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      • 국제에너지기구 풍력분과 57차 집행위원회 국제공동과제 현황

        정진화(Chung, Chin-Wha),천석현(Chun, Suk-Hyun) 한국신재생에너지학회 2006 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.06

        The IEA Wind agreement for co-operation in the R&D of wind energy system was founded in 1974. The Korea has been a contracting party to the IEA wind energy program since 2003. The contracting parties are designated by the 20 member countries and the EC. IEA Wind agreement is for member countries to exchange information, knowledge and to organize international collaboration on R&D projects called Taskes and Annexes. The Executive Committee approves and controls the R&D Tasks, and its meetings are held twice a year. This paper describes the status of current 7 implementing Tasks that were reported to the recent 57th Executive Committee meeting this year in Brussels, Belgium.

      • 수학과 현장 교육 연구의 실태에 관한 조사 연구

        천석현 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1996 과학교육연구 Vol.27 No.1

        The teaching is highly specialized and skillful work which required a teacher to possess a specialized knowledge and skill of those obtained through continual and intensive research activities. In order to survive and enjoy prosperity, especially under the flooded circumstance of new datum of informations, knowledges and infinity brain competitive status between one nation to the other, the education is the mastery and key power to overcome, or at lesat withstand, such tense of international relationship. To contribute toward betterment of mathematic education as well as promote scientifical technology fully based on the research report from the mathematic teams set forced on Chungnam by on the Spot Education Research Institute of Korean Federation of Teacher`s Association during the year between 1992 to 1995, the following result were discovered. 1. The forms and substances and method of education shall be based and accorded on the circumstance of the actuallity of the spot because on the spot education is the key to renovates the actual spot education. 2. Noticeablly incleased in research work toward problem solving, however, the result was too far to reach of adequate generalization. 3. There were numbers of displayment, highly computerized, however, they are way too far to reach toward CAI staneard. 4. The result of the researches were too coarsness to apply in practical use in compare to the substances of the subject. 5. The teaching materials must be prepared(manufactured) upon completion of sufficient study on theoretical foundations. 6. The educators must be fully possessed the knowledge of concreteness and should be developed under the ample consideration of multishape of educationl environment. 7. Despit the intensive statement from research team there seems lack of result from comparative equitability dispotion. 8. Felt at loss without having a statistical disposition in obtaining the result of research. 9. Insufficient in detailization of main cause of making error and method of correction. 10. The research work must be fully refrlected and based on the creative power of originality.

      • 曲面의 寫像에 對한 硏究

        千奭鉉 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1978 과학교육연구 Vol.10 No.1

        An important aspect of geometry is the study of the properties of a surfaces which remain invariant under a given class of 1-1 mapping. Thus this research shows the following; (1) We recall that our definition for some mappings of surfaces. (2) A regular differentiable mapping f of a surface S into a surface ?? is a continuous mapping of S into ??. (3) If f is a regular differentiable mapping of S into ?? and g is a regular differentiable mapping of ?? into ??, then the composite mapping g of is a regular differentiable mapping of S into ??. (4) If f is a 1-1 regular differentiable mapping of a surface S onto a surface ??, then ?? is a regular differentiable mapping of ?? onto S. (5) If f is a mapping of S into ?? such that for every coordinate patch X=X(u,v) of a basis of patches for S the mapping ?? is a regular parametric representation of class ??, then ?? is a regular parametric representation of class ?? for all coordinate patches X=X(u,v) on S. (6) If f is an isometry of a S onto a surface ??, then f-1 is an isometry of ?? onto S. (7) The first fundamental coefficients is invariant under an isometric mapping.

      • 수학과 현장교육연구에 대한 고찰

        千奭鉉 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1992 과학교육연구 Vol.23 No.1

        Through the classroom teaching research meeting, the Korean Teacher`s Association established the educational problem that our educational world is facing and intended to reform classroom teaching and education in quality. This study is to examine the actual condition of the research such as that in the center of classroom teaching research to mathematics sectional report of which the Korean Teacher`s Association have charge in the area of Chungnam in 1991.

