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      • KCI등재

        덴마크 돈육산업의 가치사슬경영 사례 연구 -Danish Crown을 중심으로-

        최영찬 ( Young Chan Choe ),박흔동 ( Heun Dong Park ),장익훈 ( Ik Hoon Jang ) 한국식품유통학회 2010 食品流通硏究 Vol.27 No.4

        This paper offers new approach to improve Korean pork industry by analyzing a successful case of danish pork industry. Previous studies on Korean pork industry figured out problems of the industry and suggested various solutions. However, the most of the studies have only proposed alternatives for the problems or have not been based on conceptual frameworks. This paper is based on Michael. E. Porter`s five forces framework for a industry analysis and value chain analysis. First step analyzing of competitive environment for danish pork industry based on the five forces framework. The result shows where danish pork industry is located in the global pork industry. Second step explains a strategical decision of danish pork industry within the framework of Porter`s three generic strategies, which one consisted of cost leadership, product differentiation, and focus. Third step is a value chain analysis for danish pork industry. Demark has a distinctive structure of pork industry, which is led by powerful leadership of Danish Crown and of Danish Bacon&Meat Council. Danish Crown is one of the largest meat processing company, and Danish Bacon&Meat Council is an umbrella organization of Danish pork industry. The value chain analysis finds out how these two main agents are coordinated each other and how each of the agents plays a role in a supply chain of danish pork industry. Fourth step shows competitive advantage of Danish pork industry in terms of mass customization, of strategic supplier relationship, and of customer relationship. In conclusion, implications for Korean pork industry are drawn from previous steps.

      • KCI등재

        양돈농장 경영관리 프로그램 개발

        최영찬(Young Chan Choe),최상호(Sang Ho Choe) 한국농촌지도학회 1997 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.4 No.1

        This study intends to develop a computer software for an efficient swineherd pion and management. Current softwares are concerned on the sow management and ignore the actual farm environment. This study focuses an the faun environment in developing the so$ware and covers the production management financial management, marketing management, and business planning for swineherd farm. The FSR(Farming Systems Research) analysis and interview survey aye applied to collect the data firm the system planning, farmer`s demand and analysis on the system, system design and program development. The systems are designed to meet the needs for the progressive swineherd farmers. Visual FoxPro 5.1 is used to develop the system. The developed system includes pig farm financial records keeping and management, pig farm production management program, pig farm marketing management program, and pig farm business diagnosis and planning program to meet the scope of the study. The weekly maintenance records and financial records are adopted for the input interface since most of farmers use their computer less than 5 hours a week. Pulldown Menu systems are adopted and designed for easy use by structuring to meet the pig farm and system demands. The manu system allocates the input-output screen bred on the sectors, scopes, users, frequencies, importances, and the usages of the information. The GUI(Graphic User Interface) method is used to develop input-output screens for easy use. Backward Chaining mechanism fo the Expert System is used in the diagnosis of the pig farm management and the Systems Simulators Approach is used in the pig farm management planning.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지도사업의 새로운 접근 : T & V , FSR & E , FF

        최영찬(Young Chan Choe),최민호(MIn Ho Choi) 한국농촌지도학회 1994 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.1 No.1

        This study undertakes a critical survey of literatures on the nest development in agricultural extension system; T&V(Traininig and Visit Extension), FSR&E(Fanning Systems Research and Extension), and FF(Farmer First). The study compares the three extension systems in their establishment, objectives, charactersistics, and methods, to find the minor factors for the betterment of agricultural extension system. Those are; 1) client-oriented program, 2) educational service, 3) comprehensive goal and work, 4) benefit to wide range of customers, 5) democratic program, 6) participatory approach, 7) four based experiment, 8) linkages among participants, 9) specialization of extensionists, 10) autonomy of extension offices, 11) humanstic program.

      • KCI등재

        농식품산업의 변화와 연구,지도사업의 과제 -지역R&D와 현장지도의 강화를 위해-

        최영찬 ( Young Chan Choe ) 한국농촌지도학회 2013 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.20 No.4

