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      • KCI등재

        이백(李白)의 <여가소공서(與賈少公書)>와 <위조선성여양우상서(爲趙宣城與楊右相書)>역해

        조득창 ( Cho Deukchang ),조성천 ( Cho Sungchun ) 중국어문연구회 2017 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.81

        Li Bai(李白)`s prose is a very important material in shedding a light on his literature idea and artistic world. It becomes a subsidiary material in ascertaining his life and idea and understanding the poem. However, until now studies on Li Bai conducted in the country and abroad are biased towards research and translation on Li Bai`s poetry so its interest in his prose is relatively low. Especially translation comments as a basis of research are marginal. If translation comments of Li Bai`s prose have a progress, it will be one of most important material for research on Li Bai. “Letter to District Defender Jia” can be divided into 2 paragraphs. The first paragraph shows that although no talented and weak he will try to work hard under the chief minister in the chaotic age. In the second paragraph, he stated that he is not one who gains a reputation by living in seclusion and would leave his position for himself after rendering meritorious services. “Letter to State Councilor Yang Guozhong for the Sake of Governor Zhao” can be divided into 4 paragraphs. The first paragraph describes that he appreciated the chief minister`s help in getting the position and performed his work to the best of his ability although he couldn`t make a significant contribution. In the second paragraph, he speaks highly of the chief minister referring his people are leading comfortable lives thanks to his good governance. The third paragraph describes that he will make all-out efforts to repay the emperor and the chief minister saying that his being successful in the official post owes much to Yang Guozhong(楊國忠). The fourth paragraph conveys his message that he will never forget the kindness, hoping the chief minister remembers him as well all the time.

      • KCI등재

        설문 조사를 통한 경극에 대한 인식과 치료 가능성 연구

        趙得昌 ( Cho Deukchang ),金德三 ( Kim Dugsam ),崔景淑 ( Choi Kyungsuk ) 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.101

        In this paper, we investigated perception of Peking Opera and therapeutic possibilities of Peking Opera through surveys. The surveys were conducted to find out the young students and their parents’ perceptions of Peking Opera and therapeutic possibilities of Peking Opera. In the respondents level of perception and experience of Peking Opera, it was found that most of them knew a little about it. In the degree of satisfaction with Peking Opera and the reason’, the degree of satisfaction and that of dissatisfaction were similar. In the psychological comfort of Peking Opera and willingness to see it, the 63.0% of respondents who have ever seen it said that the role of psychological comfort was normal. They did not show a particularly positive attitude toward willingness to see Peking Opera in the future. On the other hand, under the assumption that the reasons for dissatisfaction will be improved, it was confirmed that the willingness to see Peking Opera was increased. In the parents’ experience of Peking Opera, the satisfaction on Peking Opera and the title of Satisfying Peking Opera differed between parents and students. However, when it comes to the reason they were satisfied, both the parents and students ranked the artistic value the highest. Taken together, it was confirmed that there is a therapeutic element in Peking Opera and that it can be realized to some extent in the younger generation. And the potential for treatment in Peking Opera, which was identified in connection with the parent generation, was positive. Satisfaction and mental comfort that parents got from Peking Opera increased in proportion to their children’s experience and satisfaction with it. We should also consider that the children’s may have been linked with the experiences of the parent generation. In the future, in relation to the therapeutic effects of Peking Operas, studies on what are the therapeutic effects of them, how people can be treated, and how the treatment methods can be modernized should be conducted in more detail. In addition, we found that before embodying the therapeutic potential of Peking Opera, people should have more opportunities to contact them. For this, it is thought that the points indicated in the survey should be improved.

      • KCI등재

        이백(李白)의 <추어경정송종질단유여산서(秋於敬亭送從姪端遊廬山序)>와 <송황종지파양알장사군서(送黃鐘之鄱陽謁張使君序)>역해

        조득창 ( Cho Deukchang ),조성천 ( Cho Sungchun ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.89

        This article translates and explains the two proses of Li Bai (李白). The first prose is “I Write a Preface in Autumn Sending My Nephew Duan Who Goes Sightseeing from Mt. Jingting to Mt. Lu”. This prose is an expression of farewell to the Nephew Duan (端) departing to Lu Mountain. This prose consists of three paragraphs. Paragraph 1 describes that when he first met his Nephew Duan, his nephew was still young, but now he is a grown-up, accomplished scholar and energetic man. Paragraph 2 describes the special and magnificent scenery of Mt. Lu. Paragraph 3 reminisces that he was ashamed of betraying his long-cherished wish of reclusiveness and expresses the desire to join hands with his Nephew Duan and take a trip to famous mountains in the future. The second prose is “I Write a Preface Sending Huangzhong who Goes to Poyang to Meet Governor Zhang”. This prose is an expression of the love of farewell for sending a friend Huangzhong (黃鐘) who goes to Poyang to meet Governor Zhang (張). The prose also consists of three paragraphs. Paragraph 1 represents the appearance, talent and human nature of a friend Huangzhong. Paragraph 2 describes the human nature of Governor Zhang and the reason why his friend Huangzhong has gone so far to meet Governor Zhang. Paragraph 3 describes a scene of farewell and writing a poetry, and hopes to keep in touch with each other later.

