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        지방자치단체 성과관리 정보시스템에 대한 공무원의 수용성 분석

        현승현(玄承鉉),이병기(李丙起),김건위(金虔?) 한국지역정보화학회 2016 한국지역정보화학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        이 연구는 지방자치단체 성과관리 정보시스템에 대한 공무원의 수용성에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하기 위해서 기술수용모형(TAM: Technology Acceptance Model)을 적용하였다. 이를 위해 A광역자치단체 성과평가 공무원을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하고, 이를 증명하기 위해서 경로분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과, 성과관리 정보시스템의 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 외부환경(광역단체장, 지방의회, 고위직 공무원 등 관심도)이 내부 환경의 조성 및 시스템 수용 태도 개선에 있어서 직 · 간접적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 외부환경주도의 성과관리 정보시스템 도입은 지방공무원의 성과관리에 대한 근본적인 인식변화와 정보시스템 활용 측면에서는 한계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 지방공무원의 성과관리 정보시스템 수용성 및 활용성 제고를 위해서는 효과적인 교육 · 훈련 프로그램 구성과 활발한 의사소통이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 지방자치단체의 성과관리 정보시스템 정착을 위해서 중장기 계획과 연계한 목표 설정과 함께 인센티브를 적절하게 활용하는 방안을 모색해야 할 것이다. This study is analysis of the effects between local public servants and performance management information system by based on the technology acceptance model. In this case, it was to conduct a survey of A metropolitan government’s performance assessment public servants. The empirical results shows that external environment(including attention and support of mayor, local council, and senior-level public servants) effects to improve inner environment(strategy and planning, communication, education and training) and acceptance attitude of local public servants in performance management information system. Due to the introduction of performance management information system by external environment, there were still limitation of perception change of local public servants in performance management and utilizing information system. Therefore, it is required an effective training program and communication to improve the acceptability of information system to local servants. In addition, local government needs to provide clear goals and incentives in order to improve the information system.

      • KCI등재

        DEA모형을 통한 지방상수도 운영효율성 비교분석

        현승현(玄承鉉),김정렬(金正烈) 한국정부학회 2018 한국행정논집 Vol.30 No.1

        지방상수도는 직영기업으로 운영하고 있지만 대부분 지방정부 중심으로 운영하다보니 경영상의 문제점을 안고 있다. 몇몇 지방정부에서는 한국수자원공사나 한국환경공단에 위탁운영함으로써 이러한 문제점을 보완하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 지방상수도를 중심으로 운영효율성에 대해서 실증분석하였다. 분석한 결과, 직영기업보다는 민간위탁을 실시할 때에 상대적으로 효율적인 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 결과적으로 외부전문기관에 위탁으로 비용절감이 가능해지며, 다른 네트워크 산업처럼 규모의 경제가 실현가능하다는 의미이다. 그러나 지역주민들은 민간위탁에 대한 부정적인 인식이 높기 때문에 재정이 열악하거나 인구가 적은 지역을 중심으로 지방상수도 광역화, 외부전문기관의 공동참여 또는 민간위탁 방안을 검토하는 것이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        계단 오르기와 내리기 시 가방착용 위치가 지면반력 파라미터에 미치는 영향

        현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ),류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew ) 한국운동역학회 2015 한국운동역학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence on the ground reaction force parameters according to wearing positions ofbackpack for during stair ascending and descending· Methods : Participants selected as subject were consisted of young female(n=10) and performed stairs walks(ascending and descending) with 2 types ofwearing position(front of trunk[FT], rear of trunk[RT])· Passive(Fz 1) and active(Fz 2) forces of the vertical GRF were determined from time functionand frequency domain· Also shear forces(Fx, Fy 1, Fy 2), dynamic postural stability index(MLSI, APSI, VSI, DPSI), loading rate and center of pressure(COPx, COPy, COP area) were calculated from time function and frequency domain· Results : Fx, Fy 1, Fy 2, and Fz 1 in GRF didn`t show significant differences statistically according to the wearing positions of backpack(p>·05), butstair descending showed higher forces than that of stair ascending· Particularly, Fz 2 of stair ascending showed higher forces than that of stairdescending(p<·001), RT types showed higher than that of FT types(p<·05)· MLSI, APSI, VSI, and DPSI of stair descending showed the increasedstability index than that of stair ascending(p<·05), MLSI of RT types showed the decreased stability index than that of FT types(p<·05)· Loading ratedidn`t show significant differences statistically according to the wearing positions of backpack(p>·05), but stair descending showed higher loading ratethan that of stair ascending(p<·001)· Also, COPx in stair descending showed the increased movement than that of stair ascending(p<·05)· Conclusions : A backpack of 10 kg(10 kg(ratio of body weights 17·61±1·17%) showed significantly change GRF parameters according to wearingpositions during stair ascending and descending· If possible, we suggest that the dynamic stability, in case of stairs walking with a smaller weights canbe further improved·

