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        수도원연품종간잡종에 있어서의 생육일수와 불임에 관한 연구

        허문회,Mun-Hue Heu 한국작물학회 1968 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.4

        To clarify the breeding behavior of the hybrids between tropical and temperate area rice varieties, investigations were made on heading days and grain sterility. In this study, crosses were made in half way diallel involving 7 varieties: 2 photoperied sensitive Indicas, 2 less sensitive intermediate Indicas, 1 Ponlai Japonica and 2 high temperature sensitive Japonicas. The parents and $F_1$s were grown under 10 hours and 14 hours daylength controlled conditions at both IRRI(International Rice Research Institute, N$14^{\circ}$17') and Suwon(N$37^{\circ}$16'). F2s with their parents were grown at IRRI in the short day season, and at Suwon under natural conditions. Fa lines with their parents were grown at Suwon under natural conditions. Observations were made for heading days and sterility. The results are summarized as follow; 1. Heading days : 1. For the $F_1$s, earliness showed dominance or overdominance to lateness under the 10 hours condition, and dominance or partial dominance under the 14 hours conditions, at both IRRI and Suwon. 2. For the $F_2$s grown at IRRI during the shortday season earliness appeared to be dominant over lateness and segregation was not distinct and continuous. In the early season culture of $F_2$s at Suwon earliness showed partial dominance or was intermediate. In the proper season culture of $F_2$s lateness showed partial dominance or was intermediate. 3. In the combinations between late parental varieties which do not head at Suwon, transgressive segregants bearing effective panicles were obtained. 4. The crosses of parental varieties having long basic vegetative growth duration showed bigger variance in heading days, and significant correlation was found between of parental varieties and the mean coefficient of variance for parental arrays. 5. The means of heading days of F2 populations were significantly correlated with those of $F_1$ or mid-parents. The means of F 8 lines were also highly correlated with the means of $F_2$s, but, the means of $F_3$ lines grown at Suwon and of their parental $F_2$ individual, grown at IRRI were not correlated. 6. A faint heritability was calculated from the regression of $F_3$ lines grown at Suwon on the $F_2$ individuals grown at IRRI for most combinations, especially in the combinations involving shortday sensitive varieties. This implies low efficiency for the selection of heading days of $F_2$ individuals at IRRI to be grown in lines at Suwon. 