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      • KCI등재
      • On the Coveriation of Language and Perception

        趙弘燮 충주대학교 1994 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        언어와 지각의 관계에 대해 Johann Herder(1744-1803), Wilhelm VON Humboldt(1762-1835)의 뒤를 이어 미국의 언어-인류학자인 Edward Sapir(1884-1939) 및 그의 제자인 Benjarmin Lee Whorf를 거치면서 새로운 관점이 제시되었다. 처음에는 ‘dress or tool of thought’과 같이 언어가 사고의 제약을 받는다는 견해가 대두되거나 Shelly詩의 ‘He gave me speech, and speech created thought’구절처럼 사고가 언어의 제약을 받는다는 견해가 제시되기도 하였다. 이후로 linguistic determinism이라고 할 수 있는 후자의 견해가 지배적이었으나 무지개의 색깔이나 Hopi족의 용어 등에 대한 조사 및 예술적 감상이나 이해 등에서 언어 없이도 사고가 가능하고 서로 다른 언어로 비교적 정확한 번역이 가능함은 linguistic determinism이 과장된 편견임을 입증하는 것이다. Whorf는 실제로 언어의 표면적 구조에 지나치게 관심을 기울인 듯하다. 객관적 경험을 말로 표현하는데 있어서 사용되는 언어가 다른 한, 언어사용자들은 경험을 자기네 언어가 영향 미치는 범주에 따라 다르게 구분하고 분류하는 경향이 있으나, 용어가 없다고 해서 특정 대상에 대해 생각하는 것이 불가능한 것이 아니다. 사고는 언어 때문에 더욱 분명히 구체적으로 할 수 있지만 언어가 없다고 해서 불가능한 것은 아니므로 Whorf의 Linguistic Determinism은 보다 완화된 Linguistic Relativity로 제시되어야 한다.

      • 모국어에 기초한 외국어 학습지도의 개발

        조홍섭 忠州大學校 2008 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.43 No.-

        One prior knowledge that foreign language learners possess is knowledge of their native language, that is, their "cultural capital." This is the capital that teachers build on in dual-language acquisition. Teachers must pay greater attention to sociocultural context in order for literacy to be transformational: The attempt to institute proper and more effective methods of educating non-English-speaking students may not be reduced to issues of language but rests on a full understanding of the ideological elements that generate and sustain linguistic, racial, and sex discrimination. Students can succeed in reading by carefully designing and effectively presenting lesson plans. The teacher shows students there is a reward in learning to read. The teacher may use extrinsic rewards like physical contact, tickles, pats, handshakes. Eventually, the teacher works toward developing intrinsic motivation. Teachers should teach reading in the way that builds interest, information acquisition, and lifelong literacy. The teaching of writing is an effective means of eliciting the use of vocabulary and grammatical structure, of practicing reading comprehension, and encouraging communication. Something besides pedagogical ends is needed to transform writing from a vicarious means of practicing skills into genuine involvement with the new language.

      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터와 인터넷 이용이 외국어수업에 주는 시사점

        조홍섭 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2000 외국어교육연구 Vol.- No.14

        ABSTRACTCho, Hong-Seob The multimedia and the internet offer rich and promising resources for drvrloping studrnts' ability to engagr in information literacy. Through the use of internet, studsnts can obtain virtually unlimited informational resources: communicate with undividuals throughout the world by e-mail, newsgroups, video, and voice and share the results of theur own learning on the internet with othwes. The explosive growth of the internet will contiye as will the quality and becomes more readily available to individual classrooms, the nature of literacy instruction is likely to be altered significantly. Informative materials tailored to meet the needa, interests, and backgrounds of individual stedents will be more reafily available, and will be provided with opportunities to engage in major skill-leaening and thinking activities in a worldwide community of learners. Followings are sone implication:1)language programs should be developed in order to facilitate the student needs.2)English teachers should be thoroughly trained with the skills necessary for efficient use of the systems.3)The setting of standards and roles for English teachers using multimedia should be established.4)The paradigm of teacher-centered instruction should be displacrd by that of the learner-centered knowledge construction.5)Language teachers should teach 'how to learn' and gradually assune the role of the helper instead of the role of the instructor.6)Domestic universities need to perpare against the competition with forign siber universities particularly in the field of languagd teacging in the near future.

