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        최신판례분석 : 신주인수권부사채 발행의 무효 - 대법원 2015. 12. 10. 선고 2015다202919 판결 -

        정찬형 ( Chung Chan-hyung ) 법조협회 2016 法曹 Vol.65 No.8

        Korean Commercial Code(hereinafter referred to as “KCC”) does not provide that Articles 429-432(nullity of issuance of new shares) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the nullity of issuance of bonds with stock purchase warrants. Therefore, whether or not KCC Articles 429-432 shall apply analogically to the nullity of issuance of bonds with stock purchase warrants, scholars` opinions are divided, but Korean Supreme Court continuously is positive including this case. My opinion is negative, because the issuance of bonds is different from that of new shares and KCC Article 516-11 should be interpreted strictly. Korean Supreme Court decided that there was not any cause of the nullity of issuance of bonds with stock purchase warrants in this case. But in my opinion, the company issued bonds with stock purchase warrants against the Articles of Incorporation(namely, there is no necessity of urgent funding) and the Articles of KCC. Therefore, the issuance of bonds with stock purchase warrants in this case should be nullified.

      • KCI등재

        지역금융 발전을 위한 법적 과제

        정찬형 ( Chung Chan Hyung ),박철우 ( Park Cheol Woo ) 한국금융법학회 2020 金融法硏究 Vol.17 No.3

        금융산업은 고부가치 산업으로 생산성이 높고 고용창출에 기여할 수 있다는 점 등에서 많은 나라와 도시들이 금융중심지 또는 금융허브 구축을 전략적으로 추진하고 있다. 오늘날 침체된 지역경제를 활성화하고 금융산업을 지역성장의 기반으로 지원·육성하기 위하여 선제적으로 지역금융의 발전방향을 모색해 보는 것도 큰 의미가 있다고 본다. 우리나라에서 서울·부산 등 여러 금융특성화 도시를 지정하고 이를 거점으로 금융중심지를 개발하는 방식은, 금융산업의 집적 효과를 약화시킬 수 있다는 문제점도 있으나, 다양한 특성화 금융부문을 육성함으로써 시너지 효과를 얻을 수 있고 지역별로 특화된 지원방안을 활용할 수 있다는 점, 특히 지역간 균형발전에 기여할 수 있다는 긍정적인 측면도 있다. 이러한 금융중심지 도약을 위하여는 현행 금융중심지법을 금융중심지 제도와 지정절차 위주의 규정에서 제도적인 지원을 위한 규정들로 개정할 필요가 있다. 이와 함께 세제 혜택 및 인센티브 제도를 확대하고, 지역금융기관 육성을 위한 조치가 필요하다. 아울러 지방은행 및 지역 비은행 예금취급기관들의 역할을 보완하고, 서민금융 활성화를 위한 제도 및 지원 등을 보완하는 한편, 지역금융 활성화를 위한 제도의 구체화가 필요하다고 본다. 서울과 부산에 이어서 제3의 금융중심지를 목표로 하는 전라북도의 지역특화금융의 발전방안은 기본적으로 ‘생명·생태특화 금융중심지’로 설정할 수 있다고 본다. 여기에서 특히 ‘생태금융’은 전북지역 농림수산업 및 농어업재해보험 등과 관련된 ‘기후금융’을 배경으로 한다. 또한 생태금융은 금융혁신과 금융인프라 기반 조성을 위한 ‘핀테크산업’과도 관련이 있다. 따라서 전라북도가 금융중심지로 지정되기 위한 전략으로 탄소금융·녹색금융, 배출권거래 등을 중심으로 한 기후금융에 특화하는 방안을 검토해 볼 수 있다. 아울러 기후금융과 관련하여 제도를 마련하고 육성하여야 할 부문으로 날씨파생상품, 보험자의 위험을 채권시장과 투자자에게 전가하여 보험인수능력을 확대할 수 있는 대재해채권, 자연재해보험으로서 농어업재해보험 등을 들 수 있다. 핀테크산업은 크게 송금·결제, 금융데이터분석, 금융소프트웨어, 플랫폼 등 네 유형으로 분류될 수 있다. 따라서 전라북도가 이를 중심으로 특화한다면 우리나라에서 제3의 금융중심지로 크게 발전해 갈 수 있을 것으로 본다. For the reason that the financial industry, as a higher value-added industry, has high productivity and can contribute to creation of employment, many countries and cities are strategically driving to transform themselves into financial centers or financial hubs. We think that it is very meaningful to discuss in advance the direction of development of the regional finance with a view to improve the sluggish regional economy of today, and to foster the financial industry as a foundation for the regional growth. In Korea, the development approach to designate several types of finance-specialized cities, e.g. Seoul, Busan, and to develop the strong point cities into financial centers can reveal the problem that the approach could weaken the concentration effect of financial industry. But the approach also has several positive features that it can bring synergy effect by fostering many kinds of specialized finance sectors, and make use of support plans specialized by regional group. And especially it can contribute to seek balanced