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      • KCI등재

        Cymbidium mild mosaic virus의 分離同定

        張茂雄,土居養二,與良淸 한국응용곤충학회 1978 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Cymbidium의 mild mosaic 병주로부터 각종 초본식물에 즙액접종되는 소구형 바이러스를 분리하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 본 바이러스를 즙액접종하였을 때 C. amaranticlor, C. quinoa, Cymbidium spp., Dianthus caryophyllus는 전신감염, C.ficifolium, Gomphrean globosa는 국부감염되었다. 2. 본 바이러스는 Myzus persicae로 전반되지 않고, 영양번식기관에 의하여 전반되었다. 3. 조즙액중의 불활성화한계는 내열성이 (10분)이고 내희석성이 , 내보존성이 60일 이였다. 4. 본 바이러스는 C. amaranticolor병엽을 동결후, chlorform으로 청등하여 분획원심분리와 sucrose density gradient 원심분리법으로 순화하였다. 5. 순화시료의 자외선흡수곡선은 최고 261nm, 최저 243nm이고 260/280=1.72, 최고/최저=1.26의 핵단백에 의한 흡수곡선을 나타냈다. 침강계수는 의 수치가 얻어졌다. 6. 本 바이러스의 항혈청은 침강반응혼합법에 의해 2,025배의 역가를 나타냈고, 한천내확산법에 의한 시험에서 CarMV와 혈청학적관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 7. 本 바이러스의 형태는 직경 약 28nm의 소구형(다면체) 입자이고, empty particles도 소수 관찰되었다. 5. 본 바이러스에 감염된 C. amaranticolor, C. ficifolium, Cymbidium spp.의 병엽초박절편을 전자현미경으로 관찰하였든 바, 각종 세포의 세포질, 액포 및 도관내에 소구형 입자가 산재 또는 집괴의 소재양식으로 확인되었다. 9. 이상의 결과를 종합해서 본 바이러스를 Cymbidium mild mosaic virus로 명명한다. A virus named Cymbidium mild mosaic virus(Cy MMV), was mechanically transmitted to Chenopodium amaranticolor from the leaves of Cymbidium with mild mosaic symptoms. The virus was cultured in C. amaranticolor, in which it produced local chlorotic and ring spots, followed by systemic vein clearing with distortion. CyMMV infected 7 out of 35 species of plants. In C. amaranticolor juice infectivity was lost by heating at for 10 miuntes, and by aging at for 60 days, and by diluting at when bioassayed on C. amaranticolor. CyMMV was not transmitted by Myzus persicae. The virus was purified after clarification of homogenized C. amaranticolor leaf tissues with chloroform, by differential centrifugation followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Electron microscopic examination of purified preparation showed spherical particles of 28nm in diameter. The UV absorption spectrum of purified preparation was typical of u nucleoprotein (max. at 261nm. min. at 243nm), and showed 260/280=1.72 and max/min=1.26. The value of the sedimentation coefficient of the virus was S20.w=126. In gel-diffusion tests, CyMMV antiserum reacted with CarMV, but not with any of four other viruses (BBWV, CRSV, CMV, TBRV) having similar particles and properties in vitro. In ultra-thin sections of CyMMV infected tissues, a large number of virus particles were found in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells and in xylem vessels.

