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      • KCI등재

        유류오염피해로 인한 해양생태계 복원의 법적 고찰

        함태성(Hahm Tae-Seong),강현호(토론자) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2008 환경법과 정책 Vol.1 No.-

        In December 2007, the Hebei Spirit oil spill contaminated Tae-An's coastline. It killed birds, fish, and disrupted the ecosystem in the path of the oil. And the Hebei Spirit oil spill brought legal issue of oil pollution control systems such as prevention and compensation systems. In addition, it raised difficult problems that we should find improvement of marine ecosystem restoration by Oil Pollution Damage. Marine ecosystem restoration is defined as the return of a marine ecosystem to a close approximation of its condition prior to disturbance. But the problem is that we cannot restore an ecosystem to the exact same state it was in before we disturbed it. Also, marine ecosystem restoration is in need of long-term and many cost. As will be seen Exxon Valdez case, occurred in US, Exxon agreed to pay the United States and the State of Alaska $900 million over ten years to restore the resources injured by the spill. Therefore, we should formulate completely a plan of marine ecosystem restoration, carry out systematically it. Marine ecosystem restoration plan must include long-term guidance for restoring the resources and services injured by the oil spill, contains policies for making restoration decisions and describes how restoration activities will be implemented. However, in korea, related policy and legislation of marine ecosystem restoration is temporary expedient. There is affair conflict between Ministry of National Soil and Marine and Ministry of Environment. Related legislation is dispersed in Natural Environment Conservation Act, Conservation and Management of Marine Ecosystems Act, Wetlands Conservation Act, Marine Environmental Management Act, special act for oil pollution of damage compensation from the Hebei Spirit accident, etc. Now, we should have a new understanding of the importance of marine ecosystem restoration, repair related legislation and management system. This Paper aims to review the legal subject of marine ecosystem restoration and to find the improvement of related legislation and management system.

      • KCI등재

        석면피해구제에 대한 법적 검토

        함태성(Hahm tae-seong),정민호(Jeong min-ho) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2011 환경법과 정책 Vol.6 No.-

        The type of asbestos exposure can be divided into occupational exposure and environmental exposure. The asbestos industries have been in decline since the early 1990s in Korea, mainly as a result of a worsening economic environment, but also partly due to the stricter regulations to prevent health problems. After the economic crisis in 1997, the importation of raw asbestos fell to less than a third of the previous peak level. The asbestos industry had moved or died out continuously as it could not compete with the cheap imports from other Asian countries. From 2009, all the use and manufacturing of asbestos products are finally banned. Post-measures as a remedy for victims of asbestos exposure to asbestos is very important. There are gradually increasing numbers of people who suffer from injuries resulting from exposure to asbestos in Korea. The numbers are predicted to continue rising, when considering the amount of asbestos used, latency of asbestos-related diseases. Korean legal arrangements to ensure compensation for asbestos-related injuries include civil compensation for damages and industrial accident compensation. Due to lack of knowledge about asbestos usage and exposure type, environmental asbestos problems are very new and beginning to touch in Korea. On the contrary occupational cases could be relieved by industrial insurance system, environmental cases have no law or system to get any compensation or medical care. But recently Decree of salvage asbestos victims fear caused by asbestos exposure as a remedy for victims of health system can be implemented in earnest, the institutional framework was set. Common remedies for asbestos exposure are tort and product liability for damages. Each of these claims have a conflict so there is problem of adjustment and subrogation. They should be adjusted in the aspect of complement.

