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      • 家兎子宮, 腦 및 胃組織의 Catecholamine 含量과 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 및 Chlorpromazine이 이에 미치는 影響

        羅重烈 고려대학교 의과대학 1977 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.14 No.1

        Chlorpromazine, one of the major tranquilizer, has been used for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and psychiatric disorders. The drug may induce a number of untoward side-effects, such as amenorrhea, galactorrhea and inhibition of ovulation. Also the drug exerts an action on the central various system in various aspects. An attempt was made to clarify the effects of chlorpromazine on the catecholamine contents of uterine, brain and stomach tissue of mature female albino rabbits weighing approximately 2.0㎏. A group of albino rabbits was conditioned with 50 I.U./㎏ of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) for 5 days. Another group was conditioned with 25㎎/㎏ Of chlorpromazine plus 50 I.U/㎏ of HCG for 5 days and observed for 24 hours. Catecholamine content was determined by the Shore and Olin method. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The catecholamine content in normal uterine tissue was 0.40㎍/gm, while that of brain tissue was 0.11㎍/gm and that of stomach tissue 0.16㎍/gm. The catecholamine content in uterine tissue was richest: then in the stomach and in the brain tissue, respectively. 2. In the HCG conditioned group, the catecholamine content in the uterine tissue was 0.13㎍/mg, while that of brain tissue was 0.11㎍/mg and that of stomach tissue was 0.13㎍/mg. It showed that the catecholamine contents in the uterine and stomach tissue were same, and there showed no changes in the brain tissue. 3. In the chlorpromazine plus HCG conditioned group, the catecholamine content in the uterine tissue was 0.15㎍/mg, while that of brain tissue was 0.11㎍/gm and that of stomach tissue was 0.10㎍/gm. It also showed that the catecholamine content of the uterine tissue was richest among the three organs. 4. The catecholamine content of the uterine tissue showed a marked decrease in the HCG conditioned group, while there was lesser degree of decrease in the content of the chlorpromazine plus HCG conditioned group. 5. The catecholamine content of the brain tissue showed no change in HCG conditioned group and in the chlorpromazine plus HCG conditioned group. 6. The catecholamine content of the stomach tissue was decreased by HCG conditioning and it was decreased even more in chlorpromazine plus HCG conditioning. 7. The catecholamine conent of the uterine tissue was markedly decreased in the HCG conditioned group, while there was lesser degree of decrease in the chlorpromazine plus HCG conditioned group. In the brain tissue, the catecholamine content showed no significant change in HCG conditioned group as well as in chlorpromazine plus HCG conditioned group. In the stomach tissue, the catecholamine content showed some decrease in HCG conditioned group and it was decreased more in chlorpromazine plus HCG conditioned group.

      • KCI등재


        나중(JW Rha) 대한산부인과학회 1981 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.24 No.10

        지금까지 언급한 것은 주산기에 발생할 수 있는 모체 및 태아(신생아)의 Virus감염중에서 소위 “만성주산기감염증”이라고 부를 수 있는 rubella, CMV,HSV,HBV등의 감염이 모체와 태아(신생아)에서 어떤 양상으로 발생, 전염,경과하며 이에 대한 치료나 대책은 어떠한지 알아보았다. 이들 질환은 아직도 감수성이 있는 가임기연령의 여성이 많으며 진단과 치료의 난점이 있고 또 이들 질환이 태아에 일으킬 수 있는 기형 또는 지속적인 감염상태를 감안할때, 모든 분야에서 아직도 정확한 자료에 의한 연구가 밝혀지지 못한 상태이기는 하나, 현재까지 규명된 가능한 예방법, 치료법 등을 통하여 사회적인 문제로 대두될 수 있는 선천기형이나 지능 지연등에 대한 적절한 대처를 할 수 있도록, 산과의들에게 이 문제들에 대한 세심한 주의를 기울이도록 요구하고 있으며, 특히 현재 점차 사용이 증가되는 특수항체검사에 의한 진단법,접종을 통한 예방법등에 대하여 앞으로 많은 관심을 기울여야될 과제라고 생각된다. 또 선천감염의 대책으로서 초기임신의 중절이나 또는 분만을 개조하는 경우의 무균조작,제왕절개에 의한 분만, 의심되는 증상에 대해서는 소아과의에게 충분한 정보를 제공함으로서 신생아의 격리면역,추적조사,적절한 치료등을 유도하여, 만성보균상태,감염의 근원등을 감소시키도록하고, 접종에 의한 전체 인구의 면역증가를 통해서 감염의 가능성을 줄이도록 노력하는것 등 이문제에 대한 산과의사의 기여가 한층 더 필요하게 되리라고 생각된다. 이것은 특히 과거에 희유하다고 여겨지던 주산기 virus감염의 빈도가 최근 보고되는 자료에 의하면 상당히 높음을 고려할때 더욱 그러하다.

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