7. No significant reciprocal effects were measured for $F_1$ and $F_2$ mean heading days. 8. Partitioning the observed photoperiod sensitivity. into two components, parental array mean md the deviation from this array mean, the parental photoperiod sensitivity contributing to the hybrids was measured in terms of general and specific combining ability for photoperiod sensitivity. 9. The photoperiod sensitivity of $F_1$s was higher than that of the parents, and it decreased as the generation progressed in most combinations of tested varieties. 10. The response of heading days to difference of temperature was weaker for $F_1$ hybrids than for the parents. The differences of temperature responses between the longday and shortday treatments were specific for the variety. 2. Sterility : 1. The $F_1$ sterility was specific for the combinations and not correlated to the parental sterility. The sterility of $F_1$s grown under the 10 hours condition was higher than of those grown under 14 hours. These results were the same at both locations, IRRI and Suwon. 2. The high sterile combinations in $F_1$ showed high sterility in $F_2$. The combinations between a high photoperiod sensitive variety and a high temperature sensitive variety showed high sterility and wider variance. 수도원연품종간 교배육종에 있어서 지리적 생태품종 간의 잡종 초기 세대의 생육일수와 불임성의 변이에 관한 지견을 얻고자 대표적인 Indica와 Japonica 그리고 그중간형인 Beaumont 품종과 Ponlai등 7개 품종을 상호 교배하여 IRRI(북위 $14^{\circ}$17')에서 $F_1$ 을 10시간 및 14시간 조명하에서 $F_2$를 단일건계의 자연일장하에서 재배하고 수원(북위 $37^{\circ}$16')에서도 $F_1$을 10시간 및 자연일장하에, $F_2$ 및 $F_3$을 자연일장하에 각각 재배하고 출수일수 및 불임율을 조사 연구하였다. 1. 출수일수 : 1) $F_1$들은 10시간 단일하에서는 조생이 만생에 대해 우성 내지 초월성으로 나타났고 14시간 장일하에서는 우성 내지 불완전 우성으로 나타났는데 IRRI와 수원에서 모두 같았다. 2) IRRI에서 단일시기에 재배된 $F_2$는 조생이 만생에 대해 불완전우성이며 분리는 연속적이었다. 수원에서 조기재배된 $F_2$는 대부분의 조합에서 조생이 불완전우성이거나 중간성으로 적기 재배된 $F_2$는 대부분의 조합에서 만생이 불완전 우성이거나 중간성으로 나타났다. 3) 극단의 만생간의 조합에 있어서도 유효 출수 가능한 초월분리 개체가 있었다. 4) 기본영양생장성이 긴 품종들의 조합에서는 변이의 폭이 넓었고 신품종의 평균과 친계열평균 변이계수와에는 높은 상관이 있었다. 5) $F_1$이나 중간친으로 $F_2$집단의 평균 출수일수를 예측할수 있으며 $F_2$평균과 $F_3$계통 평균과에도 높은 상관이 있었으나 IRRI에서 재배된 $F_2$개체와 수원에서 재배된 $F_3$계통간의 상관은 없었다. 6) IRRI에서 재배된 $F_2$와 수원에서 재배된 $F_3$계통간에는 통계학적으로 조정된 heritability가 매우 낮아서 출수일수에 관한 선발의 효과는 단일감응성 품종에 대해서는 기대하기 어렵다. 7) $F_1$ 및 $F_2$의 평균 출수일수는 정역교배간에 차가 없거나 극소하였다. 8) 잡종의 단일감응성 측정치를 친계열별 평균과 이 평균으로 부터의 편차로 구분 계산하여 단일감응성에 기여하는 양친들의 효과에 따라 친품종을 감응성품종과 비감응성 품종을 구분 할 수 있었다. 9) 단일감응성은 $F_1$이 양친보다 높으며 $F_2$, $F_3$으로 세대가 진전함에 따라 낮아진다. 10) 온도차에 따른 $F_1$의 출수일수 반응은 양친품종보다 작으며 장일과 단일하에서의 온도반응의 차이는 품종에 따라 차이가 있었다. 2. 불임율 : 1) IRRI에서도 수원에서도 다같이 $F_1$의 불임은 조합에 따라 차가 크며 친품종의 불임율과 상관이 없었다. 또 10시간 단일하에서는 14시간 장일하에서 보다 불임율이 높았다. 2) $F_1$에서 불임이 높았던 조합이 $F_2$에서도 높았으며 단일감응성이 높은 품종과 고온감응성이 높은 품종간의 조합에서 불임이 높았고 그 분산의 폭도 넓었다. 3) $F_2$ 평균은 $F_1$보다 낮으며 $F_3$계통들의 평균은 $F_2$평균보다 낮아 세대가 진전됨에 따라 불임율이 낮아지며 $F_3$에서는 조합간의 차가 현저하지 못하게 되었다. 4) $F_2$에 있어서는 화분불임과 종실불임간에 상관이 미약하였다. 5) $F_1$과 $F_2$평균의 불임율에는 정역교배간에 차가 없었다. 6) 잡종 불임을 잡종강세에서와 같이 Griffing의 방법에