      • KCI등재

        「동물보호법」의 입법적 평가와 향후 과제

        함태성(Hahm, Tae-Seong) 한국비교공법학회 2020 공법학연구 Vol.21 No.4

        1991년 동물보호법 제정 이전에는 동물보호를 직접적인 목적으로 하는 법률은 존재하지 않았다. 법적인 측면에서의 동물보호는 다른 입법 목적을 지닌 개별 법령의 일부 조항들을 통하여 부수적으로 이루어지고 있었다. 즉, 개별 법령에서 국민의 생명·건강 및 재산권 보호, 선량한 풍속 기타 사회질서의 보호, 자연환경보호나 문화재(천연기념물)보호 규정 등을 통하여 부수적으로 동물이 보호되는 형식이었다. 1991.5.31. 동물보호를 위한 우리나라 최초의 단행 법률인 동물보호법이 제정되고 동년 7.1. 시행되었다. 동물보호법의 제정은 우리 사회가 인간과 동물의 관계를 법적인 측면에서 새롭게 인식할 수 있는 계기를 제공하였다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 동법은 ‘동물학대 방지’와 ‘동물의 생명과 안전 보호’를 중요한 입법 목적으로 하고 있었다는 점에서 동물의 이용 및 관리 중심의 기존 동물 관련 법령들과는 차이가 있었다. 그러나 이와 같은 상징적인 입법 목적과는 달리 동법은 총 12개의 조문으로 이루어진 매우 형식적인 법률로 출발하였다. 또한 우리 사회의 자체적인 입법 필요성에 의해 입법이 추진된 것이라기보다 88서울올림픽을 전후로 한 국내외 동물보호단체 등의 압력에 떠밀려 이루어진 타율적 입법으로서의 성격이 강하였다. 이처럼 제정 동물보호법은 형식적이고 명목상의 법률로 출발하였지만, 이후 2007년, 2011년, 2013년, 2015년, 2017년, 2018년, 2019년, 2020년 여러 차례 개정 작업을 거치면서 미흡한 점들을 보완하고 제도적 개선을 이루어 가고 있다. 최근 들어서는 우리 사회의 변화를 신속하게 반영하면서 법률 개정 주기도 짧아지고 있다. 법은 한 사회의 가치를 담는 그릇이다. 그 가치의 세계에 존재하는 구성원들의 동물에 대한 보편적 생각과 공감대를 법이라는 그릇에 담아내는 과정이 바로 입법 과정이다. 30년이라는 시간 동안 진행된 동물보호법의 입법 과정은 우리 사회의 입법적 역동성과 생명에 대한 가치지향성을 잘 보여주고 있다. 동법의 입법 과정을 살펴보면 그 동안 우리 사회의 동물에 대한 인식 변화의 흐름을 파악할 수 있고, 사람과 동물의 조화로운 공존을 방해하는 장애물들을 찾아볼 수 있다. 이를 토대로 향후 우리 사회와 동물보호법이 나아가야 할 방향을 가늠해 볼 수 있다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 먼저 우리나라 동물보호법의 입법 연혁을 개정 순서대로 살펴보면서 이에 대한 평가를 내리고, 이를 토대로 동물보호법의 향후 과제에 대하여 검토하고 있다. 세부적으로는 동법이 인간과 동물의 관계에 대한 우리 사회의 철학과 가치를 담는 그룻 역할, 우리 법체계에서 동물이 ‘물건’에서 ‘생명’으로 가는 마중물 역할, 동물보호 및 복지에 관한 기본법으로서의 역할을 하여야 한다는 점을 강조하고 있고, 입법적 제안으로 동물학대 금지 규정 방식을 열거 방식에서 예시 방식으로 개정할 필요가 있다는 점을 주장하고 있다. The Animal Protection Act, the nations first law for animal protection, was enacted in May 31, 1991, and implemented on July 1 of the same year. Unfortunately, the Act began with a very formal act consisting of a total of 12 Articles. However, the Animal Protection Act has been amended several times over the past 30 years, which has resulted in institutional supplementation and improvement. Recently, the cycle of amending acts has also been shortened, quickly reflecting the changes in our society. The legislation process of the Animal Protection Act was very dynamic. In the meantime, animal-related incidents, such as animal abuse, have been raised as social issues by animal civic groups and the media, and there has been a heated debate in society. Raising such animal issues and collecting diverse opinions through heated social debates and governance have had a significant impact on the changes in public perception. Various opinions sought in this process were quickly reflected in the governments animal protection policies and the legislative process of the National Assemblys Animal Protection Act. Strengthening punishment for animal abuse is recognizing that animal abuse is a major crime that should no longer be tolerated in our society. In the past, court rulings tended not to acknowledge its criminality or they only imposed small fines because they were passive in acknowledging animal abuse, but recently there have been rulings resulting in jail sentences for animal abuse. This article reviews the legislative history of the Animal Protection Act in Korea in the order of amendment, evaluates it, and reviews future tasks of the Animal Protection Act based on this. In detail, it emphasizes that the Act should serve as a vessel that carries with it the philosophies and values of our society on the relationship between humans and animals, as a priming of the fluidic shift for animals to go from “things” to “life” in our legal system, and as a basic law on animal protection and welfare. In addition, as a legislative proposal, it argues that the method of prohibiting animal abuse needs to be amended from the enumerated method to the exemplary method.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대규모 집약형 축산으로 인한 복합적·누적적 리스크와 법적대응 방안

        함태성(Hahm, Tae-seong) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2021 환경법과 정책 Vol.26 No.-