development between regions. To make a leap forward to the financial hub it is needed to revise the provisions of the Act on the Creation and Development of Financial Hubs focusing on the structure and designation process of financial hubs into the provisions to institutionally support the financial hubs. At the same time it is needed to enlarge the tax benefit and incentive schemes, and make measures to foster the regional financial institutions. In addition, the authors think that it is requested to redeem the roles of the provincial banks and regional non-bank depository institutions, and the scheme and support plan to activate the small-loan finance. Also it is needed to make concrete the scheme to improve the regional finance. The authors recognized that Jeollabuk-do targeting to be designated as the third financial hub following Seoul and Busan can basically set up the development plan of regional specialized finance as the ‘financial hub specialized in life and ecology’. In this regard, specifically the ‘ecological finance’ has the background of ‘climate finance’ related to the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries of Jeollabuk-do area, and agricultural & fishery disaster insurance. In addition, the ecological finance is related to the ‘Fintech industry’ to create the basis of financial innovation and financial infrastructure. Consequently, from a strategic point of view to be designated as a financial hub, Jeollabuk-do can examine an action plan to specialize in the climate finance including the carbon finance, green finance, emission trading etc. Furthermore, the financial sectors in which we should build new schemes and foster related to the climate finance are weather derivatives, Cat-bonds with which an insurer can transfer its risks to the bond markets and investors, and thereby enlarge the capacity of insurance underwriting, one kind of natural disaster insurance, the agricultural & fishery disaster insurance, etc. The Fintech industry can be classified broadly into four groups: payments, financial data & analytics, financial software, platforms. So if Jeollabuk-do can focus on and specialize in this field, it will make great progress to the third financial hub of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 기타 ; 보증보험(保證保險)의 보증성(保證性)과 보험성(保險性)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        정찬형 ( Chan Hyung Chung ) 한국금융법학회 2007 金融法硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        Whether the legal nature of guaranty insurance is guaranty or insurance, is one of the most controversial issues in Korea Insurance Law. There is no different view in respect of that the guaranty insurance partakes of the nature both of guaranty and insurance. But there is a wide disagreement over which one of two natures prevails. In my opinion, the nature of insurance has priority in the guaranty insurance. Because the parties of guaranty insurance contract are insurer and insured (debtor), while the parties of guaranty contract are guarantor and creditor. Even though the guaranty insurance substantially has the nature of insurance, it has also partly the nature of guaranty. Therefore, some articles of insurance law cannot be applied to guaranty insurance cases, while the articles of guaranty debt in the Civil Code should be applied to those cases. 2007 amendment draft of Korean Commercial Code (Insurance Law) newly stipulated the articles of guaranty insurance in the Korean Commercial Code reflecting the nature both of guaranty and insurance in the guaranty insurance.

