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        천왕보심단(天王補心丹)의 항우울효과 및 monoamine 대사에 미치는 영향

        박종흠,배창욱,전현숙,홍성유,박선동,Park Jong-Heum,Bae Chang-wook,Jun Hyun-Suk,Hong Sung-You,Park Sun-Dong 대한한의학방제학회 2004 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        Depression is a sort of mental disorder which is very common. To treat depression, many drugs such as TCA, MAOI are developed and used. But they have a lot of side effects, so it needs to develop drugs without side effects or with less side effects. Herbal medicines have been used to treat diseases not only physical but also mental and have less side effects. therefore, it has been thoght the need to develop herbal medicine with antidepressant effect. The purpose of this study was to reseach antidepressant effect and influence on monoamines of chunwangboshimdan thought to have antidepressant according to ancient medical book- donguibogam- and recent reports. We used 'forced swimming test(FST)' to know antidepressant effect of chunwangboshimdan and HPLC to check the influence on monoamines and their metabolites(norepinephrine, dopamine, DOPAC, HVA, serotonin, 5-HIAA) of chunwangboshimdan after divided into cerebral cortex, striatum, hypothalamus and hippocampus. The results were obtained as follows: In the study of antidepressant effect by 'forced swimming test(FST)'method, chunwang boshimdan had a significant antidepressant effect. In the study of influence on monoamines by HPLC, chunwangboshimdan mainly increased dopamine among monoamines and their metabolites(norepinephrine, dopamine, DOPAC, HVA, serotonin, 5-HIAA) significantly in 4 parts of rat's brain above-mentioned. Calculated by turnover ratio formulae of monoamine, chunwangboshimdan has more results than Imipramine. These results suggest that chunwangboshimdan has antidepressant effect that is related with the increase of monoamines by suppressing their metabolism as its mechanism.