        오늘날의 대규모 집약형 축산업은 인공수정, 선별적 육종방식, 유전공학을 활용한 동물복제기술 등을 통하여 대량의 식품용 동물을 생산한다. 또한 육류 생산량을 최대화하고 비용을 최소화하기 위하여 단위면적당 가축수를 최대로 밀집시키는 집약적 방식으로 가축을 사육한다. 이러한 축산시스템은 항생제 및 성장촉진제의 오남용, 살충제의 과다사용, 인수공통의 가축전염병 발병 등 인간의 생명과 건강을 위협하는 보건상의 문제를 일으킨다. 그리고 지구온난화 문제를 포함하여 수질 및 토양오염, 악취, 폐기물 발생 등 심각한 환경문제를 야기하고 있다. 또한 도살되기 전까지 동물의 본능과 습성은 무시된 채 비좁은 공간에서 사육되는 등 동물복지를 심각하게 훼손하고 있다. 특히 오늘날은 합성생물학의 발전과 함께 GM 연어, GM 돼지, GM 소등과 같은 GM 동물들이 개발되고 있는데, 이러한 GM 동물 생산기술이 집약형 축산시스템과 결합되는 경우 GMO 관련 문제들(위해성 여부, 생태계 방출 문제 등)을 포함하여 동물복지의 훼손 등과 같은 다양한 문제들이 발생할 수 있다. 이와 같은 집약형 축산시스템의 문제들은 리스크로 파악 가능하고, 따라서 여기서 발생하는 리스크를 어떠한 방식으로 관리할 것인가가 주요한 법정책적 현안이 되고 있다. 이 글은 집약형 축산시스템의 실태와 문제에 대한 이해를 돕고, 집약형 축산시스템으로 인한 문제에 적절히 대응하여 공공의 이익이 보호될 수 있도록 보건과 환경, 그리고 동물 분야의 법과 정책이 조화롭게 작동될 수 있는 방안을 살펴보고 있는데, 대규모 집약형 축산시스템 극복을 위하여 몇 가지 대안을 제시하고 있다. 먼저 사람의 건강, 동물의 건강, 그리고 환경이 서로 밀접하게 연결되어 있고, 동물의 건강과 복지는 사람의 건강과 복지와 별개의 것이 아니라는 ‘One Health, One Welfare’ 개념을 법과 정책에 수용할 필요가 있다. 이를 통하여 관련된 문제들을 통합적으로 접근할 수 있고, 가장 합리적이고 효율적인 해결방안을 찾을 수 있다. 둘째, 집약형 축산시스템이 야기하는 확실한 위험 또는 잠재적 위험에 대응하기 위하여 예방의 원칙 또는 사전배려의 원칙에 입각한 대응이 요구된다. 셋째, 현재의 집약형 축산시스템을 동물복지 축산으로 전환해 나갈 필요가 있고, 이를 위해 정책적 지원을 하고 소비자의 합리적인 선택이 가능하도록 관련 제도들을 개선할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 배양육 산업에 대한 투자 증가 및 관련 기술의 발전추세로 볼 때, 배양육이 기존 축산물을 일정 부분에서 대체할 시기가 곧 도래할 것으로 예상되므로, 우리나라도 배양육 연구 및 산업 기반 마련에 지속적인 관심을 갖을 필요가 있다. Today, livestock farming industry seeks for maximizing the profits by promoting improvement of economic feasibility and efficient through livestock farming system which consists of mass production, raising and slaughter of livestock. Thus, the industry takes a raising method to ensure that the output of meat production can be maximized and the costs thereof can be minimized by raising the livestock in an intensive way that the number of livestock is maximized. In this situation, the animals which are born and raised in this system are treated like a thing thoroughly and nothing more than a property subject to the ownership. Thus, the instinct and habits of those animals have never been taken account of and those animals are raised in poor environments until they are slaughtered and become food products. This livestock farming system causes not only severe problem of environment pollution including water pollution and generation of wastes but also health problem including threat to human life and health by using excessive antibiotics and growth hormone. Moreover, the system generates the situation that the animal welfare is severely damaged since the animals raised in the system spend their lifetime while their instinct and habits are totally disregarded. We call this system as ’Concentrated Factory Livestock Farming System(CFLFS). In these days, the voices of remorse on CFLFS get louder in the West and the movement of consumers desiring not to purchase the products produced through CFLFS has been extended, which leads the people engaging in livestock farming industry to have a concern about that the traditional form of that industry will encounter a crisis. Reflecting this reality, a number of western countries have been seeking for a conversion from CFLFS to a animal -welfare typed livestock farming system. This paper seeks for an alternative and examines a plan for improvement through solidarity and integrated approach of health law and environment law, and animal law. Since the problems arising out of CFLFS mainly include the ones of environment law (including environment and health problem) and animal law, that solidarity and integrated approach for solving those problems will be very helpful to find out various plan for solving those problems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 습지보전법의 문제점과 개선방안

