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      • KCI등재

        Detectability Test of H2 Lyman-Werner Band Emission for Far-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph, FIMS

        선광일,경욱 민,광선 유,대희 이,,승한 오,용선 박,용하 김,욱원 남,한원용,인수 육,장현 박,종호 ,호진,Eric J. Korpela,Jerry Edelstein,Kaori Nishikida 한국물리학회 2003 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.43 No.42

        Molecular hydrogen (H2) is excited by far-ultraviolet (far-UV) photons and emits uorescent emission in the far-UV bands and in the near- and the mid-infrared bands. Observations of H2 in these photodissociation regions (PDRs) are important in tracing star-forming molecular clouds and in understanding the interaction between newly born stars and molecular clouds. We use the typical PDR model of Sternberg to estimate the observing time (or integration time) required to detect PDRs with the Far-ultraviolet IMaging spectrograph (FIMS) onboard KAISTSAT-4, the rst Korean scientic satellite. The observing time is calculated using a formula based on a rigorous hypothesis testing for the detection limit, in contract to the often-used signal-to-noise ratio. The estimated observing time is also compared with the expected exposure time from one-year all-sky survey.

      • KCI등재

        무사계급과 의제적(擬制的) 친족관계의 시대별 유형* - 가마쿠라시대와 에도시대를 중심으로 -

        申 宗 大 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.86 No.-

        長い間、日本は同じ東アジア文化圏に属する韓国や中国、ベトナムとは 異なる独特な武士文化を作り出した。700年余りの間、支配層が文士では なく、武士だったということにより、彼らによって受け継がれてきた伝統 と文化が今も日本人の日常生活のなかで垣間見ることができるのである。 江戸幕府が崩壊して150年が過ぎた今も、武士階級によって受け継いで きた伝統、習慣、行動パターン、考え方などは日本人の生活に多かれ少な かれ影響を及ぼしていることを見過ごしてはならないだろう。 また、その社会を理解する上で親族関係は非常に重要なポイントにな る。日本で養子制度が発達したのも武士階級と関係がある。江戸時代にな ると武家のみならず商人․農民のイエも現れるようになった。イエの継承 と噛みあって養子制度も発達した。 江戸幕府の徳川将軍15人のうち、養子として将軍職を継承したのは6人 で、徳川将軍家の養子継承率は40%に上る。将軍家のみならず藩士の家系 も養子によって途絶えず引き継がれていた。武家にとって養子相続は、当 然、不可欠な要素であった。 Japan had long formed a unique bushi-culture distinct from the cultures exhibited in other East Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Vietnam. Approximately 700 years had seen the bushi-governed, rather than intellectualgoverned, hierarchy, and their traditional and cultural heritages are still found in contemporary Japanese life. It has already been 150 years after the demise of the Edo regime, and it is a remarkable fact that the contemporary Japanese are more or less affected by the bushi-derived tradition, custom, behavioral pattern, and thought. The key to understanding the contemporary society is the concept of family relation. One of the reasons why the adoption system has developed in Japan is indeed concerned with the bushi-class in the past time. During Edo period, not only the families of bushi but also those of merchants and farmers emerged, and the adoption system accordingly developed in order to resolve issues about taking over the house. Out of 15 Tokugawa shoguns in the days of Edo Shogunate, six of them inherited the shogunate position as an adopted child, with the adopted rate being more than 40 percent. At the time, adoptions were continuously found in not only shogunate families but also families of feudal worriers. It is concluded that the inheritance through adoption was an essential factor for bushi-families.

      • KCI등재

        읽기 부진 학생을 위한 게임 프로그램과 직접교수 프로그램의 효과 비교

        인 영, 한국발달지원학회 2012 발달지원연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구에서는 초등학교 1-2학년 읽기 부진 학생을 대상으로, 게임프로그램과 직접교수 프로 그램이 자소-음소 대응, 음운 인식 능력, 읽기 유창성, 읽기 이해력, 읽기 동기에 미치는 효과 를 비교해 보고자 했다. 본 연구는 서울 D 초등학교 1-2학년 학생 중 글을 잘 읽지 못한다고 담임 교사로부터 보고받은 학생 중 10명의 읽기 부진 학생을 선별하여, 직접교수 프로그램 집단과 게임프로그램 집단으로 나누어 프로그램을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 직접교수 프로그램 과 게임 프로그램은 읽기 부진 학생의 자소-음소 대응 능력, 음운 인식 능력, 읽기 유창성, 읽기 이해력, 읽기 동기 향상에는 차이가 없었다. 그러나 사전-사후 비교 검증에서 직접교수 프로그램은 음운 인식 능력, 읽기 유창성 향상에 유의한 효과가 있었고, 게임 프로그램은 자 소-음소 대응 능력, 음운 인식 능력, 읽기 유창성, 읽기 이해력 향상에 유의한 효과가 있었다.

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