      • Language Learning and Its Policy

        趙弘燮 忠州大學校 1996 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        외국어교육은 모국어교육과 마찬가지로 구체적인 정책의 수립에 따른 실시로 효과적 결과를 얻을 수 있으며 모국어 지도는 어린이들에게 교육을 바르게 시켜 성인들의 이상을 충족시키는 데 있다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 진정한 언어지도의 발전은 언어교육에 관련된 특정분야만을 개선함으로서 이루어지는 것이 아니고 어떤 자극이 없는 진공상태에서 이루어질 수 있는 것이 아니다. 언어교육은 재교육과 관련된 사회나 국가의 폭넓은 이익에 도움을 줄 장기적인 투자로 간주되어야 한다. 특히 모국어교육은 자국의 언어적 일체성과 일관성을 강화시킴으로서 발전이 이루어지는 교육이 되어야 한다.

      • 心理學 理論과 外國語敎育

        趙弘燮 서원대학교 교육연구소 1982 敎育發展 Vol.2 No.1

        I have suggested the constrasting views of behaviorism and cognitivism and the teaching theory resulted from those both sides. The behavioristic view focused on publicly observable responses-those which can be objectively perceived, recorded, and measured. Their typical models were classical and operant conditioning, rote verbal learning, instrumental learning, and discrimination learning. Cognitive psychologists consider meaning, understanding, and knowing to be significant data for psychological study. They try to discover psychological principles of organization and functioning. By using a rationalistic approach, they have sought to discover underlying motivations and deeper structures of human behavior. The structuralism of linguistics, under the influence of behavioral psychology, prided itself in a rigorous application of the scientific principle of observable responses. The behaviorists consider all learning to be the establishment of habits as the result of reinforcement or reward. With repeated reinforcement a habit is established and the child continues to name this person or object. As he continues to imitate sounds aroud him more combinations are reinforce. As he acquires more syntactic and morphological variations he creates new combinations by generalization or analogy, sometimes making mistakes by producing analogies which are not permissible. By a trial-and -error process acceptable utterances are reinforced by comparison and approval. Unacceptable utterances are inhibited by lack of reward. He gradually learns to make finer and finer discriminations until be utterly learns to make finer and finer discriminations and his utterances approximate more closely the speech of the community in which he is growing up. Chomsky claimed that language itself can no longer be viewed in the old way based on the S-R theory. He claims that Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior is meaningless because his terminology is vague, subjective, and empty when applied to real-life behavior. We cannot simply say that language is the thing that is learned or innate for a language is such a mysterious phenomenon: language is not something that can be explained and described by clear-cut and neat mathematical rules. By observing children learning a language we can clearly see that they constantly putting much more efforts in their language learning than we have thought: i.e. children are learning a language, not that a language is innate to them. At the same time we cannot deny that the language is species specific and species uniform. Various experiments led by psychologists to teach animals a language shows that there is certainly a limitation: animals have their limits in language learning. By understanding of varied theoretical positions we can choose particular approaches, methods, and techniques for teaching FL. And unless that principled basis is not our own carefully and thoughtfully devised theory, we become slaves to one way of thinking, a puppet without self-control. Our task is to find those points of compromise between two poles of possibilities which will best fit a grobal theory of FL learning. Language is a human mystery and one of God's blessings.

      • KCI등재

        번역과 오류교정

        조홍섭 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 2001 동화와 번역 Vol.2 No.-

        Today's world tends to evolve towards internationalization, unification and standardization. To evolve towards such directions seems to be one of the major trends in the almost every nation. Anyone who intends to be a translator should try to be fluent commanding not only in the source language, but also in the target language. However, beginner's errors seem to be unavoidable. Since errors are a part of performance, they are considered interesting to language teachers. As the speech of the beginner becomes more complex, the errors become on the whole more difficult and more interesting to describe. The more closely one looks at even some of the most common errors, the more one realizes how difficult they are to explain in terms of the rules of the target language. Culture is a way of life. Due to cultural differences, culture education grows more significant than in the past. Those who major in translation need to formulate their own unbiased opinions on the cultural similarities and differences between the target language and the source language. Trying to be fluent and to be without errors in the target language should be the ultimate aim for translators. They should play an everincreasing role in fusing today's evolving global village.