        함태성 ( Tae Seong Hahm ) 한국환경법학회 2008 環境法 硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        The 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands was held in Changwon, Repubic of Korea(Date: 28 October-4 November 2008). This Convention, called Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. Wetlands play key roles in the provision of food and clean water. Wetlands control floods, stabilize shorelines, and protect us from storms. Soils and plants in wetlands help purify water from heavy metals and other pollutants. If we destroy the wetland, our generation will face serious environmental problems. Fortunately, this fact is arousing a nation`s sympathy of the importance of wetlands. In legislative reflection, the Wetlands Conservation Act was established in 1999. This act was legislated to effectively preserve and manage wetlands and pursue international cooperation in accordance with the Ramsar Convention. But this act has been several problems which include a legislative system, definition of "wetlands", basic principles of conservation of wetlands, state and local government relationships, formulation of basic plan for conservation of wetlands, designation of Wetlands Conservation Area, restriction of activities in Wetlands Conservation Area, etc. Now, at the time of `The 10th Ramsar Convention`, we should have a new understanding of the importance of wetlands, repair the Wetlands Conservation Act and wetlands management system. This Paper aims to review the legal subject of the Wetlands Conservation Act and to find the improvement of it.

      • KCI등재

        "녹색성장"과 "지속가능발전"의 관계정립에 관한 법적고찰 -저탄소 녹색성장기본법(안) 제정에 관한 법적 논쟁과 관련하여-

        함태성 ( Tae Seong Hahm ) 한국환경법학회 2009 環境法 硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        In August 2008, President Lee Myung-bak presented `Low Carbon Green Growth` vision for the next 60 years. President Lee said that `Low Carbon Green Growth` would provide a strong source of growth once the current global economic crisis improves. `MB government` announced various plan for green growth since then. The Presidential Committee on Green Growth outlined a plan to boost the country`s green industry, green technology and energy-saving. A key feature of the plan is the legislation of a 「Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth」. 「Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth」 is provided law`s purpose, definitions, principle of Low Carbon Green Growth, obligation of state and local governments and business operator and nation, state strategy of Low Carbon Green Growth, Presidential Committee on Green Growth, green industry, green technology, climatic change and energy strategy, etc. But this act has been problems which include a legislative system, administrative procedures problems, definition of "Low Carbon", "Green Growth", "Sustainable Development", upbringing of nuclear energy industry, upbringing of four major rivers maintenance, etc. First of all, we have to study on the Relationship between `Green Growth` and `Sustainable Development`. In this act, Green Growth means `strategy of economic growth` on Energy-saving and environmentally friendly measures. Actually, early this year, MB government started a $40-billion Green New Deal that includes a project to clean up and maintain the country`s four major rivers. On the one hand, Sustainable Development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. Green Growth is differentiated from Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development does not focus solely on environmental issues. Sustainable development involves the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, environmental quality and social equity. The United Nations 2005 World Summit Outcome Document refers to the "interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars" of sustainable development as economic development, social development, and environmental protection. Green Growth has to understand as a new strategy for sustainable development, to include economic development, environmental protection, and social equity. For the green growth plan to be successful, public participation and support are essential. Now, we should have a new understanding of the Low Carbon Green Growth, the Relationship between `Green Growth` and `Sustainable Development`. This Paper aims to review the legal subject of 「Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth」 and to find a desirable image of the Relationship between `Green Growth` and `Sustainable Development`.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능성과 해양환경보전에 관한 법적 고찰 -우리나라의 조력발전소 건설과 관련된 문제를 중심으로-

        함태성 ( Tae Seong Hahm ) 한국환경법학회 2012 環境法 硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        In August 2008, President Lee Myung-bak presented ``Low Carbon Green Growth`` vision for the next 60 years. ``MB government`` announced various plan for green growth since then. The core of green growth is to cope climate change and energy crisis. Energy crisis led to great interest of the new and renewable energy. Currently, many nations in the world make a strong effort to exploit the new and renewable energy. Ocean energy is sorted into new and renewable energy. Especially, a tidal energy is the constant and regular power sources with higher and more stable quality compared to other renewable sources. But construction of tidal power plant is likely to ruin mud flats. Mud flats, also known as tidal flats, are coastal wetlands that form when mud is deposited by tides or rivers. Mud flats are important ecosystems. They usually support migratory birds, as well as certain species of crabs, mollusks and fish. Therefore, a tidal power project shoud be carried out based on sustainability. A sustainability is classified in two type(weak sustainability and strong sustainability). Weak sustainability (anthropocentric position) rely upon traditional value based on human welfare or human rights and perceive the environment as of instrumental value, while strong sustainability (non-anthropocentric position) hold that the non-human environment has intrinsic value irrespective of human needs. I think that we should make a choice direction and contents of tidal energy policy based on strong sustainability. Similarly, this Paper aims to review the legal subject of sustainability and marine environment preservation, based on strong sustainability.

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