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      • KCI등재

        농촌학교학생의 교육환경조성 개선방향

        정지웅,Cheong, Ji Woong 한국교육녹색환경연구원 2003 교육·녹색환경연구 Vol.3 No.1

        This study attempts to review the present situations of rural schools in South Korea, to analyze problems regarding the educational environments for their students, and to present direction for improving toward better educational environments. All the data and information are based on using avaiable documents and personal macro observation and insights. The sharp decrease of rural population for recent decades has made lots of public schools unexceptionall much smaller by school number and students' number. Nearly five thousands of rural small schools have already been abolished and the rest are also endangered to be dosed. In order to tackIe such problem, the Government has been trying to provide rural students with better educational environment, but failed to attract them to stay in rural schools. Most of rural school students have poorer family environment, underprivilged school learning environment, and less civilized community environment. Those normal parents living in rural areas are likely to send their kids to urban schools for prior opportunities to enter better quality of higher level of schools and then the remained attending rural schools are those who live with grand parents or whose parents are very disadvantaged. The rural school teachers are teaching much less number of students compared to urban teachers, but their students are less achieved learners. Notwithstanding their abudant natural community learning environments, the rural school students are less making use of those resources and less benefited from more civilized life due to their underdeveloped community conditions. In order to improve such educational environments, incentives for young couples to safely reside in rural communities, incentives for better qualified teachers to preferably work for rural schools, better learning facilities for rural school students and for better vocational experiences, lifelong learning opportunities for all community people, and increased public support to rural development for rural people not to worry about their rural lives, need to be guarantyed.

      • KCI등재

        농민조직의 리더십 유형과 개발에 관한 연구

        정지웅(Ji Woong Cheong),최민호(MIn Ho Choi),김성수(Sung Soo Kim) 한국농촌지도학회 1997 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.4 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the leadership style and development of agricultural organization in Korea. Specific objectives of the study were to : 1) identify the leadership style of agricultural organization though literature review, 2) survey the members` opinions about their leadership style, 3) examine the leader`s self-estimation of their leadership style, 4) identify the desirable leadership style items of the leaders and members, 5) suggest effective way to the development of leadership style. The study was carried out through literature review and questionnaire survey. Total of 715 farmers were surveyed to collect data, and 501 responded. The statistical techniques applied on the data are frequency, percentile, analysis of variance, multiple regression utilizing the SPSS/WIN, and the statistical significance was tested at .05 level. The major findings of the study were: 1) the leaders motivation and problem solving abilities of agricultural organizations wire not enough to satisfy the members, 2) members believed the leaders males somewhat arbitrary decisions, 3) the leaders of the organizations had difficulties to coordinate the different opinions of the members, and 4) the Leaders of the organizations felt die need of skills and information on leadership style and development of agricultural organization. For improvement of leadership for agricultural organization, this study suggests; 1) the more education programs should be made and practiced to make their leadership special, 2) all members should make much efforts to have channels for rational communication, 3) the leaders have to give members well-polished incentives for active participation, 4) more governmental support should be given to empower those organizations, and 5) the agricultural organizations, universities and government must establish a strong coordinating system to realize above suggestions.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지도, 농촌사회교육과 지역사회개발

        정지웅(Ji Woong Cheong) 한국농촌지도학회 1997 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.4 No.2

        This paper attempted to describe the relationships among agricultural extension, coral adult education and community development, which has developed as a disciplinary major (ag. extension in 1971, noel adult education in 1990 and community development in 1997) at the College of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University. Reviewing the related literatures and observing the practical rural development in the Republic of Korea, conclusion was made in such a way that agricultural extension - noel adult education - community development be natural series of disciplinary development process as well as practical development in industrializing and urbanizing country like the Republic of Korea.