      • KCI등재

        최근 한국 상법(보험편)의 개정내용에 관한 연구

        정찬형 ( Chan-hyung Chung ) 한국금융법학회 2017 金融法硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        2014년 국회 법제사법위원회가 중심이 되어 개정한 개정상법(제4편 보험)은 2007년 12월 31일 국무회의를 거쳐 확정한 정부의 상법개정안 중 일부를 발췌하여 국회를 통과시킨 것으로, 정부의 상법개정안 중 좋은 내용이 빠진 것도 있고 또한 큰 논란이 없는 내용만 부분적으로 발췌하다보니 불균형한 면도 있다. 따라서 2014년 개정상법(제4편 보험)에서는 좀 더 신중하게 논의되었어야 할 사항이 성급하게 입법됨으로써, 앞으로 해석상 많은 논란을 야기할 수 있거나 또는 문제점을 제기할 수 있는 부분이 있는데, 이의 주요한 사항은 다음 과 같다. 보험대리상 등의 권한에 관한 규정(개정상법 제646조의 2)은 2007년 8월 10일 정부(법무 부)가 입법예고한 개정시안과 같이 보험체약대리상과 보험중개대리상의 권한을 구분하여 명확히 규정하였어야 할 것으로 본다. 보험금청구권의 소멸시효기간에 관한 규정(개정상법 제662조)에서는 보험계약자 등을 보호하기 위하여, 시효기간의 연장과 함께, 그 기산점에 관하여도 상법 제658조와 관련하여 명확하게 규정하였어야 할 것으로 본다. 연금보험과 관련하여 개정상법 제727조 제2항은 보험금의 순수한 지급방식(분할지급)에 불 과하므로, 이에 연금보험을 포섭하기 위하여는 2007년 8월 10일 법무부가 입법예고한 내용과 같이`연금으로`의 문언을 추가하여야 할 것으로 본다. 또한 양로보험과 관련하여 보험사고의 발생 없이 보험기간이 종료한 때에 보험계약자 등에게 보험금액(환급금)을 지급하는 보험 계약은 생명보험계약(생사혼합보험계약)에서뿐만 아니라 손해보험계약에서도 존재하므로, 손해보험계약에서도 이에 관한 법적 근거를 상법에서 마련하여 줄 필요가 있다고 본다. 심신박약자의 사망보험계약 체결 또는 단체보험에서 동의를 허용하는 규정(개정상법 제 732조 단서)을 신설한 것은, 심신박약자의 보호 및 민법상 제한능력자의 행위능력과의 부조화 등에서 폐지되어야 한다고 본다. 단체보험에서 피보험자의 서면동의를 받도록 한 규정(개정상법 제735조의 3 제3항)을 신설한 것은, 우리 대법원판례 및 헌법재판소의 판례에 비추어 성급한 입법이 아닌가 생각된다. 2014년 개정상법이 보험사기 방지를 위한 규정을 두지는 않고, 2016년에 보험사기방지 특별법을 별도로 제정한 것은 아쉽게 생각한다. The insurance contract law in Korean Commercial Code (hereinafter referred to as "K.C.C.") was reformed in March 11th, 2014 (Law No. 12397) (the latest reformation in the insurance contract law) and is in force from March 12th, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as "2014 Reform"). Several Articles in 2014 Reform should have been more deliberated in my view. I will comment on these matters as followings. 1. Article 646-2 of 2014 Reform is newly regulated about powers of insurance agent (including sales agent and marketing agent) and insurance salesman. But the power of insurance marketing agent is not precisely stipulated, and scholars are arguing the scope of the power of insurance marketing agent. I suggest that the power of insurance marketing agent should be clearly regulated differently from that of insurance sales agent in Article 646-2. Namely, the power of insurance sales agent should be regulated in Article 646-2 Paragraph 1, and that of insurance marketing agent should be regulated in Article 646-2 Paragraph 2 just like those of Government Amendment Draft of August 10th, 2007. 2. Article 662 of 2014 Reform extended the extinctive prescription period of the claim of the amount insured to 3 years from 2 years and extended that of the claim of premium to 2 years from 1 year. But the base date of the extinctive prescription period is not regulated yet. I suggest that the base date of the extinctive prescription period should be regulated with reference to K.C.C. Articles 657, 658. Namely, (ⅰ) the base date should be the next day immediately following the last day of such term in case where the term for the payment of insurance benefits is specified, and (ⅱ) the base date should be 10 days from the day when the insurance company determines the amount of benefits immediately after being notified by the beneficiary of occurrence of the risk covered in case where such payment term is not specified. But if there were circumstances where the beneficiary, without his or her negligence, could not know of the occurrence of the risk covered, the base date should be the date when he or she knew or could have known of the occurrence of the risk covered. 3. 2014 Reform deleted Article 735-2 (Annuity Insurance) and regulated newly that the amount insured can be paid separately in all contracts of person insurance if the both parties (insurer and insured) makes such agreement in Article 727 Paragraph 2. But the word "as an annuity" should be inserted in Article 727 Paragraph 2 just like that of Government Amendment Draft of August 10th, 2007 in my opinion. 2014 Reform deleted Article 735 (Endowment Insurance), because Article 730 (Liability of Life Insurer) includes such insurance. But even in non-life insurance the insurer can pay the insured the insurance benefits (return of premium) in case that the duration of coverage terminates without occurrence of the risk covered. Therefore, 2014 Reform should have regulated the above mentioned case in non-life insurance in my view. 4. 2014 Reform allowed newly a feeble-minded person to effect the insurance and to consent as the insured in Article 732. But the above mentioned regulation should be deleted in order to protect such feeble-minded person. 5. 2014 Reform regulated newly that the assured (Versicherungsnehmer) making insurance contract in a group insurance should get the written consent of the insured in case he or she nominates as the beneficiary of the insurance contract any other person except the insured or his or her successor and there is no clear statement permitting insurance contract for himself or herself in the group regulation (K.C.C. Art.735-3 Para.3). In other words, the assured marking insurance contract in a group insurance should get the written consent of the insured in order to nominate himself or herself as the beneficiary of the insurance contract. But Korean Supreme Court decided that the assured in a group insurance can make insurance contract nominating himself or herself as the beneficiary under the Pre-2014 Reform, and Korean Constitutional Court also decided that the K.C.C. Article 735-3 Paragraph 1 under pre-2014 Reform is not against Korean Constitutional Code. Therefore, it is not prudential in my view that 2014 Reform regulated newly K.C.C. Article 735-3 Paragraph 3 according to partial academic opinions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        개정되어야 할 주식회사법상 규정에 관한 소고(小考)