      • 내함명제를 중심으로 한 명제변수의 논리치에 대한 연구

        천석현 공주교육대학교 초등연구원 1969 公州敎大論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        The original contact between logic and mathematics can be traced as far back as the days of Leibniz. It has, thenceforth, been developed into Symbolic Logic, enhanced and enriched by such great scholars as Morgan, Peirce, Boole, Schroder, Frege, Russel, Whitehead. This treatise has dealt with the variation of logical truth value and basic argument forms of implication which serves as the basis of argument. The findings, if the antecedent is falsehood, implication must necessarity be true, regardless °f whether the consequent is “truth” or “falsehood"

      • 學校幾何學에 있어서 結合의 理論에 對하여

        千奭鉉 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1979 과학교육연구 Vol.11 No.1

        In this paper we give concrete meaning to the theory of incidence studied abstractly in the axiom of connection by Hilbert. We exhibit models of the theory, that is, specific systems which exemplify the theory, which satisfy its postulates. Several important ideas such as isomorphism and automorphism of geometric systems and the use of models to prove consistency and independency fit naturally into the context.

      • 수학교육의 실태에 관한 연구-고등학교 수학과 교육과정을 중심으로-

        천석현 공주교육대학교 초등연구원 1974 公州敎大論叢 Vol.11 No.-

        This research has investigated the actual condition of the mathematical education of the new students in this school through the matheatical curriculums of thir senior high schools in order to obtain some information to help us rear their capacity for taking charge of modernized mathematical education for elementary school children. The result of his investigation is as follows. (1) Many of the new students have completed the mathematical curriculums in cultural cours or in professional cours. (2) Some high schools have different hours to teach the same mathematical curric- ulum. (3) School records and real studying hours do not coincide. (4) Most of high school are using several textbooks even though there are various kinds of officially approved textbooks. (5) Around half of the students got the evaluation of “excellent” or “very good”. (6) She result of the entrance examination is not good unexpectedly.

      • 초등교원의 기하학적 개념의 인식에 대한 고찰

        천석현 공주교육대학교 초등연구원 1975 公州敎大論叢 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this report is to help the establishment of an effective policy of ar- ithmetical retraining for elementary school teachers by examining the tendency of mis- understanding on the geometrical concepts. 1. Eighty concepts have been examind by my relating them to fifty subjects. 2. The object of the questionaire is 437 elementary school teachers of various posi- tions in Chung Nam area. 3. Most of the teachers are, in general, misunderstandiog the geometrical concept. 4. It should be understood that a figure is a set of points and the component of a figure is only points. 5. The definitions of terminologies should be made clear. 6. The Co-relation of the concepts should be understood structually. 7. The exercises of logical thinking, the concrete experimentation and actual survey- should be strengthened. 8. The sole charge system of arithmetic subject is required to be in force. 9. The existing system of the retraining should be improved

      • 2차원 다양체에 대한 곡률의 해석

        千奭鉉 公州大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 自然科學硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        Riemann 2차원 다양체에 대한 Gauss-Bonnet의 정리를 2-Simplex의 경우를 통해서 고찰하였다. We now show that the curvature K of M measures the amount of rotation obtained in parallel translating vectors around small closed curve in M. Let M be an oriented Riemannian 2-manifold and let 〈s〉 be an oriented 2-simplex in R2, and let h: [s]→M be a map which has a smooth extension mapping a neighborhood of [s] into M, let α be the closed broken C∞ curve in M obtained by restricting h to ∂ 〈s〉. Then the rotation obtained by parallel translation around the closed carve α is ◁수식삽입▷ 원문을 참조하세요 so that the angle of rotation is ◁수식삽입▷ 원문을 참조하세요 In chapter II, We give the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for 2-Simplex. In chapter III, We study Gauss-Bonnet Theorem using the lemma in chapter II.

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