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      • KCI등재

        북한에서 육성된 벼 품종의 병 저항성 검정

        정현정(Hyunjung Chung),강인(In Jeong Kang),양정욱(Jung-Wook Yang),노재환(Jae-Hwan Roh),심형권(Hyeong-Kwon Shim),허성기(Sunggi Heu) 한국식물병리학회 2019 식물병연구 Vol.25 No.3

        Almost 30% of arable lands of North Korea are covered with paddy rice. In rice cultivation of North Korea, rice blast disease is the most important fungal disease and bacterial leaf blight is the most important bacterial disease. Seven North Korean rice cultivars had been tested for the disease resistance against rice blast pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae and bacterial leaf blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. The responses of seven cultivars against 17 different M. oryzae races from South Korea had been quite different. Among seven cultivars, Giljoo1ho was very resistant to all 18 different M. oryzae isolates from South Korea, nevertheless KI or KJ. Pyungdo5ho was very susceptible, it showed susceptible responses to 8 out of 10 KI races and 7 out of 8 KJ races of M. oryzae isolated in South Korea. However, the response to bacterial leaf blight was different from the response to rice blast pathogen. Gijoo1ho, Wonsan69ho, Onpo1ho, and Pyungdo15ho were susceptible to KXO42 (K1) and KXO90 (K2), respectively. Pyungdo5ho was resistant to KXO85 (K1) and KXO19 (K3), and Pyungyang21ho was resistant to K1 races. Based on these results, Giljoo1ho can be a good resource for the breeding of resistant rice cultivar against M. oryzae isolates from South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        신체의 상향·하향 이동경험이 심리적 판단에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이루리(Luri Lee),이승연(Seungyon Lee),정현정(HyunJung Chung) 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2018 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.8 No.4

        인간의 행동이 생각이나 마음에 의해 지배되기도 하지만 반대로 인간의 생각이나 마음이 행동에 의해 지배되기도 한다는 관점에서 접근하는 연구들이 2000년대 후반부터 주목받기 시작했다. 물리적 경험이 은유적으로 연결되어 있는 추상적 개념을 상기시켜 결과적으로 특정 대상에 대한 판단이나 평가에 영향을 미친다는 것이다. 하지만 지금까지 진행되어 온 연구들은 인간이 보는 대상, 만지는 대상, 들고 있는 대상 등에 따라 인지 및 판단이 달라진다는 연구들로서 아직까지 인간의 특정 행동 패턴에 따른 차별적 효과에 대한 연구는 매우 희박한 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 위 또는 아래 방향으로 신체의 위치 이동이 일어날 경우 심리적 판단에 차별적 영향을 미친다는 사실을 밝혀내고자 하였다. 1차 실험에서 은유적으로 연결되어 있다고 판단되는 단어들끼리 짝짓는 테스트를 진행하였고, 2차 실험에서는 피험자들이 복잡한 연산문제를 짧은 시간 내에 풀게 하고, 상향 이동 또는 하향 이동 관련된 영상물을 보게 한 후, 이에 대한 심리적 판단을 측정하는 방식으로 진행하였다. 연구 결과, 신체의 ‘하향 이동’은 ‘종결’과 은유적인 연결이 있는 반면, ‘상향 이동’은 ‘진행’과 연관이 있음이 밝혀졌고, 신체의 상향 이동 경험자에 비해 하향 이동 경험자의 경우 자신의 의사결정에 대한 번복의향이 낮게 나타나고, 의사결정에 대한 확신과 성과에 대한 기대감은 높게 나타났다. Studies that approach from the point of view that human thoughts or minds are dominated by behavior as well as that human behavior is dominated by thoughts or minds, have begun to attract attention from the late 2000s. The physical experience is reminiscent of a metaphorically connected abstract concept, which ultimately affects the judgment or evaluation of a particular object. However, studies that have been carried out so far have been limited to studies on the difference in perception and judgment depending on the objects to be viewed, the objects to be touched, and the objects to which they are carried. In this study, we tried to find out that the physical movement of the body in the upward or downward direction affects the psychological judgment differently. In the first experiment, a pair of words that were considered to be connected metaphorically was tested. In the second experiment, the subjects tried to solve the complicated calculation problem in a short time, and then they watched the video related to the upward movement or downward movement, and then proceeded to measure the psychological judgment. As a result, it was found that downward movement of the body has a metaphorical connection with closure’, while upward movement is related to progress . In the case of downward-experienced group compared to upward-experienced group, the reverse intentions of their own decision were low, and the confidences in their own decision and the expectations for performance were high.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Colletotrichum sojae에 의한 땅콩 탄저병 발생 보고

        김신화 ( Shinhwa Kim ),최수연 ( Soo Yeon Choi ),정현정 ( Hyunjung Chung ),최낙중 ( Nak Jung Choi ),서보윤 ( Bo Yoon Seo ),김상민 ( Sang-min Kim ) 한국균학회 2024 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.52 No.1

        In August 2023, leaf spot disease was observed in peanuts in Cheongju-si, Korea. Leaf spots occurred at the leaf margins and the lesions gradually expanded. Diseased leaf areas were light or dark brown and irregular in shape. A fungal isolate was obtained from symptomatic leaf and cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium at 25℃. An isolate was identified as Colletotrichum sojae based on morphological characteristics and sequences of the internal transcribed spacers, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, chitin synthase-1, actin, and β-tubulin genes. Pathogenicity tests were performed on peanut seedlings in a conidial suspension (1×106 conidia/mL). Lesions were observed on the peanut leaf 5 d after inoculation. The pathogen was re-isolated from the lesions of the inoculated leaves. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of anthracnose on peanut caused by C. sojae in Korea.

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