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      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • 宮澤賢治의 童話思想

        趙明烈 중앙승가대학교 2003 中央增伽大學論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        宮澤賢治의 작품에 대한 평가는 다방면에서 계속 연구되고 있다. 그의 탄생 100주년을 넘긴 시점에서도 그의 작품이 연구되고 평가되는 것은 그의 작품이 쉽게 평가될 수 없는 다양성을 지니고 있기 때문이라고 생각한다. 본 논문에서는 충분치는 못하지만 그의 종교적 사상, 즉 법화행자적인 그의 생활을 조명해서 그가 추구한 보살행의 실천에 대해 살펴보았다. 특히 賢治의 종교적 의식을 통해서 창작된 작품을 임의로 선택해서 고찰했는데, 그 가운데서도 법화문학의 창작에 관심을 가지고 몰두했던 시기의 작품이 다수였기 때문에 그 작품들을 통해서 작품이 지니는 사상을 관찰해 보려고 노력했다. 賢治가 창작해서 스스로 이름을 붙인 서역이문의 동화에서는 약간 의도적이었다는 점도 발견된다. 법화경적 사상을 이미지화해서 구성했다고 생각되는 작품에서 賢治 사상의 일면을 고찰해 보았다.

      • 童子像으로 表現된 佛敎信仰

        趙明烈 중앙승가대학교 1999 中央增伽大學論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        童子의 모습은 純眞무구한 Image로 우리에게 다가온다. 불교에서는 그런 童子의 모습에 信仰的인 의미를 부여해서 童子像을 표현해왔다. 대표적으로 雪山童子, 文殊童子, 善財童子 등을 들 수가 있다. 여기서 雪山童子는 釋奠前生 인욕고생시의 한 면을 뜻하고 있지만 그 외의 두 童子는 菩薩의 人格化를 의미하며 이러한 童子像은 大乘佛敎를 통해서 많이 접하게 된다. 불교의 전래와 신앙이 토착화하는 과정 속에서 童子像은 자기의 역할을 충분히 이행해서 佛敎 信仰의 뿌리를 건실하게 해주는 역할에 충실했었다고 본다. 本 論文에서는 「三國遺事」를 중심으로 표현된 童子의 모습이 한국 불교 신앙을 전개하는데 어떠한 역할을 했는지에 대하여 고찰해 보았다. 특히 當來佛 신앙인 彌勒信仰과의 관계 선상에서 童子像의 출현 등의 자료를 중심으로 전개해 보았다.

      • KCI우수등재

        <부록(附錄)> 운동선수집단(運動選手集團)의 사회성(社會性) 형성요인(形成要因)과 적응문제(適應問題)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        趙明烈(MyungYulCho) 한국체육학회 1978 한국체육학회지 Vol.16 No.-

        1. PvrposeThe purpose of this research is to find the social factors to determine social acceptance, and to analyzed the personality traits and the social adaptation in 5 sports team (gymnastic exercises, athletic sports (tract and field), table-tennis, backetball and football teams).II. Problema) The social factors to determine social acceptance are founded and analyzed by the sociometric devices.b) The social distance between such sports team members is analyzed by the number rating scale.c) The group coherence arid the group intergration between the sports teams are compared and analyzed.d) The personality traits of the sports teams are found and analyzed.e) The social adaptability of the sports teams are analyzed.III. MethodThis research started on April 1, and finished on Dec. 31, 1973. The subjects were compose of 454 members in sports teams and 371 in general students. Such subject was administrated to test the Sociometric Devices, Personality Test and Standardized Adaptation Test.IV. Conclusiona) In middle school sports teams were appeared to choice the only mam-member of their teams who had the high degree of the social acceptability and those of low degree. But in college these trends were decreased.b) The basketball and football team were high degree than other teams in social distance. This trend might be established in the sport`s traits itselves.c) The most important elements to determine the social acceptability were caused by personality factors. The football and football teams were commonly cause the responsibility and activity of personality traits and the cooperation to perform group tasks.d) The personality traits of sportsman are active, impulsive and sociable. Specially the backetball and football teams are more active and responsible than other teams.e) The male sportsmen have been the serious Problems for their schools. The female sportsman have been the serious problems for her future and male.

      • 宮澤賢治 작품에 나타난 유토피아에 대한 一考

        趙明烈 중앙승가대학교 2001 中央增伽大學論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        宮澤賢治는 故鄕 이와테(岩手)를 ’イ-ハトブ‘ 라는 이름의 유토피아로 건설하기 위해 노력했다. 本 논문에서는 イ-ハトブ에 대한 語義와 그렇게 이름 붙이게 된 유래에 대해서 고찰해보았고, 賢治 자신이 ‘イ-ハトブ 童話集’ 이라고 지칭한 『注文이 많은 料理店』에 수록된 고풍스럽고, 지방색이 짙은 통화를 소개했다. 그리고 표제 동화「注文이 많은 料理店」에 대한 고찰을 해보고 ‘イ-ハトブ’의 근간을 이루는 구체적인 사상의 형성과정에 대해 고찰 정리해 보았다.

