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      • 淸敎徒革命期의 反獨占運動

        崔震漢 진주교육대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        There are the political field (the counter-attack in parliament) and the outward field in economy (the in-feeling to specific man and special damage) and the economic field (a rise in prices and deterioration in quality and shorts in quantity) as the cause and reason of anti-movement of monopoly. But the responsible persons drived this movement were producers who had not monopoly. Surely they had no the same nature in opposition to monopolists. In every case, so far as the counter-attack was the endeavaur of in preservation, security, recovery of the existent ground for feudal producers, it was net weighty that made the political problem of anti-movement of monopoly. Then, as manufactural producess became the centrally responsible powers to drive mavement of monopoly, they could pull this movement up a great social and political movement that quaked the ground of monarchy. We think, that the social and economic historian did net consider well this point as usual. For instance, they disregarded, producer's counter-attack in anti-movement of monopoly and estimated too much consumer's and purchaser's opposition on a rise in prices and general public's counterattack on the special damage in outward field in economy. And though anyone recogntzed producer's counter-attack, did not estimate it lightly, so dealer with it like other several reasons of anti-movement of monopoly. And though anyone thinked much of producer's counterattcck, disregarded wholly the active face of manupactural producer's counter-attack, for considering producer' counter-attack as the endeavour of guild produces who protected onself from the submision to monopolists and the change to a wage-warkman. As mentioned above, as we estimate rightly the meaning of manufactural producer's counter-attack, we shall make clear that anti-movement of monopoly was a important link in social agitation resulted in Puritan Revolution.

      • 國民學校에서 歷史的 分野의 學習 指導 過程의 構成에 對한 考察(Ⅱ)

        崔震漢 진주교육대학교 1976 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        In the teaching form and the construction of learning and teaching process in studying the historical field there are no differences, and the preparation, practical use, production of the audio-visual materials are shown the backward phenomenon, that is to say, because teaching methods are emphasized in memorizing and teachers conduct children unilateraly, the foster of the historical ability that looks balk the pact and judges the present and looks ahead the future is lacking. So the study and improvement of the above are demanded. The presentation and the management of home works are shown backwardness. So We must consider many kinds in the presentation of home works, manage it soon, and revive the fruition in teaching process. We must study the many kinds of the method in evaluation if children recognize and understand the historical facts and events correctly or not in the process of arrangement. Teachers must not force the children to believe teacher's own critisism on persons and views in history and must guide for children so as to judge the true worth for persons with explaining the background of those days. Generally we think the spiritual education (patriotism, loving one's people, anti-communism, sincerity, diligence) in national history is developing in the right direction. (end)

      • 现代汉语双音节“离开”类动词与起点论元的搭配情况考察

        崔辰而(최진이) 한국중어중문학회 2016 한국중어중문학회 우수논문집 Vol.- No.-

        본고는 현대 중국어의 이음절 ‘떠나다’류 동사가 기점 논항을 취할 때 나타나는 통사적 경향을 토대로 하여 인지 의미론적 관점에서 그 특징을 분석하였다. ‘떠나다’류 동사는 [+이동성]과 [+일탈성]의 의미자질을 갖는데, 본고는 그 중 다섯 개의 고빈도 이음절 동사‘离开’, ‘告别’, ‘撤离’, ‘撤退’, ‘出发’를 선택하여 기점 논항의 출현 빈도와 통사적 분포를 묘사하였다. ‘떠나다’류 동사가 기점 논항을 취하는 통사적 분포는 크게 빈어와 부사어 두 가지로 나뉜다. 일탈성 이동 사건의 원형 구조인 ‘이동체+동사+기점’ 형태(전자)의 구조를 취하는 문장에선 기점이 개사구를 이루어 부사어 형태(후자)로 출현하는 문장보다 기점의 의미가 더 포괄적으로 바뀐다. 다시 말해, 기점이 표현하는 공간적 범위가 이동사건이 시작되기 전, 이동사건이 시작된 시점, 그리고 추상적으로나마 이동사건이 진행되고 있는 어느 정도의 상황까지 모두 포함을 하게 된다. 뿐만 아니라 본고는 이러한 통사적 분포가 동사들의 의미 범주의 원형 근접성과 관련이 있다는 점을 분석하였다. 즉, 동사의 의미가 일탈성 이동 범주의 원형에 가까울수록 동사와 기점 논항은 사건의 원형 구조의 형태를 취하는 비율이 높아진다는 경향성을 띤다.

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