      • KCI등재

        수도 고단백계통 육성을 위한 기초적연구 IV. 단일 및 고온처리가 쌀의 Amylose 및 조단백질 함량에 미치는 영향

        허문회,문헌팔,Mun-Hue Heu,Huhn-Pal Moon 한국작물학회 1974 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.15

        In order to obtain the fundamental informations on the protein and amylose content in rice grain, 4 varieties were subjected to the 4 different shortday treatments in 2 kinds temperature. Results can be summarized as follows; 1). By warmer temperature amylose content in the rice dropped by 2 to 3%, but no significant changes in protein content. 2). Short-day treatment caused decreases in amylose content by 2 to 5% and increases in protein content by 2 to 6%. 3). Interactions among varieties, temperature and shortday was significant for both the amylose content and protein content. 고온과 단일이 쌀의 Amylose 및 단백질함량에 미치는 영향을 알기 위하여 일장감응성정도와 단백질 함량이 다른 4개품종을 고온(온실내)과 상온(실외)에서 전생육기간중 계속단일처리, 출수기까지만 단일처리, 출수기이후만 단일처리하고 무처리자연구와 대조하여 쌀의 Amylose 및 단백질함량을 조사비교하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같이 요약된다. 1. 고온에 의하여 Amylose함량은 2-3% 낮아졌으나 단백질함량은 큰 변화가 없었다. 2. 단일처리로 Amylose함량을 2-5% 저하시켰고 단백질함량을 2-6%증가시켰다. 전생육기간단일에서 가장 크게 영향됐으며 출수전단일이 출수후단일보다 영향이 컸다. 3. 출수후단일조건은 조생종에서 영향이 컸고 출수전 및 전생육기간단일하에서는 고단백품종보다 저단백품종에서 영향이 컸으며 특히 감광성품종인 진흥은 출수전영향이 컸다. 4. 이상의 결과로 미루어 저Amylose 고단백계통육성을 위해서는 장일저온하의 선발이 효율이 높을 것으로 추론하였다.

      • KCI등재

        수도 내병 내충 내냉성품종 육성에 관한 연구 IV. 흰등멸구에 대한 저항성 품종의 묘령별ㆍ얼자별 약충생존율 변이

        허문회,신경옥,Heu, Mun-Hue,Shin, Kyung-Ok 한국작물학회 1986 한국작물학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        The variations of antibiosis to whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath) in resistant varieties, N 22 (Wbph 1) and ARC 10239 (Wbph 2) was investigated at different seedling ages and different tillers within a plant. The antibiosis of the rice plants to the insect was measured as the nymphal survival rate on the rice plants. The survival rate of the WBPH on N 22 was greater than on ARC 10239. It was also different at different seedling ages and the tillers within a plant with different tendency of two resistant rice genotypes, N 22 and ARC 10239. NO significant differences of nymphal survival rate was found between 7 and 30 days old seedlings on N 22, and greatly reduced on the 60 days old seedling. On the other hand it was increased up to on 30 days old seedlings and gradually decreased from on 40 days old seedlings of ARC 10239. The nymphal survival rate was greater in tillers than in the main culm of the rice plants.

      • KCI등재

        한국동아면의 종분류에 관한 세포학적 연구 -II. 한국동아면 ${\times}$ G. herbaceum 검정종

        허문회,채영암,박순제,Mun-Hue Heu,Young-Am Chae,Soon-Jai Park 한국작물학회 1969 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.7

