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      • KCI등재

        원전입지공간의 생산과 주민의 전략적 실천 : 울진군 북면 주민조직의 반핵·찬핵활동을 중심으로

        황정화(Hwang, Junghwa) 한국환경사회학회 2020 환경사회학연구 ECO Vol.24 No.2

        문재인 정부의 탈원전 정책은 산업계, 학계, 원전노동자, 언론 등으로부터 다양한 반대를 불러일으켰다. 그 중에는 원전 입지지역 주민들, 특히 신한울 3, 4호기의 건설 취소에 항의하는 울진군 북면의 주민들이 있다. 이들은 원자력발전소와 방사능폐기물처리장의 입지가 된 것을 ‘부당한 희생’으로 주장해 온 주민들과 대조적이며 사뭇 낯설기까지 하다. 본 논문은 입지지역 주민들을 이해하기 위해 그들의 삶이 결부된 ‘공간’ 내부에 주목한다. 앙리 르페브르의 공간생산론을 참고하여 공간생산을 위해 경합하는 정치적 과정으로 울진 북면공간을 분석하였다. 원자력발전소 입지가 된 이후 울진 북면에는 원자력발전과 송전을 위한 시설들이 배치되고, 원자력발전의 이데올로기가 재현되었으며 또한 안정적 입지관리를 위한 로컬전략이 구현되어 왔다. 북면 주민들은 원자력진흥을 위한 공간재현을 비대칭적 권력관계, 원전에 대한 경제적 의존, 희박해지는 소비효과, 분할적 노동, 일상적 안전과 비일상적 위험, 상대적 저발전 등으로 체험하고 있다. 원자력진흥의 공간재현은 북면 주민들이 주민조직화를 통해 단일한 주민 주체를 구성하려는 공간적 실천으로 이어졌으며, 주민대표조직은 북면의 이익과 주도권을 지키기 위해 반핵과 찬핵의 전략적 실천을 주도하고 있다. 공간생산과정의 분석을 통해 북면 주민들의 신한울 3, 4호기 건설 요구는 원전건설뿐 아니라 건설취소도 주민들의 동의가 필요하다는 ‘공간의 권리’ 주장이며, 에너지전환정책으로 북면 주민들이 맞닥뜨릴 경제적 충격에 대한 정부의 대책을 요구하기 위한 전략적 행위임을 알 수 있다. The space of Buk-myeon has been produced as a space for the nuclear plant. Until the 1980s, Buk-myeon was a village-centric social space, where the communitarian social culture was dominant. As the nuclear power plant was constructed, the space were fundamentally changed. Using Lefebvre’s theory of space production, Buk-myeon can be analyzed as ‘space of NP’, ‘experiencing space’, and ‘spatial practice’. The space of NP includes electricity-producing space, ideological space, and local strategy space. Experiencing space in comprised of the experience of state and local hierarchical power relations, the unstable economy of construction, the diminishing effect of collective consumption, divisional labor, routine safety and extraordinary danger, and the experience of unrealized development. In order to dissolve the contradictory spatial experiences, the experiences of hierarchical power relation and the economic dependency on the NP, the residents of Buk-myeon performed spatial practices. This was analyzed along the establishment of representative organizations, and strategic anti/pro nuclear action. Buk-myeon residents protesting the Moon administration’s nuclear phase-out policy, are spatial subjects who have been constructed along the NP production process. They insist government should get consent of residents, not only for the construction of nuclear power plants, but also when canceling construction. However, The voices of local residents has not been recognized as a meaningful discourse. This shows that the residents of Buk-myeon are active agents in local politics of space as well as subaltern subjects structurally subordinated to NP without full rights to their local space.

      • KCI등재

        ‘지방’정치학 확립을 위한 시론

        황정화(Junghwa Hwang),김현준(Kim Hyeon Jun),서정민(Seo Jungmin) 21세기정치학회 2014 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.24 No.2

        In spite of increasing academic works of local self-governance in South Korea, 'local' space has been insufficiently explored by political scientists, while leaving much of discussions to scholars of public administration, sociology and anthropology. This preliminary study aims to evaluate current status of research on local politics in Korea through examinations of articles published in Korean Political Science Review and the 21st Century Political Science Review for the last fourteen years. We found that topics of existing research on local self governance have excessively inclined to problem solving methods, conceptual demarcation between locality and state, normative attitude, predominant interests in local political institutions and non-contextualized analyses on regionalism. Instead, authors suggest that research on local self-governance should be expanded toward contextualizing locality in the overall changes of the nature of state, while being attentive to changing state's strategy to maintain its governmentality in the post-developmentalist era.

      • 심장신경성 실신 환자 대상 기립훈련 프로그램의 효과에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석

        김지수(Kim, Ji-Su),이진영(Lee, Jinyoung),류청(Ryou, Choung)김정우(Kim, Jung Woo),박선영(Park, Sun Young)황정화(Hwang, Junghwa),장연수(Jang, Yeonsoo) 한국근거기반간호학회 2017 근거와 간호 Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose: This study was a systematic review to evaluate the effects and identify intervention protocol, measurement, and outcomes of tilt training program for neurocardiogenic syncope. Methods: 8 electronic databases were searched using keyword in English and Korean in June 2016. The risk of bias was assessed using Cochrane criteria and NECA’s criteria was used for non-randomized controlled trial. For analysis of the data, a meta-analysis of the studies was performed. Results: Of 383 articles identified, 11 studies met inclusion criteria. The effect of tilt training on recurrence of syncope, recurrence of pre-syncope, result of follow up head-up-tilt test analyzed using meta-analysis with RevMan. 5 of studies which included randomized controlled trials testing of tilt training were used to estimate effect size of tilt training. Tilt training was favorably effective in reducing recurrence of syncope (n=260, OR=0.10, 95% CI: 0.02~0.57). Conclusion: There is limited evidence suggesting that tilt training may be effective in recurrent neurocardiogenic syncope.

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