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        펄스 GMA용접에서 용융 액적의 동특성 및 펄스 조건에 관한 해석

        최상균,강세령,이상룡 대한용접접합학회 2002 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Dynamic behavior of the molten drop during the peak period in the pulsed-GMAW is simulated in this work using the VOF(volume of the fluid) algerian. The dynamic characteristics of molten drop such as minimum radius, average velocity and displacement of mass center were computed as well as the internal pressure and velocity. The minimum and maximum peak durations for detaching a drop were calculated.. The result of Analysis reveals that peak current and volume of pendant drop are important factors which affecting drop detachment. A simplified model of constant acceleration is proposed to describe the behavior of molten drop during peak current, and its results agree with the experimental results.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        차원 해석을 통한 GMA 용접의 금속이행 현상에 관한 분석

        최상균,유중돈 대한용접접합학회 1999 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Since various parameters including the welding conditions and material properties are involved in metal transfer, it is difficult to figure out the effects of each parameter. In this study, dimensional analysis in performed to reduce the number of the parameters and to reveal the effect of each parameter on metal transfer. Dimensionless parameters are derived based on the inertia force and surface tension, and their contributions on metal transfer are estimated by analyzing the calculated results using the volume of fluid (VOF) method. Among several dimensionless parameters, $N_{SE}(=$\mu$_{0}I^{2}/d_{w}${\gamma}$)$ which represents the ratio of the electromagnetic force to surface tension, is found to be appropriate to describe metal transfer and estimate the transition current. Predicted results of transition current and drop size are in reasonably good agreements with available experimental date which show the validity of proposed dimensional analysis.

      • KCI등재

        화이트헤드(A.N.Whitehead)의 유기체 철학에 있어서 궁극자

        최상균 새한철학회 2001 哲學論叢 Vol.26 No.4

        본 논문은 우주(cosmos)가 어떻게 생성되었으며 어떻게 우주가 연속적인 과정(process)으로 존재하는가에 대한 화이트헤드의 해명을 밝힌 글이다. 화이트헤드는 우주가 현실적 존재자(actual entity)로 구성되어 있다고 생각하였다. 물론 우주는 현실적 존재자의 단순한 집합이 아니다. 우주는 현실적 존재자의 연대(solidarity)이다. 유기체 철학(Philosopy of Organism)의 원리는 이미 주어진 존재자(entity) 들과 다른 하나의 새로운 존재자를 만들어내는 과정이다. 전통적인 철학에서는 존재자를 만들고 그 존재자를 주재하는 존재를 절대자, 신, 실체(substance) 등으로 불렀다. 그러나 화이트헤드는 이러한 존재들을 '잘못 놓여진 구체성의 오류'(Fallacy of Misplaced Concretenes)의 일례라 하여 배격한다. 대신 그는 창조성(creativity), 다자(many), 일자(one)를 궁극자의 범주(category of Ultimate)로 묶어 이러한 것들이 우주 생성의 과정을 드러낼 수 있다고 주장하였다. 궁극자의 범주에 나타나는 이 세 가지 개념 중에서 한가의 것만 빠져도 궁극자의 범주가 성립될 수 없다. 창조성은 가능적인 현실적 존재자를 구체적인 현실적 존재자로 만들며, 이 원리에 따라 각각의 현실적 존재자는 이 우주 안에서 자가 창조의 과정을 거쳐 생성(becoming)하게 된다. 이러한 생성의 과정은 끊임없이 계속된다. 이것이 바로 궁극자의 범주안에 있는 창조성의 원리이다. 본 논문에서는 화이트헤드 유기체철학에 나타난 궁극자의 문제와 창조성의 문제를 다루었다. 이러한 연구의 결과 화이트헤드가 생각한 우주생성의 기원과 과정이 전체적으로 파악될 수 있었으며, 이를 바탕으로 화이트헤드의 우주론이 현재 논의되고 있는 수 많은 형이상학적 우주론을 대체할 수 있는 유력한 이론이 될 수 있음을 밝힐 수 있었다. The study is to reveal the interpretation of Whitehead on how the cosmos comes into being and how it exists in the continuous process. Whitehead thinks that the cosmos consists of actual entity. Of course, the cosmos is not a simple set of actual entity. It is solidarity of actual entity. The principle of Philosophy of Organism is a process of producing a new entity along with the already given entity. In the traditional philosophy, they shape an entity and call the being supervising the entity as the absolute being, God, and substance. However, Whitehead denounces these beings as one of the instances like Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness. Instead, he puts together creativity, many and one as the category of Ultimate, and advocates that these things will reveal the process of cosmos creation. The category of Ultimate cannot be established if even one of the three concepts in the category of Ultimate is omitted. Creativity makes potential actual entity into substantial actual entity. According to the principle, each actual entity is becoming itself through a process of self-creation in the cosmos. This process of creation continues without ceasing. This is the principle of creativity that is in the category of Ultimate. The study deals with the problems of Ultimate and creativity that appear in Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism. As a result, the origin and process of cosmos creation that Whitehead views can be examined as a whole. The study was able to reveal that Whitehead's cosmology will be the convincing theory that can substitute for currently discussing numerous metaphysical cosmologies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Pulsed-GMAW의 금속 이행 현상에 관한 동적 해석

        최상균,유중돈,박상규 대한용접접합학회 1997 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        The metal transfer phenomenon of the pulsed-GMAW is simulated by formulating the electromagnetic force incorporated with the Volume of Fluid algorithm. The free surface profiles, pressure and velocity distributions within the drop are computed numerically. Axial velocity and acceleration generated during peak current period are found to have a significant effect on drop detachment. Therefore, the accelerated inertia force becomes one of important factors affecting metal transfer in the pulsed-GMAW. When the pulse current parameters are selected properly, the molten drop is detached just after current pulse, and the operating range of the pulsing frequency increases with higher peak current and duty cycle. Calculated operating ranges show reasonably good agreements with the available experimental data.

      • KCI등재

        회귀 분석을 이용한 용접 변수와 이탈 액적 크기의 상호 관계

        최상균,한창우,이상룡,이영문 대한용접접합학회 2002 대한용접·접합학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Metal Transfer in gas metal arc (GMA) welding is a complex phenomenon affected by many parameters of the welding conditions and material properties. In this research, the correlation equation between the welding condition and detaching droplet size and detaching velocity in GMA welding was studied via recession analysis on the results of numerical analysis using the volume-of-fluid (VOF) method. Welding parameters and material properties were grouped into three dimensionless numbers and detaching droplet size was expressed as the function of them. Second order and exponential multi-variable correlation forms were assumed, and the coefficients of these equations were calculated for globular and spray modes as well as entire transfer modes. Applying correlation equation into available experimental data, it shows good agreement.

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