        To make clear the species of Korean Asiatic cotton, 21 Asiatic cotton varieties collected from China, Manchuria, Japan and Korea and preserved at suwon Crop Experiment Station were crossed to the tester stocks and cytological studies were made for their $F_1$ pollen mother cells. The results were summarized as follows: 1. In the all $F_1$ hybrids between the 21 collections and G. herbaceum tester stocks always one ring-four association was observed. 2. In the $F_1$ hybrids between additional 5 collections and G. arboreum tester stock ring-four or chain-four was not observed. 3. In the $F_1$ hybrids between G. herbaceum tester stocks and between G. arboreum tester stocks no ring-four or chain-four was observed, while in the $F_1$ hybrids between G. herbaceum tester stock and G. arboreum tester stock always one ring-four was observed. In the $F_1$ hybrids between collections also no ring-four or chain-four was observed. 4. From above results and together with the results reported in previous paper the species of Asiatic collections was inferred to the D.U. Gerstel's G. arboreum and their race was inferred to the J. Hutcinson's G. arboreum L. race sinense. 한국에 재배되어 온 동아면의 종을 밝히고져 한국 및 중국 제주 일본등지에서 귀집 보존되어 오는 21개 품종을 검정종과 교배하여 그 $F_1$ 의 화분모세포를 세포학적으로 검토하였는데 그 결과 및 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 귀집종과 G. herbaceum 검정종과의 $F_1$에서는 항상 1개의 4련염색체가 나타났다. 2. 추가된 귀집종과 G. arboreum 검정종과의 $F_1$에서는 전보에서와 같이 4련염색체가 나타난 조합이 없었다. 3. G. herbaceum의 검정종간에서나 G. arboreum검정종간에서는 4련염색체가 나타나지 않았고 G. herbaceum 검정종과 G. arboreum 검정종간에서는 항상 1개의 4련염색체가 관찰되었다. 4. 귀집종간의 $F_1$에서도 4련염색체를 볼수 없었다. 5. 이상의 결과를 Gerstel의 세포학적 근거에 비쳐 공시된 귀집종들은 G. arboreum에 속하는 것이라고 추정하고 race에 관해서는 Hutchinson의 지리적 분포론에 따라 race sinense라고 함이좋을 것이라고 고찰하였다.

      • KCI등재

        수두 고단백 계통육성을 위한 기초적 연구 I. 계통육성을 위한 조단백질 분석법의 비교

        허문회,서학수,Mun-Hue Heu,Hak-Soo SUH 한국작물학회 1972 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.12

        수도 고단백 계통선발을 위한 미립내 질소함량 검정 방법을 첨부 검토하기 위하여 예비선발된 36계통 및 대조품종을 5가지 질소수준(0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5, 30.0, kg/10a)에서 재배하여 그 현미를 Kjeldahl법, Dye binding법 및 Biurett법으로 분석하여 3가지 방법에 의한 분석치간의 상관을 검토하였으며 그 중 6개품종에 대하여 동일시료를 3가지 분석법으로 6회 반복한 분석치의 분산을 검토하였고 3가지 방법으로 시료 100점당 소요된 시약과 노력을 비교하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. D.B.C.법에 의한 분석치는 Biurett법에 의한 분석치보다 Kjeldahl법과의 상관이 높았으나 D.B.C. 법에서는 극도로 높은 질소수준에서와 극도로 낮은 질소수준에서의 분석치는 Kjeldahl법에 의한 분석치에 비하여 과대평가되는 경향이 있다. Biurett법은 비교적 오차가 커서 Kjeldahl 법과의 상관이 떨어지지만 모든 질소수준에서 평행적인 경향이었다. 2. 품종에 따라 시용된 질소수주에 대한 반응도 달랐지만 품종과 질소수준에 따라 3가지 분석방법의 반응도 달랐다. 3. 3가지 분석방법별 분석치의 변이계수를 비교하면 Biurett법이 가장 크며 다음은 D.B.C.법인데 Biurett법에서는 각질소수준에서 모두 높았지만 질소수준이 높아짐에 따라 변이계수도 커졌는데 Kjeldahl법이나 D.B.C.에서는 질소수준이 낮아짐에 따라 변이 계수가 커졌다. 4. 3가 분석방법에서 소요되는 약품과 노력을 조사하여 Kjeldahl법에 비하여 D.B.C.법이 현저하게 절약되며 D.B.C.법 보다 Biurett법은 더욱 절약될 수 있음을 알았다. In order to compare the analytical efficiency of the Kjeldahal, Dye binding and Biurett method for the determination of nitrogen content in the brown rice, correlation coefficients were calculate with the analytical data obtained by the above mentioned 3 different methods for the brown rice of 36 varieties or lines grown at 5 different nitrogen levels (0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5 and 30.0kg/10a). Analysis of variance were made for the data of 6 varieties among those 36, and compared the precision of the data obtained by the 3 analytical methods. The expenditure (in terms of chemicals and labour) required for the 3 methods are also compared. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The correlation between D. B. C. and Kjeldahl value were generally more significant than the correlation between the value of Biurett and the value of Kjeldahl. But, the D. B. C. method generally overestimates than the Kjeldahl method at both extreme low and extreme high nitrogen contents, and the Biurett method includes more dispersed error than other two methods, though the optical values are parallel to the Kjeldahl nitrogen values at any levels of nitrogen applied. 2. The varietal difference in nitrogen value obtained by the 3 methods were different at the different nitrogen level applied. That is the interaction between variety and analytical method, and between the nitrogen level and analytical method were significant statistically. 3. The coefficient of variance (C, V.) was largest in the data analyzed by Biurett method and next in the data analayred by D. B. C. method. In the data analyzed by Biurett, the C. V. increased along onglong increase of nitrogen applied. But, in the data obtained by D. B. C. or Biurett the C. V. increased along the decrease of nitrogen applied. 4. From the comparison of the expenditure (in terms of chemicals and labour) required for the analysis of 100 samples by 3 methods, it was noticed that, the Biurett or D. B. C. method largely curtail the chemical expenditure and labour costs. Especially the Biurett method could curtail more labour costs.