      • 미디어발달과 언어지도 : Media Development and Language Teaching

        조홍섭 忠州大學校 2005 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.40 No.2

        Certain types of media may be more appropriate than others if we bear in mind the specific purpose of using the media, the nature of the linguistic segment, the leamer's level of attainment in terms of what bits of language he already Cows, and the quantity of visual material being used in relation to the density of linguistic material. The explosive growth of the internet will continue as the quality and quantity of in formation and services it provides. As access to the internet becomes more readily available to individual classrooms, the nature of literacy instruction is likely to be altered significantly. Informative materials tailored to meet the needs, interests, and backgrounds of individuals will be more readily available, and students will be provided with opportunities to engage in major skill-loaming and thinking activities. Followings are some implications: 1) The setting of standards and roles for teachers using multimedia should be established. 2) Teacher must study the length of time which is being devoted to activities which require basically the same kind of response. 3) Teachers should teach 'how to learn' and gradually assume the role of the helper instead of the role of the instructor. 4) Teachers should be thoroughly trained with the skills necessary for efficient use of the systems. 5) Teachers should make sure that provision has been made for the students to participate actively in a number of different ways. 6) Language programs should be developed in order to facilitate the student needs. 7) More varied presentation techniques and more ingenious depictions need to be devised for the effective teaching.

      • 外國語指導의 歷史的 背景에 관한 考察

        趙弘燮 충주대학교 1993 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        In this paper I put consideration on language pedagogy into an historical context. I indicated some important dates, trends, manes, and writings. Language teaching theory has tended to develop within single language traditions and within different trands of development according to countries, languages, and institutions. The entire time span can be roughly divided into four periods. Each period is briefly characterized and a selected list of names, writings, or events with appropriate and a few comments was added. Innovations which began about 100 years ago, and have been going on ever since led to intensive theoretical debate and experimentation in the sixties, bringing about in the seventies four different trends, one of which continues the search for new methods while the others looked for new emphases. Towards 1980, the concept of communication was a rallying point for these different trands. Finally what I have presented here is a gighly selective sketch which necessarily is interpretive and subjective. In conclusion, the main purpose of a historical approach is to ensure that the totality of past and present development in pedagogy is not lost but provides a constant source and resource for the theory of language teaching .

      • Motivation and Language Learning

        趙弘燮 忠州大學校 1997 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.32 No.1

        동기란 사람들이 어떤 경험, 목표에 접근하거나 피할 것인가에 관해 시도하는 의도적인 선택으로, 투입하는 노력의 정도를 가리킨다. 외국어 학습 지도 분야에서는 학습자 요인이 관심을 끌게 된 것은 특히 학습의 성패에 많은 영향을 미치기 때문이다. 이 분야에 관할 연구에서 두드러진 연구를 한 사람은 R. Gardner와 W. Lambert이다. 그들은 여러 해에 걸쳐 캐나다와 미국 및 필리핀에서 태도와 동기의 요인이 어떻게 언어학습의 성공에 영향을 미치는가를 연구하였다. 동기를 크게 도구적 동기와 통합적 동기로 구분하는 데 이것은 제2문화권안으로 자기 자신을 통합시키고 사회와 자신을 동화시켜 그 사회의 일원이 되고자 하는 동기를 말한다. 이들은 통합적 동기가 바람직함을 주장했다. 이런 주장은 Spolsky(1969)의 연구에 의해서도 뒷받침되었다. 외국어 교사는 학습자가 통합적 동기를 지향하도록 뒷바침해주는 것이 외국어 학습의 성공에 필요함을 인식하고 학습자가 통합적 동기를 기르도록 유도해야 한다.

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