      • 韓國經濟의 資本畜積過程과 財政金融政策, 1953~1963

        홍성유 서울大學交 商科大學 韓國經濟 硏究所 1964 經濟論集 Vol.3 No.3

        Ⅰ This is to study the process of capital accumulation in Korea, and the fiscal and monetary policies for the past decade from 1953 to 1963, when the Korean economy has experienced the most drastic change. This study is concentrated on the following three main problems: 1. To analyze magnitude and contents of capital accumulation and characteristics in the process of capital accumulation which the Korean economy has achieved. 2. To study the role of fiscal and monetary policies in the process of capital accumulation. 3. To examine how these policies affected the growth of the Korean economy in terms of the general condition provided to carry out them. This study has been carried on in accordance with the process of growth of the Korean economy and the process by stages, each set up by the characteristics of the policies concerned; finally it gives a review and the prospects for the total process of capital accumulation. Ⅱ The process of growth of the Korean economy for the decade (1953∼1963) is classified into as the following three periods: the first period extends from 1953, the year of the Korean Armistice to 1957, during which the Korean economy was concerned mainly on the construction and development of national defense after the war; the second period from 1957/58 to 1960, when the stabilization policy was developed; the third and last period from 1961 to the present, the period of the military revolution and the present expansion policy. The first term is characterized as the period of "establishment of the economy of an armament system and reconstruction after the war", during which the public finance of the Korean Government, in accordance with the change in the U.S. foreign aid policies, faced the problem of maintaining enormous military forces which exceeded its own capacity, while it had to reconstruct the industrial facilities destroyed during the war; in other words, it had to solve an antinomy of expansion of armaments and reconstruction. The basic objectives of the U.S. aid to Korea after the armistice were to fulfill such two tasks. Then, what is the reason the armament of Korea after the war was stressed and strengthened? It is directly connected with the nature of the American aid in this period. Since World WarⅡ, the U.S. foreign aid policy has been constantly changing according to the change in international situations and since the Korean war, it has changed to the military aid under the new "Mutual Security Act". Consequently, it intended the economy of armaments of the free world fro the security of the U.S.A. and showed the political and military nature for strengthening armaments in the countries concerned. An improvement on armaments in the post-war Korea was resulted under these circumstances. In consequence, the expansion of the military expenses, as well as that of public investment and loan resulted in the fiscal ruin of this period comprising the main factor of spiral inflation. Facing such urgent military needs, the public finance had to rely mainly on the issuance of bank notes by the Central Bank for investment for the post-war reconstruction; furthermore, the destruction of social (overhead) capital during the war encouraged the needs for public investment and loan. Thus, the capital accumulation of this period was an inflationary one chiefly by public investment and loan. Although the private credit and investment was expended continuously, it was in a relatively small scale. Expanded banking and public finance supported by "inflationary money" brought about remarkable effects on the qualitative aspect. The progress of spiral inflation by an expansion of public investment and loan misled the direction of investment and wasted the most part of mobilized savings, and widened the gap between the poor and the rich through the unjust channel of distribution of wealth. The second term is characterized as the period during which an effort was made, under the circumstances of nearly completing rehabilitation works from the war damage and the policy change of the U.S. foreign aid, to stabilize price and to curb down the inflationary trend which had followed since the end of the Korean war. The stabilization effort was carried out under the financial stabilization program to control money supply by eliminating deficit financing of both government budget and credit. The Government, facing with decreasing revenue from counterpart fund to be resulted from the decreasing trend of U.S. foreign aid, tried to increase revenues through the raise in tax rates and the extention of taxation items on the one hand, and decided not to issue industrial reconstruction bonds which had been one of the major factors of the increase in money supply on the other hand because the bonds were sold to the Central Bank of Korea. At the same time, the Government tried to reduce expenditures and thus to keep the balance of revenues and expenditures in order to eliminate budget deficit. However, the emphasis of the effort to reduce expenditures was actually given to monetary operation and not to the increase in physical output. The reduced scale in expenditures was obtained at the expense of the reduction in investment expenditures, whereas consumption expenditures such as national defense, education and general administrative expenses were continuously increased. Therefore it can be said that the effort for economic stabilization during the period was just a makeshift simply trying to reduce the scale of expenditures and to substitute one component of budget items for others without trying to tackle the fundamental problem such as the structural reform of financial and budgetary system. Another core of the stabilization policy at the time was to keep the price of grains low, which had influenced the general price level to a great extent. The agreement in August 1955 was made between the Korean government and the government of the United States on the new exchange rate of won 50 to dollar 1 on condition that when the general price level in Korea increased more than 25 per cent over the price at the time of the agreement made, the exchange rate should be renewed. The Korean government was, by the agreement, obliged to keep the price level stable, for which the price of grains was a strategic point. For this purpose a great amount of surplus agricultural commodities of the United States had to be imported and were actually much over the requirements in two years of 1958 and 1959. Consequently, the price of grains was decreased, but the decrease in the price was so great that the price difference between agricultural products and industrial ones became greater and unfavorable balance of income in rural and urban areas was considerably expanded. There fore it can be said that the stable price level during the period was obtained at the expense of farmers. The third term is characterized as the period during which an expansionary policy was followed, under the circumstances of the policy of the U.S. foreign aid and the political turmoil at home, to recover the economy from stagnation. Investment expenditures which has been suppressed to a small amount during the period of 1958∼1960 rapidly increased during the third term. The increase in investment expenditures, however, should be financed by the deficit of the government budget because the government consumption expenditures were increasing as usual in spite of the decrease in the U.S. foreign aid to Korea. Consequently, the increase in the investment expenditures financed by the budget deficit turned the internal financial situation unfavorable, thus resulting in inflation. and the expansionary policy met its limit. Ⅲ The process of capital accumulation during the period of 1953∼1963 was reviewed in the preceeding sections by its stage of progress, and the major characteristics and problems of it are discussed below as a whole. First, public finance played the leading role in capital formation as the main source during the period. But it should be noted that public finance during the period was not successful in the viewpoint of an effective allocation of resources despite of the fact that it played a great role in quantitative growth. Secondly, the major source of the capital accumulation which was financed from aid funds and by inflationary measures of the issue of bank notes made possible the expansion of government investment and loans, but it resulted in the vicious inflation at the same time. Thirdly, the enforcement of the inflationary way of capital accumulation made an ineffective allocation of resources to a great extent, and consequently prevented capital accumulation since the Korean war, bringing a quality fall in spite of the quantitative effect, and also increasing unbalance among economic sectors and the disequalization of social strata. Expansion in this disequalization caused the corruption of political power and failure in policies for fiscal, monetary, and foreign in the viewpoint that the former capital accumulation was greatly attributable to foreign aid as described above. Now the problem national economy under the circumstances of gradual reduction in foreign aid. One way for solution of the problems is a negotiation for the increase in U.S. aid to Korea, and the normalization of Korea-Japan relation. The former is not realistic, and the latter is expected by no means to assure the continuing development of the Korean economy. The second way is to develop import-substitution by inducing foreign capital However, in the case when the development of import-substitution industry is realized by the import of foreign capital, difficulties will come in the substitution of domestic raw materials for foreign raw materials required for current production because of chronically unfavorable balance of international payments as well as the industrial structure heavily depending on foreign raw materials and the financial position with a low level of accumulated capital of the Korean economy. The third way is to increase export, but its prospect is not so bright when considering the commodity structure of export, the outlook for the foreign demand for domestic products and chronic inflation. Reviewing the points raised above,Ⅰcome to the conclusion for the continuous growth of the Korean economy that the fundamental problem should be solved among others by establishing the base for domestic capital accumulation through a drastic reduction of government consumption expenditures such as national defense, education and administrative expenses, by reforming financial structure reasonably, and thus by maintraining a favorable balance of internal and external financial situations.

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