      • KCI등재

        수도 품종간 교잡에 있어서의 초장의 유전 분리 1. Indica x Indica 조합

        허문회,장덕자,Heu, Mun-Hue,Beachell, H.M.,Chang, T.T. 한국작물학회 1969 한국작물학회지 Vol.- No.5

        A genetrc study was made on plant height of indica rices with a few segregating F2 populations involving three semi-dwarf varieties such as T(N)I, CP231-SLO17, and B569A12. These populations were grown in breeding nursery at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) during several seasons. 20 to 25 day old seedlings grown at upland seedbed were transplanted to the paddy in a single plant hill spacing 30 cm ${\times}$ 25cm. Measurements of plant height were made from the juncture between culm and roots to the tip of the longest panicle of a plant pulled out from the paddy when they are matured. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Tall indica varieties originated from the south-east Asian countries could be classified into two groups depending upon their allelism whether they showed monogenic segregating ratio of 3:1 or not when they were crossed to T(N)1. 2. Most of U.S. varieties, especially semi-dwarf breedirg materials such as CP231 ${\times}$ SIO17 and B569A12, did not show monogenic segregating mode of 3:1 ratio when they were crossed to T(N)1 or to other varieties bearing the same genetic allele of T(N)1 such as Peta and Sigadis.

      • KCI등재

        화학약품과 저온처리가 작물근단세포의 Metaphase 출현빈도에 미치는 영향

        허문회,김혜영,Mun-Hue Heu,Hye-Yong Kim 한국작물학회 1964 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.2