      • KCI등재


        趙得昌(Cho, Deukchang) 중국문화연구학회 2014 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.26

        1950년대의 대만은 ‘反共抗俄(공산당에 반대하고 러시아에 저항)’의 문예가 정부의 주도하에 대세를 점하고 있었지만, 1960년대에 들어와서 서구와의 빈번한 교류로 서구의 모더니즘 문예사조를 적극적으로 받아들이게 되어, 대만 문예계는 새로운 시기로 접어들게 된다. 이 시기에 『現代文學』, 『劇場』, 『歐洲雜誌』 등의 잡지들은 서구의 모더니즘과 포스트모더니즘을 소개하면서 연극방면에서는 서사극, 실존주의연극, 부조리극, 잔혹극, 리빙 시어터(The Living Theatre) 등을 소개하여 대만 문예계에 영향을 주게 된다. 이 시기에 부조리극의 영향을 받고 부조리극의 창작수법을 원용하여 희곡을 창작한 극작가로 馬森과 姚一葦가 등장한다. 이들 중 馬森이 가장 대표적인 극작가로, 그는 1961년에 프랑스 파리에 유학가서 영화와 연극을 전공하면서 친히 부조리극을 접촉하고 서구사회에서 살면서 느낀 자신의 경험 등을 기초로 하여 부조리극의 예술기교를 원용하여 이 시기에 『蒼蠅與蚊子』(1967년), 『一碗?粥』(1967년), 『獅子』(1968년), 『弱者』(1968년), 『蛙?』(1969년) 등 모두 5편의 희곡을 창작하였다. 馬森의 1960년대 희곡에서 부조리극의 예술수법과 비슷한 요소는 다음과 같다. 구조면에서 『蒼蠅與蚊子』, 『一碗?粥』, 『獅子』, 『弱者』는 서구의 부조리극처럼 인과율에 기초한 사실주의희곡의 정형화된 구조를 따르지 않고 있다. 등장인물면에서 『蒼蠅與蚊子』, 『一碗?粥』, 『獅子』, 『弱者』의 등장인물들은 대부분 비개성적이고, 어떤 인물은 기호식의 인물이다. 그러나 모든 인물이 서구의 부조리극에 등장하는 고도로 추상화된 기호식의 인물은 아니며, ‘脚色式 인물’이라고 할 수 있다. 희곡언어방면에서 대부분의 작품들이 언어소통의 곤란함과 부조리함을 드러내고 있지만, 서구의 부조리극처럼 언어가 해체되어 무질서하고 두서가 없는 경우가 많지가 않다. 무대배경면에서 어떤 작품의 경우는 특별한 무대배경이 없고, 어떤 작품의 경우는 무대배경이 아주 간단하지만 존재의 부조리함을 표현하고 있으며, 어떤 작품은 도구, 음향 및 조명으로 황량한 분위기를 조성하여 서구의 부조리극처럼 현실의 의미와 인생의 함의를 직유하고 있지만, 서구의 부조리극처럼 무질서한 형태를 지니고 있지 않다. 표현기교면에서 의인화 수법, 의식의 흐름 기법, 이중배역, 직유, 대화의 중복, 독백, 영화, 상징, 아이러니 등등을 사용하고 있다. 이러한 예술수법의 운용은 리얼리즘 연극의 제4의 벽이 규정하는 각종 구속에서 벗어난 것이며, 리얼리즘 연극의 체계화되고 정형화된 구성을 배제하여, 관객들의 환각을 불러일으키는 대신에 삶속에 내재된 질서를 추구한 것이다. 이들 작품들은 많은 부분에서 비록 부조리극의 예술수법을 원용하고 있지만, 한편으로는 중국전통예술로부터도 영향을 받고 있다. 예를 들어 相聲의 맛을 살린 대화, 자유로운 시공간, 인물의 독백, 대화의 중복 등등이다. 馬森이 1960년대에 운용한 부조리극의 예술수법은 이전의 리얼리즘 혹은 유사 리얼리즘 희곡과는 다른 풍부하고 뚜렷한 현대적 색채를 보여주고 있다. 그것은 또한 당시 대만 극단의 생명력을 풍부하게 하였고, 대만연극에 생기를 불어넣어, 대만연극사에 있어 하나의 전환점이 되었으며, 그것으로 인해 대만 연극은 서양현대극과 보조를 맞출 수가 있었다. 그들의 이러한 시도는 70년대 이후 대만의 연극관과 연극실천의 변혁에 직접적으로 그리고 적극적으로 영향을 미치게 된다.