      • 인성교육편 주제 발표 : “한국평생교육의 새로운 길잡이 쉐마교육”

        정지웅 ( Ji Woong Cheong ),김지자 ( Chi Ja Kim ) 쉐마교육학회 2014 쉐마교육학회 학술논문발표회 Vol.2014 No.-

        This paper describes 1) brief history of Korean lifelong education as a science called andragogy and an action for national development as well and present some its great tasks for solving nationwide social problems, and 2) proposes shema education as an idea and model of Korean lifelong education in the future.. For lifelong education the authors`` works and experiences were mainly used for sources of information and for Shema education, about thirty books written by Dr. Yong Soo Hyun and his papers concerning about his learning experiences were reflected in this paper. Before the term ``lifelong education`` to be introduced popularly in the 1970s by UNESCO and in the early 1980s in South Korea, similar ideas and different terms of education such as adult education, social education, learning institutes, nonformal education, out-of-school education, evening school, popular education, and the like had been used and practiced for general people``s enlightenment in the wake of modernization(1910-1945). During the Japanese colonial regime, Korean literacy and independent education for the people were openly or surreptitiously undertaken. After the liberation in 1945 from Japanese rule the US. Military Government tried to adopt American educational system building Adult Education Bureau at the Ministry of Education and Cooperative Agricultural Extension system patterned after the land-grant colleges system in the USA. When the new democratic Government of the Republic of (South)Korea was launched in 1948, it could not stress and afford adult education. However, after 1953 cease fire of the Korean war, some UN organizations helped South Korea to strengthen nationwide adult literacy education and to institutionalize national agricultural extension system which initiated 4H Club and agricultural and rural life improvement activities. In 1966 the Adult Education Resertch Group as the first branch of the Korean Society for the Study of Education was organized and had kept on development to become the Korean Society for Lifelong Education. And in 1976 the Korean Association of Adult Education was set up in KyeMyung University consisted of a number of adult education scholars and practitioners and sustained activity to become the Korean Federation for Lifelong Education at present. It is early 1980s when South Korea officially used the term ``lifelong education`` covering adult and nonformal education and other similar terms by inserting a new terminology in the article of the new constitution such as "the Government should promote lifelong education". However, based on this article a Social Education Law and Bylaws were legitimatedin 1982. Nevertheless, the concept of social education law was not exactly covers the core idea of life long education. No public support had been virtually made to promote lifelong education until 1999 when the Social Educarion Act was changed into Life Long Eduction Act. the early 2000s. Instead, lots of efforts were put in the meantime by a number of civil organizations like the KAAE and others.. For on thing, in order to prepare action for International Literacy Year*ILY 1990), the KAAE organized a series of action such conducting research, holding various meetings to enlighten the public how important the literacy education and education for all in sloxe cooperation of UNESCO and overseas professional organizations like ASPBAE and ICAE. Late as it is early 2000s, fortunately, the civilized Government of the Republic of Korea realized the importance of lifelong and literacy education, and started to invest considerable amount of budget for such education. Most of adult education related terminologies were replaced by lifelong education and after 2007 Lifelong Education Law amendment, most of local administrations institutionalized such lifelong education systems reflected in such a way putting up lifelong education department or center. The National Institute of Lifelong Education(NILE) launched in early 2008 has been playing a pivotal role in advancing lifelong education system in ROK. But super-speedy development of the ROK mainly pattering after the western developed countries which oriented very much individualistic and competitive western technologies and way of life, brought about many social problems endangered to collapse her beautiful family system and collective traditional cultures. In order to solve these problems, the goals, philosophies and methodological strategies of ``Shema education`` was suggested as an alternative model for the future Korean life long education. Shema education has been proved as the most crucial element for the jewish people to keep their excellent homogeneous culture and family ties in spite of millennial diaspora suffering history.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 농업과 농촌개발의 방향