      • KCI등재

        수종(數種)의 약용식물(藥用植物)에서 분리(分離)한 Carlavirus에 대하여

        이준탁,토거양이,Lee, Joon-Tak,Doi, Yoji 한국현미경학회 1987 Applied microscopy Vol.17 No.1

        Carlaviruses were isolated from naturally infected medicinal plants, and identified by means of test plants and electron microscopy. Mottle symptoms were shown on leaves of Panax ginseng, Aralia cordata, Xanthium strumarium, Taraxacum officinale, Aconitum carmichaeli, and Bupleurum longiradiatum var. breviradiatum. Ring spot on leaves of Abutilon avicennae and ring mosaic or vein clearing on leaves of Sambucus sieboldiana were also shown. These viruses had rather narrow host ranges by mechanical inoculation. The virus particles were scattered or aggregated in cytoplasm of infected host plant leaves. The carlaviruses for which the name panax virus S (PaVS), aralia virus S (ArVS), xanthium mottle virus (XaVS), taraxacum virus S (TaVS), aconite mottle virus (AcMV), bupleurum virus S (BuVS) and abutilon ring spot virus (AbRSV) were proposed, had flexuous particles with width 13 nm and length $620{\sim}720nm$. A reported elder ring mosaic virus was isolated from leaves of Sambucus sieboldiana with ring mosaic or vein-clear symptoms.

      • 藥用植物 Virus의 調査

        李準琸,土居養二,與良 淸 韓國自然史博物學會 1981 生物과 自然 Vol.11 No.2

        斑紋과 mosaic 등의 病徵을 나타내는 樂用植物을 1979年과 1980年에 日本의 各地에서 採集하여 汁液 接種과 電子顯微鏡觀察에 依해서 調査한 結果 34科 58種이 植物에서 各種의 virus를 檢出하였다. 長形 virus로서 carlavirus가 7種, potyvirus는 20種의 植物에서 檢出되었고 球形 virus에 있어서는 CMV가 21種, comovirus인 BBWV가 8種, nepovirus가 2種의 植物에서 檢出되었으며 gemini-virus가 2種의 植物에서 檢出되었다. 그리고 未同定의 長形 virus 粒子가 2種, 球形 virus 粒子가 7種의 植物에서 檢出되었으며 이들중 23種의 植物 virus 病은 未記錄인 新病害라 생각된다. The medicinal plants of 73 species in 43 families showing mosaic and mottling symptoms were collected from 1979 to 1980 at 13 areas in Japan. Various viruses were detected from 58 species in 34 families among them by sap inoculation tests and electron microscopy. It was observed that seven species of medicinal plants were infected by carla-viruses, 20 by potyviruses, 21 by cucumoviruses, eight by comoviruses, two by nepoviruses, and two by geminiviruses. New virus diseases that have not been reported in Japan were found from 23 species of medicinal plants.

      • Cucumovirus에 의한 藥用植物 바이러스病의 發生에 대하여(Ⅰ)

        李準琸,山下修一,土居養二,朴寅哲 慶北大學校農業科學技術硏究所 1991 慶北大農學誌 Vol.9 No.-

        우리나라와 日本에서 야생 또는 재배되고 있는 藥用植物의 바이러스병을 조사한 결과 33종의 식물이 자연상태에서 오이 모자이크 바이러스(CMV)에 감염되어 있음을 알았다. 이들 중에서 개맨드라미(Celosia argenteia)와 쇠비름(Portulaca oleracea)의 모자이크병(假稱), 쥐방울덩굴(Aristolochia debilis)과 번행초(Tetragonia expansa)의 壤疸모자이병(假稱), basella(Basella rubra) 輪紋病(假稱), 석결명(Cassia torosa)과 시호(Bupleurum falcatum), 당귀(Angelica acutiloba), 구릿대(A. keiskei), 회 향(Foeniculum vulgare), peucedanum(Peucedanum japonicum)의 斑紋病(假稱)등 11종의 바이러스病名을 새로이 命名하였다. The medicinal plants of 33 species with symptoms of mosaic, necrosis, line pattern, malformation(fine leaf), stripe, and ring spot infected by cucumber mosaic virus spontaneously, were collected in Korea and Japan. Among them, 2 mosaic diseases of portulaca oleracea L. and Celocia argentea L., 2 necrotic mosaic diseases of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. and Tetragonia expansa Murr., 6 mottle diseases of Cassia torosa Cav., Bupleurum falcantum L., Angelica acutioloba Kitagawa, A. keiskei Koidz., Peucedanum japonicum Thunb., and Foeniculum vulgare Mill., and ringspot disease of Basella rubra L., were named newly in these studies.

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