        정찬형 ( Chan-hyung Chung ) 한국금융법학회 2018 金融法硏究 Vol.15 No.3

        우리 주식회사법에서 다음의 사항은 아래의 내용과 같이 개정되어야 한다고 본다. (1) 자기주식의 처분 : 자기주식의 처분(상법 제342조)에는 주주의 신주인수권을 인정하여 신주발행에 적용되는 규정을 준용하도록 하여야 한다. 특정목적에 의하여 취득한 자기주식(상법 제341조의 2)에 대하여는 자본금 충실을 위하여 처분의무와 보유기간(처분시기)을 별도로 규정하여야 한다. (2) 주주총회의 결의요건 : 1995년 개정상법 이전과 같이 상법 제368조 제1항에서‘출석정 족수’를 부활하고,‘발행주식총수의 4분의 1 이상의 요건’은 삭제하여야 한다. 이는 주주총회의 특별결의요건(상법 제434조) 및 종류주주총회의 결의요건(상법 제435조 제2항)에서도 같다. (3) 업무집행기관에 대한 감독 : 대규모 상장회사(상법 제542조의 8 제1항 단서)는 의무적으로 상법상 집행임원(상법 제408조의 2 이하)을 두도록 하여, 감독의 실효성을 위하여 업무집행기관과 이에 대한 감독기관을 분리하여야 한다. (4) 집행임원 : 대규모 상장회사는 의무적으로 집행임원(상법 제408조의 2 이하)을 두도록 하고, 그 이외의 주식회사(소규모 주식회사는 제외)는 선택에 의하여 집행임원을 둘 수 있도록 하는데, 이러한 회사가 집행임원을 두는 경우에는 대규모 상장회사와 같이 사외이사를 이사회에 두도록 하여야 한다(또는 사외이사를 대규모 상장회사와 같이 둔 대규모 상장회사이외의 회사는 의무적으로 상법상 집행임원을 두도록 하여야 한다). 상법 제393조는 참여형 이사회에 관한 규정이므로 감독형 이사회를 두는 상법상 집행임원 설치회사에서는 상법 제393조를 배제하는 명문규정을 두어야 하고, 집행임원 설치회사에서 최소한 이사회의장은 집행임원을 겸직하지 못하도록 하는 명문규정을 두어야 한다. (5) 업무집행기관에 대한 감사 : 상법상 집행임원 설치회사에서만 감사위원회를 두도록 하고, 집행임원 비설치회사에서는 감사(監事)를 두도록 하여야 한다. 집행임원 설치회사에서 감사위원회를 두는 경우, 감사위원회 위원은 일률적으로 (감독형)이사회에서 선임 · 해임하도록 하고, 감사위원회 위원은 전원 사외이사이어야 한다. I propose that several provisions in Korean Stock Company Law should be revised as followings. (1) A stock company should dispose its treasury shares in the same way that it issues new shares (Korean Commercial Code, hereinafter referred as "KCC", art. 342). As to the treasury shares which are acquired by special purposes (KCC art. 341-2), their disposal obligation and disposal time should be stipulated. (2) As for the resolution requirement of shareholders' meeting, the quorum requirement should be restored and the requirement of one fourth (or one third) attendance should be repealed (KCC art. 368, 434, 435). (3) A big listed company should mandatorily adopt the executive officer (KCC art. 408-2 ∼ 408-9) which are separated from board of directors. (4) The chairman of board of directors in a company with the executive officer under KCC should be other than executive officer. KCC art. 393 is not applied to the company with the executive officer under KCC. (5) A company with the executive officer under KCC should adopt audit committee, while a company without the executive officer under KCC should adopt auditor. The members of the audit committee in a company should be appointed and removed not by the shareholders' meeting but by the (supervisory) board of directors. All members of the audit committee should be outside (independent) directors.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 연구논문 ; 금융기관 지배구조의 개선방안

