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      • KCI등재

        조선중기 과거시험에 대한 미시적 연구

        채휘균,Chae Hweikyun 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2015 인문사회과학연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 조선시대 과거시험장에서 발생하는 갈등과 폐단의 양상에 내재 되어 있는 갈등의 성격에 대해 고찰하는 것이다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 실제 과거 장의 현실을 미시적으로 관찰하기 위해 16~17세기에 영남지역에 살았던 김령(金坽) 의 「계암일록(溪巖日錄)」을 중심으로 일기에 나타난 과거응시 기록을 세밀하게 관찰 하고 분석하는 방법으로 연구를 진행하였다. 연구의 내용은 먼저 일기에 나타난 과거시험장의 갈등 현상과 문제점을 자세히 관찰하여 사례별로 분류하고, 각 사례에 내재된 주요 갈등 요인과 그 원인에 대해 논의하였다. 이상과 같은 관점에서 본 연구의 흐름은 미시적 현상을 관찰하여 주요갈 등요인을 도출한 후에, 그 갈등과 문제의 원인에 대해 분석하는 것이다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 과거시험일정이 수시로 변경되는 경우와 과거시험문제가 시험장에서 응시자들의 요구에 따라 변경되는 일이 있었다. 이 경우 과거시험일정의 변경은 과거를 주관하고 시행하는 국가적 필요에 따라서 이루어졌고, 과거시험문제의 변경 요구는 응시자에 의해서 요구되었다. 둘째, 과거시험장에는 과거응시자격을 둘러싸고 응시자의 거주지역과 응시자의 신분에 따른 갈등이 있었다. 응시자 거주 지역을 둘러싼 갈등은 해당지역의 응시자들 이 타 지역의 응시자들을 배척하는 과정에서 발생하는 갈등과 대립이었고, 응시자 신분에 따른 갈등은 기득권을 가진 응시자들이 응시 자격을 가지지 못한 서얼출신 응시자를 배척하는 현상으로 나타났다. 셋째, 과거시험장에서는 과거응시를 거부하는 경우가 있었는데, 과거응시거부의 행위는 자신들의 유리함을 획득하기 위한 욕구가 반영된 결과라고 할 수 있다. 넷째, 실제 과거시험장에서는 규정에서 정한 사실과는 달리 다양한 부정행위와 불공정한 행위들이 나타났다. 이러한 부정행위에는 응시자에 의한 행위도 있었고, 과거시험을 관리해야 하는 관리들에 의한 행위도 있었다. 이러한 사실로 볼 때 과거시험은 단지 표면적으로 드러나는 인재선발이나 사회진출 통로의 의미에 그치는 것이 아니라 개인과 집단의 치열한 기득권 획득의 장이 되고 있다는 사실이다 The purpose of this study is to analyze the nature of the conflict inherent in the pattern of conflicts and problems in middle Chosen Dynasty Gwageo exam site. Research was observed and classified the conflicts and problems in the exam site. And discussed the main factors that cause conflicts inherent in each case to the next. In such a perspective, the flow of this study was obtained after the main conflict factors by observing the symptoms, to analyze the cause of the conflict and issues. The results of this study are as follows :First, the examination questions and schedule a exam case that has changed from time to time change according to the needs of the people at the site. Second, depending on your location and hierarchy of the people testing opportunities were limited. This conflict was to exclude other people from the exam site. Third, there was a case to refuse the exam at the exam site, these actions was the desire to gain their advantage is reflected. Fourth, there were many things that do not adhere to the exam site specified regulations. In this case the exam site were unfair and cheating. From these facts means Gwageo exam was exposed on the surface, rather than being a place of intense conflict and confrontation between individuals and groups.

