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      • KCI등재

        복강경 불임 수술후에 속발한 자궁외임신에 관한 임상적 고찰

        이광열,권기상,탁영오,김상경,이기학 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.4

        저자들은 1988년 1월 1일부터 1990년 6월 30일까지 울산 해성병원 산부인과에서 기왕 복강경 불임시술력을 가진 57예를 분석 고찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 총 자궁외임신 환자 160예중 복강경 불임시술 기왕력을 가진 자궁외임신 환자는 57예로서 35.6%를 차지하였다. 2. 복강경 불임시술후 발생한 자궁외임신 환자의 연령분포는 23∼49까지 였으며 호발연령군은 30∼34세로 27예(47.4%)였다. 3. 최다 임신횟수는 8회, 최소 임신횟수는 2회로 평균 임신횟수는 4.08회였다. 4. 최다 생존아수는 5명이었고, 최소 생존아수는 1명이었으며, 평균 생존아수는 2.2명 이었다. 5. 대부분의 경우 하복부 동통, 이상 질출혈, 골반주위 중압감, 오심 및 구토, 현기증 등의 증상이 복합적으로 나타났으며, 심한 경우는 쇼크상태를 보이는 경우도 있었다. 6. 임신반응검사의 양성율은 84.2%였으며 더글라스와천자 소견에서 80.7%에서 복강내 출혈소견을 보였다. 7. 평균 혈색소치는 10.7gm/dl였다. 8. 최종월경 제 1일부터 증상발생시 까지의 기간은 최저 4주에서 최고 9주까지의 분포를 보였으며, 평균 임신기간은 6.3주였다. 9. 복강경 불임시술후 자궁외임신이 발생되기 까지의 기간은 최소 8개월에서 최고 9년까지의 분포를 보였으며,평균 4년 3개월 이었다. 10. 복강경 불임시술 방법에는 난관 전기소작법이 98.2%였고, Falope ring시술법이 1.8%였다. 11. 자궁외임신 발생부위는 불임시술 원위부가 50.9%였고, 근위부가 49.1%였으며, 최대 호발부위는 팽대부로 47.4%를 보였다. 12. 500∼1,500cc의 복강내 출혈이 전체의 49.1%로서 대다수를 차지하였고, 2,000cc이상 출혈한 경우도 3예(5.3%)가 있었다. 13. 평균 수혈량은 3.1pints 였다. 14. 수술방법은 환측 난소난관절제술이 63.2%, 환측 난관절제술이 29.8%, 전자궁적출술이 3.5%, 자궁각 절제술이 3.5%였다. 결론적으로 복강경 난관 불임시술 환자에서 자궁외임신을 예방하기 위해서는 술자의 숙련도가 요구되고, 복강경 불임시술이 자궁외임신의 발생에 있어 하나의 중요한 인자가 된다고 할 수 있었다. This report is a review of the 57 cases of ectopic pregnancy after laparoscopic tubal sterilization from January 1,1988 to Jun 30, 1990 at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Hae Sung General Hospital. A retrospective clinical study was undertaken the relation between ectopic pregnancy and laparoscopic tubal sterilization with a review of world literature. The results were as follows : 1. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy with laparoscopic tubal sterilization history was 35.6%. 2. Average age was 32.4 years and the most prevalent age group was 30∼34 years (47.4%). 3. In 42 cases (73.3%), gavidity range was between 3 to 6 and the highest incidence was noted in party 3∼4 (51.0%). 4. Majority of patient (93.0%) have 2 to 3 children and average number of child was 2.6. 5. The method of sterilization ; electrocauterization was 56 cases (98.2%) and Falope ring was 1 case (1.8%) 6. The most prevalent interval between last menstrual period and diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was 5∼6 weeks (35.1%) and average interval was 6.3 weeks. 7. Ectopic pregnancy after laparoscopic tubal sterilization occured in 56.1% within 4 years, with the shortest interval being 5 month and the longest 10 years. 8. Lower abdominal pain was the single most common presenting symptom (55 cases, 96.4%), with abnormal uterine bleeding occuring in 21 cases (36.4%). Urine hCG test was positive in 48 cases (84.2%). Culdocentesis was performed in 57 cases and was positive for a free fluid of blood in 46 cases (80.7%). The initial average hemoglobin level was 10.7 gm/dl with the lowest level being 6.7mg/dl and highest 13.6gm/dl. 9. The location of ectopic pregnancy were in order of pregnancy 27 patients in the ampullar, 15 patients in the isthmic, 13 patients interstital and 2 patients in the fimbrial portion. The fate of ectopic pregnancy ; abortive type was 26 cases (45.6%) and ruptured type was 31 cases (54.4%). 10. In 28 cases (49.1%), amoung of intraperitoneal blood was ranging from 500cc to 1,500cc. 11. An average 3.1 pints of whole blood was transfused with highest 6 pints and none of transfusion was 21 cases(36.8%). 12 63.2% of total cases were treated by salpingo-oophorectomy, 29.8% by salpingecotomy,3.5% by total hysterectomy and 3.5% by cornual rsection. It is concluded that the laparoscopic tubal sterilization is a certain causative factor in ectopic prtgnancy. It is suggested that the propriety of laparoscopic tubal cauterization as a laparoscopic sterilization and the development of new tubal sterilization method should be reconsidered.

      • KCI등재

        병합임신 1 예

        김재욱,이광열,권기상,탁영오,김상경 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.3

        본 저자들은 1978년 1월 25일 자궁외임신으로 진단되어 좌측 난관난소 적출술후 약 75일후 병합임신으로 진단하여 추적 경과관찰후 1987년 9월 18일 3.4 kg의 정상 남아를 분만한 경우를 경험하였기에 그 증례를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Combined intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy is an extremely rare case. The incidence of combined pregnancy is about 1 to 30,000 pregnancies, but it is questionable because of very rare cases statistically. Frequently combined pregnancy is not recognized even at the time of operation, since it is known that a certain degree of uterine enlargement occurs in ectopic pregnancy alone. We experienced a case of intrauterine pregnancy and left tubal pregnancy as combined pregnancy, in 25 years old primiparous woman, which case reached term pregnancy, and this case was presented with a brief review of literatures.

      • KCI등재

        광인대의 평활근종 및 평활근육종 각 1 예

        김재욱,이광열,권기상,탁영오,김상경,하숙태 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.6

        저자들은 광인대의 평활근에서 발생한 것으로 판단되는 평활근종과 평활근육종 각 1예씩 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Smooth muscle tumors of the female genital tract arise mostly from the uterine myometrium, and only rarely from the broad ligament. We experienced a case of leiomyoma and another case of leiomyosarcoma. For the case of leiomyosarcoma, 3 years of follow-up has been performed. In the respect of rarity, we report these two cases with a brief review of the literatures.

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