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      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 대한제국기 조선요리옥의 출현

        정형지 ( Hyung Ji Chung ) 이화사학연구소 2012 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.45

        This study intends to analyze the Invention of the Chosun Yori-ok during the Daehan Empire Period The Chosun Yori-ok, which was needed for new modern commercial entertainment space and special place for private meetings such as political negotiations behind closed doors, was opened in the period of Daehan Empire and it imitated the Japanese restaurants of those days. The founders of the Chosun Yori-ok started the new style of restaurant business with distinguished sense of reality and excellent interpersonal skills and finally succeeded to created the modern commercial entertainment restaurants. As the Chosun Yori-ok developed various menus of Korean and foreign food, people were able to consume high quality Korean food such as court food more commonly. It opened up more doors for the public to consume Korean food. The Chosun Yori-ok was a complicated modern commercial and professional entertainment space where everybody could enjoy not only food and beverage, but also live performance of music and dance by the Kisang (female entertainer). Regardless of social status, anybody who had money could visit the Chosun Yori-ok. With the changes in political and social situations at the time and the increase entertainment consumption, the culture of entertainment in the Chosun Yori-ok was distorted. The former role of Kisang as a professional entertainer was decreased, the role of waitress at the nightlife amusement strengthened up. The Chosun Yori-ok was a place that held various private meetings for networking and many types of official parties. In my opinion, the culture of dining together in Korea originated from the meetings held in the Chosun Yori-ok. In Addition, the Chosun Yori-ok was a public place but also private space where lots of political negotiations behind closed doors were formed in the period of the Residency-General.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 신귀조(申龜朝)『일기』를 통해 본 조선후기 당하 관원의 정치적 성장과 관직활동

        정형지 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2007 한국문화연구 Vol.12 No.-

        국문초록?b본 논문은 신귀조의 일기를 중심으로 그의 정치적 성장과 관직활동을 살펴본 글이다. 벽파계에 속하는 신귀조는 응제 장원으로 대과 급제를 받아정조 16년 승정원 가주서로 본격적인 관료생활을 시작하였다. 집안의 신의와 나이에 대한 배려 덕분에 출륙하여 청요직과 지방관을 거치며 정치감각과 자세, 행정실무 능력을 닦았다. 순조 즉위 후 집권 벽파의 입김으로 도당록에 입록되어 삼사를 오가며 벽파의 반대 세력 제거에 앞장섰고, 현감과 암행어사로 지방현실을 돌아보면서 정치집단으로 다가가기 위한 준비를 하였다. 그러나 지병의악화로 관직활동은 점차 축소되어 순조 4년 완전히 공직활동을 중단하였고, 순조 6년 벽파의 몰락과 함께 동반 침몰하였다. 그의 관직활동의 중심은 언관이었다. 주로 정조에게 올려졌던 그의 간쟁은 벽파세력의 정치권 진입을 위한 반대세력 공략의 성격을 띠며, 관료 규찰과 탄핵은 벽파계의 정치적 활로 모색과 권력기반 다지기 작업의 일환이었다. 벽파계의 정치행보와 연결된 그의 언관 활동은 자신의 정치적 성장을 위한 전제이자 결과였다. 신귀조의 정치적 성장과 관직활동을 통해 볼 때 조선후기 관료의 정치적 성장은 가문과 당색이 결정적 규정요인으로 작용하고 있었음을 알 수 있다. This thesis is about Shin Gwi-Jo’s, a member of the Party of Principlepolitical growth & his activities in government office based on his diary. Hewas granted a pass on the Erudite Examination(文科) as he took the first placein the state examination for students at the National Confucian Academy(成均館應製). He started his career in government office as a temporary junior official inthe Royal Secretariat(承政院). He appointed to a middle level of the junior sixthrank(出六) thanks to his family’s trustfulness and consideration of his old ageand cultivated political sense & developed his abilities of practice ofadministration through important posts in government office(淸要職) & localofficial. After the assession of Sunjo(純祖) he was registered into the record ofDodang(都堂錄) by influence of the Party of Principle and then stood atthe head of elimination of opposition parties in office of Samsa(三司) and heprepared himself for high ranking officials experiencing & checking the realitiesin the provinces as a local magistrate & secret inspector(暗行御史). But hisactivities in government office decreased gradually as the disease got worse andhe completely resigned himself from public life in 1804 and went down to thebottom together with collapse of the Party of Principle in 1806. He performed various kinds of duties but served mostly in office of Samsa(三司). His advices were given mostly to Jeongjo(正祖) with intent to attack theopposition parties in order to secure political power of the Party of Principle. Supervision and impeachment of government officials were a part ofsecuring political ways for the Party of Principle and establishing thefoundation of political power of the Party of PrincipleHis activities as anofficer of Samsa(三司) were directly linked to political movements of the Partyof Principle and this might be prerequisites for his political growth and hemight be able to get political success through this.

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