      • KCI등재

        상장에 나타난 일제강점기 교육의 특징과 영향

        채휘균(Chae, Hwei-kyun) 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 人文硏究 Vol.- No.97

        이 연구는 일제강점기 학교 상장이 일제강점기 교육을 강화하는 수단이었다는 점을 밝히는 연구였다. 연구 내용은 첫째, 상장 종류를 조사하고 시기별 상장 종류를 제시하였다. 둘째, 상장의 형식과 구성을 분석하고 그 특징을 밝혔다. 셋째, 상장 내용을 분석하고 특징을 밝혔다. 연구방법은 대한제국 시기와 일제강점기 상장을 조사·분류한 후에, 상장에 나타난 일제강점기 교육의 특징을 고찰하는 것이었다. 일제강점기 상장 형태는 대한제국 시기 상장과 유사하였고, 구성은 제목, 수상자 이름, 수상 내용, 연도, 기관, 직인으로 구성되었다. 상장은 테두리 장식이 일반적이었고, 세로쓰기 방식을 택하였다. 대정, 소화 연간 상장 형식은 대한제국 시기 상장 형식과 유사하였다. 상장 서술하는 언어는 대한제국 시기에는 국한문 혼용이었고, 일제강점기에는 한문·일어 혼용이었다. 서술하는 언어는 일제강점기 교육 상황을 반영하는 것이었다. 수상자 이름도 1940년 이전에는 한문으로 기록되었고 1940년 이후에는 일본식 이름으로 기록되었다. 강화된 식민지 교육상황을 반영하는 것이었다. 상장의 서술은 우등상의 경우 학업 우등, 학술 우량, 성적 우수 등과 동시에 품행 방정, 조행 가량 등과 같이 성적과 품행을 연관지어 표현하였다. 일제강점기 우등상에서 교과와 품행을 연결하고 있었다. 개근상과 정근상은 성실 및 근면과 같은 표현을 통해서 학교 교육에 참여를 장려하고 유도하는 내용이었다. 일제강점기 후기에는 각종 특별상을 수여하는 경우가 많았다. 종류에는 품행, 근로, 국방헌금 등과 같은 것이었다. 이러한 사실은 일제강점기 후반 일본의 어려운 상황이 상장에 반영되었다고 볼 수 있다. 이처럼 일제강점기 상장은 형식과 내용에서 일제강점기 상황을 반영하고 있었다. 따라서 상장은 교육 환경과 성격에 따라 형식과 내용이 달라질 수밖에 없다. 더욱이 일제강점기 상장의 형식과 내용이 해방 이후 학교에서 유사한 형태로 답습되었기 때문에 상장의 의미와 가치에 대한 역사적인 검토와 재해석이 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to reveal that the prize of schools during the Japanese colonial period was a means of strengthening education during the Japanese colonial period. The research methods are as follows: First, the types of the prize of schools are investigated and the types of the certification of merit by period are suggested. Second, we analyze the form and composition of the prize and reveal its characteristics. Third, the expressions used in the prize contents are analyzed and the characteristics are revealed. The result is the form and content of the award must vary depending on the environment and the nature of education. During the Korean Empire, the language for describing the award was a mixture of Korean, but during the Japanese colonial period, it was a mixture of Chinese and Japanese. Moreover, since the format and contents of the prize during the Japanese colonial period were followed in a similar form in schools after liberation, it is necessary to reinterpret the meaning and value of the prize. Prize is not an absolute point of view, but it is necessary to analyze and consider various situations.

      • 조선시대 초기서원의 설립배경과 성격

        채휘균 ( Hwei Kyun Chae ) 한국교육철학회 2002 교육철학 Vol.20 No.-

        The aim of this essay is to explain Establishment background and character of the first stage of sewon in Chosen Dynasty. The name of sewon came to be used since the end of the silla Dynasty. But to begun establishment of sewon as a function of education and worship of saint in 16th century Chosun Dynasty. The first Sewon in Chosun Dynasty was Bak-un-dong(白雲洞) sewon, establishment in 1543(King Chung-jong 38 years). This sewon was combination of private local schools and as memorial halls for great scholars. In the mid 16th century when was systematized, the national schools system, Seng-kyung-kuan(成均館), sa-hak(四學) and local school lost in their educational function. This century Confucianism. had to be undergone grear changes because of emergence of Sarrim(士林). Those Sarrim scholars rejecting other learning only devoted to study of Seng-Ri-Hak(性理學). The Sewon was a means of sage-worshiping. The result of the expansion of higher sage-worshiping zeal which had originated metaphysics. And the character of sewon was alternative schools, because of that time national school system was to be profound collapse.

