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        농업경영체 등록정보를 활용한 농업직불제 소득효과 분석

        한석호(Suk-Ho Han),채광석(Gwang-Seok Chae) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.5

        정부는 시장개방에 따른 농가의 경영불안정을 완화하고 농가소득보전을 위해 다양한 형태의 직접지불제를 운용하고 있다. 그러나 농업부문의 직불제는 농업정책의 중심으로 농가소득 안정화의 중요한 역할을 수행하는 핵심적인 정책수단으로 자리잡고 많은 예산이 지출됨에도 불구하고 직불금 수급실태와 소득안정기여도 등 정책효과에 대한 분석이 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 농식품부의 2014년과 2015년의 농업경영체 D.B.를 이용하여 직불금 농가단위 실태분석, 시사점을 도 출하고, 제도의 성과평가를 시도하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 평균 거시지표를 활용한 농업분석 등 기존의 연구 틀에서 벗어 나, 경영체 DB를 활용하여 농가단위 제도의 성과평가를 시도하고 시사점을 도출한 것이 특징이라 할 수 있다. 직불금 수급실 태와 성과평가를 시도한 결과, 직불금 수급액 분포가 정상분포곡선보다 왼쪽으로 많이 치우친 것을 알 수 있었다. 2014년 농업경영체DB에 의하면 전체 농업경영체의 약 절반 수준인 49.3%의 농가가 연간 10만 원도 안 되는 직불금을 수령하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 영농규모가 클수록 소득증대효과와 소득안정화효과 모두 크게 나타났는데, 이는 면적에 비례해서 직 불금이 높았기 때문이다. 고령농업경영체일수록 직불금에 의한 농가소득 기여도가 높게 나타난 점은 장점으로 평가되나, 영 농규모가 0.5ha미만의 소규모 농가의 직불금의 농가소득 기여도가 3% 수준에 불과한 반면, 10ha이상의 대규모 농가의 직불 금 농가소득 기여도가 29.4%로 높게 분석되었다. 대규모 농가는 소규모 농가보다 농업소득은 10배 차이인데, 직불금 수급액 은 110배를 더 받는 것으로 분석되어, 향후 직불제도 정책개선 및 수정이 요구된다. The government has run and managed various forms of direct payment systems, such as the paddy and field direct payment, to ease the instability of farm incomes with respect to market opening, and preserve farm income. Direct payments to the agricultural sector is a center in the key policy instrument that plays an important role in income stabilization. Despite the large amount of spending in the farm unit, the status of direct payment, and policy effects the analysis of direct payments, such as stability of income contribution, are insufficient. This paper, using the farm unit DB in 2014 and 2015, performed farm level analysis of direct payment, and derived the implications of the performance evaluation system. As a result, the distribution of direct payment showed considerable bias to the left side compared to the normal distribution curve. Approximately half of the farms (49.3%) in 2014 DB should receive below 100,000 won per year by a direct payment. A larger-scale farm showed a significantly increased income effect and income stabilizing effect because direct payments make higher contributions to farm income in proportional to the area. In the more elderly farmers, a high contribution by direct payment to farm income was found to be an advantage; however, in small-scale farms of less than 0.5ha, direct payment contribution on farm household income was only 3%. In large-scale farms, 10ha or more, the contribution to farm income were found to be 29.4%. The income of large farms was 10 times larger than small farmers, and the direct payment entitlements that were received were 110 times larger. Through this policy, direct payments are required for future improvements and modifications.