      • KCI등재

        승마 속보 시 등자 길이에 따른 체간기울기와 양측 하지의 협응성 비교분석 : 비대칭 지수 및 전체이동지수 알고리즘 개발

        현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ),류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew ) 한국운동역학회 2015 한국운동역학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to analyze the coordination of the trunk tilting angle and bilateral lower limbs according to the stirrups lengthduring trot in equestrian· Methods : Participants selected as subject were consisted of adult male(n=7, mean age: 45·00±3·78 yrs, mean height: 172·50±2·44 cm, mean body mass:76·95±4·40 kg, mean, mean leg length: 97·30±2·60 cm)· They were divided into 3-types of stirrups lengths(67 cm, 72 cm, 77 cm) during trot· Thevariables analyzed were consisted of the trunk front-rear angle, lower limb joint(Right·Left hip, knee, ankle), overall movement index(OMI) of the lowerlimbs(thigh, shank, foot) and asymmetry index(AI%) during trot· Results : The average angle in hip and knee joint showed more extended posture according to the increase of stirrups lengths and ankle angle showed moreplantarflexion posture according to increase of stirrups length during 1 stride in trot· Also, average angle showed more extended posture in right hip and anklejoint than that of left· The angle of knee joint didn`t show significant difference statistically between right and left· Also asymmetric index in average angleof hip, knee and ankle joint didn`t show significant difference statistically in between lower limbs, but hip joint showed higher asymmetric index in stirruplength of 77 cm and ankle joint showed higher asymmetric index in stirrup length of 67 cm than that of the others respectively· The FR angle in trunkof horse-rider showed relative backward leaning motions at stirrup length of 67 cm and 77 cm than that of stirrup length of 72 cm during stance and swingphase· OMI in thigh, shank, and foot limbs didn`t show significant difference statistically according to the stirrups length of right and·left lower limbs, butleft lower limbs showed higher index than that of right lower limb· Stirrup length of 72 cm in shank and foot limbs showed higher index than that of stirruplength of 67 cm and 77 cm· But stirrup length of 72 cm showed higher asymmetric index than that of stirrups length of 67 cm and 77 cm· Conclusions :When considering the above, 72 cm(ratio of lower limb 74·04%) stirrup lengths could be useful in posture correction and stabilization than67cm(ratio of lower limb 68·69%) and 77 cm(ratio of lower limb 79·18%) stirrup lengths during trot in horse back riding·

      • KCI등재

        젊은 성인 여성의 구두 힐 높이 별 보행특성 및 하지관절 간 상호작용 비교분석

        현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ),류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew ) 한국운동역학회 2014 한국운동역학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the gait characteristics and interaction between lower extremity joints according to shoe`s heel heights in young women. Participants were selected as subject consisted of young and healthy women (age: 23.71±1.49 yrs, height: 165.92±2.00 cm, body weight: 54.37±3.46 kg) and walked with 3 types of shoe`s high-heel (0, 5, 9 cm). The variables analyzed consisted of the displacement of Y axis in center of mass ([COM]; (position, velocity), front?rear(FR) and left?right(LR) angle of trunk, lower extremity joint angle (hip, knee, ankle) and asymmetric index (AI%). The displacement of Y axis in COM position showed the greater movement according to increase of shoe`s heel heights, but velocity of COM showed the decrease according to increase of shoe`s heel heights during gait. The hip and knee angle didn`t show significant difference statistically according to increase of shoe`s heel height, but left hip and knee showed more extended posture than those of right hip and knee angle. Also ankle angle didn`t show significant difference statistically, but 9 cm heel showed more plantarflexion than those of 5 cm and 0 cm. The asymmetric index (AI%) showed more asymmetric 9 cm heel than those of 0 cm and 5 cm. The FR and LR angle in trunk tilting didn`t show significant difference statistically according to the increase of shoe`s heel height during gait in young women.