      • KCI등재후보

        시험의 힘: 지방관의 영향력 행사와 이미지 형성 -조선후기 수령의 개인기록을 중심으로

        채휘균 ( Hwei Kyun Chae ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2009 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.15

        본 논문의 주요한 질문은 조선시대 지방관들이 각종 시험을 주관하고 시행하는 것이 그들의 지방관 생활에서 어떤 의미를 가지는가? 하는 것이다. 이 질문에 대해 논의하기 위해서 먼저 조선시대 지방관들이 주관한 시험의 종류와 성격, 시험의 절차와 방법, 시험응시 인원과 선발인원, 시험결과에 대한 처리와 시상 등에 대한 사실을 살펴보고자 한다. 왜냐하면 지방관들에게 시험이 지니는 의미를 해석하기 위해서는 실제 지방관들의 생활에서 어떻게 시험이 시행되었는지를 검토하는 것이 선행되어야 하기 때문이다. 이를 위해서 본 논문에서는 조선후기 영남지역에 2차례에 걸쳐 감사로 부임했던 이헌영과 영남에서 수령으로 활동했던 오횡묵의 기록을 통해 이들의 지방관 생활에서 각종 시험을 어떻게 관리하고 운영했는가를 살펴본 후에 이를 통해 관료생활에서 이러한 시험을 주관하고 관리하는 일이 어떤 의미를 가지는지 살펴보았다. 조선시대 지방관들은 오늘날 지역의 관료들과 달리 자신의 부임지에서 시험을 주관하고 시행할 수 있는 권한을 행사하였다. 실제로 지방에 부임한 수령들은 다양한 성격의 시험을 정기적으로 수시로 시행했고, 각종 시험의 시행과 절차의 중심에 지방수령이 있다. 결국 시험의 주도권을 가지고 시험을 치르도록 하는 사람은 지방수령이다. 이러한 시험체제는 국가적으로는 국왕을 대표로 하는 국가 관료체제가 시험을 주관하는 중심에 있고, 각도에서는 감사를 중심으로 관리들이 시험을 주도하였다. 그리고 지방에서는 지방수령 및 수령을 보좌하는 사람들이 시험을 시행하는 중심에 있다. 이렇게 볼 때 조선시대에 시험을 시행하는 주도권은 결국 국가적으로나 지방에서 지배적 힘을 가진 사람들이 행사할 수 있는 것이었다. 이들에게 시험의 의미는 자신의 통치권을 행사할 수 있는 좋은 도구라고 할 수 있다. The test displays a force. Teacher and the school about the students attitude viewpoint test will lead and there is a possibility which will have. And according to the result will classify the students and will be able to select. Also the test has a power from the school outside. Test what kind of knowledge and value will can propagate with the fact that is important. If the specific contents is made questions repetitively from if test, that contents becomes the knowledge which is important, there is a value which is important will be thought that. Also the test is fair and the process which is objective will lead and will be able to select the person who is competent will be able to develop an organization. Meantime the test the individual under desire gives the chance will be able to approach a value, does in the individual. Test is not the fact that anyone will be able to enforce. The person will be able to enforce a test must be having influence, the others recognize that influence and must accommodate. Consequently, is the person who is the possibility of doing to make a test take who? Does the test give what kind of benefit to them? The fact that does is the subject which is important from discussion of test. The region managements led and test they distinguished they exercised the influence of oneself, that influence. The region managements lead and test select promotes the talented man and there was meaning which a study. The force which test hides keeps a different feature. The test region managements the parents with same features is a possibility becoming the tool which exercises influence to the people. The possibility becoming the rule means which is effective there was test from like this meaning. The region managements to govern the people even with test.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선후기 영남 낙육재(樂育齋) 연구 : 관련된 인물들의 행적을 중심으로