        소맥, 대두, 면화 및 대맥의 근단에 대하여 저온($0^{\circ}C$~2$^{\circ}C$에 24 또는 12시간) 8-Hydroxyquinolin (0.03과 0.1%에서 2시간 또는 10시간) 및 Colchicine(0.2%와 1.0%에서 2 또는 10시간) 처리를 하고 mitotic cell의 수와 이에 대한 meitaphase의 출현빈도를 검토하였다. 1 저온처리는 모든 작물에 대하여 mitotic cell의 수와 metaphase의 출현빈도를 현저히 증가시켰다. 저온의 정도와 처리시간은 작위에 따라 달라 본시험에서는 소맥을 제외한 타작물에서는 최적온도와 시간은 시험된 시간보다도 짧은 범위 이내에 있는 것으로 생각된다. 2. 8-Hydroxyquinolin의 효과도 작물에 따라 다르나 0.03% 2시간 정도의 처리에서는 대체로 metaphase의 빈도를 증가시키나 mitotic cell의 수를 감소시키는 경향이 있다. 3. Colchicine은 mitotic cell의 증가 및 metaphase 빈도 증가에 항상 유효하였으며 이용에 있어서는 타처리에 비하여 같거나 우수하였다. 4. 본 시험에서의 각종 처리는 염색체를 수축시켰는데 그 정도가 가장 심한 것은 Colchicine이었고 그 다음이 8-Hydroxyquinolin 및 저온처리의 순이었다. 5. 재료에 따라 적당한 온도와 처리시간이 검토된다면 저온처리가 유효하게 적용될 수 있는 가능성이 논의되었다. Root tips of wheat, soybean, cotton and barley were treated with cold temperature (12 or 24 hrs in $0^{\circ}C$ or 2$^{\circ}C$), 8-Hyd.exyquinolin (2 or 10 hrs in 0.03 or 0.1%) and colcllicine (2 or 10 hrs in 0.2 or 1, 0%), and the frequency of metaphase were observed. The results were summarized as follow; 1. Chilling the seminal roots before or after sooting from the seed significantly increased tile number of mitotic cells and the rate of metaphase cells to mitotic cells. The optimal duration of chilling seemed to be differ depending on the kinds of plant and 24 hours to be too long except wheat so far examined here. 9. 8-Hydroxyquinolin treatment, about 2 hours in 0.03%, increased the rate of metaphase cells. The higher concentration and the longer treatment of this chemical caused the lower frequency of mitotic cells generally. 3. Colchicine treatment, 2 to 10 hrs in 0.2 to 1.0%, increased the frequency of mitotic cells and the rate of metaphase cells. Colchicine treatment was same or superior than any other treatments on the increase of metaphase cells. 4. All the treatments examined here caused chromosome contraction with most serious in colchicine following by 8-Hydroxyquinolin and chilling. 5. The feasibility of general application of chilling under the check of proper temperature and proper duration depending on the kinds of crops were discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Inheritance of blast resistance in certain semi-dwarf rice breeding lines

        Mun Hue Heu(許文會),Hak Soo Suh(徐學洙),에푸 엘 누쿠(F.L. Nuque) 한국육종학회 1988 한국육종학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The blast resistant semi-dwarf rice breeding lines IR1905-81-3-1, IR9669-PP8361-1, IR5533-PP854-1 and IR3273-289-2-1473 were crossed to a susceptible cultivar 55061. The four resistant parents were crossed diallelly for testing allelism relations of resistance to blast. The F₂ populations of the above crosses and two hundred F₃ lines of the cross 55061/IR1905-81-3-1 were screened against the races of Pyricularia oryzae IA-61, IB-47, IC-27, IH-1 and II-1. The blast resistant rice line IR1905-81-3-1 appeared to convey three dominant resistance genes, and IR9669-PP836-1, IR5533-PP8541 and IR3273-289-21473 to carry two or more dominant resistance genes respectively. The four resistant lines tested were proved to carry at least one common resistance gene.

      • KCI등재후보

        水稻 耐鹽性 系統 育成

        Mun Hue Heu(許文會),Hee Jong Koh(高熙宗) 한국육종학회 1991 한국육종학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Six salt tolerant lines were bred by pedigree method from the crosses of semi-dwarf glutinous line wx817-1-65-2-1 and salt tolerant cultivar Pokkali. Salt tolerance of developed lines were nearly the same as that of Pokkali. They showed the characteristics of early heading, semi-dwarfness, glabrous leaf, medium-large and glutinous grain. Number of filled grains and grain yield per hill of the lines were greatly higher than those of check cultivars. The lines were expected to be promising salt tolerant cultivars and parents for “wx-Carrier Technique” so far.

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