      • KCI등재

        승마 속보 시 미숙련자에게 적용한 하지장 비율 74.04% 등자길이 피팅의 기승자세 효과

        현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ),류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew ) 한국운동역학회 2015 한국운동역학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Objective : The purposes of this study was to analyze the effects of the stirrup length fitted to the rider``s lower limb length and it’s impact on less skilled riders during trot in equestrian events. Methods : Participants selected as subjects consisted of less skilled riders(n=5, mean age: 40.02±10.75 yrs, mean heights: 169.77±2.08 cm, mean body weights: 67.65±7.76 kg, lower limb lengths: 97.26±2.35 cm, mean horse heights: 164.00±5.74 cm with 2 type of stirrups lengths(lower limb ratio 74.04%, and 79.18%) during trot. The variables analyzed consisted of the displacement for Y axis and Z axis(head, and center of mass[COM]) with asymmetric index, trunk front-rear angle(consistency index), lower limb joint(Right hip, knee, and ankle), and average vertical forces of horse rider during 1 stride in trot. The 4 camcorder(HDR-HC7/HDV 1080i, Spony Corp, Japan) was used to capture horse riding motion at a rate of 60 frames/sec. Raw data was collected from Kwon3D XP motion analysis package ver 4.0 program(Visol, Korea) during trot. Results : The movements and asymmetric index didn``t show significant difference at head and COM, Also, 74.04% stirrups lengths in trunk tilting angle showed significant difference with higher consistency than that of 79.18% stirrups lengths. Hip and knee joint angle showed significant difference with more extended posture than that of 74.04% stirrups lengths during trot. Ankle angle of 79.18% stirrups length showed more plantarflexion than that of 74.04% stirrups lengths. Average vertical force of rider showed significant difference with higher force at 79.18% stirrups lengths than that of 74.04% stirrups lengths during stance phase. Conclusion :When considering the above, 74.04% stirrups length could be effective in impulse reduction with consistent posture in rather less skilled horse riders.

      • KCI등재

        말의 4족 보법에서 속도변화에 따른 전족 움직임의 운동능력 분석

        현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ),류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew ) 한국운동역학회 2015 한국운동역학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Objective : The purposes of this study was to analyze the locomotive movement of forelimbs according to changes in velocities in the quadruped cadence of horses. Methods : Horses selected as subjects consisted of Jeju pony horses (heights of withers: 1.23±0.51). Two camcorders (HDR-HC7/HDV 1080i, Sony Corp, Japan) were used to capture the movement of the horses’ forelimbs at a rate of 60 frames/sec. Additionally, raw data was collected from Kwon3D XP motion analysis package ver 4.0 program (Visol, Korea) with DARTFISH (DFKREA., Korea) video software solution. The variables analyzed consisted of 1 step lengths, 1 stride lengths, stance time, swing time, 1 stride time, velocity while walking, and trot of the horses. A two-way ANOVA and paired t-test of the variables by velocity and phase were treated at .05 level of significant difference, statistically. Results : The time elapsed of walk(stance: 0.63 sec[63.86%], swing: 0.35 sec[36.14%], 1 stride time: 0.99 sec respectively) showed significant difference with more delay than that of trot(stance: 0.29 sec[45.73%], swing: 0.34 sec[54.27% ], 1 stride time: 0.63 sec respectively), and also showed significant difference at trot in interaction (stance time>tort swing>walk swing>walk stance). The 1 step lengths and stride lengths in trot showed significant difference with longer than that of walk. Velocity of Trot showed significant difference statistically with higher than that of walk Conclusion : The horses’ velocity during 1 step lengths and 1 stride lengths showed a proportional relationship, but the correlation between the horses’ velocity and stance time showed a negative relationship during the quadruped cadence.

      • KCI등재

        계단내리기 시 우세,비우세 체지의 가방착용과 무게변화에 따른 지면반력 파라미터 분석

        현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ),이애리 ( Ae Ri Lee ),류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew ) 한국운동역학회 2014 한국운동역학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze of the GRF (ground reaction force) parameters according to the change of positions and weights of bag during downward stairs between dominant and non-dominant in upper & lower limbs. To perform this study, participants were selected 9 healthy women (age: 21.40±0.94 yrs, height: 166.50±2.68 cm, body mass: 57.00±3.61 kg, BMI: 20.53±1.03 kg/m2), divided into 2 carrying bag positions (dominant arm/R, non-dominant arm/L) and walked with 3 type of bag weights (0, 3, 5 kg) respectively. One force-plate was used to collect GRF (AMTI OR6-7) data at a sample rate of 1000 Hz. The variables analyzed were consisted of the medial-lateral GRF (Fx), anterior-posterior GRF (Fy), vertical GRF (Fz), impact loading rate and center of pressure (COPx, COPy, COP area, COPy posterior peak time) during downward stairs. 1) The Fx, Fy, Fz, COPx, and COP area of GRF were not statistically significant between dominant leg and non-dominant leg, but non-dominant leg, that is, showed the higher COPy, and showed higher impact loading rate than that dominant leg during downward stairs. 2) In bag wearing to non-dominant arm, Fx, Fz, COPx, COPy, impact loading rate and COP area showed increase tendency according to increase of bag weights. Also, against bag wearing to dominant arm, non-dominant showed different mechanism according to increase of bag weights. The Ground Reaction Force parameters showed different characteristics according to the positions and weights of bag during downward stairs between dominant and non-dominant arm.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship between Ground Reaction Force and Attack Time According to the Position of Hand Segments during Counter Attack in Kendo

