁의 당사자가 19개국이며, 소련이 직접 당사자 못하지 않게 간접으로 참전하였다는 것을 의미한다. 2005년 9월 16일에 북한핵문제를 논의하는 6자회담에서 나온 공동선언에서는 한반도의 휴전체제를 평화체제로 변경하기 위한 협의를 직접 당사자 간에 별도의 포럼을 만들어 하기로 하였다. 직접 당사자는 남북한과 미국 및 중국으로 알려져 있고, 이들이 한국전쟁과 휴전에서도 가장 중요한 역할을 하였던 것이었으므로, 평화체제 구축에서도 역시 이들의 역할이 필요할 것이다. 그러나, 한국전쟁을 종결짓고 평화체제를 구축하기 위해서는 모든 전쟁당사자가 참가하는 제2의 제네바 한반도 평화회담이 필요할 것이다. 한반도의 분단 상태에서 선거를 통하여 이를 통일 독립된 민주국가를 성립시키려고 시도했던 유엔도 다시금 한반도 평화체제 구축과 통일 정부 수립을 위해서 역할을 다 하여야 한다. The character of the Korean War has been controversial since the start of the armed conflicts on June 25, 1950. Origin of such controversies dates back to the end of the World War II when the Korean peninsula was divided by the of the occupying victorious powers of the United States and the then Soviet Union. Each divided Korea even before its establishment claimed its legitimacy, asserting the other must disappear. Numerous minor armed conflicts took place even before the Korean War. In rare instances, even prisoners of the conflicts were exchanged. Upon the invasion, the authorities of the invading North Korean forces proposed that each belligerent should strictly observe the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Conventions. South Korea immediately accepted such proposal. Without any declaration of war, the Korean armed conflict thus turned out to be a de facto war. However, not only Communist North as well as South Korea and the United Nations forces attempted to downgrade the character of the war for political reasons. North Korea labelled it as a war of national liberation, while China labelled it as an international civil war, wherefore it thus allowed volunteers to cross over the Yalu river. South Korea merely labelled it as ‘6.25 Incident,’ the nuance of which sounded like ‘Manchurian Incident’ in 1931 when Japan attacked China severing the Northeastern provinces from the mainland. The sixteen members of the United Nations participating in the war led by the United States war used to call it a Korean conflict, for they would thus not recognize the status of the invading forces. However, the generic term of the Korean War may also be used as technical one, for each belligerent regarded it as war. Throughout the armed conflict including the entire period of the negotiations for an armistice, each belligerent has recognize the enemy forces as opponent participants of the war. Thus it was quite natural that North Korea and China eventually accepted South Korea as one of the seventeen enemy participants of the war to be seated at the Geneva Political Conference in 1954 as a belligerent. General Mark W. Clark put his signature at the armistice instrument as commander-in-chief of the United Nations Forces, representing the sixteen nations including his own country United States, under which his United Nations Command was located, as well as South Korea, which delegated the commanding authority to him. In most international armed conflicts, wherein a party of the armed conflict consists of armed forces of plural powers, usually the joint forces are alined forming a hierarchy under a unified command, as was the case during the WW II, wherein the Allied and Associate Powers organized military command under a certain dominant powers like the United States. The four major powers participated in the war, namely two Koreas, China and the United States along with Japan and Russia as a successor of the former Soviet Union, issued a Joint Statement on September 16, 2005 finalizing the Six-Party Talks over the North Korean nuclear issues, wherein they included a clause to the effect that direct parties of the Korean Conflict should discuss the issues of possible transforming of the current Korean armistice into a permanent peace regime. The direct parties would mean two Koreas, the U.S. and China. Thus whatever the political propaganda by North Korea in the past, South Korea is a legitimate party to the war and the armistice, as has been evident in the 1954 Geneva Conference and in the 2005 Joint Statement. Once the consultation for a peace regime becomes fruitful, another round of Geneva Political Conference would be desirable in putting an end to the Korean War. It would also be highly desirable if the U. N. could again play its role for the eventual establishment of the permanent peace regime in the Korean peninsula in the global perspective.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독도(獨島)와 그 주변수역(周邊水域)에 대(對)한 한국(韓國)의 주권행사(主權行使)

        이상 ( Sang Myon Rhee ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2008 서울대학교 法學 Vol.49 No.4

        The 1952 Korean Proclamation of the Rhee Line surrounding the Korean peninsula with several straight lines was similar to the regime of the EEZ, as it comprised the water-column and the seabed of the adjacent seas up to the possible maximum outer-limits. It was soon vehemently criticized by Japan, as it would drive out incoming Japanese fishermen from the declared seas. Japan also claimed the ownership of the islet of Dokdo or Takeshima, which was included in the Rhee Line, asserting that it used to be a Japanese territory before the 1910 annexation. Protracted negotiations over a decade produced the 1965 Japan/Korea Fisheries Agreement, wherein Korea allowed the Japanese fishermen to fish in the entire Korean waters beyond 12 mile exclusive zone. As a result, the Rhee Line was no longer to be applicable to the Japanese fishermen. Dokdo was left without any 12 mile exclusive zone in the hazy zone of joint fisheries resources survey outside of the zone of joint fisheries resources preservation. In the 1999 Japan/Korea Fisheries Agreement, Dokdo was to be located in the nameless zone of joint management of fisheries, influenced by the provisional arrangement of a practical nature as provided in Articles 74 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. There was a vehement criticism over such an arrangement in Korea, because the rocky islet of Dokdo has not been regarded as a disputed one by Korea due to the solid evidential facts and the sound legal bases. South Korea had to accept such an arrangement `unwillingly` while she was under IMF management when it needed Japan`s help during the financial crisis. It had to persuade the angry Koreans saying that the nameless intermediate zone has no character of joint management, since the rocky islet can generate only a 12 mile territorial sea without existence of any possibly sustainable human habitation or economic life of its own. However, in May 2006 when Japan attempted to conduct a scientific survey over the seabed around the disputed islet, Korea had to abandon the theory, newly asserting that it can generate 200 mile EEZ for it can sustain human habitation and economic life of its own, emphasizing upon the `possible capacity standard` provided in Article 121 (3) of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Due to the change, Korea came to face a difficulty in denying any existence of a character of a joint management in the nameless zone, which would no longer be regarded as a zone with a character of the high seas, since it is consequently a potential EEZ generated from the disputed islet. In July 2008, the US Board of Geographical Names labelled the islet as `sovereignty undesignated` due to an appraisal that Korea is in lack of integrity in exercising its sovereign rights generating from the islet. The BGN had to restore the label of the Korean sovereignty as advised by President Bush who would otherwise face vehement protest during his coming visit to Seoul in early August. It is interesting to note that the BGN has maintained the Japanese sovereignty over the disputed Senkaku islets due to the fact that Japan has exercised its full sovereign rights without making any provisional arrangement in the marginal seas off the islets with China or Taiwan. South Korea should learn such a wisdom from Japan in exercising full sovereign rights over Dokdo if it would persuade a third party like the BGN that it is exercising its sovereign rights over Dokdo and its marginal seas.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

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