        정지웅 ( Ji Woong Cheong ) 한국농촌계획학회 2002 농촌계획 Vol.8 No.3

        This study intends to review the sustainable agriculture and rural development concepts and practices and to present their directions toward better rural planning, Review of related literature including use of available documents and field visits both in Korea and overseas countries are two main methods of data collection with no quantitative analysis. Before sustainable (rural) development was fashionably used in the 1990s in the world, sustainable agriculture and other similar terminologies such as organic farming, alternative agriculture, low-input sustainable agriculture, natural farming, and environment-friendly farming are considered important in the academies as well as in action. The significant relationship between farmers` engagement in sustainable farming and their participation In voluntary social organizations is evidenced, so that it might be said that sustainable agriculture be the basis of sustainable rural development. Whether in sustainable agriculture or in sustainable rural development. the sustainable rural economy is considered more important toward better rural planning both In Korea and in the world.

      • KCI등재

        농촌주민들의 가치수준 및 도덕성수준과 그 향상을 위한 사회교육적 시사

        정지웅(Ji Woong Cheong),정득진(Deuk Jin Cheong) 한국농촌지도학회 1996 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.3 No.2

        This study aimed at measuring the rural people`s level of value and morality, identifying its related variables, and drawing some implications for rural adult education. To measure their value and moral levels, 141 Yoncheon county adults were interviewed or asked to answer the questionnaires based on the Braithwaite and Law`s(value) and Rest`s(morality) instruments. The data were analyzed mainly by ANOVA, Chi square test and Pearson product-moment correlation. The major findings were: (1) The rural people mainly remained in vital feeling value(fourth) level out of five levels(religious holiness, spiritual, mind, vital feeling and sensible feeling value in order), (2) They remained in harmonious interpersonal expectations stage(fourth mortality level) out of six stage(universal ethical principles, social contract, social conscience maintenance, harmonious interpersonal expectation, instrumental purpose, and punishment/obedience in order), (3) Religion, the number of participation in adult education, and the length of such participation were three variables related to the level of value, and age, schooling years, and the number of family wane three variable related to their morality level, and (4) The relationship between value and morality levels was not significantly identified. Rural adult education needs to be more strengthened for improving their spiritual quality of life.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지도사업 교육프로그램 개발에 대한 해석학적 분석

        정지웅(Ji Woong Cheong),김진화(Jin Hwa Kim) 한국농촌지도학회 1996 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.3 No.2

        The objective of this study was to analyze the reality of the program development process in detail accomplished by the organizations of extension education in through the hermeneutical approach. To achieve this purpose, this study tried to find answers to the following three questions : (1) how the organization of extension education develop their programs for farmers? (2) what is the programmers` awareness to the process of program development? and what is the reason for their thought and action to do so. (3) can be discussed integrally the findings for drawing some implications? The qualitative data were mainly gathered through participation observation and unstructured interview. And the qualitative data were analyzed by (1) noting pattern and themes, (2) seeing plausibility, (3) clustering, (4) making metaphors, (5) factoring, and (6) building a logical chain of evidence which hertneneutical techniques far drawing the meaning from the gathered data. The findings of this study were as follows : The programmers of this organization carried out the developing program in the technical training division at the national level and the section of fostering farm manager at the county level for the purpose of delivering the agricultural new technology and the agricultural policy. The term used formly in this organization was `curriculum development for former`, and the reality of program was `instruction profile` which signified the set of the educational manin contents. At county level, Educational planning was stressed on the implement of educational administration.