        채휘균(Chae, Hwei-Kyun) 한국교육철학회 2008 교육철학 Vol.36 No.-

        The Nakukjae wast he traditional educational institution which is founded in 18th century Daegu. The paper to observe had an interest in change process of the Nakukjae founded in 18th century opening Daegu. About the educational institution the research must have an interest in revealing the operation of the agency or social·economic meaning of policy and the agency. Also about the educational institution the research must have an interest in life of the people who relatesw ith the educational institution. The Nakukjae students who are founded in 18th century not only Daegu are the people who is selected from the southeastern Korea each area. Thisf act will lead and the document where the name of the studentsi sr ecorded there is a possibility which will know. The namely this Nakukjae the students who are selected from the southeastern Korea each area was the agency which in the object is operated from Daegu. At that time region public officialsp ut an interest and the effort which are active to the establishment and management of the Nakukjae. Like thisef fort comforted the mind of the area people and public power of oneself exercises was for in the area. The students whom studies from that Nakukjae entered into the new educational institution after graduating or there was a case which engages to the public position of region. The reason the study which is traditional teaches from this school the help where the students advance to the society does not become. But what kind of people did after closing of a Nakukjae, participates to modern school founding of Daegu which is founded with the school property. There is relationship where this Nakukjae is deep consequently in modern educational institution founding of Daegu.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선시대 시권(試券)에 표시된 문자와 기호의 의미

        채휘균(Chae Hwei kyun) 한국교육철학회 2014 교육철학 Vol.52 No.-

        This research analyzes the contents of the Chosen Dynasty that means the National Examination's Papers were examined. This study utilized the method of the old documents was carried out in terms of the microscopic. The results are as follows. First, Examination papers recorded individual's identity, name, age, residence. And father and grandfather, great - grandfather, mother's father was recorded with identity and name. This is the identity and residence of people who can control, and further information is collected by the country a person's life can be controlled. Second, the test questions are laws in the country, and a range of test problems are reflected in the dominant ideology and Confucian culture. Third, examination paper has a variety of characters and symbols for marking is indicated. These symbols and characters to the rating and ranking of individuals can be classified as differentiated.

      • KCI등재

        嶠南敎育會의 활동 연구

        채휘균(Chae Hwei-Kyun) 한국교육철학회 2005 교육철학 Vol.28 No.-

        This study aims at clarifying the character and activities of Kyonam Educational Association(KEA) which operated in Yeongnam region in the early 1900s. KEA held the inaugural meeting on March 3rd, 1908 with 145 members. KEA had main body in Hanseong and had branches in each Gun-unit in Kyeonsang-do. And it prescribed the member as man above 20 years old born in Kyonam or had domicile in Kyonam. The basic activities of KEA was Neo educational save-the-nation movement through the promotion of education. This fact appeared in the regulations of KEA which regulated the purpose of the association as the promotion of Kyonam education. The types of educational movements promoted by KEA can be said as following. 1) KEA prompted the educational save-the-nation movement associated with learned societies of other regions. 2) KEA spreaded the necessity of the educational save-the-nation through the meetings of discussion and lecture. 3) KEA published 『Kyonam Educational Association Monthly』 which was transactions for spreading educational enlightenment. The transactions were published from April 25th 1909(the initial issue) to May 25th 1910(the 12th issue). The meaning of KEA on the point that it was a concrete example of personages of Yeongnam region organizing a learned society and prompting practical educational movement, and the KEA Monthly which were transactions of Kyonam Educational Association is a historic datum that shows the view on education and the recognition on reality of personages of Yeongnam region 100 years ago. The achievement of KEAI had effect on the founding of many schools in Yeongnam region from the foundation of KEA to 1910.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 남명을 통해 본 일상(日常)의 교육적 의미

        채휘균 ( Hwei Kyun Chae ) 한국교육철학회 2010 교육철학 Vol.41 No.-

        The education will boil from daily life and as doing desirably, Nammyung emphasized. This fact all people importantly from education, to think. But recognizes this problem the center of life and study of oneself and the case which indicates writes. Nammyung led and recognized the importance of daily life from education. The life of the human being becomes more distant from daily life and when being absorbed in being external makes a valuable territory lose from life. When with the same interest of education becomes more distant from daily life of life, the education makes the meaning lose. When meaning the education is embodied from if human life, must have an educational interest in daily life. And works from the daily life which is repeated, meeting, association, dialogue and relationship, introspection etc. must become the interest territory of education, the education must devise is value from daily life the possibility of experiencing in order to be. Because the work which is ordinary, meeting from ordinary, with human relation and association dialogs, reflective etc. to compose a life. When the education excepts a daily life consequently, will not be able to give the value which is important in life. When saying conclusively, the education must escape from the fact that considers seriously a knowledge acquisition and a compensation. And the education must do to make a value the people experience rather from daily life. The resultant education will be able to accomplish the essential function of the education which loses, daily life will be valuable and there is a possibility which to make feel will do. With being like that, education could be reconciled with the people.

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