        정찬형 ( Chan Hyung Chung ) 한국금융법학회 2015 金融法硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        1. As Korean financial institutions (especially banks, big insurance companies and financial investment institutions, hereinafter referred to as“big financial institutions”) did not adopt executive officer system, but introduced the systems of outside directors and audit committees after IMF economic regime from the year of 1998, the corporate governance of big financial institutions not only dose not harmonize with global standard of corporate governance but also got worse than the corporate governance before the amendment in IMF economic regime (namely, such amendment strengthened emperor management on the contrary). 2. Big financial institutions should adopt executive officers system under Korean Commercial Code (hereinafter referred to as“Code”) §§408-2∼408-9. The distinct separation of executive organ from supervisory board of directors in big financial institutions will be absolutely required in order to prevent the abuse of representative director’s power of big financial institutions under the present financial laws. 3. Big financial institutions with executive officers under Code §§ 408-2 ∼ 408-9 should have audit committee as one of committees under board of directors (Code § 383-2). The members of audit committee should be appointed and removed by not shareholders’meeting but board of directors (Code § 383-2 ② 3). For this purpose, the present financial laws should be revised. 4. Other financial institutions without executive officers except big financial institutions should have auditors instead of audit committees. Compulsory outside directors system to such financial institutions under financial laws should be abolished.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 한,중 금융협력의 법적 과제와 전망 ; 한국 금융법의 연혁 및 현황

        정찬형 ( Chan Hyung Chung ) 한국금융법학회 2012 金融法硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        The financial business in Korea includes banking business, financial investment business, insurance business and small-loan finance business. The principal acts which regulate banking business are Banking Act, Bank of Korea Act etc. The most important act which regulates financial investment business is Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act. The principal acts which regulate insurance business are Commercial Code part 4(insurance contract) and Insurance Business Act etc. The principal acts which regulate small-loan finance business are Mutual Savings Banks Act, Loan Business Act etc. Korean Banking Act stipulates general provisions(purpose, definitions of terms etc.), permission of banking business, limitation on owning the shares of a bank, governance of a bank, banking operations, maintain of sound management, supervision and inspection, etc. Korean Insurance Business Act regulates general provisions(purpose, definitions of terms etc.), permission of insurance business, insurance company, insurance solicitation, asset operation of insurance company, accounting, supervision of insurance company, dissolution and liquidation, protection of a third party in non-life insurance, insurance organization concerned etc. Act on Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act regulates general provisions(purpose, definitions of terms etc.), financial investment business, issuance and circulation of securities, restriction of unfair trade, collective investment scheme, financial investment organization concerned, Korea Exchange, supervision, etc. This year(2012) Korean government(financial services commission) submitted the Act on Governance of Financial Institutions(Draft) and the Amendment Draft of Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act to National Assembly. I think these drafts should be examined thoroughly in advance in order to harmonize them with Korean Commercial Code(corporation).

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