      • KCI등재

        평생교육에서의 참여연구의 기원과 발전

        정지웅(Cheong, Ji Woong) 한국평생교육학회 2012 평생교육학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        국제성인교육협회(ICAE: International Association for Adult Education)가 전문학술지인 Convergence를 통해 1978년 공식적으로 정립, 선포한 사회과학연구방법으로서의 참여연구(participatory research)는, 1980년대에 접어들어 사회를 실제적으로 변화시키는 주요 실천 연구방법으로서 확산 보급되기 시작하였다. 이 논문은 이러한 참여연구의 기원과 연구방법 및 그 수행 과정이 지니는 특성과 평생교육적 의미들을 간략히 살펴보고 이러한 참여연구가 국내에 언제 어떻게 도입이 되고 또 실제로 적용이 되어 왔는지 그 사례 및 기록들을 연대별로 살펴보는 연혁적 서술이다. 따라서 본 논문은 참여연구가 평생교육/사회교육의 중요한 방법으로 인정이 되고 있음에 초점을 맞추고, 1970년대 후반으로부터 2012년에 이르는 동안 아시아태평양지역 성인교육협회(ASPBAE: Asia/Pacific Bureau of Adult Education), 아시아 참여연구학회(PRIA: Society for Participatory Research in Asia), 한국사회교육협회(현재의 한국평생교육 총 연합회)와 서울대학교 농과대학, 그리고 각종 유엔관련기구 등이 벌여온 참여연구 관련 활동들을 망라 기술하였다. 특히 참여연구, 참여훈련(participatory training), 사회교육 방법으로서의 참여연구 등 참여연구 방법 및 기법을 주제로 한 국내외 연찬회나 학술포럼, 출판물과 정기간행물, 학위논문, 그리고 연구보고서 등을 연대별로 기술하였다. 2012년 한국평생교육학회가 ‘참여연구법의 평생교육적 의미와 난점’을 주제로 학술포럼을 개최한 것을 계기로 사회변화를 위한 실제적인 연구로서의 참여연구의 활성화에 밑거름이 되기를 기대하며 이 논문이 작성되었다. This paper is to describe the beginning of the participatory research(PR) which the ICAE (International Council for Adult Education) officially declared in 1978 as a new social science research methodology for social change, and how it transpired and developed in Asia and especially in South Korea with special emphasis on lifelong education. The theoretical framework of PR first appeared in 1975 in the Convergence(ICAE quarterly) where Hall, ICAE Secretary-General, wrote on PR and Swantz reported a case study related his work in a Tanzanian village done with villagers. Through subsequent related research-methodological papers and case studies, the ICAE had presented the PR rationale. And after a meeting in 1977 with various UN organizations, development agencies and NGOs, the ICAE declared in 1978 the PR as a new global campaign for virtual social change. The PRIA(Participatory Research in Asia) was formed in 1978 quartered in New Delhi and appointed Dr. Tandon as Chairman. It organized a Regional Seminar on PR in 1979 in Thailand with assistance from the ASPBAE(Asia/Pacific Bureau of Adult Education). The Vice President of the Korean Association of Adult Education(KAAE) who carried out one action research project called the Rural Development Laboratory(RDL) patterning after the Social Laboratory of the Philippines attended the Seminar. In early 1981 the KAAE(Korean Association of Adult Education, currently Korean Federation of Lifelong Education Associations) held a nationwide seminar on PR with financial assistance from the ASPBAE and introduced PR by way of presenting related case studies. Afterwards a series of events concerned with PR in Korea such as convening of the PRIA/KAAE Regional Workshop on Participatory Training in ICheon in 1986, KAAE National Convention on PR methodology as a means of adult/lifelong education in 1987, and publication of the book entitled PR and Related Case Studies in 1995 in which three new PR cases carried by two small farmer groups and many overseas cases translated by the graduated students who are all Korean PR members. Some of those cases were also reported in Korean journals and overseas academic meetings including Rural Sociological Society and journal Convergence. Two doctoral theses were written in 2006 based on consumer cooperative operation and on poor youngsters learning action in the disadvantaged area in Seoul, respectively. And it was only in 2012 that the Korean Society for the Study of Lifelong Education had a forum on PR to strengthen lifelong education for authentic social change. As the first participatory researcher in Korea, the author strongly felt that it is time to write about the Korean history of PR from the time it emerged in lifelong education up to now (2012), this paper tried to mention all the PR related events including workshops, meetings, conventions, case studies, books, research articles in Journals and doctoral dissertations, chronologically if possible. The rationale and ideological traits of PR and some essential steps of PR that the ICAE promotes are also presented and briefly discussed.

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