      • KCI등재

        이백(李白)<증(贈)>시(詩) 역해(譯解) 및 고찰(考察)(5) ― (제22수에서 제26수까지)

        趙得昌 ( Cho Deukchang ),趙成千 ( Cho Sungchun ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2019 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.64

        This paper translates and contemplates the five poems of Li Bai(李白). The first poem tells about the person who recognized and appreciated him as the one to save the world, and showed a strong desire of Li Bai for recommendation for public office and possible accomplishment. The second poem reveals his misfortune despite possessing extraordinary talent through describing the triumph and dejection of General Guo(郭將軍). The third poem, in the first half, depicts how he was in despair before entering the court and, towards the middle, how he escorted the emperor to the Hot Spring Palace(溫泉宮) after joining the court. In the latter half, it expresses that the only person that truly had a mutual understanding with him and agreed with his way was hermit Yang(楊山人). The fourth poem reveals his triumphant feeling earnestly, alluding himself to Yang Xiong(揚雄), to show that, like him, Li Bai himself was also praised and rewarded by composing poems dedicated to the emperor. The fifth poem praises the great magnanimity and noble personality of Pei Shisi, while expressing Li Bai‘s own feelings of regret that Pei Shisi(裴十四) wanders about aimlessly like a drifting cloud as the world does not recognize his value.

      • KCI등재

        李白<贈>詩 譯解 및 考察(11) ― 제42수에서 제44수까지

        조득창 ( Cho Deukchang ),조성천 ( Cho Sungchun ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.72

        This paper translates and reviews three poems written by Li Bai(李白). The first poem can be divided into three paragraphs. The first paragraph first describes the height and beauty of Mount Song(嵩山), then describes Taoist Jiao(焦鍊師)’s ascetic practice in Mount Song. The second paragraph describes various mysterious acts of Taoist Jiao. The third paragraph indicates that if he receives a book that makes him Taoist hermit with miraculous powers, he wants to practice hard and go to the world of Taoist hermit with miraculous powers. The second poem can be divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph compares Hermit Yang(陽徵君) with Tao Yuanming(陶淵明) and Liang Hong(梁鴻), and describes Hermit Yang as a person of noble demeanor and out of the world, like the old characters in “Biography of person of high character and integrity(高士傳)”. In the second paragraph, Hermit Yang, who was residing in the mountains, received a decree from the emperor called the court, asking when Hermit Yang, like Yang Boqi(楊伯起), would go to the land west of Hanguguan land(關西) and live without official life like Yang Boqi. The third poem can also be divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph describes the autumn scenery, rejoicing that he had been together with Yuan Linzong(元林宗) for 30 years, but showed that he had not fulfilled his will and became gray haired and only sighed for a long time. The second paragraph is the story of Guan Zhong(管仲) and Han Xin(韓信), recalling his unfortunate situation, comforting himself with the story of Yue Yi(樂毅) and Su Qin(蘇秦), indicating that he does not have to blame himself for his feelings of improvement and retreat.

      • KCI등재

        이백(李白)<증(贈)>시역해(詩譯解) 및 고찰(考察)(9) - (제35수에서 제38수까지)

        조득창 ( Cho Deukchang ),조성천 ( Cho Sungchun ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.69

        This paper translates and reviews four poems written by Li Bai(李白). The first poem consists of two paragraphs. The first paragraph praises the noble grace of Guo Jiying(郭季鷹). The second paragraph expresses Li Bai’s wish to become a phoenix and spread his wings with Guo Jiying and fly high. The second poem consists of four paragraphs. The first paragraph conveys Li Bai’s lament on his own situation where he has nowhere to go like mugwort and fallen leaves, and he knows how to save the world, but no one recognizes him for it. In the second paragraph, he laments that while the king rules the country well and there is no war at the border, he hasn’t gotten ahead in the world. In the third paragraph, he says the reason he visits to meet many competent people is not to retreat like Zhu Geliang(諸葛亮) but to achieve his achievements while still young. The fourth paragraph deals with his wishes. He understands that he and other competent talents know each other’s ambitions well, and even if they break up, he wants to be able to leave their name for the next generation. The third poem can be divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph praises the great virtue of Secretary Wang(王司士). In the second paragraph, he says Secretary Wang is talented and wants him to take office in the central government. The fourth poem can also be divided into two paragraphs. Here’s what the first paragraph says: The king called wise hermits, but the two brothers insisted on remaining hermits. So the king appreciated their ethos. The second paragraph expresses his joy to have met the two brothers, and his desire to live like the Taoist hermits with the two brothers.