      • 밭농업 기반정비 확충 방안

        김홍상(Kim Hong-sang),채광석(Chae Gwang-seok) 한국농촌경제연구원 2014 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        This study aims to examine the current state of dry-field farming infrastructure improvement in changes in the upland farming environment including horticultural crops and fruit with the recent Korea-China FTA talks, and to draw plans to improve the infrastructure of dry-field farming poorer than that of paddy farming. This study covers both fields and paddies for measures to expand the improvement of the upland farming infrastructure. First, the concept of dry-field farming and the significance of its infrastructure improvement are examined. Second, the present state and tasks of upland farming are investigated. Third, the actual condition and tasks of dry-field farming infrastructure improvement are examined, and the ways to supplement the improvement are presented. Fourth, policy tasks for effective reorganization of the infrastructure are presented. We examine dry-field farming infrastructure improvement for fields and paddies, and present alternatives such as expanding the Dry-field Farming Infrastructure Improvement Project’s target, enhancing the project’s level, implementing projects centered on main producing areas, upgrading the budget support system, and reforming the system of coordinating land use and organizing to supplement upland infrastructures early. To expand the project’s target beyond the standard of the grouped area size (that was relaxed from over 30ha to over 10ha), it is needed to increase the target areas more actively, and to develop proper types of the project through organizing by region. Basically, regional differentiation including simple and complex improvement should be sought. However, it is necessary to strengthen and develop the project’s key contents such as paving access roads, readjusting farmland, and developing water. The project should focus on main producing areas. Nevertheless, in consideration of cities and counties without the designation of main producing areas, it is needed to establish the Development Plan for Agriculture, Rural Villages and the Food Industry by city and county, and each region needs to plan and deliberate whether to implement projects including the designation of main producing areas by city and county and of the Dry-field Farming Infrastructure Improvement Project’s target area. As for the reorganization of the project’s budget support system from the Regional Development Special Account to the Agriculture & Fisheries Structure Adjustment Special Account (Agriculture Special Account), the following ways can be considered: implementing existing projects with the Regional Development Special Account and new projects with the budget support system of the Agriculture Special Account in the areas selected by the central government; conducting only field infrastructure improvement centered on main producing areas with the budget support system of the Agriculture Special Account; implementing only projects in areas possible of field readjustment with the Agriculture Special Account’s budget support system; and implementing projects in grouped areas above a certain size (e.g. grouped areas over 10ha: Agriculture Special Account; grouped areas under 10ha: Regional Development Special Account) with the budget support system of the Agriculture Special Account. The policy tasks for efficient upland farming infrastructure improvement are as follows. First, it is needed to promote strategies for projects centered on main producing areas and organization for regional differentiation. Second, projects’ priorities and proper size should be decided. Third, it is necessary to secure stable finance and to improve the budget support system. Fourth, a resources survey and demonstration projects are needed. Finally, it is necessary to upgrade the farmland management systems centered on the land category of paddies and the adjustment of land use.

      • 농업보조금 개편 방안 연구

        박성재(Seong-jae Park),박준기(Joon-kee Park),송주호(Ju-ho Song),채광석(Gwang-seok Chae),문한필(Han-pil Moon) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        This study is aimed to suggest how to improve performance and efficiency of government subsidy programs for agricultural sector. More specifically, it is designed to address followings: First, general definition of agricultural support and the classified catalogue of WTO domestic support are reviewed. Second, the current status of agricultural support is examined and a direction of its reform is proposed. Third, an appropriate size of agricultural support is considered. Finally, it suggests ways to revamp direct payments, individual subsidy programs, and the management system of implementing agricultural support, which are major issues in the agricultrual support reform. Agricultural subsidies have brought about a set of positive effects on competitiveness, SOC, R&D, and restructuring in the sector, even though too many subsidy programs, each having different goal and target and inefficiency of their implementation have been pinpointed as shortcomings. However, agricultural subsidies have also produced some adverse effects on the sector. First, they have spurred dependence on government aids and weaken farmers’ ability to stand on their own. Second, problems associated with direct payment are pointed out, including its concentration on rice and paddy field, overproduction of rice, a lack of incentive for upland field corps which are in short of production. Third, the projects as FTA countermeasures have so high portion of support, 74.4% that much concern is being voiced about deepening dependence on government and excess demand for the pojects. Fourth, there exist inefficient factors in the management system of budget and fund. Finally, government-oriented fiscal funds would stand in the way of private investment in agriculture. This study focuses on the reforms of direct payments, individual subsidy programs, and their implementing system. The principle of the reforms is based on the consensus from the ’Committee of Advanced Agriculture and Fishery(2009.07)’. Each subsidy program is reconsidered to determine whether it should be abolished, be integrated with other program, be changed to loan program, or be adjusted with lower share of support, and so on. In this stage, the reform of agricultural direct payments would be conducted focusing on the modification of rice direct payment. In order to mitigate overproduction of rice, the variable payment needs to be coupled with production costs. The newly discussed public-service direct payment is not widely shared opinions yet and would be difficult in securing enough fund for implementation. However, in the near future when further opening of domestic agriculture starts to lower profitability of upland crops, a comprehensive reform of agricultural direct payments will be required.

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