        1980년대 말 농식품 시장이 개방된 이후 우리농업은 큰 변화를 거쳐 왔다. 농식품 소비시장의 대형화로 주기적 대량거래가 요구되어, 축산과 원예 분야는 물론 농업의 전 분야에서 전업농이 성장하게 되었다. 이로 인해, 농업 현장에서는 생산, 가공, 마케팅, 경영 등을 포함한 포괄적인 현장지식의 필요성이 대두되었으며, 이를 뒷받침 할 FSR&E(영농체계연구 및 지도)의 개념이 지역 특화 시험장형태로 1992년에 소개되었고, 2009년에는 농림수산식품과학기술법에 따른 농림 수산과학기술위원회가 설립되었다. 그러나 여전히 연구사업에서 생산되는 지식과 현장에서 요구되는 지식 간에 차이가 발생하고 있어, 연구·지도사업의 변화를 요구하고 있다. 기초연구와 응용연구를 구분하고, 연구와 지도사업 간의 연계를 개선하며, 현장에서 필요로 하는 포괄적인 지식의 생산과 이전이 이루어져야 한다. 이 연구는 지역 농식품 R&D 체계의 리엔지니어링과 활성화 방안을 제시하고 한다. 각 지역 기관의 연구·지도 업무수행의 역할이 중복되거나 결핍되지 않고 효율적인 업무분배와 협력구조가 이루어지도록 지역 농식품 연구·지도 시스템의 변화가 필요하며, 품목중심의 농업현장 연구·지도(Commodity Based On-Farm R&E)를 실현하여야 한다. 이를 위해 중앙의 연구·지도 사업과는 별도로 인적자원과 인프라구축을 위한 정부의 예산지원이 필요하다. 현재 시군지역으로 이관된 지도기관들의 행정체제를 광역화하여, 일선 지도기관들의 포괄적이고 협력적인 연구와 지도사업이 이루어지도록 할 필요가 있다. Since opening the domestic food markets after late 1980s, Korean agro-food sector has been changed a lot, including commercialization of livestock and horticulture sectors. The large-scale periodic transactions appeared in food retail market in 1990`s demand further commercialization of farm sectors. It require comprehensive on-farm knowledges including production, food processing, marketing, and management for agricultural sector. As the result, The Farming Systems Research & Extension concept has been introduced in 1992 as a form of The Regional Specialization Experiment Station. The Science and Technology Committee for Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Foods are established in 2009. However, we still find gaps between on-farm knowledge demands and supply, requiring further refining of R&D systems. It also asks to differentiate applied research from basic disciplinary research, better linkages between research and extension on farm, and comprehensive knowledge transfer systems. This study recommends for proper role allocation and cooperative structures for regional research and extension institutions to reduce overlaps among them. It further asks government to support regional research and extension systems including human resource and infrastructure building, to strengthen commodity based on-farm research and extension, and to separate budget allocation for regional research and extension. Provincial administration of the county level extension offices should also be considered for better linkage between research and extension at regional level.

      • KCI등재

        정보화시대의 농촌지도사업

        최영찬(Young Chan Choe) 한국농촌지도학회 1994 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.1 No.1

        The demand for agricultural information system are small but expanding in Korea. Use of information system in farm extension hilps both farmers and extensionists. This study undertakes surveys of literature on information system and extension to finds their relationship. Use of the information system can make extension service more effective if it is developed to meet following factors; 1) consider real farm problem; 2) solve the problems; 3) generate more values than costs; 4) consider real farm environments; 5) comprehensive enough to consider all relevant knowledge domain; 6) sensitive enough to meet the changes in farm environment; 7) educational and easy to learn; 8) easy to maintain.

      • KCI등재

        공공 기상데이터와 기계학습 모델을 이용한 토양수분 예측

        장영빈 ( Young-bin Jang ),장익훈 ( Ik-hoon Jang ),최영찬 ( Young-chan Choe ) 한국농림기상학회 2020 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        As one of the essential resources in the agricultural process, soil moisture has been carefully managed by predicting future changes and deficits. In recent years, statistics and machine learning based approach to predict soil moisture has been preferred in academia for its generalizability and ease of use in the field. However, little is known that machine learning based soil moisture prediction is applicable in the situation of South Korea. In this sense, this paper aims to examine 1) whether publicly available weather data generated in South Korea has sufficient quality to predict soil moisture, 2) which machine learning algorithm would perform best in the situation of South Korea, and 3) whether a single machine learning model could be generally applicable in various regions. We used various machine learning methods such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Extremely Randomized Trees (ET), Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM), and Deep Feedforward Network (DFN) to predict future soil moisture in Andong, Boseong, Cheolwon, Suncheon region with open source weather data. As a result, GBM model showed the lowest prediction error in every data set we used (R squared: 0.96, RMSE: 1.8). Furthermore, GBM showed the lowest variance of prediction error between regions which indicates it has the highest generalizability.

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