      • KCI등재

        이백(李白)<贈>시역해(詩譯解) 및 고찰(考察)(12) ― (제45수에서 제46수까지)

        조성천 ( Cho¸ Sungchun ),조득창 ( Cho¸ Deukchang ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.73

        This paper translates and reviews three poems written by Li Bai(李白). The first poem can be divided into four paragraphs. The first paragraph describes the performance and achievements of Xie An(謝安) and expresses the feelings of adoration for him. The second paragraph describes the situation of Li Bai, who, despite his own wishes, left Changan(長安) due to false charge against him and has been wandering around for ten years. The third paragraph states that Li Bai himself is forced to wander the countryside, but Cai Xiong(蔡雄) as a talented person who will support the emperor could realize his ideal. The fourth paragraph expressed that the poet realizes the harmony of heaven and earth and his intention to hide in the countryside. The second poem can be divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph tells about what he had played with Ma Ju(馬巨), the beauty of the landscape of Xiangyang(襄陽), and the meeting with Han Zhaozong(韓朝宗). The second paragraph expresses that while Ma Ju is still young, he is already old and has grieved at loss of time without achieving his great ambition.

      • KCI등재

        이백(李白) <증(贈)>시(詩) 역해(譯解) 및 고찰(考察)(8) ― 제32수에서 제34수까지

        趙成千 ( Cho Sungchun ),趙得昌 ( Cho Deukchang ) 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.98

        This paper translates and contemplates the three poems of Li Bai(李白). The first poem can be divided into three paragraphs. The first paragraph indicates that the reason for the poet himself to travel from the south to the north is that the poet intends to depend on Zhang Sui(張璲). The second paragraph shows that the poet admires Zhang Sui and is ashamed that the poet did not recognize the wisdom of Zhang Sui earlier. The third paragraph indicates that the poet had intended to achieve the dream early, but the poet has already aged, and hopes that the two will leave the world together and live in seclusion, not wasting their time in this world. The second poem can be divided into five paragraphs. The first paragraph first talks about the Lee family, praising Li Yu(李聿) as an official caring the people every day and will become a big talent later on. The second paragraph tells of some examples of Li Yu’s sensible politics. The third paragraph describes the atmosphere of the village ruled by Li Yu, praising Li Yu for the good control of the village. The fourth paragraph describes Li Yu’s sensible politics makes the village serene, and Li Yu lives quietly as if Li Yu is out of the world. The final paragraph declares Li Yu’s good personality and the reasons for writing this poem. The third poem can be divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph refers to the story of Tao Yuanming(陶淵明), who left office and touched Geomungo without lines, indicating that Li Hao(李皓) being suspended from the duties and Tao Yuanming quitting the job have the same thought. In the second paragraph, the poet notes mentions Li Hao also has a thought of being away from the world, so the poet wants these two to retire together.

      • KCI등재

        이백(李白)의 <김릉여제현송권십일서(金陵與諸賢送權十一序)>와 <춘어고숙송조사류염방서(春於姑熟送趙四流炎方序)>역해

        趙成千 ( Cho Sungchun ),趙得昌 ( Cho Deukchang ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2018 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.60

        Until now, domestic and foreign studies on Li Bai have been focused on poetry. The interest in his proses was relatively small, and the number of translations and annotations, the basis of research, was especially very low. The translation and annotation on Li Bai prose are to be valuable source for the research on Li Bai. Two pieces of Li Bai‘s proses have been translated and annotated here. The sentence ‘I write this as I say farewell to Quan Zhaoyi in Jinling with the many sages’ is a prose written as Li Bai said good-bye to his friend Quan Zhaoyi, who was leaving Jinling, heading south in 755. In this prose, Li Bai highly praises Quan Zhaoyi’s candid, Taoistic appearance and literary talents as he also described his friendship and his teachings. The second prose ‘I write this as I say farewell to Zhao Yan, who has been banished in springtime from Gushu to the hot region in the south’ is a prose written as Li Bai said good-bye to Zhao Yan, who was exiled to the hot southern region as he infringed the criminal law in 756 due to his jealousy with the bad group of people. Li Bai in this prose expressed his resentment for Zhao Yan’s misfortune, as he also expressed his sympathy for Zhao as well as his grief saying good-bye to him. Both proses are related to the political frustration of the writer, as the spirit of satire on the society back then is covertly present.

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