      • 運動選手集團의 性格特質

        趙明烈 淑明女子大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        1. Purpose This study is to find out how sportsmans build their personality characteristics through sports and to provide the relevant data necessary to modification of their maladjustments to sports. Especially, in this paper, two kinds of problems will be examined; the differences of sportsman's personality characteristics between males and females engaged in individual game and team-game perspectively, and the differences of personality characteristics between sportsmans and non-sportsmans. 2. Method A group of 59 sportsmans(37 male sportsmans, 22 female sportsmans) among Korean Representative Sportsmans(KRS) were randomly sampled for this study. The Minesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI) administered was given according to rigid schedule during three months from July 1. to Oct. 31, 1975. 3. Results and conclusions 1) In the male sportsman's personality characteristics of individual game, Hypomania Scale(Ma) and Masculinity-Femininity Scale (Mf) are higher than other Scales, while Hypochondriasis Scale(Hs), Depression Scale(D) and Psychasthenia Scale(Pt) are lower than other Scales. 2) In the male sportsmans' personality characteristics of team-game, K. Score, Hypochondriasis Scale(Hs) and Masculinity-Femininity Scale(Mf) are lower than other Scales. 3) In the female sportsmans' personality characteristics of team-game sports, Hysterria Scale(Hy) is higher, while Depression Scale(D), Schizophrenia Scale(Sc) and Validity Scale(F) are lower than other Scales. 4) The male sportsmans' personality characteristics of individual Sports are optimistic and self-confidence than non sportsmans in their life and future, quick in their thought and behaviour and to have social extroversion in human relation 5) The male sportsmans' personality characteristics of team-game are self-confidence, social extroversion, strong law abiding spirit and stable emotion than non sportsmans. 6) The female sportsmans' personality characteristics team-games are plainly, honest, to promote self-confidence and responsibility and to behavior after correctly understanding reality than non sportsmans. 7) Generally the male sportsmans' personality characteristics of individual and team-games are similar, but the sportsmans of individual sports are over behavior, emotional excitement and self-confidence than the sportsman of team-game. 8) The personality charateristics of the male and female sportsmans are not all neurotic tendency, psychopathic symptom and psychopathic personality.

      • 달리기 運動이 持久力에 주는 效果 : 女大生을 中心으로 The Women's University Students of Concentration

        趙明烈 淑明女子大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Ⅰ. Purpose It attempts to examine the effect of college women's endurance training in view of disparity of strength and to observe the aspects of its training effect. Ⅱ. Method 1. Subjects Fourteen students in "S" Womens' college who have few chance to train are diveded into two groups, 1000m race group and 1.500m race group in which seven persons contained. 2. Strength and method training It is intended that each person is to have training strength the with the 90% level of his own maximum records in appointed event by group and that all the group's quantity of motion for a day is to contain 3,000m. 3. Estimation of training effect 1) Performance measurement As one of methods to observe the training effect, it is measured subjects' race records in 200, 400, 800, 1,500 2,000, and 3,000m before and after the training and classified and arranged them by group. 2) Physical resources measurement To observe the training effect of physiological function of heart and lungs, it is used the Treadmill running in two times before and after training. At this time, the Treadmills' grade is fixed in 4 and the training is imposed to run till the maximum ability is performed measuring with the first speed 90m/min at 2 minutes with increasing 10m/min every one minute. It is measured in according to the physiograph in Maco Company (the United States) in which the number of heartbeat is with an ECG, by chest instruction method and the number of breath with a breath curve by Thermister method during this test training. It also analysized and converted that the amount of ventilation with the expiration and inspiration by Donglas bag Method, and in the intake amount of axygen, to the expiration sample with Blood gas analyer in Coring Company (the United States). Ⅲ. Conclusion In the test that fourteen subjects are divided into two groups, 1000m race group and 1,500m race group in which seven persons contained and the eight weeks' training of 3000m race for a day every three times in a week having the 90% quantity of each subjects, maximum records is practiced the conclusion is as follows. 1) Each events record as performance shows a whole improvement, especially the 1000m race group shows in the 1500m and more event and the 1500m group in the 2000m and more event. The general tendency is that the 1000m group had hightraining speed than the 1,500m group shows a more great improvement. 2) The maximum intake amount of oxygen shows appoximate 10% improvement from 2.4ι/min. before the training to 2.7ι/min. after that. 3) The training effect shows that when the oxygen intake reach the maximum amount, the number of heartbeat decreases after the training and the oxygen content increases about 13.7% after that. 4) It shows increases of 4.5% for the maximum amount of ventilation, 4.1% for the number of breath and 3.1% for the amount of ventilation for one time.

      • 運動選手集團의 社會性 形成의 要因에 關한 硏究

        趙明烈 淑明女子大學校 1966 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Ⅰ. Purpose purpose of this research is to find out how the sociological factor of the group members perform and to analyze the transistion of the group cohesion with variable timing to see the characteristcs of the leadership. Ⅱ. Problem a) The acceptability of athletes is analyzed by the sociometric devices. b) The group acceptability is compared with the group transformation with variable timing. c) The intensity of selection is compared with and analyze to the firrst selection and the second selection with the variable timing. d) The group cohesion and the group expansion are compared and analyze with the variable timing. e) The characteristics of the formal leader and dynamic leader are compared and find out the influence of the group performance. Ⅲ. Method This research started on the second of April, 1965 and finished on the fourth of February, 1966. The sociometric devices were used and the subjects were the group of hockey gamer. Ⅳ. Conculusion a) The small group on this research is generally low on the Choice Reject Status. b) Living in the training camp with close contact and opportunity can be made high tendency on the Choice Reject Status. c) The reason of the choice of leader is mainly due to emotional personality factor. But the young age group shows that the task performance funtion and xxxx ability are the amin reason. d) The vector of social distance is almost weak. This tendency shows on the young age group. e) There was no difference on the group cohesion and the group expansion. f) The formal leader and the dynamic leader are not the same one. This phenomenon shows that the group dynamics has quite complicated problem. However the formal leader and the dynamic leader can be coincided through the training camp life with the close contact opportunity.

      • KCI등재

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