        현승현,진현성,류재청 한국운동역학회 2017 한국운동역학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between ground reaction force (GRF) and attack time according to the position of hand segments during counter attack in Kendo. Method: The participants consisted of 10 kendo athletes (mean age: 21.50±1.95 yr, mean height: 175.58±5.02 cm, mean body weight: 70.96±9.47 kg) who performed standard head strikes (A) and counter attack with a preferred hand position of +10 cm (B), 0 cm (C), and -10 cm (D). One force-plate (AMTI-OR-7., USA) was used to collect GRF data at a sample rate of 1,000 Hz. The variables analyzed were the attack time, medial-lateral GRF, anterior-posterior GRF (AP GRF), peak vertical force (PVF), and loading rate. Results: The total attack time was shorter in types A and C than in types C and D. The AP GRF, PVF, and loading rate had significantly higher forces in types C and D than in types A and C. The attack time (bilateral and unilateral leg support and total) was positively correlated with the GRF variables (vertical GRF and loading rate) during the counter attack in Kendo (r = 0.779 [R2=0.607], p < 0.001). Conclusion: The positions of the hand segments can be changed by various conditions of the opponent in Kendo competitions; however, the position preferred by an individual can promote the successful ratio of the counter attack.

      • KCI등재

        버스계단 내리기 시 구두 힐 높이와 착지거리에 따른 지면반력 파라미터 조사

        현승현 ( Seung Hyun Hyun ),류재청 ( Che Cheong Ryew ) 한국운동역학회 2014 한국운동역학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the GRF(ground reaction force) parameters according to the shoes`s heel heights and ground landing distances during downward stairs on bus. Participants selected as subject were consisted of young and healthy women(n=9, mean age: 21.30±0.48 yrs, mean height: 164.00±3.05 cm, mean body mass: 55.04±4.41 kg, mean BMI: 20.47±1.76kg/m2, mean foot length: 238.00±5.37 mm). They were divided into 2-types of shoe`s heel heights(0 cm/bare foot, 9 cm) and also were divides into downward stairs with 3 types of landing distance(20 cm, 35 cm, 50 cm). A one force-plate was used to collect the GRF(AMTI, USA) data from the sampling rate of 1000 Hz. The GRF parameters analyzed were consisted of the mediallateral GRF, anterior-posterior GRF, vertical GRF, loading rate, Center of Pressure(ΔCOPx, ΔCOPy, COP area) and Dynamic Postural Stability Index(MLSI, APSI, VSI, DPSI) during downward stairs on bus. Medial-lateral GRF and vertical GRF didn`t show significant differences statistically according to the shoe`s heel heights and landing distance, but 9 cm shoes heel showed higher vertical GRF than that of 0 cm bare foot in landing distance of 50 cm. Also anterior-posterior GRF didn`t show significant difference statistically according to the shoe`s heel heights, but landing distance of 20 cm showed higher than that of landing distances of 35 cm and 50 cm in anterior-posterior GRF. Loading rate didn`t show significant difference statistically according to the landing distance, but 9 cm shoe`s heel showed higher than that of 0 cm bare foot during downward stairs. The ΔCOPy and COP area didn`t show significant differences statistically according to the shoe`s heel heights and landing distance, but 0 cm bare foot showed higher than that of 9 cm shoe`s heel in ΔCOPx. Dynamic Postural Stability Index(MLSI, APSI, VSI, DPSI) didn`t show significant differences statistically according to the landing distance, but 9 cm shoe`s heel showed decreased value than that of 0 cm bare foot in dynamics balance. Considering the above, parameters of GRF showed different characteristics according to the shoe`s heel heights and ground landing distances during downward stairs on bus.

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